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Pagan Dictionary


PAGAN (Latin, paganus: "a peasant, rustic"): Roman soldiers used the word in the pejorative sense of "hick, yokel, country bumpkin" and this usage was continued by the early Roman Christians to refer to anyone who preferred to continue to worship pre-Christian divinities. Now applied to anyone who practices paganism.

PAGANDOM: The worldwide community of Pagans.

PAGAN FEDERATION: Founded in 1971 and formerly called the Pagan Front, Pagan Federation is a London-based organization that seeks to provide contact between the Craft of the Wise and “genuine seekers of the Old Ways”, and to promote harmony among the various European Pagan religions. It works with institutions, governmental bodies and the public to present accurate information on Pagan religious views and rights.

PAGANING: A Pagan birth rite similar to a christening in Christianity or a Wiccaning in Wicca.

PAGANISM (Latin, paganus: "a peasant, rustic"): The broad family of religions that are not Judaism, Islam, or Christianity. In pagandom, paganism is usually limited to those earth based religions that often include mysticism and/or magickal systems. Pagan religions are be divided into three broad sub-categories:

Survivalist ~ where religious practice has continued unbroken from their ancestors;
Revivalist ~ where religious practice attempts to revive that of their ancestors, whether by actual descent or by personal spiritual affinity and inclination;
Reconstructionist ~ where religious practice is an adaptation and reinterpretation of what is regarded as the best of pre-Christian Pagan religions, adjusted to modern contemporary religious thought.
PAGAN, OCCULT, WITCHCRAFT SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP OF MENSA: A special interest group (SIG) of Mensa, the organization for persons scoring in the top two percentile on IQ testing. Only Mensa members can be full members of the SIG but non-Mensans may join as associate members. Their newsletter, Pagana, is considered to be one of the best Pagan journals.

PAGAN STANDARD TIME: A Pagandom joke that acknowledges the inevitable late start of most events. Abbreviated as PST.

PAGAN WAY: Initially a movement responding to the high demand for applicants to covens in the 1970’s. Pagan Way provided an alternative to the traditional intensive screening programs, and year-and-a-day probationary periods with an open, nature-oriented system that emphasized celebration of nature over magick. Although the Pagan Way organization fell apart in the 1980’s, the rituals survived. Some covens run Pagan Way groups as training circles for interested persons and potential initiates. Those who aren’t initiated into the coven can remain in the Pagan Way group indefinitely, become solitaries, or form their own Pagan Way group.

PALINDROME: A word or phrase that reads the same forward and backward and often used to construct magick squares. Sometimes called a Cantrip.

PALLOMANCY: Divination interpreting the movements of pendulum, often used in dowsing. Different forms of pallomancy include:

Cleidomancy (using a key);
Coscinomancy (using a sieve);
Dactylomancy (using a ring);
Also known as Radiesthesia.
PALMISTRY: Divination through analysis of hand shape, fingers, fingernails and the palms. According to legend, it is one of the oldest Witch skills, taught to mortals by Aradia, daughter of Lucifer and Diana. Also known as Cheiromancy, Chirognomy, Chirology, Chiromancy.

PANTHEISM: The religious doctrine that all the laws, manifestations and powers in the universe combine to create One Power (God). Pantheism may recognize many gods as aspects of One Greater Being, one God with all things being part of Him/Her, or not identify God as an entity at all but Nature itself. See also: Henotheism, Monotheism, Polytheism.

PANTHEON: A Collection or group of Gods and Goddesses in a particular religious or mythical structure. Example are: Greek pantheon, Roman pantheon, Egyptian pantheon, Teutonic pantheon, etc.

PAPA, PAPA-LOA: A Vodoun priest. Also known as a Houngan, the female priestess is known as a Mambo.

PAPYROMANCY: Divination by interpreting folding paper. 


The garden in which Adam and Eve first lived according to the Bible;
An idyllic or delightful place;
Also known as Eden, the Garden of Eden.
PASSING RITE: The rite to observe the physical death of a pagan. The rite celebrates death as a rebirth and the ritual varies in each path. Also known as Crossing the Bridge, Rite of Death, Rite of Passing.

PAST LIFE REGRESSION: Inducing a trance state in hypnosis to facilitate the recall and exploration of previous lives. A limited form of Aspecting where the practitioner can move into other "aspects" of self including, past, present (parallel) and future lives. 

PATH: Spiritual and/or moral beliefs.

PATH OF LIGHT: A term used to identify some traditions where Magick is never used for destructive purposes. Also known as the Right Hand Path, White Magick.

PATH OF SHADOWS: A term used to identify some traditions where Magick is used for destructive purposes. Also known as the Left Hand Path, Black Magick.

PATHWORKING: Using astral projection, bi-location, or dreamtime to accomplish a specific goal. Also known as Vision Questing.

PECTI-WITA: The study and practice of the religion of the Picts, the pre-Celtic inhabitants of northern Scotland. Pecti-Wita is concerned with all aspects of prosperity, growth, abundance, creativity, and healing, and honors the Celtic Deities. The main tools in Pecti-Wita are the Staff and the Athame or Dirk. Pecti-Witans use a "Keek-Stane" which is, in effect, a scrying stone or the equivalent of a crystal ball. Also known as Pictish Witchcraft, Wita.

PEDOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the footprint of a person, usually encased in clay. A form of podomancy (interpreting the feet).

PEGOMANCY: Divination by interpreting sacred pools, springs, wells or fountains. A form of Hydromancy and often used in conjunction with scrying.

PELICAN: A circulatory vessel with two side-arms feeding condensed vapor back into the body that is used in alchemy.

PENATES: The Roman term for a group of deities of Semitic origin worshipped in Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece and Rome. Worship of the Penates was often affiliated with the worship of Vulcan. Also known as Cabeiri, Cabiri.

PENDULUM: A body suspended from a fixed point that may swing freely, usually it is a device consisting of a string attached to a heavy object, such as a quartz crystal, a root or a ring. It is used to regulate the movements of clockwork and other machinery, and for various methods of divination involving radiesthesia. 

PENTACLE: The Elemental Tool of Earth, a round wooden or metal disk usually inscribed with, or surrounding, a pentagram, often with other magickal Signs and Symbols specific to a Tradition; or the wax, paper, or parchment form used as a material basis when making talismans or otherwise invoking or evoking a specific force. The pentacle is the primary symbol of belief in Wicca, Witchcraft and many magickal systems. Each point on the star has a specific meaning: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. See also: Pentacle of Solomon.

PENTACLE OF SOLOMON: A round disk or circle inscribed with the five pointed star, circles, squares or crosses inscribed with the names of angels and demons or the Names of Power. The five points on the star pentacle represent God or man and the four elements of nature; the five senses; the five wounds inflicted on Christ on the cross; and the five points of man in the outstretched position. As an amulet the pentacle protects a mage against attack from demons or spirits; as a talisman, it enables him/her to conjure and command them. Also known as Magician's Pentacle.

PENTAGRAM: The five-pointed star, the Star of the Microcosm ("little world"); the Four Elements ruled by Spirit (upright) or containing the unrealized potential of the Divine Spark (inverted); the inverted Pentagram also symbolizes the Horned God; Satanists also use the inverted pentagram to represent Satan.

PEOPLE OF DANU, The (Old Irish, tuatha: "family, clan"; dé Danann: "of Danu"): The Tuatha Dé Danann, a race of gods who withdrew to live in the hills of Ireland after their defeat by the Milesean Celts. The descendants of the Tuatha Dé Danann became known as the Daoine Sídhe, the faery folk and the term sídhe now means faery in the Irish language. In Theosophy, the Tuatha Dé Danann are known as Davana and are enemies of the gods. Also known as Áes Sí, Áes Sídh, Áes Sídhe, Áos Sídhe, the Children of Danu, the Danaan, Davana, the Hill Folk, the People of Danu, the Tuatha Dé Danann. See also Daoine Sídhe, Fae, Faerie.

PERSONAL BOOK OF SHADOWS: A personal book of rituals, recipes, journal entries, laws/rules, and other documents important to a witch or pagan. It differs from the Traditional Book of Shadows that outlines the liturgical and canonical material of a pagan tradition. Also called Book of Shadows, Grimoire.

PERSONALITY: The Self built up in a single incarnation, as a product of both heredity and environment and consisting of the "ego self" or one's own inner sense of identity, and the "persona" or outward personality shown to others. Personality is distinguished from Individuality, which develops over the course of all one's incarnations.

PERSONAL POWER: The energy that sustains the body. It ultimately originates from the Goddess and God. Personal power is released during stress, exercise, sex, conception and childbirth. Magick is often described as the movement of personal power for a specific goal.

PESSOMANCY: Divination by casting or drawing marked pebbles or beans. A form of Sortilege. Also known as Psephomancy.

PHEONIX: A mythological bird that consumed itself by fire every 500 years and recreated itself from the ashes as a newborn. Also known as Bennu, Fung-hwang, Fum-hwang, Ho-Ho, Kerkes.

PHILOSOPHER'S EGG, The: A pear-shaped earthenware bottle, open at both ends, used as a condenser in the sublimation process in alchemy. Also called Aludel, the Hermetic Vase, the Vase of the Philosophy.

PHILOSOPHER'S STONE: The goal of alchemic work, a substance capable of perfecting any substance or situation. Also known as the Elixir of Life, the Stone.

PHILTRE: A love potion. Traditionally a philter consists of wine, tea or water doctored with herbs or drugs. A love charm for the purpose of forcing love or manipulating an unsuspecting person is considered unethical in any magickal system that adheres to the Right Hand Path. It is acceptable to make love charms to enhance love that already exists between two people. Love charms are also acceptable if caveats are added, such as “for the good of all,” “if they are right for one another” and “if no one is harmed”.

PHRENOLOGY: Divination and character analysis by interpreting the shape and structure of the human skull. Also known as Cranioscopy.

PHYLLORHODOMANCY: Divination by interpreting rose petals. The original form involved slapping a rose petal against the palm of the hand and interpreting the sound made. 

PHYSIOGNOMY: Divination and character analysis by interpreting the face. Similar to Metoposcopy (interpretation of facial lines). 

PICTISH WITCHCRAFT: The study and practice of the religion of the Picts, the pre-Celtic inhabitants of northern Scotland. Pecti-Wita is concerned with all aspects of prosperity, growth, abundance, creativity, and healing, and honors the Celtic Dieties. The main tools in Pecti-Wita are the Staff and the Athame or Dirk. Pecti-Witans use a "Keek-Stane" which is, in effect, a scrying stone or the equivalent of a crystal ball. Also known as Pecti-Wita, Wita.

PICTOGRAPHS: Mysterious drawings of men and animals as well as abstract lines, designs, notations and mazes (some in gigantic proportions) carved into the earth and rock. These drawings are believed to portray magickal and sacred beliefs.

PLAIN OF MEGGIDO, The: The site of the Great War that culminates in Judgment Day in the Bible. Also known as Armageddon.

PLATONIC YEAR, The: A cycle of 26,000 years that has been divided into twelve Ages based on the Zodiac. Each Age is approximately 2000 years in duration and the 21st century marks the transition in the Great Year from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Also known as the Great Year.

PODOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the feet.

POETIC EDDA, The (Icelandic, edda: "greatgrandmother") The Edda, a collection of lays and stories based on the mythic wisdom of the ancient Norse, is comprised of three manuscripts: the Codex Reguius being the Poetic Edda; and the Codex Wormianus and the Codex Upsaliensis comprising the Younger (Prose) Edda. Also known as the Elder Edda.

POLARITY: The concept of equal, opposite energies.

POLYTHEISM: The doctrine and worship of many gods as separate conscious entities.

PORTAL TOMB: A prehistoric tomb or monument consisting of a large flat stone laid across several upright stones. Also known as Cromlech, Portal Tomb.

POSSESSION: Being completely taken over by a spirit. See also: Exorcism, Obsession, Spirit Exorcism, Spirit Possession.

POSTULANT: A petitioner or candidate for admission into a religious order.

POWER ANIMAL: A spirit or guardian who is bonded to a human being and is a magickal partner and protector. Also known as Familiar, Guardian Spirit, Tutelary Spirit, Totem, Totemic Animal.

POWER DOCTOR: In the Ozarks region of the United States, power doctors are backwoods healers who use charms, amulets, incantations and magick to cure illness. They cannot charge a fee, but may accept gifts and offerings. Power doctors must learn their Craft from a person of the opposite sex who is not a blood relative. They may in turn teach two or three others the Craft, but that they would lose their abilities should they teach more.

POWWOW: The Pennsylvania Dutch have a long tradition of magickal healing and elicited the help of the Indigenous people in Pennsylvania to help them find the herbs and roots in the area that could be used in the Old Country traditions. The Pennsylvania Dutch adopted the term powwow to apply to their own magickal healing. 

PRAMANTHA: The upper stick of two ceremonial rubbing-sticks (arani) used to ignite the sacrificial fire in some East Indian traditions: the upper stick, uttararani or pramantha, is held upright and set into a groove in the lower stick, the adhararani, and when twirled or rotated rapidly it generates heat and flame. According to the Rig-Veda, the upright stick was made from the Sami tree and the horizontal from the Asvattha or Pipal tree (the sacred fig tree). In the Satapatha-brahmana, however, both sticks were carved from the wood of the Asvattha. Also called Uttararani.

PRAYER: The Christian form of a charm. A small verse or incantation recited to achieve a goal, cure illness, or to draw protection.

PRECIPITATION: A process of Coagulation in alchemy in which a chemical reaction creates solid matter that falls from a liquid solution.

PRECOGNITION: An an inner knowledge or vision of future events, especially those that appear to be inevitable. Similar to Premonition (a vague image or sense of the event).

PREMONITION: A warning of an impending event, experienced as foreboding, anxiety and intuitive sense of dread. Premonitions tend to occur before disasters, accidents and deaths. Similar to Precognition (a clear image of the event).

PRIESTESS: A female dedicated to both the service of her chosen deity(ies) and humankind. A solitary Witch can be a Priestess by dedicating herself to a particular God or Goddess.

PRIEST: A male dedicated to both the service of his chosen deity(ies) and humankind. A solitary Witch can be a Priest by dedicating himself to a particular God or Goddess.

PRIMAL ELEMENT, The: The original undifferentiated matter of this plane in alchemy. It is one step removed from the Alkahest, the pure homogenous element. Also known as Adam's Earth, Adamic Earth, True Oil of Gold.

PROJECTION: The final stage of Coagulation in alchemy to transform substance to gold. Denoted by the sign for Pisces.

PROJECTIVE ENERGY: That which is electrical, forward-moving, active. Projective energy is protective. See also: Receptive Energy.

PROJECTIVE HAND, The: The dominant hand, the one normally used for manual activities. It is the hand used to send energy out during ritual and is the hand in which magickal tools are held. See also: Receptive Hand.

PROPHECY: A prediction of future events, usually divinely inspired.

PROPHET: A person who speaks directly to a Deity to divine or prophesize. Also known as Oracle, Prophet, Theomancer. See Also: Ariolater, Aruspex, Clairvoyant, Diviner, Haruspex, Seer, Soothsayer.

PROSE EDDA, The (Icelandic, edda: "greatgrandmother") The Edda, a collection of lays and stories based on the mythic wisdom of the ancient Norse, is comprised of three manuscripts: the Codex Reguius being the Elder (Poetic) Edda; and the Codex Wormianus and the Codex Upsaliensis comprising the Younger Edda. Also known as the Younger Edda.

PROTEAN FAMILY: The Protean Family are the lineal descendants of Proteus Coven in New York City. The High Priestess of Proteus, Judy Harrow, founded the coven in the Gardnerian practice during the early 1980's. In late 1985, after a series of internal conflicts over some of the changes of practice instituted by Harrow, a body of Gardnerian Elders indicated a desire to disassociate with Proteus and her descendants. In the early 1990's, Harrow declared the Protean Family to be a "self-aware subgroup" of the Gardnerian line.

PRYTANI: A name for the iron age occupants of the British Isles.

PSEPHOMANCY: Divination by casting or drawing marked pebbles or beans. A form of Sortilege) Also known as Pessomancy.

PSYCHISM: The act of being consciously psychic. Linking the Psychic and Conscious Minds to work in harmony.

PSYCHOGRAPHY: Spirit communication done unconsciously by an individual often in trance, obsession or possession states. Automatic communication has occurred with people in a fully conscious state without their awareness of the action and distinct personality and knowledge variants (e.g.: fluency in an ancient language) have been documented. Psychography is the term applied to written communication and is also known as Autography and Automatic Writing. Psychography is distinct from Direct Writing where a spirit writes directly without human or mechanical assistance. All forms are distinct from Psychomancy where the diviner consciously summons the spirit for communication.

PSYCHOKINESIS: Moving objects without physical contact. Akin to Telekinesis, the movement of objects by paranormal means.

PSYCHOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the soul of a person, their values, beliefs and morals. Also known as Soul Reading.

PSYCHOMETRY: Divination by interpreting an object to obtain information about its history and/or owner. Considered to be a form of clairvoyance and often used to locate missing persons or to assist in solving crime. The term was coined in the mid-nineteenth century by Joseph R. Buchanan, an American physiologist.

PUFFER: A person who uses the process of alchemy without seeking spiritual enlightenment.

PURPLE PHASE, The: The Third and final stage in alchemy that occurs during Coagulation. Also known as Iosis.

PUTREFACTION: The first stage of the Fermentation operation in Alchemy. It is a form of Digestion where the decomposing essences are reabsorbed. Denoted by sign of Leo.

PYRIPHLEGETHON (Greek,: "fiery"): The river of Fire, one of the five rivers surrounding Hades. The others are:

Acheron (Woe);
Cocytus (Wailing);
Styx (Hateful);
Lethe (Forgetfulness).
PYROMANCY: Divination by interpreting fires, flames or burning objects. There are many different forms of pyromancy including:

Botanomancy (burning branches and leaves);
Capnomancy (smoke);
Causinomancy (burning flammable objects);
Daphnomancy (burning a laurel branch);
Lampadomancy (lamps or candles);
Pyroscopy (burning paper);
Sideromancy (burning straw).
PYROSCOPY: Divination by interpreting burning paper. Originally, pyroscopy was the interpretation of the stains left on a light surface after burning paper, current practice includes observation of the paper as it burns. A form of pyromancy.


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