Page name: Rika's Sketchbook 3 [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-09-05 05:49:32
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Page three of my skectbook wikis.

Demonic Rika, colored.

Rika in normal clothes. Tight jeans. Tight, tight, black T-shirt with matcking tipless gloves. Her heart necklace and white sneakers. A little black bow in one of her hair buns.

noooooooooooot teeeeeeelllllllllliiiiiiiinnnnnnggggggggggg....

Scene in Cosmic Chaos! Heros of Anime.

TADA! See what happens when I take relisum and turn it into anime!? DISASTER!!! The proof if that this is the SECOND attempt at drawing my friend! But she criticizes all my art and is a perfectionist so what does she know....

Funny funny scene from Rika&Kisara...A Demon Duo.

It's Kisara and Hiei kissing!^^ Tis for [Lady Alaina].

This is basicly a randome drawing I did on a peice of notebook paper and colored with gel pens. Than folded it to make a book mark. It's smaller than it appears in this pic.

'Nother randome bookmark drawing.

'NOTHER bookmark....

ANOTHER randome bookmark

These are the stages of Rika's eye color. First, saphhire blue, her normal eyes. Than red, when she's angery or a full moon has arisin. Then full crimson, her demonic eyes.

I've been practicing my animal anime art. This is a random pic, her name is Cream.

Umm...I tried to redraw Karisuto from my story, Dark is Rising, but it looks more like a mini Karisuto. You can see how fluffy she is.

This is Karisuto's friend, Arora.

You remeber Cream.<3

Sugar is her name, you can see her head in the pic of Cream above.

This is Coffee.

This is Powder.

This is Coco.

My Gaian avatars.

The ever famous Chocolate & Vinilla.

This is Rika in a new outfit. It is also the most PITAFUL EXCUSE FOR ANIME THAT I HAVE EVER DRAWN!!!!!!

My main gaian avatar trying to fly with her wings.

This is Carmel.

This is Flower. Her ears are made from flower petals, and her tail is a leaf. There are three leaved by her ears and one flower.

This is Milk.

This is Sweets.

This is Swirl.

This is Cinimon.

Another, Noooooot teeeeelliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggg.<3 :P

Rika, with better proportioning, and in a mini skirt and tank top.

Ok, this is yet another scene to Rika&Kisara...A Demon Duo.

My ending pic to Rika&Kisara...A Demon Duo

Hitaikakushi- The white triangle-shaped headband Rika is wearing on her head in this pic. A traditional headpeice worn by ghosts, the hitaikakushi is used to adorn the dead during Buddhist funerals, and was originally intended to protect the deceased from evil spirits. Rika's expression of sticking her tongue out is a parody of typical 'sinister ghost' expressions, including sticking out of the tongue (female ghosts often have some threads of black hair hanging down in their mouth, a triditional sign of insanity)Which Rika doesn't have in this pic since she's not insane.
Hitodama- The small ghostly flames, like will-o'-wisps, sometimes seen around Rika. Called hitodama (human spirits) or hi no tama (fireballs), these flames are believed to be small flamesh.
(you might have read this in volume 1 of the YYH manga in the back)

This pic is for the ending of YYH: Rika. It looks a bit odd though. (maybe I shouldn't have inked it...)Oh yeah, the peace sign she giving up with her fingers doesn't mean anything, it's just something I added.^^'

The line of relations between the team during my years after series. Red lines are blood relations, blue are marraige.

This is Konobi, for [Konobi], uncolored.
This is Konobi, for [Konobi], colored.

You know Rika, from my stories, right? Well before I thought up the char she is now, I had a different Idea for her. A more happier, joyful Rika. This is what she looked like.

Hehe^^ Chibi Rika and Hiei. Hiei giving Rika a kissy on the cheeky.<3

(forgot Illution Pendant)
This is for [Lady Alaina]. It's Hiei and Kisara, chibified. Hiei's giving Kisara a kiss on the cheek.

This is Rika in a diff outfit. Unfortunetly I cannot say what this scene untill I open the last story of my Rika seires.

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