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Pagan Dictionary


QABALA, QABBALAH: A body of occult philosophy, doctrines, and magickal and mystical lore derived from certain Jewish rabbinical texts, probably originating in early Chaldean and other Mesopotamian cultures, possibly including ancient Egypt. Also known as Cabala, Cabbala, Kabala.

QI ("chee"): The Chinese word for the natural (spiritual) energy of the Universe and the integral component of the metaphysical belief system of Buddhism. Qi is thought to permeate all things, including the human body, and problems are generally attributed to disharmony or imbalance in the qi. Healing of political, social, emotional, and/or physical problems include focus on restoring balance and equilibrium of the chi. Also know as Ch'i, Chi.

QUARTER DAYS: The four sabbats of the Solstices and Equinoxes. The four Cross-Quarter Days are the Fire festivals of Imbolc, Beltain, Lammas and Samhain. Also known as the Lesser Sabbats.

QUARTERS: Term to describe the corresponding Direction, Color, Element, and Elemental at each point in a Magick Circle. Also known as Cardinal Points, Corners, Four Corners, Four Quarters, Watchtowers.

QUIMBANDA: Harmful magick in the Macumba Tradition; a Brazilian form of Vodoun and Santería. Macumba is not in itself a religion but the umbrella for the two principal forms of African spirit worship in Brazil: Candomblé and Umbanda. Macumba is sometimes used to refer to harmful magick, but that is more properly called Quimbanda.

QUINTESSENCE: The Fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe. It is related to outer space, inner space, the unmanifest, and the life force. Quintessence is believed to be located in the sphere of Vibratory Sound in ceremonial magick. Also known as Akasa, Akasha, Soniferous Ether, Nyingpo, Tsang. Akin to the concept of Anima Mundi. See also: Elements.

QUIRIN (QUIRIS): A stone said to have the powers of a truth serum, in folklore it is believed to be found in the nests of lapwings or hoopoes. The stone, laid beneath a sleeping persons pillow, will cause the person to talk in their sleep and confess all.

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