Page name: The Stolen Child X [Exported view] [RSS]
2017-06-05 03:34:38
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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The Stolen Child IX

Kan Quan had ranted just enough and Conner let Darryl know that there was no better time than now. Vex watched as Xeph disappeared with an audible pop and arrive back in his mother's arms. "Impossible how could you take him through my blocking magics!?" Kan Quan raved turning from Vex to the portal. It was then the magic holding them disappeared and Conner moved forward punching the man hard in the stomach, "Because you didn't have control of it." he explained. The elven maid took a look of panic and ran for the door, it was obvious she was going to flee or summon guards.

Vex didn't wait. While Conner was punching the magician or whatever Kan was she lunged for the maid as soon as the girl took flight. While she had been more surprised than anyone else to suddenly have the child gone and the magic holding her ease off instantly. It did mean she was free again. Conner wanted Kan alive, they all did. Vex wasn't positive she could take him alive... if it was up to her. She tackled the maid from behind, took her to the ground and put her in a choke hold. It would take scant seconds before the woman would pass out and she could turn her attention to Kan and Conner.

The second Alehial passed through the portal, Conner's attention shifted and Kan Quan struck him hard in the groin before pushing him away. "GUARDS!! GUARDS!!" he screamed as he fled the room through a far doorway. The maid tried without success to get Vex off of her. It was a shock for the guards who entered the room to find not only the prisoners were no longer trapped, but more people, armed warriors were spilling through a portal.

"Silence them! Feal Kan Is your! Alive would be better." Alehial barked out orders drawing her blade and standing between the guards and her boy. "On your Feet Ravenwood!" she barked the order to Conner as well, and she had her second sword held towards him. While getting hit in the groin hurt. Dying was worse. Also she hadn't spent years of raising the kids and teaching them the basics of combat AND life for them to be useless.

Once the maid was out Vex was on her feet again. She had no weapons, and little options. Though there were chairs in the room... she shook her head and kept her eyes on the guards that flooded into the room. Some bodyguard she was with no weapon, scarce clothes and no plan.

Conner moved to his feet and instead of taking the weapon followed after Kan Quan, Alehial noticed also that Vex was without a weapon. Flint engaged as soon as the enemy began to advance, it was somewhat apparent that the guard's hearts were not in fighting a superior force that was better armed. Lucas to stepped to Vex's side, "Find a weapon, we'll cover your back until you are ready." Beyond the doorways the sounds of battle could be heard as Conner's crew had understood the signal and began their part of the plan.

"Damn that child." Alehial cursed under her breath and quickly she moved. "Vex!" She gave short notice before tossing the sword at the Blade. Who was supposed to be more useful than this. Once tossed Alehial leapt into the fray. She was still in top shape and made quick work of two of the men. Something the children rarely got to see... was simply how... vicious, their mother could be. she felt no older than she had been when she met Altair on the frontier. Clearly Alehial wasn't planning on giving them the benefit of the doubt either. They were enemies and they would die.

Vex caught the blade reflexively mostly, "Prisoners that way! Goodluck!" Vex said giving him a rough idea of the direction before she bolted the way Conner and Kan and Feal had all gone. Her job was Conner's life. Both were at Stake right at the moment and she needed to redeem herself at least a little bit. Though she was impressed and a little taken back by Alehial fervor in the field of battle.

As the battle raged it became harder and harder to keep track of where they were versus where they had arrived. Darryl and Tani had secured the beachhead holding the portal and room safe against any guards. Flint, Lyriel and Lucas moved into the passages looking for the prisoners. And Alehial found herself somewhat lost looking for Conner, the corridors didn't help much angling this way and that and some ending in dead ends. When she stopped for a brief second she could hear voices and the sounds of guards looting Kan Quan's treasure room.

"Somewhere is better than lost ma'am." Vex said softly just behind Alehial and she crept forward to sneak a peek into the doorway. Alehial made a sour face and followed behind the blade. So far she was still unimpressed with the only slightly better than a city guard personal body guard her brother had given them. though... Vex hadn't lost Conner too badly... and she had kept him alive this whole time. Alehial focused again. "Hold on and let me look." she ordered and Vex moved to let Alehial have her position and look into the room.

There were two men that she could see, looting through chests and muttering about finding a way to escape and return home. A slight glimmering caught her eye and Alehial could see behind the man a crystalline staff like Darryls leaning against a far chest. One of the men spoke, "How soon until the others get here? If we can get to one of the ships this beast might release us." Vex heard it too and heard boots behind them, four men entered the hallway and pulled hand crossbows when they spotted the invaders.

Vex tapped Alehial with a strategic elbow and made a hand gesture, whether she was familiar with it or not Vex moved. She ducked down and darted into the treasure room, Sword drawn and headed for the guard with the weapons closest to his hand. At the same time as she ducked into the room Alehial spun and threw two daggers at the guards. She had been practicing with Lily, and though she wasn't as good as Lily with them. She was a decent shot and it bought her time. Once blades had been released from hand she ran forward to the attack. She would have to be quick to take out all four. Especially with Vex without armor took on the other two in the room behind her.

While the daggers found their marks, all four guards fired the hand crossbows with surprising accuracy. However, something moved faster than the quarrels or her daggers moving almost in between them and in the guard's case turning the momentum back towards them. Then Alehial felt herself moved away from the last one as the streak went into the treasure room and then back out. Vex found herself looking at both guards incapacitated and she was alone, and Alehial was looking at a young woman who was staring at her with wide eyes, "'re...Alehial oh my gosh I'm so happy to meet you." And just like that she hugged Alehial deeply then with a squeak let go, "I'm so sorry that was a little inappropriate I'm Linlesse Zinwarin."

"No time for that child. Your work? Good find my son and get me to him." Alehial barked out the order. She had no time for pleasantries, though she had blushed when the young child had hugged her. She was getting more and more used to the younger generations and their adoring gazes and such. Though she was more used to the glaring and scorn from those around her... Alehial looked the young girl over. Then turned to retrieve Vex.

Vex stood and looked puzzled. After checking the guards though she grabbed the magical staff thingy and a few other things that looked expensive and useful, as well as a sack one of the guards had been using to loot the place. Vex knew what magical items could look like and she made quick work of it. She was finishing pulling on boots from the guards when Alehial walked through the doorway. "Vex grab the... Let's not dally." Alehial said coming in and seeing that Vex had actually grabbed exactly those few items she had noticed herself. if nothing else they could come back for all this after Kan was dead... or caught.

Linlesse smiled when she followed Alehial into the treasure room, "Oh good you found my staff, I thought that odious man sold it or destroyed it." She held out her hand to Vex, "It helps me focus my powers, if you please." in response to her being close the staff began to glow and pulse.

Vex looked at Alehial and when Alehial gave a subtle nod Vex shrugged and handed it to the girl. "a friendly person I hope." Vex said as she handed the staff over. Alehial too was interested in the girl and her powers. Not magic certainly. "Hurry up we are wasting time!" Alehial said. She was getting anxious, after being right on her son's heels they lost him and there was always plenty of time for him to be killed while she was wasting time.

As soon as she touched the staff it shrank and she attached it to her bracer, "Okay, hold on." Alehial's comment about wasting time came back to haunt her as all three women moved faster than any animal could ever run. They covered huge areas looking for Conner until they stopped at the top of the area where any surviving ships were anchored. Fael was fighting with several guards and Conner was still fighting hand to hand with Kan Quan on one of the smaller vessels. "Well, we found them!" Linlesse said, "So, do we help...uh, um him?" she asked pointing to Feal, "Or Conner?"

"You stay until Kan uses magic. Then detain him or kill him I don't care which." Alehial said before running over to join her son as she ran she invoked her wild shape and took on the form of the rosette spotted leopard she was fond of. She lunged at Kan from beside Conner.

Vex shrugged and took off to go help out Fael where she could. He was doing well on his own but she figured he'd want to go after Kan as well. So the quicker the guards were all down the better. Besides she had the scimitar Alehial had given her, that was all she really needed to begin fighting.

Conner was surprised when his mother appeared in feline form beside him, the fight had been evenly matched. Quan could not use magic because of the control locket, the creature was blocking most arcane magics. However, Conner had not been prepared for Quan to be proficient with his hands and was sporting what would become a pretty good black eye. His opponent on the other hand had a split lip and a broken nose from a few of Conner's more effective punches. Quan was looking for a way out of this, and without the locket he might not be able to beat them.

Alehial swiped her front paw towards Kan's middle, she could tackle him but she wanted to give Fael a chance to finish and arrive to decide the man's fate. She just didn't want her child anymore injured than he already was. plus she was pissed with him running away in the first place.

Vex arrived and killed one guard from behind while he was distracted fighting Fael. They would make short work of them surely, but she was having a little trouble believing that Alehial Ravenwood had just turned into a real Leopard. what a crazy world.

Fael finished off the other guard and was making his way onto the boat, anyone could tell by his face he was angry. Quan could see there would be no victory, instead he needed to find a way to survive. "Spare me and I will tell you everything I know about the one who took the child. I was offered him only to swear my allegiance against you." he knew his former ally would be cross, but he wanted to remain alive.

Alehial allowed her original form to return to her and she held her scimitar tightly. "It is up to Fael to decide whether you live or die. Whatever information you have that may be useful... I doubt would be worth your life in the long term." Alehial said her voice dripping with her wish to simply kill someone who targeted her family and have one less 'villain' running around the world.

Vex jogged back over to the girl Linlesse "Ten gold says Alehial kills him. Five says it Fael's fifty against Conner." Vex said in jest. they would handle things now, because it had gotten personal for them. For her keeping Conner safe was her job... but it was Alehial's child and it was her job too. Besides vex was sort of tired of all this Ravenwood drama for a minute.

"No, by everything I know about the Ravenwoods they are honorable, even to a fault." Linlesse said looking at the people on the boat. "Even you fit in well with them, honor and duty the only thing you miss is family, but you've understood where their power comes from." Suddenly, her eyes went wide and she sped away up the walkways towards a figure Vex could just make out, the elven maid.

Fael stopped short and barked a single word, "TALK!" And that was enough to loosen Quan tongue, "An elven man came to me and offered revenge against the Ravenwoods who so disfigured me. He said he was a Disciple of Soth and bid me to a meeting to discuss may payment to join alongside them. We met in Valusia...Agh." his words were cut short as an arrow fired from above hit him in the chest. Conner being a good son quickly moved to shield his mother in case another arrow was forthcoming.

Vex followed Linlesse, she was an interesting girl... when not locked up and frightened.

Alehial growled at Conner and looked at which direction the arrow came. "Stay with Fael!" She ordered at Conner before she too moved. While she wasn't as fast as Fael she was certain, she was quick enough to hopefully get where she needed to be. It greatly worried her that a man all the way on the other side of their planet would hate them so much. Was this all Galin? Was he so determined to kill them? Shame them? what was his goals? She ground her teeth and ran instead.

As Linlesse approached the maid turned the bow towards her and pulled back the string, then cried out in pain as both of her hands simply disappeared. The young girl put her hands to her mouth ashamed she had even accidentally maimed her in such a way, "I'm so sorry, please don't fight us and we can see to your injuries." The maid looked past her to Vex and Alehial approaching and looked hatefully at the psion, "Go to hell, you and those accursed Ravenwoods!" She then simply stepped off the walkway and fell to a different ship's deck with a sickening thud.

"I'll check the body." Vex said stopping and letting Alehial pass her. She turned back and went down until there was a safe distance for her to jump the rest of the way. she made her way to the body of the maid. She had certainly done herself in. Vex didn't enjoy touching the dead but she was thorough in all jobs. She needed to find all the clues she could. So she began to search the dead former maid.

Alehial stopped running and walked the rest of the way to Linlesse. "That was... an interesting way to stop her." Alehial said after a moment of thought. Clearly This Linlesse girl was a psion, however it seemed she didn't have much control. Something Alehial was a tiny bit familiar with. Alehial's next thought was where had this girl come from?

"I..I didn't mean her that badly. Sometimes I react without having control, it's been my bane since my powers arrived. I was hoping to find help getting them under control and helping me return home." Linlesse said hoping Alehial wouldn't be cross at the over use of such a destructive power. "I feel terrible." she said a tear escaping her eye.

As Vex searched the dead elf she found a pin much like her's from the guild, other than that nothing else.

"Pish! As long as it's anyone against my family... then it was warranted." Alehial said with a smile, she put away her weapons and wiped away the tear from the young girl's cheek. "Now then, can you assure me none of my family will be hurt? Can you keep control when calm?" Alehial asked wanting to gauge some of the girl's control and powers. "You seem to know my family, and seeing as you have no other place to go or even a way to get there you will come back with us." Alehial said taking the girl's hand. She then lead the way back to Conner and Fael.

Vex sighed and looked over the pin carefully and tucked it away. This needed further examining, once she was done she made her way back to Conner, Alehial was following slowly with the girl behind her. Vex reached them first. "So... fisticuffs huh?" She asked looking at Conner's injuries.

Linlesse could not help but smile, "I can control them and I promise not to harm any of them. It would be great to be among such good people." Conner balked a little, "I know mother will be unimpressed that I had him before she came roaring in. But, we were successful weren't we Vex? I knew where to find Xeph and with your help we got him back to his mother." he commented giving Vex a grin. It was a little infectious and he was telling the truth, their team up got results.

"Yes it worked out. Famous Ravenwood luck had struck again. Must really be in the blood." Vex said giving him a gentle punch to the shoulder. And an eye roll. It was the most accepting of him or congratulatory she had been yet. His adventure was done, but her Mission was still active for as long as he was alive. She could do with less adventures. He would probably be bragging for a long time now. Vex then went to go examine their one time captor too, just in case.

"Conner Ravenwood!" Alehial barked in her angry mother tone, she released Linlesse and nearly pounced onto her son. Though he was taller than she was and stockier than she was, she pulled him down by the ears so she could inspect his face. "Tch! gonna leave you with these wounds too." She sighed kissing his forehead and releasing him. "Fael... are you well?" Alehial asked softly turning to her son in law then.

"I would be happier if we had made sure there was no one left to attack the family, but for now I am content that we are safe." Fael told her. As Vex checked over Kan Quan's corpse she did not find much except a spellbook and some components, if there was a chance to find anything it would be in his chambers. Conner smiled, "I suppose we should get this back to Darryl and let him figure out how best to release our friend to his own plane."

"We'll ask those that are willing to clear him out first. The ships need to go into the harbor, the treasure will be split between prisoners and returned to owners. The dead will be taken care of in town, and all those that surrendered or didn't die will be dealt with by Rand." Alehial said nodding her head, she was used to being in charge and she knew how to give orders. "I'm sorry this happened Fael, but for now if you wish to go back and see Xeph and be with Elsa you may." Alehial said with an understanding look on her own face.

Vex grinned, like big brother like little sister it seemed. She wonderd if Conner would be allowed to keep his share of the prisoners loot. "Gonna ask the monster for all that?" She asked Conner, she had a smug look of her own, she put the book and components in her bag and was waiting for them moving out or whatever.

Fael nodded and headed off ship, he would look around for anymore of Kan Quan's men then head to the portal to go home. "Conner," he said turning around, "Thank you for finding Xeph. And Vex, Thank you for your help as well." He then bowed respectfully to his family and set off to see his son.

Linlesse stood quietly while Alehial spoke to Conner and Vex, she found it hard not to be almost giddily happy. She was going to get to finally go to Andor and meet all of the Ravenwoods.

Conner took the control locket from his pocket and concentrated intoning how everything would be handled before sending it home. "It agrees, and seems more calm since Quan Kan is no more." he said smiling at his mother and Vex. "Shall we head back to the central chamber?"

"As long as I can get back to my things and my duties yes we can go the sooner the better even." Vex said with a shrug. She was after all still in loose shirt and pants. Though in stolen boots and with Alehial's scimitar tucked into a stolen belt as well. 

Alehial looked curiously at the medallion her son was holding. "That is?" she asked taking the scimitar from the bodyguard and putting it away. Her arms crossing and a small frown covering her face showing how displeased she was with said son for everything he was doing and not explaining.

"Quan Kan used it to control the creature that we are inside of." Conner explained putting the locket in a pocket. "I found a way to communicate with it and make a duplicate, then picked his pocket and switched them. Once I had that, Darryl and I came up with our plan and viola!" he finished the base of everything and bowed. He doubted he'd get much praise, but the plan was done more with his mind than his fists.

"Vex... stop allowing him around his uncle Lyle so much..." Alehial said narrowing her eyes in thought. "I didn't realize we were inside of a creature... come let us rid it of the objects, people and boats so it may be more comfortable. Also tell it we will be gentle. Oh also tell it thank you. Ask it if it needs anything?" Alehial started to bombard her son, after all as a druid she was all about nature and critters. Of all kinds it seemed. "Does it need healing at all? would my spells be effective?" Alehial continued to ask of her son, her curiosity piqued now.

Vex chuckled silently, of all things this was what she found amusing. The lady Ravenwood who honestly looked no older than her son bombarding him about the creature they were inside of with a curiosity and fascination of a child with a new toy. Vex ushered them along the path back to the main room, motioning Linlesse to keep up with them as well.

"Mother." Conner said after the fourth question, "It doesn't communicate like that. It's more like feelings and I have intoned to the best I can that everything that bothers it will be removed. I think spells might agitate it after the whole evil wizard enslaving it, so we focus on getting everyone out of here then let Darryl see if he can send it home." He looked back at Vex and smiled, figuring his mother's interest was what made he chuckle. Linlesse stayed close to the group looking in the corners for any enemies or danger. The creature had tried several times to get through to her but it was difficult for the young woman in interpret the jumble of emotions.

Darryl and the others smiled when Alehial and the group returned to the main chamber, Flint turned to the portal which Darryl was holding open and informed the family they had returned. "I do not see Quan with you, may I ask what happened?" Darryl asked. Flint and Tani were moving through the other people curing wounds and diseases and in general easing people's distress. Linlesse stepped more behind Vex, she knew the man speaking was a psion and one of great power and it made he visibly shake. Of to one side both Tani and Lyriel noticed the young girl with glowing green eyes behind Conner's guard.

"Conner Ravenwood! Don't you sass me like your father! you're in enough trouble as it is young man!" Alehial glowered up at her son. While she may not intimidate those that didn't know how she followed through with her threats those that did know her were more wary generally. She stepped forward to the others though once in the room. "Report on dead and wounded? Number of guards alive and Darryl sweety how are you holding up dear?" Alehial demanded then sweetened her tone for her powerful son. she did not notice Linlesse and her sudden shyness, and she wanted the report before giving answers of her own.

Vex straightened her features and stood properly befitting a Blade. surveying the room she was completely impressed with how the whole family worked with almost military precision without any orders. They all knew their roles and simply did their jobs to help each other. It was a thing to see in action.

Lyriel smiled and stood to report to Alehial. she threw up a mock salute and let Tani continue to heal the wounded. "Three guards alive five wounded, the rest are dead on our end. One dead crewman from Conner's group and twelve wounded Tani and I tended. "Did you kill him mother?" She asked with a sly grin. She wasn't wearing her hat of disguise, she hardly ever did while in combat.

Tani spoke up from the ground where she was wrapping a bandage around a wound that wasn't so bad as to need a spell. "None too worse for the wear. All able to travel on their own power and none of your children harmed Alehial." She spoke in her usual soft tone but loud enough Alehial could clearly hear each word through the accent she had.

Conner went to the captain of his ship and asked about the man who had been cut down and told him the family would be cared for. Mother was busy taking control of the situation and he was fine with that, however he did hope he and Vex could talk a little more about this partnership of theirs.

Darryl smiled, "Holding the portal takes very little power and I have plenty in reserve if I need it." He could sense the psion hiding behind Vex and wondered if there was already a psion here did they not stop Quan. "I do not sense Quan and since Fael has returned home it means the man is dead." he mentioned almost casually. "It is good to see Conner and Vex are both well after the battle." he said with a slight bow.

Flint had another group of sailors standing nearby in case anymore guards were hiding for ambush, he watched Lyriel moving about and interacting with the family. "So, what is our next move?" he asked walking back to his wife and family.

"Kan Quan is dead and so is the maid. No I didn't kill either of them Lyriel." Alehial added the last bit in a very dry tone. "Conner has informed me that we are currently within the belly of a beast so to speak. It would like to return to it's home. However it has three ships inside of it, all of us. The corpses of the dead and a treasure room full of goods. So the men that are healthy and able, get to work. Flint and Lyriel you will be in charge of the treasure team, pick your men and take them. Ten at least to be quick about it. Lucas and Tani, the boats if you would both. I know you will be serious and diligent, take all sailors willing to get the vessels all home. They are now all claimed in the name of the Ravenwood Family, I can give you a crest for each in a moment, I have spares in my office I believe. Let's relieve this poor beast as quickly and carefully as we can. Conner and Vex Report to Rand at the house through the portal at once. Myself and everyone left behind will scour this poor creature and gather the corpses onto the Ravenwood grounds." Alehial said giving orders to the troops and family. "Wounded that are bad enough will go through to the dining room of the estate, and Darryl hun. There is someone I think you should probably meet." Alehial said crooking her finger at Linlesse who was still standing behind Vex.

Lyriel grinned at the droll tone her mother used for her response, clearly she had gotten a kick out of the slight annoyance to her mother. after all what was a Ravenwood that didn't push authority around a little? She grinned at Flint though when they were put in charge of transporting the treasure. It also meant cataloging it which she was prepared to do.

Tani smiled at Lucas. "I've only been on a boat a few times... This will be fun yes?" She asked curiously. Her wings were tucked neatly against her back and she finished with the wounded. She had full faith in those in the Ravenwood house to care for the wounded without her. Besides this was all very exciting and much more fun than the church meetings and gatherings and school visits she had been doing as of late.

Vex kept the grin off her face just barely. Clearly Conner was in much trouble but... with having to report to the Commander right away... there was a lot she did that he would be unhappy about and a few things that might get her kicked out of the Blades. Could she still trust Conner to keep his word to keep his mouth shut about those things? Vex became very serious then as she geared herself up to see Rand and give her report to him after such a huge blunder of a mission.

Conner read Vex's expression, "Mother that is all and good, but one of the ships is well, mine and I prefer that we leave with them. Then we can report to Uncle Rand when the ships return home. You always did say I was irresponsible with my things as a child, I wish to show you how I have grown and excepted responsibility." He knew that would get his mother to agree and give them time to get the story straight.

Linlesse almost squeaked when Vex moved and Alehial motioned for her to step forward, but she walked forward to Alehial and Darryl. And bowed respectfully to Darry, "Master Ravenwood...I...I'm's an honor to meet you." To everyone around it was obvious the young girl was nervous.

Darryl smiled at her, "You do not need to be so formal Linlesse, call me Darryl and it is good to meet you as well." He did look quizzically at Alehail on why she was bringing Linlesse to his attention.

Lucas smiled at his wife, "Only so long as you don't get ill from travelling by ship dearest." He helped a man to his feet and began to set them into groups for the ships and to be sent through the portal. "Mother, Aunt Arten would be able to raise the fallen once we get home."

Alehial was silent while she mulled what Conner had said over. "No. You've been out of the city long enough on your adventure. I have enough children unaccounted for. You will NOT be among them any longer." Alehial said shaking her head and making an axe motion with her hand dismissing the idea. "Also while I and your father are in charge of the dutchy it is still our ship ultimately. "As to your growth as a man... you haven't died. I'm impressed. Vex escort him home." Alehial gave the command. She too could tell the Blade was not enthused about reporting to her Commander. Alehial turned her attention elsewhere then. "That's why the corpses are not going to sea Lucas, but thank you for offering that very suggestion. I hope you and Tani enjoy your time out and away from the mainland." Alehial then walked over to Linlesse and Darryl where she could speak softly. "Darryl, Linlesse here has some peculiar talents I'm not sure she has full control over. Something you might be able to help her with... if you are willing of course. she seemed quite excited to meet our family as well." Alehial chuckled at the memory of the excited hug she had gotten from the girl early on.

"It happened just once!" Tani protested going red in the face from Lucas' teasing. She also helped the men to their feet and into a somewhat organised line to go through the portal one at a time in a steady pace. Her wings shifting as she bent over to help the men, she tried to keep from hittign anyone with them but it was how she herself balanced as well.

Out of earshot Conner was close enough to Vex, "She still thinks I should sleep in the nursery and take naps as well. Well, come along partner let us go and report to my father and uncle, your boss." And they took a spot in line to use the portal, even as Conner eyed the doorway back to the ships and looked at Vex as if to say, "Feel like disobeying?

Flint picked ten trustworthy looking souls and began to head for the treasure room, "We'll make this pretty quick so we can get out of here as well, unless you'd rather we use the ships M'lady Ravenwood." He wasn't about to make his mother-in-law cross with him even while he winked at Lyriel. Using the ships would keep them away from Andor for a little bit longer meaning the king could not punish him until they got back.

Darryl listened to his mother and regarded the girl quietly, "I am willing to help her." Linlesse looked like she might dance at his words. Then he added, "I will have to discuss it with Asper first, bringing new people into the house might not sit well with her, especially with Karina to care for." Linlesse made a slight gasp at the mention of the baby and she noted how they looked at her. "Excuse my ignorance, but is your wife also a psion? I was told once that psions could only bring children with another psion." she said looking at the floor.

Vex glowered at Conner and gave him a frown. An effective No. as an answer. Besides she had done enough to get punished for. Adding more was only going to get her banished from Bearlon she was certain. "With as well as you listen I agree with her." Vex said out loud to him. She was rather ashamed at being held captive, she was without her weapons or clothes even. On top of that almost everything she had done was not standard Blade operating procedure. Add in Conner and... well she'd be lucky to be allowed to leave if they found out everything.

"Hmmm depends on the state of the ships... but I'm not going to say no to an ocean trip with you." Lyriel said licking her lips before walking ahead of the men towards the vague directions Alehial had given them. Her light armor not doing a lot to hide her from his veiw as she walked ahead either. Though she wondered how her imp would handle a sea voyage.

Alehial laughed then. A hard belly aching kind of laugh. "Oh dear Linlesse no! Hahahaha no she is most assuredly NOT!" Alehial only laughed a few moments until she saw the look Darryl had then she sobered up. "I mean... I don't presume to know about the rest of psion's of course. But where did you learn this I wonder?" Alehial said trying to change the topic then to learning more about Linlesse. she felt bad then for...'mocking' Asper her precious boy's wife. she did just birth him his first child after all and did deserve some respect.

Conner was quiet then for a second, "Just remember we did this as a team. No matter what so I shoulder some of the blame for any irregular planning." The walked to the portal behind the injured and then stepped through, heading back home after a long adventure.

Darryl softened his look, the girl's comment had been kind of amusing but Alehial's reaction reminded him that no matter what he tried he could not get them to agree. "No, Linlesse children of psions will either be gifted or not. There has been no real proof between parentage and power. I assume until I can gauge Asper's feelings that Linlesse can stay at the Estate with you and father?" he asked Alehial before calling out, "Conner, I will need the amulet so I might prepare to try sending our new friend home."

Vex didn't wait but simply reached into Conner's pocket and grabbed the medallion and pulled it out. She then turned and tossed it at the psion back through the gate. They didn't need anymore hesitations or interruptions. She was delivering the heir as ordered by Commander Rand and taking whatever came with as much dignity as she had made for herself as a Blade. "Good luck." she offered in parting before she grabbed Conner's shoulder and pushed him back into motion. Once through the portal and having a better look around after throwing the medallion she spotted Rand and maneuvered Conner to stand before him. She then threw up a sharp salute.

"As long as she doesn't mind letting you feel her intentions. If you can assure the household safety then yes she can stay with us. Linlesse you are welcome in my home if Darryl vouches for you, but there are rules that you will have to follow. No exceptions." Alehial said before stepping forward and kissing Darryl's cheek softly and heading to the queue, she was planning on being one of the last to leave but she could at least help keep things in order and keep herself from making any of the rest of her children too unhappy with her.

Linlesse nodded that it was okay with her and let herself open to Darryl's reading. It did not take long Darryl closed his eyes and gently pushed around Linlesse's mind and smiled. "Mother, I feel she will be fine staying with you. She has her secrets, but nothing I feel that would put anyone in serious danger. Linlesse, you will stay with my parents until I speak with my wife Asper to make sure she will be okay with training you. If you wish go through the portal, I will make sure the ships are released then take care of our friend then I will teleport home." he explained.

With that Alehial made sure everyone was through the portal that was going through. Lyriel and flint decided to travel by one of the three ships and she was fine with that. Tani and Lucas were to be on the original Ravenwood vessel, the third would be between the other two while traveling to return to the city. The treasure had been transferred to the sitting room/war room/viewing room. All that was left was for Darryl to finish everything.

Darryl watched everyone leave then let the portal shut then went and watched the creature release the ships. He smiled as he and the massive animal shared emotions and memories. "I did not know my friend that you had a family?" he said allowed and shared thoughts of Asper and Karina with it. Reaching into his pouch he took three power gems, it should be enough to open the portal so the creature could return home and Darryl could go home as well. "I am sorry you were held here and so mistreated, may you return home and live a long peaceful life." he said then slowly levitated outside and opened the portal for the creature which vanished. He then focused on returning home as well.

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