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Pagan Dictionary



TABOO: A sacred prohibition put upon certain people, things or acts that makes them untouchable, unmentionable, etc.
A word or words word of prohibition and restriction. The Ten Commandments are laid out in the form of Taboo (i.e.: Thou shalt not...). Similar to a Curse, the word in the form of a spell designed to cause blight or damage. A popular form of a curse is the simplistic "a down mouth be yours".
TALISMAN: An object that possesses magickal or supernatural power of its own and transmits them to the owner. They usually perform a single function and enable powerful transformations. A talisman can be any object which has been endowed with supernatural power by the forces of nature, a deity, or by being made in a ritualistic way.

TAROT: Divination by interpreting a set of 78 cards which carry pictures and symbols used to connect the diviner with the collective unconscious. The cards can be used to determine the past, present and future of an event or person and can become powerful tools in magickal workings and rituals. The Tarot is divided into the 22 Major Arcana or Trump cards that depict dominant occurrences and the 56 Minor Arcana or Suit cards that assist in fleshing out the situations indicated by the Trump Cards, or indicate smaller occurrences. The Minor Arcana are also known as the Lesser Arcana.

TAROLOGIST: A person who divines using Tarot cards.

TASSEOGRAPHY, TASSEOMANCY: Divination by interpreting tea leaves and coffee grounds.

TATTWA: Hindu term for Element.

TELEKINESIS: Moving objects by paranormal means. Akin to Psychokinesis, the movement of objects without physical contact.

TELEPATHY: The exchange of thoughts or ideas without any physical form of communication.

TEMURAH: A form of gematria that creates anagrams through systematic letter substitutions. Gematria is a system of discovering truths and hidden meanings behind words, using numerical values for letters of the alphabet. Each letter corresponds to a number. The numerical values of words are totaled and interpreted in terms of other words with the same numerical value. Gematria dates back to the 8th century B.C. Babylon, and has been used by most mystics since that time including the Magi, Gnostics, and Quabbalists. Notarikon is a form of gematria in which the first and last letters of a word or phrase are put together to create a new word, or to turn a word into a phrase. See also: Numerology.

TEPHRAMANCY, TEPHROMANCY: Divination by interpreting ashes, soot or cinders, usually from sacrificial fires or burnt offerings. Also known as Spodanomancy, Spodomancy, Tuphramancy.

TEUTONIC TRADITION: Paganism that worships the Norse pantheon of deities and stresses conservative values of honor, honesty, courage and duty to one’s family, kin and friends. In the 1970’s a number of Norse Pagan groups sprang into existence almost simultaneously and independently of one another, in America, England an Iceland. Many adherents to Norse Paganism are attracted by the emphasis on blood ties and genetics, the warrior ethic and the Norse symbology. Norse Pagans recognize both branches of the Norse pantheon, the Aesir and the Vanir. A branch called Odinism worship only the Aesir. Festivals center on the seasonal equinoxes and solstices, and Norse holidays such as Ragnar’s Day. Heavier emphasis is placed on skill mastery and shamanism than on magick and meditation. There are a few extreme right-wing Norse Pagan groups who believe they have founded a religion upon the Aryan race; and while some do include neo-Nazis, most Norse Pagans consider these people a fringe element not connected to their religion. Also known as Nordic Tradition or Norse Paganism. See also: Odinism.

THELEMIC MAGICK: A form of Ceremonial Magick developed by Aleister Crowley. Ceremonial Magick is Magick that calls upon the aid of beneficent spirits and is based upon a blend of doctrines of Plato and other Greek philosophers, Oriental mysticism, Judaism and Christianity.

THEOMANCY: Divination through direct contact with a Deity. Practitioners are usually referred to as Oracles, Prophets or Theomancers.

THEOMANCER: A person who speaks directly to a Deity to divine or prophesize. Also known as Oracle, Prophet. See Also: Ariolater, Aruspex, Clairvoyant, Diviner, Haruspex, Seer, Soothsayer.


Any philosophy that teaches the achievement of knowledge of God (s) by spiritual ecstasy, direct intuition, or a special relationship to the deities.
The modern traditions based on the teachings of the Theosophical Society which combined Western magickal systems and mysticism with Buddhist and Hindu teachings.
THERIOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the movement of groups of animals (e.g.: flocks of geese, herds of cattle). A form of Augury (divination by interpreting the appearance or behavior of animals).

THETA STATE: The semi-conscious state associated with drowsiness, euphoria, and deep tranquility where brain waves register at 4-7 cycles per second. Alpha State, at 7-14 cycles per second, is the altered state of consciousness associated with relaxation, meditation and dreaming. Beta State, at 14-30 cycles per second, is the conscious state of being awake, alert and engaged in physical activity. Delta state, at 1-3 cycles per second, is the unconscious state of deep, dreamless sleep.

THEURGIC MAGICK, THEURGY (Greek, theourgia: "working things pertaining to the gods"): Magick that calls upon the aid of beneficent spirits and is akin to religion. Theurgic Magick is based upon a blend of doctrines of Plato and other Greek philosophers, Oriental mysticism, Judaism and Christianity and currently is divided into three forms : Enochian, Thelemic and Eclectic. Enochian Magick originated with John Dee and Edward Kelly in the 16th century and communication with spirits involved the Nineteen Calls (or Keys): incantations in the Enchonian language, a complex language of unknown origin. This system of Magick was revived by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and studied at length by Aleister Crowley. In turn, Crowley developed the Thelemic Magick system from his studies and Ceremonial Magickians have since expanded to develop Eclectic Magick systems based on a variety of different systems, inclusive of Alchemy, Egyptology, Kabbalistic doctrines, Chaos Magick etc.. Theurgic Magick requires a rigorous discipline and has an intellectual appeal, the mage derives power from God (the Judeo-Christian God) through the successful control of spirits, usually demons, which are believed easier to control than angels. Demons may be good, evil, or neutral. In its highest sense, Theurgic Magick is a transcendental experience that takes the mage into mystical realms and into communication with the Higher Self. Also known as Ceremonial Magick, High Magick, Ritual Magick.


The mental psychic receptor located in the center of the forehead about an inch above eye. Also called the Mind's Eye;
The Pineal Gland in some vertebrates;
In Hinduism and Buddhism, the "eye of insight" in the forehead of a Deity, particularly Siva.
THREEFOLD LAW: A Wiccan principle which originated from the teachings of Gerald Gardner that whatever one does by Magick is received in return three times over. Akin to the concept of Karma.

THREE LEVELS: A term used in Alchemy to describe the three levels that any magick must work with at the same time: the physical (form), the psychological (thought/will) and the spiritual (emotion/desire).

THYROS: A staff the height of a man entwined with a vine, such as ivy or ribbons, and surmounted by a pine cone.

THUNDERBIRD: A mythological bird that is depicted like an eagle with a crown in the Pacific Rim. It is considered a powerful Creator Spirit and so is also capable of great destruction through natural forces or war.

T' IEN LUNG: The Chinese Celestial Dragon. The other three types of Chinese Dragon are:

 Fu Tsang Lung ( Treasure Dragon);
Ti Lung ( Earth Dragon);
 Shen Lung or Kung Lung (Rain Dragon).
TI LUNG: The Chinese Earth Dragon. Ti Lung and the Shen Lung (Rain Dragon) together are known as Wang Lung. The other two types of Chinese Dragon are:

T'ien Lung ( Celestial Dragon);
Fu Tsang Lung ( Treasure Dragon).
TIN: One of the seven metals in Alchemy. It is associated with the operation of Dissolution and the element of Water.

TIROMANCY: Divination by interpreting the coagulation, especially holes, in cheese. Also known as Typomancy, Tyromancy.

TOHUNGA: Maori shamans. 

TORC, TORQUE: A necklace of twisted or hammered metal that often denoted rank in Celtic society. 

TOTEM, TOTEMIC ANIMAL: A spirit or guardian who is bonded to a human being and is a magickal partner and protector. Also known as Familiar, Guardian Spirit, Power Animal, Tutelary Spirit.

TRADITION: A specific religion that falls in a larger religious category (eg: Greek Orthodox>Catholic>Christian or Alexandrian>Wicca>Pagan).

TRADITIONAL HEALER: Any practitioner of holistic medicine in the tradition of a specific culture or tribe. 


Hereditary or traditional Witchcraft or Wicca, which includes the Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions and their branches and offshoots via Gerald Gardner and/or Alex Sanders;
A Witchcraft tradition that claims initiatory or hereditary descent through a familial or other line; 
Any Witchcraft Tradition that follows a specific body of rites and practices collectively as distinguished from solitary eclectic Witchcraft or Wicca practitioners.
TRADITIONAL BOOK OF SHADOWS: The liturgical and canonical material of a pagan tradition. It differs from the Personal Book of Shadow that is a book of rituals, recipes, journal entries, laws/rules, and other documents important to an individual witch or pagan. Also called Book of Shadows.

TRANSMUTATION: The act of changing the form, nature, or substance of something (e.g.: in Alchemy, the act of changing base metal into gold).


The ancient Celtic alphabet. Each character consists of from one to five parallel strokes, written over, under, and through the line, either upright or sloping. Each character is called a few. References vary in citing the number of characters in this alphabet, the most common sources quoting twenty fews, but others cite twenty-five or twenty-seven characters. Also known as Ogham, Ogham Staves, Celtic Tree Alphabet. 
The sacred trees that represent the names of each of twenty characters in the Celtic alphabet. Ogham, Celtic Tree Alphabet. 
TREE CALENDAR: The Celtic lunar calendar of thirteen months named for the sacred trees and characters of the Celtic alphabet. Also known as the Celtic Tree Calendar, Ogham Calendar.

TRIANGLE: A geometrical figure with three sides. The triangle is often used as a significant or sacred symbol in traditions and is used to represent the triple aspects of gods and goddesses, the Three Elements (earth, air, water), the Three planes of existence (e.g.: Heaven, Earth, Underworld). In alchemy the triangle represents the three heavenly principles of Sulfur, Mercury and Salt.

TRILITHON: A stone arch made from two upright slabs with one lying atop these.

TRISKEL, TRISKELE, TRISKELION (Greek, triskeles: "three legged"): A sacred design consisting of three curved branches or three bent legs or arms radiating from a center. In Celtic traditions the three arms represent Earth, Wind, and Sea, the three Druidic Virtues, or the three stages of life. Although the triskele is primarily associated with Celtic traditions, the symbol exists in almost every culture including Greek, Norse and North American Native traditions.

TRITURATION: The alchemical process of grinding a solid into powder form.

TROLL: In Norse mythology, a supernatural being described as a giant, dwarf, or imp and living underground.

TRUE OIL OF GOLD: The original undifferentiated matter of this plane in alchemy. It is one step removed from the Alkahest, the pure homogenous element. Also known as Adam's Earth, Adamic Earth, the Primal Element.

TSANG: Tibetan term for the Fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe. It is related to outer space, inner space, the unmanifest, and the life force. Akasha is believed to be located in the sphere of Vibratory Sound in ceremonial magick. Also known as Akasa, Akasha, Soniferous Ether, Nyingpo, Quintessence. Akin to the concept of Anima Mundi. See also: Elements.

TUATHA DÉ DANAAN, The (Old Irish, tuatha: "family, clan"; dé Danann: "of Danu"): The Tuatha Dé Danann, a race of gods who withdrew to live in the hills of Ireland after their defeat by the Milesean Celts. The descendants of the Tuatha Dé Danann became known as the Daoine Sídhe, the faery folk and the term sídhe now means faery in the Irish language. In Theosophy, the Tuatha Dé Danann are known as Davana and are enemies of the gods. Also known as Áes Sí, Áes Sídh, Áes Sídhe, Áos Sídhe, the Children of Danu, the Danaan, Davana, the Hill Folk, the People of Danu. See also Daoine Sídhe, Fae, Faerie, Faery, Fairie, Fairy.

TUND (Old Norse, tund: "time"): One of the rivers that separates Asgard from Midgard in Norse Tradition. The other river is Ifing (doubt). 

TUPHRAMANCY: Divination by interpreting ashes, soot or cinders, usually from sacrificial fires or burnt offerings. Also known as Spodanomancy, Spodomancy, Tephramancy, Tephromancy.

TUTELARY SPIRIT: A spirit or guardian who is bonded to a human being and is a magickal partner and protector. Also known as Familiar, Guardian Spirit, Power Animal, Totem, Totemic Animal.

TYPOMANCY, TYROMANCY: Divination by interpreting the coagulation, especially holes, in cheese. Also known as Tiromancy.

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