Page name: Valusia II [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-11-06 08:18:08
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Lily awoke laying on a bed, in a darkened room and realized she could not move and her mouth had a feeling of cotton batting inside it. After a short time a tindertwig struck and lit a candle then several more lit. She was shackled to a bed and gagged, sitting on two chairs at the foot was Gerard and Gregor. Covering her was a light sheet and she could feel she might be naked underneath. Both men smiled at her, they were not the pleasant, loving smiles she had seen before.

"MMnngr? MMnoh! MMNpgh!" Lily tried to talk and sit up, the metal rattled and she looked up at her arms and she mostly looked confused. Of course her head feeling like Conner was smashing his Lute against it over and over wasn't helping at all, nor the sharp pains once the fire was showing. "MNGMNRPH!!" She tried to say sharply though with the gag in her mouth she couldn't really say anything. Everything was still a little hazy but she knew Gerard well enough and the person beside him had to be his uncle. She couldn't figure out what was happening.

Gerard and Gregor stood and walked up to her, together they pulled down the sheet. Lily was naked underneath except for her private places and they viewed her openly. They sat on the bed and talked to her, "We are so sorry to have lied to you Lily, Gerard is not my nephew he works for me. Like so many other men he lures young women here and I sell them to the highest bidders." Both men then leaned over and began to suckle at her chest for a long few minutes coating her in the saliva.

"MMMNMOO! MNGOPHM!" Lily struggled violently, her head hurt a lot, and she squirmed hard on the bed. She pulled and tugged violently at the chains around her wrist, it didn't take long at all until they cut her skin slicking up giving her much more room to maybe get her hands free and fight off the two men. She felt so slimy so... used and tricked. If she had her weapons she would kill them both for this! But she was held down, she tried to bring up her legs to kick them off but they were tied down as well, not only that but she had no idea where she even was. Tears ran down her face as she struggled hard to get away, she was so far away and her whole family had no idea where she was!

They released her breasts and stood up Gerard speaking, "I am sorry Lily, but I know the money I will get from selling your things and the cut I will receive from your sale will help me greatly." He then lifted the band of her coverings and looked longingly at her sex, "If only." Gregor smack his hand, "Her sex and station is what is getting me over one hundred platinum boy, platinum, no one will take that virtue except he that purchases her. And you young lady, don't even think of calling out for help none of your famous family can hear you. Gerard, sell her things and settle the bill at the inn and get back here." Her ex-lover nodded and hurried off.

"MNOHMN!" Lily cried, at least she knew him and now he was leaving! But at least she wasn't going to get raped, but instead sold! She continued to cry, her tears falling thickly down her cheeks. There wouldn't be any rescues for her... unless she could somehow rescue herself. It was then that she began to pray, if the gods took pity on her foolishness, she may have a chance. She continued to struggle however and her skin on her wrists bled a little more. Between her choked muffled voice obviously praying now and the clanking of her struggles there wasn't any noise whever they were.

Valusia: Gerard's End

Gregor returned and used a oil that healed her injuries, "Little one, do not be so upset and try to behave yourself. You wouldn't want me to use you in a way that wouldn't ruin your virtue would you?"  He leaned down and played and tasted her flesh, "I must say you Andorian girls have a unique flavor, I'm sure they will pay extra for such a nice thing. The Disciples of Soth and several other people are making great bids for your flesh and virtue." He then left her in care of a maid who worked solely for him and would not betray him.

Lily had struggled harder whern he touched her, but she continued to pray. She didn't stop for a moment, not even while he slobbered all over her again. She wasn't a bad girl so why did this happen to her? What was she going to do, she wanted to go home! She wanted Mommy and Daddy to save her. But the Disciples were trying to buy her?! Was it uncle Galin? Or just his underlings. She would never trust a man ever again, especially a man like Gerard, no one older... no one who seemed nice or sweet. She might stay alone forever! But Lily continued to pray to the gods and for them to forgive her and let her live.

The next morning she awoke to the maid washing her body and then getting rid of the water. She explained to Lily that she would help her use the chamber pot that was setup so she would not need to get up from the bed. Gregor came in looking aggitated and told the maid to remove the gag and feed the girl. "I do not know where Gerard is, but he better arrive with that money soon." he said waiting to see what Lily would do next. Gregor had several scrolls with him and he sat to begin going over the bids for Lily and would send a response before sundown.

As soon as the gag was off Lily spit on Gregor. "You evil filthy old man! If I ever get free I'll run you through myself! Just you wait until my mother and father hear about you!! You and all your ugly little minions will be finished! you'll all be in the biggest trouble! I'll get free of this and then you'll really be sorry! Just as soon as I'm free! You'll be dead! didn't you know the gods favor the Ravenwoods! I'll be free and you'll be dead you dirty old man!" Lily spat again at Gregor she she struggled violently on the bed. She swore if she did get free she would do it too, she would save thousands of girls from this kind of future if it was the last thing she would do.

Gregor laughed, and came over to get a better look at Lily, "And how would your family find you? The magic attached to you now blocks and spell or ability to find you and Gerard said he never told your family were he was from. Now remember what I said, if you don't stop behaving like this I will stick my member into your bottom and take my enjoyment out on you. So behave or things will get worse." He then waited for her answer and looked at the window where he placed his patrols.

"You BEAST! You creature of Filth! How else am I to act when taken by deception and lies?!" Lily growled, though she didn't say too much more, after all any thought of this man doing anything to her was motifying. She was alone and helpless and there was nothing she could do to stop him. She was terrified already and scared and the only thing she knew how to do was talk and fight and since she couldn't fight... this was really all she could do. She pulled against the constraints even knowing it was futile at this point. The only thing saving her was apparently her heritage and her pureness. But as this aweful man said there were other things he could do.

The day wore on and after a slight arguemenbt the maid left leaving Lily alone with Gregor. He was preparing the accepted bid for her, "Hard to believe The Circle has Outbid the Disciples of Soth for you my dear. You'll be kept local, so maybe I will get a chance to have you upon my member." One of his men arrived in the room, Lily was hidden from his view, "Master I think Da'Karis may be here." Gregor ordered the man to watch the door and then produced a crossbow and sat beside Lily, perhaps this Da'Karis might help her.

"Dar'Karsis? who's he? An enemy? I hope he is! I hope he destroys your entire operation!" Lily says pronouncing the name rediculously wrong, but there wasn't much she could do at the moment and she knew this evil old man wouldn't actually hurt her, she was apparently worth a lot of real money. She wasn't the best with numbers or anything not like her little brother but she was worth a lot apparently. She just hoped this Dar'karsis guy really was going to help her... help her get free of this terrible place and kill that aweful old man.

Gregor put the gag back in her mouth, "I said quiet you willful little sprite if I have to kill you to get clear of this I will." A shout cut short sounded near the front door and Gregor almost jumped out of his skin. He began to scan the room with the crossbow and sweat began to pour down his face. Nothing happened for a very long time, the only sounds in the room were from their breathing. Suddenly the door opened and Gregor fired the crossbow striking the person who walked in.

"MMNN!" Lily shouted, she was terrified her only chance of freedom of any kind was just as quickly gone. This horribly evil old swindle was going to kill or rape her in one way or another and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. She prayed hard to the gods that they wouldn't abandon her when she needed them the most. If he was this agitated then... who knew what this old man unopposed would do to her. She prayed hard and couldn't stop the tears from filling her eyes and spilling over her cheeks.

Gregor moved forward and that is when Lily saw the open window, the figure was her height and moved quickly. Gregor turned and the figure disarmed him and slashed him, making him fall into one of the chairs. When the figure talked the voice was emotionless and cold like death, "I come to end your life Gregor it will be quick or slow depending on what you tell me. Your contact within the Circle, who is it? I only give you one chance." This was Da'Karis she'd never seen anything like him and was pretty sure they were right to fear him.

Lily stayed silent even barely breathing she was so releived and yet even more firghtened then ever before. She'd never seen someone killed before... actually she'd not seen much violence her whole life and this man... was terrifying! This circle... or whatever it was who had won the bid and was paying for her... but... would the papers have that information on it? Would he leave her? Would he kill her? Lily trembled on the bed and more tears fell from her eyes down her cheeks. She couldn't speak even if she wanted to thanks to the gag in her mouth.

"I don't know any names, if you just let me live then you can have the girl, shes pure and her parents are..." Gregor's words died in his throat as Da'Karis slit his throat. Gregor gurgled and twitched until he was dead, the assassin searched his body then removed his hands. Then gathered up all the paperwork and left the room. Lily honestly was afraid he had left her there until he returned with more papers and leaned over her. "I do not know where your clothes are but have gathered somethings for you, dress and leave this place and go home." he said as he unlocked her legs and then her arms and turned to leave.

"Wait! Oh don't go! Where am I!? I... Please take me with you!!" Lily said holding the sheet over herself while she pulled out the vile gag. Once she was completely free she grabbed onto him before he could leave the room. She may not be the most skilled fighter in the family, or a professional at getting rescued like Elsa but she would do her best to survive. "There are some papers he stashed! In his office! It's either a hidden drawer or a loose floorboard, but he's got one! Now please help me! I... I don't know how to get back to Bearlon!" Lily said not letting him go, maybe if she was useful enough this guy would help her at least get out of this aweful place and somewhere where it was safer.

"Baerlon, Andor?" he half asked not turning to look at her but unsure if he was really going to take her with him. "I have all of his papers and take you with me, I am an assassin not the local clergy." He looked at her and she could see his eyes for the first time and the rest of him up close. He had tattoos on his bare arms and she saw he carried long knives only, but apparetnly they were enough to kill Gregor and his men. "What is your name? Gregor never said it just that if I would spare him I could have you." he remark made her believe he was moderately interested in who she was.

"Lily. My name is Lily Ravenwood. I live in Baerlon in Andor with my parents... please please don't leave me!" Lily said and she could help the tears that started to fall down her cheeks again. "Please I won't slow you down! I promise I won't get in the way or bother you! But you can't leave me here! I bed of you.... uh... sir?" Lily trails off, she didn't know how to pronounce his name and she didn't want to offend him or anything, so instead she called him sir. She didn't care if he was an assassin he had saved her life and she was indebted to him, she was also still naked and terrified and cold and hungry and angry and scared.

Da'Karis stared at her for a long time, "Dress in the clothes I laid upon the bed, you have a short span only hurry." He then set the bag with Gregor's hands down and searched the aged slaver for anything else he might need to use to complete his mission. Lily noticed that he did not take any coin or anything else, but he did touch one of his tattoos and begin looking around. "once you dress, you will pick up this bag and follow behind me until I tell you to walk in front of me. you will follow my instructions as I tell you or I will leave you behind." He said before leaving the room to check the stairs.

Lily got dressed, probably the fastest in her life. Once she was clothed she wiped the tears from her cheeks and ignored the corpse as much as she could. She picked up the bag and went to the door, waiting for him to give her an order or come back, she had no idea where she was, or where he had gone. He was obviously an honorable man, because otherwise he would have looted the body, though Lily remembered her parents said that sometimes looting the body was the only way you could continue on a adventure or it would help you survive. Lily just wished she had her throwing daggers at least, she was a dead on with those! But she waited for Dar'Karsis to come back and she would follow him like a shadow, she knew how to take orders and she was good at obeying them... for the most part anyways.

He was already down the stairs and stalked out of the sitting room with several bottles of spirits, "out." When she complied he threw a bottle into the sitting room so the fireplace would light it ablaze, the other into the dining room. Quickly he caught up and led her to the gate that she had entered through, he then pushed her to a dark corner and stood in front of her as guardsmen rushed to the scene of the estate in flames. Lily could feel his breath on her neck and noticed he had made his way through all of Gregor's men without being harmed. Da'Karis waited a few more breaths then led her down a labrynith of alleyways until the estate was far behind of them.

Lily had to bite her lips to not ask any questions or talk at all but she managed. Perhaps fearing for her life was as good a training method to slow down as any. Of course Lily was certain this wasn't what Grandma Lai had in mind. She had never seen anyone like this Dar guy work before, he was very quiet and he obviously has a method for how he did things. He was a man with plans as Mother might say. Of course Father would say something like never trust a man who kills for a living, but then Lily didn't have any of her family with her right now. She was all alone and by her own doing! She was a fool, she felt tears burn at her eyes again and she blinked them away. She'd be damned if she devolved like a wet lady into a mass of weeping and sobbing now! She was a Ravenwood and she had a name to uphold. But the moment she was alone and in private oh boy was there going to be water works!

He stopped at a door and knocked twice it was a small shop and when the door opened he handed the bag of hands inside. Then half turned and motioned her forward to follow him. The walked for the next hour, not stopping to rest or get bearings. When they finally stopped it was in front of an inn, "go inside and give this to the gnome behind the counter tell him you need a room, bath, and food." Da'Karis then walked around the corner of the building without another word.

Lily watched him go, looked at what he had put in her hand... and then followed him again. She had the name of the inn, someone would surely help her get back... But just in case she wouldn't go far from it. She didn't want to be left alone yet. SHe was afraid of this land and it's peoplea and he had been the only one to actually help her so far. Lily was a Ravenwood alright but she was untried, she didn't know what she was supposed to do. How to get home. Who this circle of people were that apparently wanted her. She wanted to grab his shirt again and not let him leave her. Hopefully she was quick enough she could catch him around the corner.

She walked down the alley a little not seeing him, that is until he talked, "were my instructions not clear to you Lily Ravenwood?" Somehow he had appeared behind her and was very close. She still could not make out anything in his eyes, it was like looking into a mask. Gerard suddenly came to her mind he was trying to sell her things and possibly this man would want to know. But, could she turn on the man she once touted to even her father that she was in love with?

"But... if you knew that aweful old man... you might know about Gerard... and what he did with my things. My belongings." Lily said going stiff, tears pricking ehr eyes in her fright still but she refused to cry when he was around. "Please... you were very clear I mean like crystel and crystel is completely clear and that's what you were but, I don't even have money to pay for a night of lodging and I only have these clothes that you gave me and what am I going to do? Please this is my first time away from home... I just need a little help and maybe I could reward you somehow or my family could once I'm home and safe or something please... I'm sorry... But I don't know what else to do!" Lily said her fear and nervousness and all her other emotions crowding her making for a big potential mass weeping, but she was holding herself together somehow, for the moment.

He held a finger to her lips stopping the torrent of words coming from her mouth. "go inside and give this to the gnome behind the counter tell him you need a room, bath, food, and clothes. he will have a maid give you all these things and you can sleep and recover from your ordeal. And I no longer have any concern about this Gerard, tomorrow I will take you to your old room to recover what you can. no do as I have instructed you Lily, you are safe from them here."

Lily listened carefully and when he was done speaking she leaned forward and hugged him. Then without it lasting more then second she jumped back just in case he was mad. "I'm sorry and I will... but you'll come back won't you? So I can thank you somehow? After tomorrow I mean." Lily asked before backing up some more getting ready to go straight back to the inn, but not until he promised he'd come and check on her. Without him giving her his word, she wouldn't believe he really would come back. She had to admit having a man like this tell her she was safe, she kind of believed him.

He nodded and did not say another word, but pointed in the direction of the front of the inn. Then walking around her he disappeared into the night, Lily was alone, but somehow she felt like he was still close by. The light from the inn windows was bright and comforting, kind of like Finns back home. A little pain came from her hand as she had tightly clenched the small metallic disk with a dagger and circle emblazoned upon it. If she was to give it to the gnome then the gnome would know him.

Lily went to the doors and stood there a moment. Looking into the shadows timidly before taking a deep breath and holding herself up like her teachings taught her she then opened the doors. Onvce she was inside she only stood still for a moment before she went to the counter. She tried to find a somewhat empty place at the counter, very self aware of herself. Her hair was all over the place and her clothes didn't fit and she felt horribly grimy. "Excuse me! Excuse me please!" She called in trade tongue, not sure if he spoke Andorian or not. She was tryiong to get the man behind the counters attention regardless.

The gnome behind the counter turned to the new voice, "Aye, what do ya need?" He took in how she was dressed and disheveled and figured there was something up. He pushed his stool down to where she was and climbed back up and looked at Lily. "Alright ye have my attention, now do ye have somethin ta say?" Something about this girl said she might be trouble and that was the last thing they needed, but he was curious now.

"Um... I was told to show you this!" Lily said nervously, he didn't look aweful friendly, and neither did all he men in the pub at the moment. She she showed him to sigil Dar'karsis gave to her to show him. "I was told to ask for proper clothes, um a bath and food and a room." Lily said softly, obviously scared and tired from everything that had happened to her. She only hoped this gnome would help her... after all Dar'Karsis said it would work... he had saved her so far surely this would be just as he said it would be as well. Lily looked worriedly at the gnome. "If it isn't too much trouble..." Lily said nervously.

The gnome's face went slack for a few minutes and then he shook his head. "Rosalie, take our guest upstairs to room five, five get her size for some loaner clothes, and order for food, and the tub." Before she could shut her hand, he plucked the metal disk from her hand and got down to move to another customer calling for him. A girl with Raven dark hair and green eyes walked up, her outfit was that of a serving girl and she nodded, "I am Rosalie please follow me." She led Lily to the stairs and they began to climb them Rosalie about four steps ahead of Lily.

"Thanks an aweful lot Rosalie! I'm Lily... by the way. I hope I'm not putting you out of tips or anything... Was it okay to show that to the bar keeper? you're quite lovely... I bet you make a fair amount in tips, at least my uncle says pretty girls always make better tips." Lily spoke softly but quickly, she was really tired though and she was still scared and she just wanted clean and to sleep in a real bed. Lily blinked quickly she wouldn't cry yet she was still in company.

"Almost all the regualrs know Goram's connection to Da'Karis so I wouldn't worry too much about it. And thank you for the compliment I do alright for tips and showing guests to their rooms is sometimes part of my job. Here we are five, five I have a shift you can wear tonight, it'll be a little loose but you'll be in bed so it won't matter. What would you like to eat and of course drink, I'll bring it when I bring the shift." She tidy the room a little and turned a lever filling the tub in the room with hot water, just like home.

"Um...anything to eat is fine thank you and uh clean water please... Goram.. is he the owner? Da'Karsis... he's a nice... guy. I really appreciate anything you could help me with. Um... is there soap? Lots of soap? And something to scrub with... I don't want to put you out of anything though Rosalie, mind if I call you Rosie? I won't if you don't like it. This is... well actually I don't know how long I've been here... A week maybe... I'm not sure all I know is so far this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Except for Da'Karsis saving me." Lily said with a soft sniffle but she kept herself together still, but she would probably break down once Rosalie was gone.

"First let me help you with something love, his name is Da'Karis it is more of a title, but it is what he is called. Goram is the owner he is a cantekerous old cur, but lovable when you get to know him. You can call me Rosi or even Ro, those who try gettin under me skirts use Rosalie a lot." She set out soap and rags to wash and a towel to dry and wrap herself in. "I'll take the key and lock the door behind me, that way if you hear the lock you know who it is." she explained before walking to the door.

"Thanks a lot Rosi... I really really appreciate this, thanks... everyone speaks so fast here in the native tongue it's hard for me to get any kind of handle on it... um thank you again... would... would it be bad if I... asked for a dagger... or knife or something... just precaution you know?" Lily asked softly she was blushing now at having gotten her rescuers name so wrong she wanted to thank him somehow but the best way would probably be to just learn his name and respect him... at least if he was anything at all like Feal that would be what you should do. But then Lily didn't know what Da'Karis was like and so she would have to wait until she knew him a little better to try and give him something in thanks.

Once the door shut and she heard the locks she was able to climb into the tub and wash off the vile drool of those odious men. Lily was still washing when she heard the key in the lock again and Rosi returned with several things. "I brought a roasted hen with rice an peas, with some piper tea an'a nice slice of cimmanin cake. I also brought one of me shifts an a extra robe along with the dagger I keep in me room, I'll put yer underthings and these clothes to be laundered in the mornin. Woulda care fer me ta scrub yer back Lily?"

Lily sniffled a bunch and nodded her head. The moment she had sank into the tub to being scrubbing the tears had started. The more she cried the harder she ended up scrubbing, her whole body felt slimy and vile. HEr skin was pink from her scrubbing so hard. Her long hair was wet and hid her face but it was clear that she was crying and weepoing in the tub. While the food smelled great and her stomach was rumbling, she wanted cleaned better first. She wanted to wash her hair as well but getting the feel of the tongues and hands off of her body came first. Poor Lilly seemed so young, especially when there wasn't a single scar on her body. She seemed like a fully developed girl but if you looked for it you could tell just how young she was. She sniffled again and continued to scrub herself harshly, if this continued she might even draw blood.

Rosi took the rag from her, "I know something bad happened for you and Da'Karis to meet and I won't pry, but you are safe now." She began to scrub Lily's back until she declared that she would wash Lily's hair and then she was out of the tub and dry off then eat. "So, will you be staying long in Valusia or traveling somewhere else?" she wanted to make small talk to clear Lily's mind the young girl seemed so upset. The fingers rubbing her scalp and then rinsed the dirt away. "Alright, you are as clean as I can make you and since we don't want you pruning up, time to get out." she said getting the towel and holding it out for Lily.

Lily stepped out of the tub and her face was red as she blushed and she sniffled but the worst of the tears were probably over now. "I don't know... I've n-never been away from home without family b-before... I don't even know how to get p-passage on a boat or anything. Or if I even h-have any money. If my th-things are gone then I don't h-have anything at all. I'm s-sorry Rosi, I know I'm j-just a bother right n-now and you are h-having to take c-care of me but... it m-means a lot to me!" Lily said letting all that gush right out of her, though her lips quivered and she worked hard to let that be all the crying she did. After all she was the heir apparent-ish of the Ravenwood bloodline and she had to be strong like her mother was. She wrapped the towel around her and dried off as best she could. Unfortunatly she if she thought about it could still feel the tongues and touched of those dirty old men.

Rosi hugged Lily to comfort her, "It's alright, everything will be okay. Come you need to eat and then get some sleep, morning will be here before you know it." It boggled the mind that Da'Karis sent her here, he never brought work back and especially one that knew about the job he just did. "Goram expects me back for a little while, eat and I will come up and take the dishes away and see if there is anything else you need before bed." She patted Lily's hand after getting her set at the table and left.

"Thanks Rosi!" Lily shirped sadly before saying all her prayers and blessings before eating, she didn't even have any componants for any spells not that she was any good at them. Lily ate though, and ate almost all of it, except for a veggie she didn't care for the taste of. She then dressed in the shift Rosi had brought her and sat down to do her daily attentions to the gods. She could only hope they would continue to watch over her. She wondered how trusty Goram was... and if Rosi would ever hurt her on purpose. Lily hoped Da'Karis came back tomorrow he said he would.

Somewhere after Rosi took the dirty dishes away, Lily in the twilight of sleep could swear she heard Da'Karis's voice and Goram's. "I do not understand why you'd bring home a witness and set her up here." the gnome asked. "you have never questioned my motives before, why start now?" was the reply. "Now you hear me boy, I set jobs for your master before he passed on and now I do for you and this is not what he'd do." Da'Karis's voice tinged with slight anger, "Perhaps my choice will do better than his choice that ended his career." Lily was to tired to think about saying anything and fell asleep.

Lily woke early as she usually did, no matter how tired she was. Once awake though she got up and washed her face and her hands. She found a brush and brushed her tangled mess of hair she had slept on. Once it was clear of knot's it shone a deep auburn and she tried to find something to tie it up with. She was going to put it in a braid but, she didn't know if how you wore hair here was different from Baerlon, after all Mother often said places where different with their customs. So she left it down for the moment, she finally looked around the room properly and then out the window carefully. She wondered how different today would be. So far her adventure was not going well at all!

Valusia III

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