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2007-03-26 18:08:56
Last author: dead~spirit
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Gods Little Haters Owner

[NOTE:] This wiki is for the Sheriffs of GHL, Admin., and the ET crew members to notify me about things.

Objectives for GLH crew summoned here.

Angelic: tell me what you would think about starting a online clothing company section for GLH's. It would be mostly cyber industrial, gothic, and rave style clothing... but we could use that as a major influence to draw in members, and make income.

Diiwica: I need help creating Industrial/trance/gothic/ techno music. Im just starting to get into it, but it would be much faster if I had someone alse helping me out. Try and pirate a software called "fruityloops Studio" it is great for making music, but If you can find something better, let me know.

de Morte/Xorital: I need you to go these sites (,,,, advertise, and recruit for us. Also help me come up with a way to raise money for the future plans of GLH.

[de Morte]: Do you make music? digital art, graphics, or video's?

Username (or number or email):


2006-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: I just put the password in, that way I wouldn't have to do it later.

2007-03-26 [de Morte]: Music as in singing? (choir for 5.5 years)
Digital art? I have photoshop CS2, but I'm only good at editing pictures (I'm learning)

I have a Gods_Little_Haters cult at VF... I believe you are in it as a co-owner.
I'm... anti-myspace though...
I'll check out the other sites...

2007-03-27 [Diiwica]: Ok, so clothing,tell you what I think,,, okie, YES good idea, and like you said about the industrial style, Double good!

2007-03-27 [Diiwica]: Also, it should take me like no time to find that program!

2007-03-27 [Angelic nightmares]: I've got myspace, so I wouldn't mind advertising there.

And I think a clothing line would be wonderful. Do you want me to work on a few designs?

2007-03-27 [dead~spirit]: Yea, designs would be good, but our first priority would be to focus on actually obtaining a website. Then, we will need to work on graphics, digital art, and music for it, along with a chat room, and a post board. then we will need to worry about the clothing. So you see where this is all going now? why i picked each of you for the subjects at hand?

2007-03-27 [dead~spirit]: and de morte, make sure when you do gain a foot hold on these sites for advertising, that after well established, make sure all the members are ready to be moved to a different site. Once we get our web site up and running, we will move all the members to the actual site, and save these places for publicity, and recruiting.

2007-03-27 [Diiwica]: myspace has a GLH page... I made it ages ago!

2007-03-27 [dead~spirit]: I know, but we need to advertise for it.

2007-03-27 [Diiwica]: I'll get rite on that! Hows about we make a profile (user) for this wiki.i mean have a user by the same name and all

2007-03-29 [dead~spirit]: you mean A myspace profile?

2007-03-29 [Diiwica]: I dont rememebr o.0

2007-03-29 [Angelic nightmares]: I can create a side account {here} dedicated to the wiki.

2007-03-29 [Diiwica]: oh I have a lot of different accounts on here

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