Page name: Perfect moments [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-13 20:23:10
Last author: Estantia
Owner: Estantia
# of watchers: 10
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Perfect Moments...


This will be an art and writing competition run by [Estantia] based on moments that are perfect to show an emotion or time. This may be the first of many perfect moment competitions, so shouldn't be too hard to remember the rules...



1. For the Art Competition: Take the given drawing of the scene and finish it.
Using whatever programs/mediums you wish.
2.For the Writing Competition: Add to/extend the written scene given.
And finish it naturally...
3.No porn.
Artistic nudity or hinting is fine, I'll tell you if if goes too far...
4.Keep to the basics you're given.
Feel free to add the other arm, bg, more descrip etc, that's what this competition is about, no big things like genders though...
5.Max 2 entries for art and 2 for writing.
6.Max 200 extra words.
Extra descrip in the original is counted, short and sweet people! DOn't worry too much though, as long as it's not stacks too long I'll let you go over a little...
7.Both contests close at 10 entries.
Writing and art are separate contests, but if you want to keep the pic and the writing that goes with it together feel free to make a wiki-page and link it.
8.Winner decided by vote.
But my personal favourite gets a *metaphorical* cookie!
9.It must be your own work.
You have to make one anyway...
You didn't think I'd forget that would you?


Current Contest!

Moment: For so long...
That's the participation badge too.

Past Contests

Err... This is the first...


Dividers are from the amazing


Username (or number or email):


2006-04-03 [sequeena_rae]: The writing

2006-04-03 [Estantia]: have fun

2006-04-03 [sequeena_rae]: I will :D

2006-04-03 [Estantia]: now, I will see who finds this lovely piece of work, and maybe pretty it up with elftown graphics

2006-04-08 [iippo]: *doesn't quite get this contest* You want art-entries to be the same scene of touching the face, or anything that the phrase "I wanted to do that so long" would fit under? *is so confused*

2006-04-08 [Estantia]: art entries are the same scene, writing entries are continuing the bit of writing, did I not make that clear?

2006-04-08 [iippo]: Maybe I'm just slow... ^_^;;;

2006-04-08 [Estantia]: nah, I hadn't, just put the two extra rules up to make it clear, thanks for pointing that out.

2006-04-25 [Lady of Lore]: How long will the contest last for?

2006-04-26 [Estantia]: it will last until i have enough entries, since people have to make something for themselves that's new it may take a while...

2006-04-26 [Lady of Lore]: I'll try to come up with something for the art section!

2006-04-27 [Estantia]: I would enter this myself except I made it... and plus my art is awful...

2006-04-27 [Lady of Lore]: is mostly practice. Just keep working at it and start simple. ^_^

2006-04-27 [Estantia]: i did, but still, I quite like it plain, but seeing some living people there would be nice

2006-04-27 [Lady of Lore]: ^^ I'll try to get a peice up for you then.

2006-04-27 [Estantia]: *smiles, now all we need is some others to accept the challenge...

2006-04-27 [Lady of Lore]: go to my art community, The Art Store and post a comment about your contest challanging artists or something of the like ^^.

2006-04-28 [Estantia]: :) I was hoping that some art-minded friends of mine would find it, but yes, a challenge *evil laugh*

2006-10-20 [Titanium Tiger]: ok how many are here so I kno if I can do it or not??? I would like to enter!!!

2006-10-20 [Estantia]: click on the link to the specific contest then :) moment: for so long...

2007-06-12 [ally]: If this contest is still active, message me about it or it will be removed from mc.

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