Page name: Tepes Castle Hearing Chamber [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-11-12 22:44:18
Last author: Dear_from xxx
Owner: Demetrius Duvalt
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Tepes Castle Hearing Chamber


Here lies the throne room of Castle Tepes. At the north end lies two great obsiden thrones decorated with rubies, sapphires, and onyx. At the east and west lie many other hard oak chairs. In the center is a great table where the Lord's guests dine. The walls are aligned with tapisties and paintings as well as weapons. The rugs are of oriental origin with bead and jewles sowed into them. The floor is marble. The room is painted a crimson red color.

Back to Tepes Castle
Turning in the Castle
Demetrius vs. Sensi

The whole time the fight had battled on Azrale was sitting in a chair watching intently, though not moving. He was a little cherub doll with eyes that show how tragic this little boy really was. The lightning that constantly weaved its way through his hair was white and darting around the strands and his body. Once Sensi had left he stood in the chair resting his arms on the back of the chair-- that was clearly too large for him-- and rested his chin between them. This caused half of his face to be covered by his arms, only large wondering eyes left to look out. He played his role quite well. Behind his arms was a small grin with a light laugh fallowing.

Demetrius fell to the ground as Sensi did. His jaw finally released as new power surged through his veins. The dry husk that was Sensi proved to be an tasty treat. As Sensi disappeared, Demetrius apperance slightly changed. His pants mended themselves, and his boots seemed to be clean of the dust from the battle and travel they had been through. A new black shirt was apparent on his torso which was followed by a knee length leather trench coat lined with a red fabric of sorts. His power had skyrocketed from Sesni's blood mingling with his own.
    Alas for Demetrius though, it was too much for his seveenteen year old self to control. His body surged with it threatening to consume everyone in the room. He walked over to one f the new guards that had just come in and punched a hole straight through his chest ripping out his heart. In tring to save his friends, he had become a enemy. A hellish grin crept onto his face as he made his way to a nearby window and leapt through it. For him the night was young.

Azrale arched an eyebrow and he laughed. "You can't bail out on that promise that you made me, brat half-breed." He spoke in a whisper. With that he hoped off the chair and looked at his side, there was a stain of blood, Atticus had gotten hurt, though the cut had healed long before. please hold on brother... He ran after Demetrius, through the window as another small cut appeared on the boys hand. He glanced down at it but didn't stop fallowing.

An hour later

Atticus and Azrale stepped into the hearing chamber healed, though not unshaken. Atticus walked up and set Demetrius' lip body on the thrown carefully and joined his brother who was sitting in the chair he was before he had left. I am sorry's just to much to bare sometimes Azrale looked at his brother I know that...and it's partly my fault

Demetrius' body slowly slid down the length of the thorne untill he fell out of it hitting his head on it. The chamer was in ruins from the battle with Sesni. Guards and maes were trying to asses the damage when their Lord fell to the ground. Nothing was as damaged as Demetrius who layed in a coma dreaming of death and maddness, fighting within to keep his sanity in check as his blood continued to mix with Sensi's. His head and body were not injured from the fall signaling that his body had toughned from the combination of the blood.
    He layed their motionless as he failed to wake from his coma. The coma was a cacoon allowing him to evolve as his power was rowing and regenrateing from the battle in the forest. His body pulsated again as energy wrapped itself around him keeping anone that came near his body or eneter his mind out. A cacoon of energy. It was red and pulsated over and over again lending out a slight buzz.

Atticus and Azrale sat there staring at Demetrius, two deadly beatiful satuse. They had nothing to say, just thought about Erasmus: of whom they thought had died meny years ago.

Jewl's resolve had left her. She knelt down to the puddle of blood Sensi had left behind. It was still fresh and glistening. Hesitantly, Jewl reached out and dipped her first two fingers in the crimson liquid. It was still warm. Gingerly she put it to her lips. Her tongue flicked out and tasted. In an instant, Jewl's pupils dialated to almost abolish her irises. She moaned softly and her eyes fluttered shut. So powerful... so delicate... Her thoughts began to race. More... was the prime idea. If Sensi had left a puddle of blood, he still had a trace. A trace! She could find more! Jewl grinned and fazed out of existence, hot on the trail.

Five Hours Later

Only a familiar figure from Demetrius' past could have awakend him from his cacoon like state. Such a being had arrived. The old man looked to be in his seventies but moved as if he was thirty. He wore a long brown coat that covered up most of his body. His long graying hair and beard stayed calm as he examined the room. A slight chill crawled up his back as he realized that Demetrius had inherited all of this.
     The man saw Demetrius' familiar slumped against the wall and a smile crept along his scared face. "Ah Pyre it has been some time how do you fare my friend." His tone was calm and a slight brittish accent was heard in his kind voice...yet there was a strong sense of sorrow behind it.

Pyre turned and looked at the old man and a smile crossed his scaled face. Aw Erik, nice to see you again. How the hell did you get here...and if you got here why is it you and not her?" The dragon turned and looked at the red cacoon that encased Demetrius. A worried a puzzled look crept onto his face. Erik taught Demetrius almost everything he knows about demon hunting. 

Another figure cloacked in black had approached the throne where Pyre was guarding his master. No one had seen him come in fore all attention was focused on old man Erick. This beings cloack and cloths were worn, but at one time held a form of lordship which came from his upbringing in the world that Demetrius came from.
    He eyed the carrnage that had befallen after Sensi's attack and sighed. "It seems that my sires old home has fallen into shables since his son has taken over. He flung his black hood off his head. Long blonde hair hung over his shoulders much like Demetrius', yet held a luster almost a shine as if it was made from gold. His pircing cold blue eyes with the tiniest hint of red pirced the room. All the older vampires in the room as well as Pyre realized whom this being was. He left with Demetrius' father back to the other world never to be heard from again.

"I don't believe it Philip De'Armas." Pyre snickered. The only vampire to have been embraced by Lord Dracul had returned to his "home". "So Erik this is how you got here, I must say if you too are here then things must be going pretty bad back there." The dragon sighed.

"Indeed it has..." Erik began, "The Order and The Divine Coven have been whipped out..." He eyed the room and knew few within knew what he was talking about. "Pyre, it was Damario, and Nitemare. They have somehow been resurrected. They seek revenge and have taken her captive. They are wreaking havok upon the world and plan to merge it with this one, they are already halfway throught their ritual."

Pyre gasped. "The Order of the Death Bringers and the Divine Coven...its not possible...both were too strong." Pyre was thourghly shocked. "Shit and things have been bad here...with the attck here led by Sensi and the fall of Valinor..."

"Valinor has fallen?" Philip cut in. "Things are bad indeed, these are dark times...for everyone, I was counting on Valinor's support and of course the clans on stopping Nitemare. Crap no one can stop their power at this point. They have an army of demons waiting to devour anyone who comes near their cathidral. I can only imagin what their doing to the witch they captured."

A bright glow siezed the room stopping all conversation as the red cacoon hatched. Demetrius emerged from it...he knew what was happening. He clutched onto Dragonkin. His cloths were repaired, and he seemed to have recovered from drinking Sensi's blood. he was back to normal as it were, no longer possesed of the dragon flame or other supernatural traits that were alien to his being. "All of you stay here..."

Erik turned to Demetrius, "As it should be my friend...they told me to give this to you." Erik dug into his coat pocket and pulled out a celtic locket. "They have here, and only you can enter their tower." A look of hope crept onto his face. "I'll go with you a provide a distraction..." But before Demetrius could interupt Erik continued, "Plus I'm the only one who can open the portal."

"Lord Tepes, I shall remain here and guard the clan in your absence." Philip bowed before the master of the clan. "It will be an honor to serve you as I did your father, my sire." A look of reverence crossed the vampires face at the thought of Demetrius' father.

"Do what you will, and Pyre make sure you keep him in for the rest of you, if you follow me I swear on here life that I will kill you..." A look of determination crossed his face, as the dhampir turned towards Erik. Within a second the two were gone, vanished without a trace.

Eleven Months Later
Pyre stood by and watched as everyone started to gather in the room. He didn't know what the hell was happening, but knew that the world had changed since his master had departed back to his birth place with Erik. Philip De'Armas had done an admerable job in leading the clan, yet something was amiss. All the damage from the battle with Sensi was repaired, as more clan members returned, yet rumors of clones of his master had sprung up in places like Rhydin or even Delmont. 

Philip emerged into the hall looking at the gathers. His rapier hung at his side. He was an expert swordsman and stratgist. He knew of the Lords of Darkness, and had found out that they had replaced their ranks and even built up an army. The clan was the only thing able to stand up to their hoards and with Philip's swordsmanship and expert stratagies had managed to defend their lands and even give others hope. It was time to meet with the clan and come up with plans for the future.  Deep down he prayed for the return of his Lord, and hopped he was alright.

Kendra entered the hall a few moments later. She still was unsure why she was here, although nearly a year had passed. In that time since she'd been turned into a vampire she'd stopped interacting with anyone at all. Why she came to the hall today she didn't know, but she knew there was some sort of gathering there. She didn't care to know any more. She had lost all the curiosity she once possessed, all the drive to do anything.

As the crowd gathered a swirling portal opened at the entrance of the chamber. Its blue waves swirled in strange ways as a young woman emerged from it. She bore the burden of a young man, neither seemed to be vampiric in nature, in fact they both appeared to be mortal. The young man was bleeding badly from cursed weapons that puctured his body. Not even her healing magics were of effect, but she heard him speak of a healer that once saved his life. The red head with large green eyes looked about the room when she spoted a very familiar dragon.
    "Pyre...he's hurt a girl named Kendra here, she may be the only one that can heal him at this point..." Tears were streaming from her eyes as Gwen layed her love onto a nearby table. Upon closer expection the young man appeared to be Demetrius. His hair was dark brown though instead of its normal raven black, and his fangs were blunted. "He transformed back Pyre, its that time of the month for him..." She had spent all of her tears, and now her normally bright green eyes were red and spent.

Demetrius' breathing was coming in shallow gasps. His battle with Nitemare was a fatal one that no ordinary vampire, mortal or demon should have survived. His cloths were torn in multiple places as blood flowed freely from his numerous wounds. He had transformed back into a human right after he used his final attack on the demon. He had risked all to save Gwen, and had even avenged the coven that she as well as his mother belonged to.

Pyre swooped down by his master and turned an eye to Gwen. He could see that she had used all her energy to try to heal him, and even that didn't work. For someone as powerful as she was in magic, it seemed to him that Nitemare may have finally beat his master. "Kendra, you must try to heal him. A look of panic crossed his face. He had never seen his master suffer this badly before. His wounds were worse than the time he suffred from his own dragon flame, which seemed to have reappeared on his right arm. Pyre suddenly looked at Gwen, tell us what happend."

Kendra was completely disinterested by the portal. Nothing seemed to faze her any more. She was hardly a shadow of the bright, lively girl she'd once been. She didn't even remember that part of herself which had been lost during her transformation. But she heard her name, and that was enough to catch her interest. She glanced up, and did a doubletake. The injured man was familiar... although she wasn't sure how she knew him. Standing and walking over at a slow pace, it suddenly hit her who he was. All her memories came back. She ran over to his side, looking at the terrible injuries, doubting that she even still possessed the power to heal but knowing she needed to try. Her left hand instinctively went to his brow, and she closed her eyes, focusing. Once again instinct took over. Energy flowed from her, into Demetrius. She was lost in the healing. Would it be enough?

Demetrius' wounds seemed to be healing themselves when Kendra released her power. A sigh of relief was flooding the room, until his wounds began to open up again. As Kendra closed them, they reopen in a constant cycle. Blood dripped on the ground as the moon revealed itself. His body began to change back into its normal form. His hair changed into raven black starting from the roots as his fangs grew back out. If his eyes were open everyone would see the red ring in his dark brown eyes. His bodies own healing factor began to kick in, but these were cursed wounds. No simple healing would do the trick.

Gwen sighed in relief as Kendra began to heal her love's wounds. She even watched as he transformed back to normal. A mouthed "thank you" was lll she could bring herself to say when she noticed to her horror that his wounds had reopened. Her mouth openend, but no soud came out. No this can't be the end...I won't let it. He came back to save me, even though he knew it was a trap. There is only one thing left to do...I'll make him do it, make us both relive the first time he drank...we've been in this together since that day, and I won't let him go, just like I know he won't let me go... 
    A determined look crossed her face as she pulled out the dagger Demetrius gave her befor he came here. She placed all her hopes into its cut, praying that it would let her save him. "Kendra...keep on healing him..." She sliced the dagger across her own wrist and pressed it to his mouth letting her blood seep into his, she would not let him die on her.

Kendra kept her eyes closed. She didn't even hear Gwen- all her concentration was on Deme, and there was no room for anything else. She would have continued healing him if it brought her to her own death, or until he was healed. She didn't need to be told to do so. And so her energy continued pouring into him, healing him. She was growing steadily paler, but she still had enough strength.

Demetrius felt the blood fall into his mouth and knew it was Gwen, yet there was no time for him to pay attention, he had to win the fight within. He clutched Dragonkin in his hand as he stared down his other self. He stared at the vampiric side of him, he looked just like Demetrius, only with claws and longer hair. Also his colors were inverted. "Where is Dragonkin Alucard?"

Alucard smiled and goaded, "You mean the Dragonkin in my hand?" He held an inverted Dragonkin. A laugh erupted from his throat. "You are strong Demetrius, but you still haven't the power I wield...or the power others wield..." He had been winning the battle. He had earlier summoned all of Demetrius' former foes including Sensi and Argo. "Demetrius you will never win, I am you, the stronger you."

Demetrius smiled, "That may be the case, but I can't let you win...she's waiting for me...I will suppress your soul into mine...even if the dragon flame didn't work, I still have one ace in the hole." He thought of Gwen and understood why he felt her. She was giving him her life, he couldn't waste anymore time. "Dragon Slash" He ran forward becoming a blur as he sheathing his blade. He had always held back, but now knew how to use the true form of this attack. He envisioned Gwen, and saw the his aura and Alucard's. They collided into each other. He led with his left foot and unsheathed Dragonkin into the scar of that colliding aura's. The shockwave shot forward into Alucard's body followed by the real Dragonkin.

Alucard fell under Demetrius' blade a scowl appearing on his face. "You may have proven that you are stronger than me to day, but remember that you will give up all hope at one point and I will step in, to control." A laugh came from his form as he began to vanish.

"Whatever" was whispered from Demetrius form as his eyes fluttered open. His wounds were closing as his body began to relive itself of the pain. He saw Gwen who stood above him. He then saw the rest of the clan and then Kendra, someone he considred as a little sister. He shock his head in thanks to Gwen before turning back to Gwen. Her wrist was healing, but she was wobbly from the bloodloss. All thought left him except one. He didn't care if everyone was watching, as he pulled Gwen's face to his bringing her into a deep kiss.

Gwen's tears were not tears of sorrow anymore, but happiness as Deme brought her into their deep kiss. All worry had left as the last of his wounds had closed. She broke the kiss and smiled at him before whacking him across the face. "Don't ever scare me like that again...I've lost everybody else in my life, my family and friends. You are all I have left...I can't bare the thought of loseing you." She hadn't seen Demetrius for over a year, and watched in horror as her coven was whipped out by bothe Nitemare and Damario. She was their captive for eleven months before Deme arrived. She watched in horror as he battled them both, and when they overwhelmed him by fusing and repelling his Dragon Flame back at him. Fear gripped her as she watched them beat him and throw is broken body into nearby walls. She welcomed death when she saw him fall, yet he got up and released that attack a more powerful version of the Dragonslash.

Kendra still had her eyes closed, but she knew when the energy stopped flowing that she had succeeded. She stepped back without opening her eyes, and stumbled to a chair. It was nothing short of a miracle that she could still heal. It was many times now she'd saved Demetrius's life, something she didn't really understand. Now she sat there, wondering if he even knew it had been her. Slowly she blinked her eyes open... it seemed he only had eyes for Gwen.

"What the hell was that for?" Demetrius was rubbing his face. He sat up and leapt off the table only to nearly fall. He had lost a lot of blood and was still very sore. He also felt that some of his ribs were cracked. Most of the injuries were healed, but some would have to heal on their own. He gazed around the room and found Kendra.
    "Thanks for healing me again." A laugh came from his throat, an honest laugh. He hadn't laughed like that for over a year. He pulled out his blade and uttered a word that none could hear or understand. His cloths repaired themselves, except now he wore a red shirt, and his coat had grown longer and had red linning within it. "Well it seems you've all been doing good in my absence."

Kendra met Deme's gaze as he spoke words of thanks. She watched as he repaired or replaced his clothes- she couldn't really tell which, and didn't want to focus on it- and a hollow, humorless laugh emerged as he finished speaking. "I suppose you could say that," was all she said.

Gwen walked over to Kendra and leaned down in front of her. The red head was indeed tired, but yet she felt somewhat rejuvinated by watching Deme act like he was ok. She laughed a little. "Thank you Kendra for helping him out in the past and today." She turned and looked at her dhampir love. "You need rest. Come on lets go to your room."

"Alright." Demetrius limped up to the stair case. "All right all of you carry on." He looked diffrent, almost older, but in a good way. A smile crept onto his face as he led Gwen to his room. A much deserved sleep was well in order. Yet he still felt as if he owed everyone an explanation on where he was...he owed them that. I've been gone for eleven months, I owe everyone here an explanation...only Pyre and Philip know where the hell I've been. "Ah hell with it. Everyone, well meet here in tomorrow, I owe you all an explanation, and I do have a tale to tell. Pyre flew onto his shoulder as he and Gwen left the room.

The Next Day

Demetrius and Gwen walked down the stair case and found that no one else had come in. Demetrius sighed to himself. How am I going to explain to everyone whats happend... Dragonkin rested on his side, and with a little more effort he smiled at Gwen. They weree now engaged, yet deep down, Demetrius knew that he wouldn't be able to marry her till he killed Ambrose. He felt absent mindily dug his hand in his pocket and felt both the ring of life and the gem of death. Dman I've got to find those other items and...what am I supposed to do with thses cursed things? His mind continued to wander as he sat down at a nearby table. He refused to sit on that throne again. He never considred himself a king, not even a leader. Demetrius was always the lone wolf, yet now he had stumbled onto a new inheritance. Maybe I can get Philip to lead...

Gwen knew what Demetrius was thinking just by reading his face. The room was empty, yet she felt a cold chill run up her spin. As far as she could tell she was the only human here. Everyone else was a vampire, except for Pyre and Demetrius who was only a half vampire. She reassured herself that she would go to hell with Demetrius if he went there. "Hun, it'll be ok, let them ask you the questions." She took a seat right next to him and sighed before kissing his forehead. 

Demetrius rested his hand on her's, his fears quelled at the moment. He felt a sense of life whenever he was with her alone, and now he knew even more so that she would be by his side no matter what. He felt Dragonkin rest at his side and knew the spirit within the blade approved of Gwen as did his familiar Pyre. He felt Gwen's fear, and knew she was the only mortal here. Yet he knew she was an accomplished mage with limitless skill in her craft. He waited in silence for everyone else to appear.

Her fear dissapated. She knew that Demetrius would always protect her espeacially after he went through hell and back to rescue her and somehow she knew that after every battle he has fought since his first encounter with Nitemare; Demetrius has grown stronger, not just through exprience, but from the actual fight. She sat in silence awaiting everyone else. 

Kendra was the first to enter the hall. If it weren't for the fact that Demetrius had told her to, she wouldn't have returned. She wasn't all that interested in where he had been; she had no questions. But seeing him again- healing him- was enough to bring about a slight change in her. She was still hardly a shadow of what she'd been a year ago; being changed into a vampire had done damage to her, damage which was possibly irreversible. Seeing Deme again awoke memories- no more than memories, but better than nothing- of her former self. So she went to the hearing chamber to hear his tale, taking a seat nearby the couple.

The doors burst open with a kick form a young, pretty man. Atticus was this boy. His cloths were dirty and mildly torn. A smug of dirt was on his left cheek. His eyes were troubled and angry. His breathing was laboured. I his arms was a smaller boy. He seemed dead, but was not. One could tell for more than just the fact that he was a vampire. He wasn't breathing, but he normally didn't anyway: only to play his games did Azrale ever breath.
Atticus began to walk a crossed the floor. He then tipped over his feet and fell. He cured his body in such a way that he would protect his brother. No sounds came from Atticus as he hit the ground. The wounds that the two had were deathly, to a mortal, but just painful and annoying to their kind. In short they would be fine, once they had rested: something that was not done until now.
The brothers had not really given thought to coming back to Demetirus, but there were reasons for their return. They had been off taking care of other things, that most of those they had met in the clan did know, nor care, of. Though there past had come to reek havoc. They needed help.

Demetrius sat still as people kept entering the chamber. Maybe I won't tell them what happend. It might bore them. He chuckled to himself, but a familiar pang of guilt crept over him. He remebered fighting Atticus and Azreal's maker...and loseing badly. The mere thought of it churned his stomach. He hated loseing. The dhampir looked at Gwen, and remebered that there was still quite a few threats out there, but still he felt confident that he would win in the end.
As more people kept pouring into the chamber he noticed a familiar figure, that of Atticus, who was holding his little brother; the pain known only as Azreal. The two were suffering wounds that were fatal for a human, but for a vampire, more of an annoyance, still when Atticus fell; Demetrius was there in an instant. "Gwen, we need some healing over here." He knew he could have called for Kendra who was a far better healer than Gwen was, but something had hanged the girl in the elevn months that Demetrius wasn't there for. Alas the dhampir had no time to wonder about what had happend o Kendra, fore that was tommorrows problem. "Atticus what happend?" A thought cam to Demetrius as he recalled the brothers maker. The bastard defeated all three of them effortlessly. "Was it him?"

Gwen stood up and hurried o her lover's side. She tied her hair back so that it wouldn't come into contac with Atticus' wounds as she began to heal him. he looked over at Azreal and felt sad. She thought it as cruel to turn any one into a vvampir, much less a child. She expanded more of her magic to heal both brothers at the same time. 
As she healed them she looked at Deme and nodded telling him that they were not at death's door.

Atticus looked up at Demitirus as he was being held and nodded simply. He felt helpless really, having to be healed by another. "Thank you miss," he said in a smooth, slightly rasped voice when the healing was done.
Azrale began to push himself up, but then fell back down screaming in such a way it was a tragic fright.
Atticus wrapped arms around his brother and pushed his head into his chest if only to quit the screaming a bit. He clenched his teeth knowing just what was troubling his brother. It was no longer physical by any means.

Gwen ndded her head in response to Attics before bending down to be at eye level with Azreal. Her face was filled with compassion as he place her hand onto Azrale. she whispered words in a language unknown to everyone in the room save Deme before whispering into the childs ears "It'll be ok. your safe here."
She felt empathy for the child. what kind of monster could embrce one that is this young? A tear rolled down her check as she held onto the young one.

Demetrius placed a comforting hand on Gwen. He had that special type of bond with her where he could sense her emotions, as she did with him. It wasn't because they were in deep love even though that was part of the reason. The main reason was that the first blood he had ever tasted was her's. He sighed knowing how emotional Gwen got around children who were cursed or hurt in some way.
He stood up and held ot his hand for Atticus. "Can you stand?"

Atticus looked up at Demetrius and nodded. His brother's head still being cradled. Atticus did not rise from the floor though.
Azrale still screamed and tears streamed down his face the red soking into his brother's shirt. His voice the began to rasp, like sand papar and quited until he was no longer able to scream. Atticus let his brother sit back, unwrapping his hands from aroud his small body. Azrales, large stormy purple eyes looked from Demetrius to Gwen.
Atticus began to speek for his brother who's voice voice was torn for now. "It was a desitfull, hatefull man." He whispered.

Gwen cringed when the child continued to cry, and felt a tear drop from her eyes. She bent down and cradled Azrale once his older brother let go of him. She whispered in his ear "It will be will be ok." She began to sing in a galiac language that forced the room to become silent. It was a song filled with much sorrow.

Azrale did nt like this, being treated so much like a child. Though he felt no need to push away from Gwen. He leanded into her body and tears began to stream down the red paths that were already staning his snowy cheeks. He wished that he had known this care before, maybe then he wouldn't be so hatefull.

Demetrius retracted his hand and stood still watching Gwen hold onto Azrale. He laughed to himself If only she knew what kind of devil he can be. He knew that this was a problem for tomorrow, but right now he had something else he had to was time to free Valinor.

A few moments passed before Gwen let go of Azrale. She stood up quickly and whipped away her tears as she stared at Deme. She knew that look on his face, that determined look. "Hun whats on your mind?" She already knew the answer, but she just wanted him to let everyone else know. She was scared that he would try to do whatever it was he wanted to do on his own.

Philip De'Armas slowly watched as the twins recovered and knew that their plight was tomorrows problem. He was more intrested in Demetrius. He could tell his power had definetly grown to the point where it started to resemble his fathers. His thoughts were deverted though when a courier came running in.
"Lord De'Armas, its over....Valinor has fallen. Its gone, nothings left." The boy was covered in dust and mud. He also seemed to have many wounds.
"It can't be!" Philip growled. Are you sure boy?"

Demetrius looked over at the boy and walked over to him. "Are you the only survivor?" Demetrius' face was hard, but he felt responsible for the death of Valinor. If only he had come back two days sooner, then he might have made a diffrence.

The young boy looked at Demetrius in awe and shock his head yes. "Yes mi'lord, their are survivors...mostly from Loloth and Nagath. They are all outside the castle gates, in tents awaiting a response.

Demetrius sighed with relief. Those two cities were the two most populated cities in Valinor. "Alright, go get some rest...and also just call me Demetrius, lets get rid of formalities." The boy smiled, his first smile in years before running off.

Pyre flew onto Gwen's shoulder a look of fear on crossed his dragon features. "What kind of weapon do they have that could have caused this?" Pyre started to shack. "What are we going to do D?" He looked at Gwen before flying off her shoulder. "Sorry for shacking so much."

Gwen listened to everything the boy had said and shivered. Demetrius had told her how big Valinor was, and now it was gone. She even bit into his toung which began to heal. She still hadn't gotten used to being a dhampir like Demetrius. She began to imagin the destruction of the once great kingdom. She hugged Demetrius, trying to comfort him. She knew that Ambrose was responsible. "Honey...?"

Demetrius looked at everyone. They were all looking up to him for guidence. He hugged Gwen. She was his support and he knew he was her's, but now he was this places support. "All of you get everyone situated into the castle. Gwen, Philip, Pyre, Atticus, Azrale, and anyone else who has traveled with me in any adventure, stay here...we need to figure out whats happened and how to counter."

Atticus listened pationtley whale Azrale was lost in his own thoughts. Even if he had been paying attention who was to say that he would at all care?

Kendra glanced up to see the newcomers, but her expression didn't change in the slightest. She showed no apparent interest in their presence, although not long ago she would have been intensely curious about their state. She couldn't bring herself to care. The 15-year-old passively watched the discussion between Demetrius, Gwen, and the newcomers without saying anything.

Philip took a seat at the table. His face was stern and filled with contempt. He looked over at the new Lord Tepes. "Dear God, I hope you are ready to take on the title of Lord Tepes...cause right now thats what all the people need."

Demetrius walked with Gwen up to the thrones and allowed her to sit on one before turning back to Philip. "Despite how much I hate being in charge, it seems I can't avoid this destiny anymore." He looked over to Gwen before turning to all who were present in the room. "I will no longer be known as Demetrius Duvalt, but now I take up my father's name of Tepes." He sat down on his throne and looked at Philip. "Whats happened since I've been gone?"

Philip nodded his head. "Well now that that little matter has been situated, its time to inform you all on whats been happening. Since you have been gone Ambrose and the rest of the Lord's Of Darkness have been searching for the rest of the artifacts. They know we have two, and they have five. While looking for them, they took their armies back to Valinor and took over since the throne was empty. We have been at odds with them for a while now, but lacking a smaller force, all we have been able to do is fight a gorilla warfare." He paused for a moment to allow everyone to respond.

As Gwen sat on the throne, she something new in Deme. She saw the willingness to actually be in charge of others, not just in charge of himself. When he turned to look at her she nodded. She listened to what Philip had to say, digesting each word and weighing it. "I see. So that means there are only three artifacts left." She looked at Deme. "Hun, remeber what Reaper said, that even the Lord's follow someone. Do you think that everything that has transpired is connected? The death of your family, and mine, Valinor's fall, the artifacts, the fall of my coven and the Deathbringers as well as merging this world with Earth? We all seem to be caught in some sort of web, and all of our worlds are being turned upside down."

Demetrius shock his head. "I understand. It does all seem to be connected somehow. There is a puppet master out there somewhere who is pulling all of the strings." Demetrius went into thought over it all. Everything that has been happening has been fully exicuted to prefection. Even in the minor victories he and his allies had won, there was still that feeling of defeat.

Philip looked up at the two lovers in confusson. "What the hell are you two babbling about? Did you two figure something out?" He eyed the two and wondered what was happening. He knew that there were troubles on Earth, but a merger with this world, that was ancient magic.

Atticus sat with a slightly frightened look on his face. He had no idea what their pasts were, but he could not deny the fact that something was odly conceted.
Azrale snapped his attention to the two one name in his head: Erasmus.

"Allow me to explain." Gwen addressed the whole room. "And you better listen up too and your brother's problems are right now offically tomorrows problem. This all seems to have started before Deme was even born. So far the first event in this whole master plan was when Argo, his twin was kiddnapped by demons. Now this seems insignificant to the story so far, but I hope to validate that point in a few moments. The next thing that happened was when Deme was hunted by a demon for the first time. We all thought that it was because Deme gave out a huge energy signature at the time, but now I'm not so sure. The next thing is that He was possesed by not one, but Two demons. Yoko and Sparda. He was able to fight them off in time, which was the first time he came to this world. At that time I learned that while looking for Deme there was a world like Earth, which happend to be this world, but instead of being ruled by man like on Earth this place is ruled by the supernatural, us. Deme joined the Deathbringers, a society who worked with my coven. These two factions were the two main portections that Earth's people had to combat the supernatural. In fact Deme's father formed the Deathbringers and his mother was a member of the coven." She paused for a second. "Now this is when things start coming together. There was a demon named Nitemare who originated here. He planed on opening a portal to link this world and Earth together, allowing demons to take over. Nitemare was an enemy of Sparda nad thus Deme rembered him and Nitemare remebered Deme. Deme prevented the portal from opening. The next phase is Deme meets Argo and they awaken some sort of ancient evil. Afterwords at a family reunion, Deme's mortal famil;y his completly wiped out be Argo, who is following their older brother's orders. Ambrose was their older brother. Deme battled a demon named Damario and gained the Divine Flame. Afterwords he faced Argo, and followed him here. He was nearly killed by Ambrose here." She paused once again before continuing.
"It was at this time Deme met and befriended Sensi. As this happened, Deme killed Argo, and met his father, who was killed by Ambrose. Deme nearlt died again. He did learn of the artifacts and the Lords of Darkness. Soon you all set sail for World's End where Sensi blew a hole in the hull of the ship. Deme was nearly eaten as he was cast overboard, but washed up on World's End where he had to face a Lord of Darkness on his own. He nealry died but won in the end recovering one of the Artifacts. Later he saved the crew from another and gained another artifact. Sensi left you all then as you came to this area. Meanwhile on Earth, as I said my coven and the Deathbringers were the only defense...a defense that was obliterated from within through corruption and memebers being possesed. Both were wipped out by demons in a matter of months. I was captured, and learned of my vampiric blood. I was also a dhampir, and since I knew that these two worlds were once mirrors of eachother, I was forced to use a spell to merge them together for only I could do it fore I had the arcane talent to do it, and since my mother was from Earth and my father was from here...they killed my mom anyway." Tears rolled down her face, but she continued. "The two worlds began to merge into one. Meanwhile here you guys were betrayed by Sensi, who I now believe was corruppted or was already working for this evil entity who has been pulling all the strings. He caused great damage to the clan and also divereted everyones attention from hunting down the artifacts. After the battle as Deme was recovering Erik and Philip came to get him. Deme of ocurse came, just to save me. He fought the leaders of the demonic invasion on Earth, Damario and Nitemare. The two fussed to become Reaper and savagely beat my love. Deme barly survived, and began training to kill him and save me. This took months as we all know. At first Deme had the upper hand after his training, but a beam from an unknown sources changed that. Reaper was as fast as Deme, and his attacks now carried with them a leathal posion to us dhampirs. Deme won, but nearly died again. During this time Valinor fell into enemy hands and this clan weakend from Sensi's attack was had no way to really help." Gwen looked at the room at large as the survivors from Valinor now assimulated into the clan gathered and listend intently to her theory.
"We have been divided, and two phase of our enemies plan have been accomplished. The merger has begun. Both this world and Earth will be one place in a matter of months...and Valinor has fallen. The enemy has tried to kill Deme at every turn obviously seeing him as the biggest threat to their plans, and has even used members of his own family to try and kill him, and even exploited all his bonds in an attempt to do so. They kidnapped Argo seeing him as his equal in every shape, or prehaps they thought both twins were a threat to the plan and hoped to have them kill eachother. They have decimated our forces, and divided us at mutiple times. They have even caused diistractions to keep us at bay. In the end, they are winning and were loseing. Apparently they want to rule over all of us, and their plan has been in the works for centuries. All of our worlds have been turned upside down, and now here we all are...the resistance. Who knows were else they may have a foothold in. Apprently they have the other greatest Empire under their control or in confussion...I'm talking about Rhydin. Now with them having a foothole everywhere but here it seems, and their plan having already disassembled and decimated us already, we have three questions that we have to ask ourselves: who do we trust, what is ther next move, and finally what are we going to do? It is already apprent that we are their biggest threat, because now we know everything is connected and we also have Deme." Gwen finished and readied herself for any questions that the others would ask her.

Demetrius got up. "Gwen's right. Somehow everything has been connected, and now here we all are. Some entity has been pulling all our strings and been fucking us all over the place. Even are victoried in the past now seem hollow to whats been going on behind the scenes. As far as we know, Ambrose has never been her, and that gives us an advantage. The enemy doesn't know were here. In otherwords this is our hidout and our refuge. From here on out we will recruit and plan on how were going to stop this..." he searched fro the right word on what to call this before it hit him, "Decimation. I don't know about the rest of you, but Gwen and I have lost all of our families to this, most of our friends, and a lot of happiness. I know for some of you espeacially the survivors from Valinor the same can be said. I'm just starting to understand the responsablity of being a leader, but I promise you all that we will win...cause I'm not one for just sittin here and dyin. I'm goin to fight till I can't fight anymore, then I'll fight somemore till we win. Thats my promise to you...I won't give up...we can't afford to give up, cause imagin living under the rule of some evil bastard who has taken your family and friends and most importantly your freedom from you? I'd rather die than watch that happen." Demetrius looked at everyone in the room, and knew that most if not all of them were looking up to him. For once he had more than just the fate of a few lives on his hands, he now carried the weight of thw world on his shoulder. Soon both worlds would be one. It was time to discover what was happening. and who was pulling all the strings.

Azrale frowned and then stood. "Lovely sentaments." He managed to say, his voice raspy and not nearly as beatuiful as it noramly was. "I'm not saying your wrong, but...why should I do anything? I do apreashate your help brat half-breed, and even yours miss, with your teating me like a child." He spat the last stament like venom. "Believe me that is not something I normaly give, thanks. But I'm not one to go out and risk my life for these people here," he pointed to the survivors behind him. "Let them be offened and come after me, I know that I'll win that fight. But as to this other one I have no gain. Call me selfish for it, but it's the only way to live my life as the thing that I am." His thoughts and words were much bigger than he and he knew that. with this speech he would proably get no wear, no one took him searasly. "I have no family, save my brother. And the man who was my teacher is now out to kill me. He is the only thing I'm interestied in. I don't know what the artifacts are, or do. And frankly can live without that knowladge. So once again I ask you, why do you even need me?"
Atticus sighed knowing well that he could not sop his brother. "Though he does have a point. I only brought us here because this was the only place that i was sure that we could get help. And sence our 'problems' are for tomarrow, which I'm in doubt of, we are only in the way. And the reason that i'm sure that our problem is the same as yours is soaly because of the person it involves." His words alot kinder and softer than those of his brothers.

Demetrius almost laughed at what the child had to say. He also weighed what Atticus said. "You too are right. Why should you help when this clearly the world being decimated..." I rally like that word he thought to himself, "has nthing to do with you, even though you live on it." There was a hint of sarcasum in his voice as he spoke directly to Azrale.

There was no point to her being there, Kendra mused idly to herself as she listened to Gwen's quick synopsis of the tale. She knew there was so much more- she'd been there for the voyage to the World's End, and at least physically there (though not necessarily mentally) during Sensi's betrayal. That was something she still couldn't wrap her mind around- not that she had tried particularly hard. Nor could she really find any importance in the story being told now. So the fate of the world was in Deme's hands- how did that involve her? What could she possibly do to affect the destiny of the world? Nothing. So... why again was she here?

"All right, give it some thought people, and lets meet up here again tomorrw night." Demetrius knew that the revolations that were occured tonight weighed heavily on everyones thoughts. He smiled at Gwen. "Let's go to the cemetary." As he walked towards the exit he picked up a jeweled cutlass. He looked over towards Kendra and realized she was a ghost of her former self. He tossed the blade towards her. "Comeon lets go." He planed n trying to figure out what was wrong with her as he headed towards the Tepes Cemetary. Pyre fllowed his maser.

Gwen smiled as she walked behind Deme. Sh knew what he had planned, and supported him. It was something she knew that he had to do. She was worried though, but who wasn't. All this pain and suffering has been going on behind their backs, yet now of all times did they all just fiure it all out. She walked past the vampire brothers, and met ther gaz for a brief moment. She felt sorry for them, he even pitied the little one. she strood forward though heading towards the cemetary.

Philip watched as the three left. He didn't like it himself, but it was not his place to order Lord Tepes around. He wanted to formulate a plan now. In the end though he agreed with the Lord's decision to let everyone think about these revalations. He watched as more people left the room. Only too remained, the vampiric brothers. How the youngest one reminded him of his own brother. He began walking over towards them. The oldest one. Atticus seemed off to him though, almost as if he was holding himself back.

Out of reflex, Kendra caught the blade by the handle. Surprised and slightly confused, she looked up at Deme, wondering what purpose there was in arming her. He said something about going... going where? She didn't care. The teen got up and followed him, the blade dangling loosely in her grasp, as she tried to muster the curiosity she knew she once would have felt at this turn of events. If he wanted to spar, she would have none of it. He was a thousand times better than she. Still, it would be too much effort to argue. She left the hall, still following the lord.

Azrale growled lightly as he looked over at this other person walking over to him...them. His eyes watched steedily as he went on in his head as that brat half-breed had just went off with no real explanation.
Atticus nodded in greeting to this other person. He was still very confused, but he let it go knowing that in time it would be answered one way or another.

Philip began to wonder about these two. He couldn't get a good read on them yet, but he was determined to find out about the brothers. Lifted his hand to Atticus. "I'm Philip De'Armas, and you are?" He stared into the youths eyes. There was a friendly look on his own face. He rested his left arm oh his rapier.

He took Philip's hand into his hand. "I am Atticus Grey," he introduced with a hardy shake and a node of his head. "That is my brother Azrale Law." He then needlessly pointed out as he let go.
Azrale sneered. "I can introduce myself brother," his tone not necessarily snide, just frustrated.

"Well met. What has brought you here?" He knew these two were not former clan members returning, and as usuall felt that it was his place to know who everyone was and to find is they were either spies or uspers like he once was before he was turned. He did trust the two though, that much was for certain.

'why does it matter so to you?" Azrale spat, being more than a little agravated by all that has happened. His wonds still healing. why was it taking so freaking long?
"Azrale," Atticus whispered. 'Pardon his temper, please."
"Yes, yes, so rude of me," the yung one rolled his eyes.
"Well..." Atticus continued ignoring his brother. "We come, honestly for any help or answeres. As you can see," he showed his arm with half open cuts. "We have not fared well lately."

*Suddenly shouts of anger and sounds of a struggle sound outside the doors. "Let me through! I know the KING!" More struggling is heard before the sound of a sword being drawn and a yell of extreme pain is heard. Followed by the thud of a body hitting the floor. Blood crawls down his body as he tries to push himself up, only to get kicked in the side and puched back down. "just let me through and you will see...."

Philip listened to the brother's. There personalities were so diffrent from one another. It reminded the vampire warrior of the twins Demetrius and Argo. His train of thought was shattered as the sounds of battle echoed in the hall. He drew his rapier without hesitation and sent a mental thought to Pyre. "Who dares disturbe our anchient home!" He feared it was the Lord's Of Darkness. If that was the case, this might be a battle they would be unable to win.

The two just looked over at whom ever it may have been. Neither had any thoughts of warfare. Azrale scoffed a bit, finding all of this rather amusing. Atticus held a face that was rather emotionless, and rather unlike himself. That boy always seemed to were his heart on his sleave.

Mere moments later a vaporus mist had found its way into the chamber. From the mist emerged Gwen followed by Pyre on her shoulder, Demetrius, and Kendra. "I'm sorry if that was a little uncomfortable. It's a new spell I've been working on." She was relieved to see that everyone emerged "intact". She heard a loud bang and her attention was drawn to the door. She was worried and chanced a glance towards Demetrius. She wondered if he was fully recovered from his last fight.

Pyre felt a little woozy as he emerged on Gwen's shoulder from the mist. He also felt a little dizzy. He tried to fly off her shoulder, but found himself flying into a wall. He shock his head. "Damn Gwen, you definetly need to work on that spell." He chanced a laugh. He knew there was a serious battle on hand, but still a little light humor would ease everyone's nerves a bit.

Demetrius chuckled as he watched Pyre fly into the wall. "Ha it's not just me." Demetrius always seemed to have bad luck when it came to portals. He always seemed to be flung face first into the ground or a wall. At least this time that wasn't the case. "For once I'm not the one to have to suffer for a teleportation spell." He knew there was a battle waiting for him behind the door. He slight smile crept onto his face. He was excited to fight something. In fact it eased his nerves in a twisted way. He looked at Gwen and noticed her concern look. "Don't worry about me my love, I'm fine." 

Kendra, surprisingly, felt uneffected by the spell. Her scimitar was still gripped in her left hand, and she was ready to fight. Or as ready as she ever would be.

Philip shock his head when everyone entered. "Can we stop the banter, it's a distraction and leaves you all open for attack." Philip readied himself and stood by awaiting the attack the would burst through the door at any second. He gripped his rapier as a determined look came to his eyes.

Demetrius laughed. "Don't tell me what to do. God you sound like Erik...God rest his soul." He walked towards the door. "Besides, I fight at my best when I banter He held Dragonkin in his right hand as he casuallt strood past the guards and Erik. While everyone was waiting for the attacker to come into the room, Demetrius decided to bring the fight to the enemy. He kicked the door open. "So I'm guessing you wanted to have a word with me?" Demetrius looked into the shadows looking right at the attacker.

Gwen nodded when Deme told her he was alright. She watched as everyone prepaired themselves for the battle, and even smiled when Kendra readied herself as well. Philip annoyed her though with his no bantering speech and chuckled when Deme told him he did his best when he bantered. "No offense Philip I do my best when I banter too." She walked right behind Demetrius ready to back him up. She summoned her blade known as Azura to her side. As she turned to Pyre. "Listen doll, but the spell doesn't need work. Everyone came out all right but you." A laugh came from her red lips as her Green eyes darted towards Deme. He was out in the Hallway talking to the attacker. It's just like him to not wait.

Azrale bent his arms and flexed his hands just a bit, silvery and blue sparks dansing from their tips and warping about the apendeges themselves to his elbows. There even seemed to be golden streaks dancing about in his violate eyes. His smerk planted fermly on hs face.
Atticus simply grabbed his dagger from his belt. It seemed very ordanary, though decrative. It would not show it;s true stragth until used in battle. though his hair began to flutter about his face as he waited. He still showed no emotion. He was still waiting for some more anwers that seemed even father away.

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2007-10-29 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Yeah we should.

2007-11-05 [Junko987]: Okay I'm back. I'm just gonna sit in the tavern until someone needs me.

Wait....what happened to the tavern.??

2007-11-05 [Emporer Sensi]: *That oh-so-familiar feeling of malevolent aggression seethes into the air once more. His red eyes flare to life and a sickening smile gleams his pearly white fangs*

"Hello Demetrius.....How has thee fared?"

2007-11-06 [Lady_Elowyn]: *Looks up, hearing a familiar voice... blinks in surprise* Sensi! How long it has been!

2007-11-06 [Emporer Sensi]: Much too long my dear.

2007-11-06 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Yo Sen, long time no hear.

2007-11-06 [Junko987]: *heavily booted footsteps approach* The darkness parts and there is a still figure.

"Hey, did I miss the party already?"

2007-11-06 [Emporer Sensi]: Let's do this....

2007-11-07 [Lady_Elowyn]: We have missed you, friend. Welcome back.

2007-11-07 [Emporer Sensi]: Thank you dear

2007-11-07 [Junko987]: *cocks head*

"What's been shakin' since I haven't been here?.....*sly eyes* besides the walls?"

2007-11-07 [Emporer Sensi]: Hmmmm sounds like trouble...

2007-11-07 [Junko987]: Who? Me?

2007-11-08 [Emporer Sensi]: No for the poor bastard getting pumeled outside the doors...

2007-11-08 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Sorry for the delay, I've been playing the bass lol.

2007-11-22 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Oye! Sensi you have till saturday to post, if not then the story advances without you.

2008-02-08 [Junko987]: Oooh.. who's getting pummeled?

2008-02-09 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I was going to guess Sensi. But now I'm revamping this rp. I might even restart it.

2008-02-12 [Emporer Sensi]: Yea is WAS him. He lost his powers and memories and founf hiself here somehow.....It was a very WIDE story with no real solid foundation. I am, however, working with a certian someone to start up a new Story from Sensi, Since the one that I helped Create and was RULER of has been destroyed and taken over by "friends"....BAH! Sensi is locked inside Temple Kindred If anyone want to get curious....

2008-02-16 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Demetrius might show up...of course a major reveal in his life may come up soon. Gwen and I have a major plot in the works that will just destroy the world... so yeah how ya been Sen?

2008-02-24 [Dear_from xxx]: ....hi. ^^

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