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2009-01-24 [Hedda]: I would like the marking to work inside textareas too though.
I think I eventually fixed it now, but it's a pain that Firefox doesn't work like IE and I had some problems with using onkeyup instead of onkeydown.
But now I have a working thing on my testserver where one can type something, highlight it and press enter to Google it. Don't dare to update Elftown today though.
2009-01-24 [Hedda]: [Mortified Penguin]: It's hopefully fixed in the upcoming version that I don't want to upload to Elftown today. I don't have more than 200 comments on my testserver (And I'm too lazy to add some today) so it's a little hard to test until I've updated Elftown.
2009-01-24 [Hedda]: Hrmf, of course it didn't work. It goes to some too old comments.
2009-01-24 [Hedda]: Now the comment-links work.
2009-01-24 [Mortified Penguin]: Sweet...
2009-01-24 [Hedda]: By the way: Does the new Google-for-mar
I'm having some tiny problems in the forums now when I'm faster than my computer, but it might have nothing to do with the change, unless it made the browser slower.
2009-01-24 [True, plain and simple]: I'll check.
Is there any reason to have the selected text be replaced with a new line if you select it and press enter (to search) while typing then? It might be more friendly in text areas if we removed that? It's the default expected behaviour, but not very common that it would be bad to prevent in this case, I think.
Edit: It works fine in IE7. In IE6, the function works, but the box is placed wrong, probably because of your CSS or something. I'll look later. Also one of your ads generates bad script for some reason, but I don't know which one (and it's not that important for anyone who doesn't have the script debugger turned on).
2009-01-24 [Hedda]: "Is there any reason to have the selected text be replaced with a new line if you select it and press enter (to search) while typing then? "
What? It doesn't do that, unless I misunderstand you. It returns a "false" so the enter should never replace the text.
2009-01-24 [True, plain and simple]: Well, it does for me in Firefox/IE. I'll look at the code and see if there's a reason why.
2009-01-24 [Hedda]: Different functions are called in the forums and elsewhere though. None of them replaces any selected text with enter if you press it to search though.
getkey(b) == 13 must work the same in Windows, as far as I've seen. And Opera doesn't either replace any selected text.
You have really reloaded stuff correctly? And it's in a textarea, I guess.
2009-01-25 [True, plain and simple]: It's not that relevant, I know what the problem is now. If the browser blocks the popups from the site (in Firefox at least) then submitting the form throws an exception, and since that exception is thrown before false is returned then that line is skipped. You can wrap that line in a try {} to prevent that of course.
IE has a separate issue though, so I'll let you know when I find it out.
Edit: Ahhh! I see what you're doing. The problem is because you didn't know about the difference in event models. In IE, the event is fired on the the element farthest down on the DOM tree first and "bubbles" upwards. In the other browsers that follow the W3C model, it starts at the top of the tree, goes to the element, and goes back up again (so that canceling is a little more intuitive).
Basically, in short, if you want it to work correctly in IE then you'd have to return false on the textfield's onkeydown, instead of the body's (because it's too late then). I'd offer some solution, but the file is really messy, so eh.. :P
2009-01-25 [Hedda]: You mean that e.parentNode.s
I know perfectly well about bubbles, but I thought it would just have worked as that was the case before I added the textarea-code.
I can easily add a function on textareas, I guess. I had one during the development.
2009-01-25 [True, plain and simple]: It works, but because the pop-up isn't actually shown if you haven't allowed them for this domain, it throws an error too to tell the calling code that things didn't work out quite as was supposed to happen. try { e.parentNode.s
Before you added the textarea-code I'm not sure there was ever a case where that particular difference was an issue, but yes. :P
2009-01-25 [Hedda]: I made the change:
try { e.parentNode.s
Is that enough to fix all the problems?
2009-01-25 [True, plain and simple]: It fixes the Firefox problem. Not the IE problem, but that's fixed if you do something on the textareas.
2009-02-12 [Imperator]: In the comments sections where it says "(30 minutes ago)" etc. I suggest that "minutes" gets abbreviated to "min" and "hours" gets abbreviated to "hrs" because it pushes the person's name out pretty far into the middle of the line. Or the person's name should come first and the time and date after it.
2009-02-12 [Hedda]: "hours" is abbreviated "h".
I guess I could remove the date for new comments too as it isn't really needed there.
2009-02-12 [Hedda]: It is. It's written "2h" and so on. "2h 20min 13sec ago" is a common way to write it. Also with m and s. I can't use "m" though as that can be seen as "month" unless I have more numbers.
"2 hrs ago" is actually half as common as "2h ago".
2009-02-17 [Imperator]: Yay! That looks better.
2009-02-17 [Diiwica]: Actually commonly in the us we use hour to abreviate hour. Ev en my blasted phone does it.
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