Page name: TWED RP page [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-11-22 00:45:15
Last author: Elodicressida
Owner: *(.Randi.)*
# of watchers: 6
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Welcome to the land of fairytales and bewitchment! We hope you enjoy your stay. This is the Village. If you would like to go somewhere else, please let us guide you to the nearest TWED Forest, TWED Dragon Lair or the TWED Vampire Realm. Or, if you are a wandering person, there is the TWED Travelers Way. I have some request for directions to the dark land of the evil, TWED Gulvague. It is that way, then you take a left.
Thank you, enjoy!

The Village

The Boar's Head Tavern is that way. The Market Place is that way, and the Library is that way.  *hint* Rp below!

The Tavern!

Sila headed to the tavern first this time, the reasoning for this being that if you didn't want the surrounding humans to discover you were elven, the best place for this was a tavern. Also, for some strange reason, sailors liked the nasty, sour thing they called beer, and took their land leave drinking it. More importantly about this, though, was that the captains knew they did this, and went to taverns to find Sila.

A tavern was where Sila had decided to become a sailor. She'd been trying to persuade the barkeep that sugar-saturated alcohol was infinitely better than beer. It hadn't worked, but she'd been hired as a sailor.

Remembering this, Sila took a sip of her Concoction, and did not try to convince the barkeep to serve it to his guests.

Tsome greeted the bartender as usual and got a water, as usual.

"And now we wai -" Sila began, and stopped, screwing the lid back on her flask as she hurried across the bar to where a group was quietly brawling.

"Nim!" She called, elbowing her way into the midst of it. "Hey! Nim!" Having seperated her chosen brawler, she pinned him to the bar until he stopped struggling, and a less top-of-the-lungs conversation ensued. It was brief, and before long Sila returned, scowling, to Tsome and Nim returned to his brawl.

"Apparently," Sila hissed, "Elves have enforced a blockade - an effective one - on the harbor. We're going to have to find an alternate method of transportation."

Tsome smiled. "How about flight?"

Sila frowned. "How do you intend to accomplish that? Swing through the trees?"

Tsome laughed. "No, silly! We can use eagles!"

"Eagles?" Sil aasked, wondering if it were even possible. Too long, at home, in school, on the ship... ah well, time enough for that to end. "We might as well ask a dragon as an eagle. They're probably closer, anyway, if not more amenable." She scoffed.

The Market Place!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that if you really want to find useful information, you go to the local market, not a tavern. Having been to many towns on her journeys, Sila knew this; people in taverns want to drink, be left alone, or brawl, not dispense information to a sailor. Therefore, she headed to the market place to look for directions.
Past that, she wasn't so sure. She'd never been looking for directions before; someone a person in another town gave her a message for, a good tavern or inn, who to stay away from - that was what Sila asked about. Usually, she had a job on another ship before she got off the first one. This was the exception to the rule; when you landed in a town so close to your people's homeland, where you'd never been before, you just didn't pass up the opportunity.
"Excuse me," Sila said, stopping at a stall selling - she was amused to see - goods from the ship she'd just come off of. Fast unloading, she mused. "Which direction is the elven forest?"

The man behind the stall grunted. Then he straightened. "Wha' you lookin' there for, eh?" He shoook his head and started to organize his goods.

Sila considered this question for an intermiable minute. "I'm not sure." She said at last. "Other elves, I suppose, and an opportunity to try my hand at tourism."

The man spat. "Elves? Wha' you need 'em for, eh? They ain't done noffin' when we needed 'em!" He squinted at the sailor. "You one of 'em, ain't ya? I'm terrible sorry, sir, bu' I need to call them guards. You be'ah run, now."

"Why?" Sila asked, her brow furrowing. "Have elves done something bad?" She asked suspiciously.

The man's face turned red. He growled ,"Run now, before they catch you!" He came out from behind his stall and called as loudly as he could, "Elves! The elves are sending spies! Be'ah hurry, he's leavin' now!"

Sila hissed, "If you'd just point me - bah!" Drawing on her elven agility, she leapt upwards, catching the top of the stall, and quickly gained the top of it. From there, it was a simple matter to clamber up the decorations and window ledges on the nearby building to its roof, and Sila took a quick look around before heading off in the direction of the nearest forest, trying not to use curses she'd learned at sea on the human she'd left behind.

Guards swarmed around the merchant's stall. "Where? Where is the little witch?" The merchant pointed in the direction of the roofs. "That way, sir! On the roofs!"

Sila listened to the sounds of pursuit in deep agitation. All she wanted was directions to a certain tourist trap, and she ended up with city guards on her tail. It was starting to get annoying, and if they didn't watch out, she'd fight them. She wondered if it were her people who had done whatever had made elves unpopular.

"Could you at least tell me why you're chasing me?" Sila shouted behind her, not running yet.

The guards saw her dissapear in the distance. They stomped their feet in aggitation. "Shoot! We almost had him!" They knew that they would get into deep trouble if the duke heard about this. They turned angrily on the peasant. "What do'you think you're doing?!"

The peasent threw up his hands in defence. "I..I was just doing as I was told!" He paused. "Uh, sir." He added quickly.

"Too little to late, I'd say!" The captin of the guard told him. He walked away. The rest followed him.

Sila, seeing them leaving without answering her question, crept back towards the stall. The man really wasn't so bad, if he'd just quit worrying about calling the guards and tell her where to run to...

The man started to grumble to himself. "If that little rascal ever comes back again, I'll tear 'im to pieces!!" He finished organising his goods, and started calling out, "Jewlery! Nice Jewlery! Come and get it! Fresh from the depths o' the sea!"

Sila, overhearing, sighed and skittered to a different stall, shifting her sea bag over her shoulder. It really wasn't made for this sort of use. After a moment, she dropped behind a stall and emerged again, looking as human as she possibly could. She also looked as feminine as she could on such short notice with such short hair, which really wasn't very much more than she already did.

The woman behind the stall jumped. She quickly regained herself, and started her seller voice. "! Might I interest you in some freshly picked apples?"

"Sure, why not?" Sila said briskly. "Which way is the elven forest?" She asked, trying to sound like she wanted to kick elven butt.

The woman was quite taken aback by this question. She leaned over the stall and whispered close to the new shopper's ear. "Try not to say that too loudly, eh?" She leaned back smiling. Then she pointed down a beaten path. "That way, for a while!"

"Thank you." Sila paid for her apple and proceeded down the path, munching mostly to keep herself from asking the nearest person why everybody hated elves so much. She could ask that when she got to the forest.

The Library!

To or Back to: The Watchful Eye of the Dragon Character RP page
To or Back to: The Watchful Eye of the Dragon

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2006-11-01 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD

2006-11-01 [*(.Randi.)*]: *goes to pick daisies in the field out yonder*

2006-11-01 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2006-11-03 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD!

2006-11-03 [XxTsomexX]: Spanish- Class From Hell!

please join my new wiki!!!

2006-11-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD

2006-11-05 [*(.Randi.)*]: O.O How many times do you change your name? Lol

2006-11-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD Don't
too numerous to remember. XD sorry

2006-11-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: Lol

2006-11-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: What if I did a roleplaying page that's just for the traveling?

2006-11-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: That would rock!

2006-11-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: Great!

2006-11-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: ^^

2006-11-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: Can you do TWED Gulvague as a wiki so I can rp as my char Amrevar? PLEEEASE. lol

2006-11-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: What's Gulvague?

2006-11-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD!! It's a land of Darkness that Amrevar reigns over. It's covered in a black crag and his castle lies in the center on the dark land. It covers hundreds of miles.

2006-11-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: Okay, but it changes to what people make of it. Like, if someone wants skeletons walked around, don't protest. That goes for all of the lands and for everyone. Just sayin'.

2006-11-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: ^^'

2006-11-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: I know! ^_^ Thanks!

2006-11-06 [The Dizzy Raven]: His castle is named Nazevar by the way. XD!! And his armies are of Orc kind...I hope that's okay

2006-11-06 [*(.Randi.)*]: Okay, good. ^^' *runs off to go buy a doughnut*

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