Page name: Shoot 9-4-09 [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-09-25 18:42:07
Last author: Nioniel
Owner: Nioniel
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Shoot 9-4-09






<img150*0:stuff/aj/169023/1252866377.jpg>  <img150*0:stuff/aj/169023/1252866434.jpg>  <img140*0:stuff/aj/169023/1252866562.jpg>  <img150*0:stuff/aj/169023/1252866582.jpg>

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2009-09-13 [Trennas]: Cool shots :D

2009-09-13 [W.L.]: Love the manips!

2009-09-13 [Nioniel]: Muchas Gracias!

2009-09-13 [nehirwen]: They're not manips, but retouched photos, I like them though. ;)

2009-09-13 [Nioniel]: LOL, yeah, [Chimes] pointed that out to me shortly after I made the wiki...I actually acknowledge that on the main wiki, but oh well.

And thankies!

2009-09-13 [nehirwen]: Oh, didn't see that yet. x)
So, when will we see your first manip? =D

2009-09-13 [Nioniel]: Lol, there, fixed the page...and when I figure out how to do it!

I've honestly got no clue, I've kind of been doing all of this rather blindly and am completely jealous of all that you, [Chimes], [Jitter] and so on can do with these programs!

I'd love to take a class at some point to learn, but haven't got the money really.

2009-09-13 [nehirwen]: Thanks! I never took a class, I'm sure you can figure it out yourself as well. :]

Chimes has a tutorial for a portrait here: CT: Portrait Manipulation.
And there are all sorts of free tutorials on the interwebz too, it's not thaat difficult to make a simple manip. :)

2009-09-13 [Nioniel]: Thanks, I'll have to look into it!

2009-09-13 [nehirwen]: Have fun. :)

2009-09-13 [Rice]: I love your eyes Mel 8D

2009-09-13 [Nioniel]: Thanks Neh, I'm probably going to mess around with it later tonight, [Chimes]' tutorial looked fairly easy, I'm sure I'll figure it all out at some point, these things take time to get the hang of and to perfect, I'm sure.

And thankies [Rice]!!! ♥

You're so sweet!

2009-09-25 [W.L.]: You are a stunning woman.

2009-09-25 [Nioniel]: Thanks.

2009-09-25 [W.L.]: Thank you! You make for pretty wonderful arm candy!

2009-09-25 [Nioniel]: sometimes.

2009-09-25 [W.L.]: All the time. You're an exceptional partner.

2009-09-25 [Nioniel]: Thank you.

2009-09-25 [W.L.]: THANK YOU!

2009-09-25 [Nioniel]:

2009-09-25 [W.L.]: Yeah? VERY lucky ME!

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