Page name: Poetry [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-12-07 16:58:31
Last author: Hedda
Owner: Hedda
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Add Your Poem Here

A page where everyone can add their poetry for sharing with all Elftowners...

Add links to your poems pages here:

[LiL_piXiE] 's pixie_poems


Vogon Poetry

Random Exploits of [verdego]


Solace by [deathrose]

things by [Vader]

garrison by [lisgarrison]

Caprice by [ravenna]

Spur-of-the-moment,-meaningful-poetry by Deimos

jester's words

Aristotle poetry by [Aristotle]

If I dream... - an add-on-poem (as in everyone adds on to what everyone else has wrote... experimental)

Join me in writing poetry!

Apart nor Among - the poetry of [garudaserpent]

Kay's Korner - the poetry, stories and favorite sayongs and artwork of [FuglyDuckling]

The sprite's poetry journal. Also come say hi to ME, [Nivica]!

Zem's Poetry

Law and Chaos Poems

[Sad Lonely Angel]'s my poems!

Like Poetry? Enter your poems at Daily_Poem !

*Note* The poems that were here have been moved to the Add Your Poem Here page so that this page can be used solely for links...

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I am shadow, mystery,
No one can know the depths in me;

Out of Light I am born,
Out of Dakness I am torn;

Caught between the night and day,
Others pain is my dismay;

Those who see me hear me not...

Those who understand, those who hear,
Quickly turn to run in fear;

For I am born not of this race,
Foriegn spirit behind this face;

I wander now throughout the earth,
Seeking those of common birth;

True to a nature not their own,
To join the path I walk alone;

You I have seen, alone you stand,
Are you afraid to take my hand?

If so I go never to return,
If nothing from me you will learn;

Still within your Cold I feel,
A impassioned warmth, tis faint, yet real;

Within your cold, I feel it burn,
Unknown passion for which you yern;

Tell me, what fuels your inner fire,
What is it that you desire?
And to please you, I Shall conspire.....
"From the Heart of TrixWild...Blessed Be."

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2004-03-03 [Schob]: if anyone here has celtic/irish poetry it would be much apreciated by the herald if you would send it to me and let us use it ^^!! and if any of you do and are so kind as to share it with us i thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting us take a peek into your soul

2004-05-09 [Flutterbi]: If any one could write me an Anti-suicide poem so I can put it on my wiki I would greatly appreciate it.

2004-05-21 [STARCUTTIE]: I love celtic/irish stuff!!!!

2004-07-01 [Kaimee]: hey everyone, if anyones interested in submitting poetry to be featured in the next issue of the herald, the Poetry Corner is up and running again!

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