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Pagan Dictionary


NAMASTÉ: In India, this is the highest form of respect one can pay to another human being. Translated, it means: "I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells; I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light and of peace."

NAME NUMBER: In numerology, the number derived from your name that shows potential personality traits.

NAMES OF POWER: Powerful words which, when rhythmically chanted in a Magick Circle, effect the conjuration of spirits and demons or the achievement of spells. The names of power are the secret names of God or deities, or words substituted for these names. Also known as Words of Power.

NATURAL WITCHES: Witches who practice some forms of witchcraft adeptly without formal training or study, likely due to training received in past lifetimes. Many of these witches become Witches (see witch, Witch) later in life and engage in the pursuit of formal training, religious instruction and expansion of areas of skill.

NATURE SPIRITS: Low-level beings said to exist in all life forms in nature: the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. The term is used synonymously with Elementals, the beings who exist in the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. Nature spirits are to be treated with respect, as they can combine in a powerful energy.

NECROMANCY: Divination through communication with ghosts or corpses. The spirits of the dead are sought for information because they are supposedly able to access information beyond that available to the living. Necromantic rites are not practiced in Witchcraft or Wicca. Necromancy differs from other forms of divination involving contact with spirits because it is specifically geared to summoning those spirits that are not existing in a "natural" state and therefore they are assumed to be unhappy and/or malicious.

NECRONOMICON, The: The grimoire that H.P. Lovecraft wrote about in his fiction, that was rumored to be based on an existing document. Two versions of the “real” Necronomicon have been published and are in circulation. Both outline a mythology that is congruent with Sumerian and Babylonian myth.

NEO-PAGAN (Latin, neo: "new "): A term often applied to both revivalist and reconstructionist Pagan religions in order to identify their modern adoption, or foundation, by their practitioners.

NEW AGE: A system of beliefs that combines metaphysical practices with a structured religion.

NEW REFORMED ORTHODOX ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN (NROOGD): Founded in 1969 by Glenna Turner and Aidan Kelly, this group has no connection with the ceremonial magick oriented Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and it recognizes the triple Goddess. Turner, Kelly and several classmates were assigned the task of creating their own rituals for a Witches Sabbat as part of a course on ritual magic at San Francisco State College. The group continued to meet informally until 1969 when they initiated themselves as witches and formed a coven. Active NROOGD covens exist throughout the United States and frequently host large public and semipublic outdoor festivals at sabbats.


 A Santaro, a priest or priestess of Santería, who uses magick only for good.
 The cauldron used by a Mayombero, a Santaro who uses magick for destruction.
NGOZI: A vengeful spirit in Voudoun tradition.

NIGHTMARE: An ugly demon, hag or mare, who sits on a person’s chest during the night, causing great discomfort, a sensation of heaviness, suffocation, and bad dreams. It is also the term for the bad dream itself, which is the most common use of the term.

NIRVANA: The Otherworld in Hindu tradition. Also known as the Atmic Plane.

NOO: The primeval cosmic deep, described in Egyptian creation myth as a watery mass that is eternally in motion yet still. Shu and Tefnut, the two firstborn deities, arose from Nu. Also known as Nu.

NORDIC TRADITION, NORSE PAGANISM: Paganism that worships the Norse pantheon of deities and stresses conservative values of honor, honesty, courage and duty to one’s family, kin and friends. In the 1970’s a number of Norse Pagan groups sprang into existence almost simultaneously and independently of one another, in America, England an Iceland. Many adherents to Norse Paganism are attracted by the emphasis on blood ties and genetics, the warrior ethic and the Norse symbology. Norse Pagans recognize both branches of the Norse pantheon, the Aesir and the Vanir. A branch called Odinism worship only the Aesir. Festivals center on the seasonal equinoxes and solstices, and Norse holidays such as Ragnar’s Day. Heavier emphasis is placed on skill mastery and shamanism than on magick and meditation. There are a few extreme right-wing Norse Pagan groups who believe they have founded a religion upon the Aryan race; and while some do include neo-Nazis, most Norse Pagans consider these people a fringe element not connected to their religion. Also known as Teutonic Tradition. See also: Odinism.

NORNS: The three sisters from the Norse Edda, who are the spinners of destiny. Urd (origin) represents the past which causes all that follows, Verdandi (becoming) represents the constantly changing present, and Skuld (debt) represents all that is unresolved and yet to be determined. The Norns dwell under the one of the three roots of Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life. Also known as the Weird Sisters. See Also: Well of Urd.

NOTARIKON: A form of gematria in which the first and last letters of a word or phrase are put together to create a new word, or to turn a word into a phrase. Gematria is a system of discovering truths and hidden meanings behind words, using numerical values for letters of the alphabet. Each letter corresponds to a number. The numerical values of words are totaled and interpreted in terms of other words with the same numerical value. Gematria dates back to the 8th century B.C. Babylon, and has been used by most mystics since that time including the Magi, Gnostics, and Quabbalists. Temurah is a form of gematria that creates anagrams through systematic letter substitutions. See also: Numerology.

NOVEMBER EVE: The November 1st Greater Sabbat celebrating the End and the Beginning of the Year with the final harvest. On this day the veil between the Otherworld and the World is thinnest and entities from either side may cross over or communicate with one another more easily. The laws of time and space are suspended. The sabbat marks the death of the Sun God and his passing into the Land of the Young, where He awaits rebirth through the Mother Goddess at Yule. The Dead travel to the Otherworld and it is the time to bring honor and hospitality to dead ancestors. Also known as Alhalwyn-tyd, Allantide, All Hallows Eve, All Hallows Tide, The Apple Time, Calan Gaeaf, Calan Gwaf, Feast of Apples, Feast of the Dead, Feast of Souls, Hallowmas, Hallows, Hallows Eve, Hallowe’en, Hollantide, Kala-Goañv, Samain, Samhain, Samhuinn, Sauin. 


 The primeval cosmic deep, described in the Egyptian creation as a watery mass that is eternally in motion yet still. Shu and Tefnut, the two firstborn deities, arose from Nu. Also known as Noo.
 A god, the son of Ra.
A goddess, the daughter of Shu and Tefnut and mother of Osiris and Isis. Also known as Nut, Noot, Noun, Naut, Nout.
NUGUAL: A practitioner of Hechiceria, the pre-Columbian magickal tradition in Mexico. Also known as Hechicero, Bruho Naturaleza.

NUMBER OF PERSONALITY: The number calculated in numerology by your date of birth (e.g.: February 14, 1954 = 2+1+4+1+9+5+4=26=2+6=8). A person's birth number is unchangeable and reveals basic personality and innate characteristics. It is also known as Birth Number.

NUMEROLOGY, NUMEROMANCY: The system of magick and divination developed by Pythagoras. In numerology, all words, names and numbers may be reduced to single digits which correspond to certain occult characteristics that influence one’s life. Numerology is used to analyze a person’s character; assess weaknesses, strengths and natural gifts; predict one’s future and fate; determine the best place to live; and discover the best times to make decisions and take action. See also: Gematria.

NUN: A woman who vows to lead a celibate and meditative life in religious service or study. Distinguished from a priestess in that they are not invested with the authority to perform sacramental ceremonies.

NYINGPO: Tibetan term for the Fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe. It is related to outer space, inner space, the unmanifest, and the life force. Nyingpo is believed to be located in the sphere of Vibratory Sound in ceremonial magick. Also known as Akasa, Akasha, Soniferous Ether, Tsang, Quintessence. Akin to the concept of Anima Mundi. See also: Elements.

NYMPH (Greek, nymphe: "bride, water"): A minor nature goddess living in rivers, mountains, trees or any other natural object. Nymphs are usually depicted as beautiful maidens and are often identified specifically with water due to the secondary meaning of the name in Greek and Latin as water.


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