Page name: The Black Orb's power [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-07-13 23:14:43
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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  The energy sheild caused Hiei to be tossed back like a rag doll. Then Atamis stomped on foot on the ground and waves of energy flew up, out of the ground, and hit each member of the team. Yusuke sat up and yelled, "SAREMU! NOW!" Then the dragon burst up out of the ground below Atamis and attempted to eat him. Atamis flew in the air as Saremu chased after hit with his mouth wide open and his teeth ready to chomp down. Then Atamis grinned and turned. He flung his hand toward the dragon, palm facing up and let out on increadable blast of energy. That caused Saremu to be blown back to the ground. The resulting earthquake from the large dragon hitting the ground caused most of the team to lose their balance. Suddenly, Rika flew up from behind the tree tops and hit Atamis down. Rika was in her demonic form as she blasted him further into the Earth, "SAREMU! NOW!" she yelled and the dragon attacked Atamis. Rika landed by the others and helped up Hiei and then Yusuke 'cause they were closest to her, "Everyone ok?" "Just peachy..." Yusuke said sarcasticly, "Where were you!?!" Yusuke asked. Rika glared, "We'll talk later, fight Atamis now!" Rika said. Then Karisuto came up behind them in her human form, holding the orb, "I apologize for being late." "Forget it, just help us fight him." Kurama said getting up. Kari nodded, "Right." Kuwabara sat up, rubbing the back of his head, "OW! That bastard sure is strong!" "Well what'd you expect!?" Rika shouted, "Get up off your ass and let's fight! I won't let him get away this time!" she finished and ran off toward Atamis and Saremu. “Geez! What’s her problem!?” Kuwabara glared. “Shut up, stupid!” Yusuke said running after Rika. “DON’T CALL ME STUPID URAMESHI!!!” Kuwabara yelled. Then Kurama ran after them, followed by Hiei. “Come on, Kuwabara!” Kari yelled, also running after them. “HEY! WAIT FOR ME!” Kuwabara shouted to them as he got up and ran for them.
   Atamis just blocked an attack from Saremu when Rika came down on him and began punching and kicking him several times when Hiei came up from behind Atamis. Atamis just turned in time to block a punch from Hiei with his arm, and used his other arm to block a kick from Rika. Now he was blocking Hiei and Rika as he was forced to back up a little. Then he glared and shot out and aura of energy the blew Hiei and Rika back. "SPIRIT GUN!!" A shout came from behind Atamis. When he turned, it was too late, Yusuke's Spirit Gun hit Atamis dead on. "HELL'S RAGE!!" Rika yelled, shooting a big ball of red energy from her hand at Atamis, adding to Yusuke's attack. Then the two blasts exploaded as they were blowing Atamis away. As dust rose high into the air, Saremu let out a powerful blast from his mouth at where Atamis landed. "Did we get him?" Kuwabara asked. No one said anything. Suddenly he came up from under the ground in front of Karisuto and snatched the orb. He flew up into the air and Rika flew up after him. "RIKA! WAIT!!" Hiei called out, but to no avail.
     Rika managed to catch up to Atamis and grabbed hold of the orb, but Atamis wouldn't let go. They wrestled over it. "GIVE IT BACK!!" Rika yelled. "Little girls shouldn't play with dangerouse things." Atamis said. "There's no way I'm gonig to let him take this orb from me!! No way! NO way! NO WAY!!" she thought and then said alowed, "NO WAY!!!! GIVE ME THE ORB!!!" she screamed. That's when the orb began to glow and and aura swirled around it and looked like a worldpool or a tornado. Then it lifted slightly and out of the grasp of Atamis and Rika. Then somehow, it floated into Rika's stomache. Rika's eyes went wide as she fell backward. Then she began to fall to the ground. Atamis wasn't sure of what to do himself.

   Hiei ran after her as she fell, "RIKA!!" he called out. Then he put his arms out and caught her, sliding slightly on the ground as he was hunched over her. Her eyes were closed, she looked... "Rika...RIKA! WAKE UP! RIKA!!" Hiei kept calling to her, but there was no resonse. Then he could see something large and purple glowing in her stomach. He didn't know what it was, but he felt something bad within him.
"This doesn't look good. Her demonic form is reacting to the power of the orb. I need to get that orb!!!" Atamis thought and flew down towards them. Then, as he landed, the team was thrown in different directions. Then the smoke cleared, Atamis was pinning Rika to the ground and had his hand tightly around her throat. Then he took up his other hand and the nails became sharp and razor sharp nd he drove it into her stomach. Rika's eyes became wide as she became concious. She let out a blood curtling scream as he ripped the orb out. Then he grinned, looking at the, now bloddy, orb. "SPIRIT GUN!!" a beam of energy came up behind him and blasted Atamis far away. As he wa being blown away, he lost his grip on the orb and it clattered on the ground a few feet away from Rika.
  Hiei ran up to her, she was semi-concious. He placed her hands a few inches above the wound and what looked like, little golden lightning bolts came out from his hands and began to heal the wound, but not all the way. It managed to close the other side of the hole, but did no more. Then he stopped, took his cloke, and wrapped it around the hole in her stomach. The rest of the team rushed over as he picked her up. "What happened? Is she alright?" Kuwabara stupidly asked. "NO! Does it look like she is!?" Hiei yelled. That surprised everyone, how loud his voice was. "Let's go!" he said and ran off, the others followed.

They returned to the tower where Rika lay on the couch asleep. Her wound was banaged up. Hiei was sitting on the window sill. Yusuke and Kuwabara were getting drinks and Kurama was sitting in a chair, looking at the orb on the table. He sighed and leaned forward, his arms leaning on his knees. Then Yusuke walked in holding several glass bottles of soda. He sat in the chair next to Kurama that faced the couch, where Kurama was in the one that faced the East wall, the one where Hiei was sitting in the window. Yusuke tossed Kurama a drink. Kurama caught it and opened it. Yusuke took a sip of his before saying, "So what do you think happened?" Kurama looked at him as though saying, 'what?'. "With Rika and the orb. She droped as soon as it..entered her..." Yusuke said. "I'm not sure. Rika's the expert with jewels after all." He said with a bit of laughter in his voice as he looked at Rika. "Uh...guys..." They heard from the kitchen. Kurama and Yusuke looked to see Kuwabara having trouble holding up an assortment of items including snacks, drinks, medical supplies for Rika, playing cards, and more. "Ah, Kuwabara, what the heck are you doing with all that!?" Yusuke shouted jumping over the amr of his chair and running to help him. Kurama also went to help. "Well I thought we would need this stuff and I didn't feel like taking more then one trip to get it all, so-AHHHH!!!" CRASH!! CLINK, CLINK! the three fell over, dropping everything. "I'm ok....I think...." Kuwabara said from behind the door. "Ow..." Yusuke said. Hiei shook his head, then he heard something and looked over to Rika. She was waking up. His eyes widened then in a blur he appeared next to her.

  Rika opened her eyes to see him. Then she sat up, but noticed she was still in her demonic state. She closed her eyes, and in a golden light her fox ears, tail, wings, fangs, and her red eyes dissapered. Her claws also shortened a bit as well. Then she opened her eyes again and looked at Hiei, "Hi..." "Do you remeber what happened?" Hiei asked bluntly. Rika thought for a moment, "Um...I don''s...fuzzy." She said as she looked down abd hugged her knees a little. "Didn't you sence anything?" He asked. "Uh...yeah..." Rika said. "What?" "It was a stroung sensation...I felt as though all my strength was sucked out of my body." Rika said, "Like...I was...dying..." she finished, softly. Hiei's eyes widned. Before Rika could react or say anything, Hiei threw his arms around her. "But...that's not the only thing I felt..." Rika added and Hiei drew away and looked at her curously. Her eyes, now stern and concentrated. She said, "Something more being reborn. It was still me, but more." "How, more?" Hiei questioned. "I'm not sure...It was me...but more power...more-" she stoped as the others walked into the room. "Oh, I see you've woken." Kurama said. "'Bout time too." Kuwabara said. "Yeah, you sleep like a log." Yusuke said and Hiei glared at him. Rika looked at the orb on the table as the three sat down and put their stuff down. "And here I was thinking we'd be here a while." Kuwabara laughed. Rika just sighed and shook her head.

>> The road still goes on

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