Page name: Valusia XIII [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-12-24 06:08:34
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia XII

When Lily woke a couple hours later Da'Karis was watching her sleep as he held her close to him. They were warm and covered up under his blanket but still were skin to skin, "I think I tired you out Lily, how do you feel?" Her well being was important to him and he wanted to make sure in their desire to couple that he wasn't hurting her. The room around them was darkening as the sun was setting outside, they had not been bothered or interrupted once the whole day. As they laid there his eyes drank in every detail of Lily so even if parted he would remember this day and everything about her and his feelings.

"mmm good... my back hurts a little, kind of like riding a horse too long. I am also-" She was cut off rather abruptly by her stomach growling angrily. She blushed heavily at the sound. But she smiled at Kar and getting up on one elbow she gave him a shy soft chaste kiss on the lips. "I'm hungry too." She said after the kiss still blushing, she held the blanket close to her chest with her other arm so she wouldn't be bare. It was a bit nippy in the room without the fire being built up properly. She supposed they were both to busy to notice it needed it at the time. She could get used to this. She had a pang of guilt then about how she had railed on Conner all the time about having sex and being with women and well a lot of other things her mind had come up with he probably hadn't done at all. But still she couldn't see herself with any other man then Kar. He was simply... murderously crazily talented at fighting and at taking care of her. Something most people couldn't or wouldn't do. She smiled at Kar again. "do you want me to go downstairs and get some food?" She asked knowing he rarely went downstairs and she didn't mind a bit.

"If you like, and I will try to coax the fire back to life while you are gone." he answered returning her kiss. He ran his fingers along her face and noted the difference in their skin tones, his just a bit darker than hers. "I trust in you to decide what we will have to eat." he confided in her while he slipped out of bed. Da'Karis picked up his pants and put them on and handed Lily hers from the chair that Rosi had left them on yesterday. "Shall I turn my head while you dress Lily?" he asked with a smile before heading to the fireplace and begining to work with the poker. He would take the letter to an aquaintance of his tomorrow morning with the instructions to make sure it made it to Andor without being traceable back to Valusia.

Lily hurriedly dressed while trying not to be bothered about her nudity. She was covered by her shirt and pants and she pulled on her boots. "I'll be right back." She said with a smile and she left headed downstairs and to the kitchen. She hoped there was some food for them both to eat and that Rosie wouldn't be mad about her not working at all the last few days. But hopefully the owner wouldn't be mad too Lily had only met him a few times and he was kind of scary. Not at all like uncle Lyle.

Rosi was in the kitchen putting a couple finishing touches on two plates and looked up and smiled, "Well, I wondered what it would take to see either of you today. And since the inn is not on fire I figure you both must be hungry, so here I made these up for the two of you along with a dinner wine and some dessert and you're welcome." She winked at Lily not saying that she knew anything, nor did she ask she didn't feel it was her place. Lily would tell her or she would catch them either sharing a kiss or a touch to confirm that the famous assassin and girl from Andor had fallen for one another. "You should hurry before the cook or our boss happen to see you around after I told him you were sick with a cold."

"Thanks Rosie you're the best!" Lily said giving the other girl a quick bear hug before she grabbed the tray and food and hurried back up the stairs and she knocked on the door very carefully balancing the tray. It would be to precarious to open the door. So she held onto the tray and waited for him to open the door so she wouldn't spill anything. She wondered if Rosie knew what happened or wanted it to happen. She never really said anything either way.

Da'Karis opened the door and smiled at her, "It seems you got everything and very quickly too." He stepped aside and let her bring everything in and set it onto the table. The fire was back up and cast warmth and light into the room and he lit a couple candles on the table as well so the room was a little brighter. "Did you see Rosi while you were down there, it is strange that we did not hear from her today but she may have been busy with her duties in the tavern." Pulling out a chair for her then when she was seated he sat across from her and poured the wine for both of them.

"Yes she prepared our meals for us. She also said she told the boss I caught a cold so he wouldn't get mad. She's the best friend I think I've ever had. Thank you." Lily said taking the seat, she had been trained to accept seats as he handled it pushing it in for her. When it came to manners no one could best Lily, she was practically royally trained. "She winked at me though... which I think is code for something... but I'm kind of knew to most of this." Lily confessed but she smiled as he poured her some wine as well.

After dinner they sat together in front of the fire, Lily almost on Da'Karis's lap and both surrounded by a blanket dozing. Every so often he would run his hand along her skin and talk low into her ear. "Lily, you said all your family is in danger from your uncle as I have seen the fear he brings forth in you. What if I kill him here in Valusia and save you and your family any future pain." he said almost nonchalantly. All he knew was to be a killer and just recently discovered desires she evoked in him, with a simple thrust or slash of his blades he could save her and her noble family and redeem for any dark deeds he had ever done.

"I don't know. He might have a contingency plan, 'like hey if I am killed go to all out war and my second in command will rule the world in my place.' Or something like that. According to my mother he was guilds all over the world." Lily said softly each soft touch she got some goose bumps up and down her arms. It tingled and made her feel even warmer and happier. "Also someone might just bring him back to life again. It's already been like... two times or something. Last time he was killed Mother had him cut into pieces and those pieces scatters as far as the people she paid them could put them and pulverize sink or destroy them. Someone murdered a scion and a pregnant woman and her child to bring him back. I think they might just keep doing that. But I don't know. No one has told me anything about the Sildea trip. I went on the first one but not the second. Something might have changed and I wouldn't know. And no I'm not taking off the bracelet because if I do my brother Darryl who is a scion will come get me the moment I do. I just know it." Lily said snuggling into Kar, she didn't speak angrily or even give him a mean look but the snuggle was kind of her way of saying I'm not going home till I'm ready. She herself rubbed her thumb in small circles over Kar's arm.

He lifted the hand that she had the bracelet on, "So this is what keeps your family from finding you Lily?" She had not told him before, but it made sense it was the only thing she had never parted with since they had met. He set her hand back down and pressed his lips to her neckas he drew her close enjoying the closeness of her. A knock at the door announced Rosi had come to see them Da'Karis wondered what Lily planned on doing, he had no idea how Rosi would react to them snuggled under a blanket as they were. 

"Do you want me to move?" Lily asked softly, she didn't really want to but if he wanted her to then she would. She was comfortable. "We've seen them used before. It's kind of big magic. There's only a few people who can make them. We don't know who they are though." Lily offered what she knew about the bracelets. She was glad he didn't protest about the bracelet and her keeping it on though. She had been a little worried about that.

"No if it does not bother you I am comfortable with this." he kissed her lightly before calling out to Rosi to come in. Her grin was wide once she entered the room with a tray and three mugs on it. "I brought some tea since the weather is dropping rapidly." she explained letting them take their cups then set the tray down and took hers and sat in the other chair. She took a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Da'Karis, "You have a job, not too hard but it needs to be early in the morning or late at night by the end of the week." Da'Karis glanced sideways, "So, I assume none of those things are on this paper."

Lily took a mug and sat quietly while they spoke. She sipped the tea it was perfect. She was happy to be where she was for once. Not tired of her family, not upset at anything. she felt safe and not controlled and free. She had friends and a lover... this was everything Lily had ever wanted. She was actually happy and that fact sort of startled her a little. She hadn't realized how unhappy she was at home. Now this felt more like home to her then the Manor. But she did miss Conner.

Rosi watched Lily closely and smiled again, "Will you be taking your student with you or will this been a solo undertaking Da'Karis." He thought about it as he drank another sip, "It would depend on Lily and if I think it will work better as two or as one." If Lily wished to remain behind as he performed his mission then that was fine with him. Mentally his also needed to get eyes upon her uncle and guage if he needed to be dealt with.

"Let me know if you need me, Kar, I should probably start working downstairs again. Can't make money if I don't work for it. But you just say the word and I'll come and help out anytime." Lily says with a smile at Rosi and Kar. Lily was certainly content to be here at the inn for a long while longer. she had no real intention of going home for a while. She was glad about that. She was glad she was okay here, and that she didn't even want to go home where they would probably lock her up and never let her go again.

They talked a while longer before Rosi yawned and told them she was going to bed and wished them goodnight taking the empty mugs to the kitchen before going to bed. When the door closed Da'Karis rested his forehead against Lily's shoulder, "It has been somewhat of a 'busy' day are you coming to bed?" His hands slipped around her stomach and rubbed warming the skin there and increasing the drowsy feeling the fire had started. Reaching out he added another log onto the fire that should keep the room warm while they slept. The question was would Lily stay in his bed tonight or would he be sleeping alone, already he knew he would have to be up early to go find his target.

"Yes... I just wanted to wash my face before bed tonight." Lily said with a soft almost breathless moan as he rubbed her stomach gently. IT felt good and she liked being here with Kar. In front of the fire. She was really glad this had all happened even if it really scared her in the first part and well her uncle being here was scary too. But Kar was here and was going to take care of her. Sort of.

He turned down the covers and waited for Lily to join him, while they may not couple again tonight it would be nice just having her nearby. Her habits were of interest to him and he watched her prepare for bed with some interest, he did not know if all women worked like this. "I think we should find a way for you to keep tabs on your family, in case they wind up needing our help or just plain needs you back. Not that I doubt they can get along on their own, but the way you describe the forces against them one never knows." Da'Karis turned on his side and waited for Lily to join him, he hoped she would respond well to his words.

"Mmmm, well I never even told you about My uncle who came from an alternative world, He's been in hiding since I was born. He wants to kill all us kids and daddy. He's very pro elves. With the guild of Soth, my uncle Galin being alive again running them, and my uncle Galdrid. It's kind of a one of a kind family I've got. Oh yeah and then there's Lyrial's real dad a dark elf who works for Galin, and he's the one who brought him back this last time. He keeps interfering with the family but we aren't sure why. I would certainly feel a little better knowing they were all safe." Lily said while she got ready for bed. Washing face and hands, she oiled her hands and arms and legs quickly, reached up to do her hair blushed because she had forgotten it was short still, and a different color. Then she got into bed With Kar and snuggled up close to his chest resting her head there.

He listened to everything she said and let it all sink in as they drifted off into sleep, tomorrow he would find his target and watch him close then decide when best to strike. Wrapping his arm about Lily he kissed her forehead and listened to her breathing as they waited for sleep to come to them both. "I may be gone in the morning Lily to go find my contract, it will give you time to speak with Goram about working in the tavern again. I will see you at dinner at least before I prepare to carry out the contract, alright?" he asked quietly.

"Okay... Be careful Kar. I will have something ready for you before you come back." Lily said softly before she fell asleep. It took her a while but when he spoke it helped sooth her and so she answered before she fell into a peaceful sleep. She felt completely safe with Kar. She never had to worry about anything as long as he was around. She didn't think she could be any more content then she was now. She hoped Goram wasn't upset about her missing almost a week of work.

The next morning she woke alone in the bed, Da'Karis had woken up hours earlier and left to begin his contract. The fire was still burning and the room was warm. Rosi knocked and brought in breakfast and tea, "We have a little time before we need to head downstairs so come get your food before it gets cold." Goram had told her that he thought Lily should be on her way so he could rent out her room, Rosi had desperately wanted to inform the grumpy gnome that Lily was staying in Da'Karis's room and would not need the other room. "So did he wake you before he left or did he not want to rouse you." she asked.

"He just left. That's alright though it was sweet. Thanks for bringing this Rosi." Lily smiled at her friend. She got up and ate her food quickly before changing into something clean she had brought up. Just a common skirt and top that she tied a scarf around her waist to keep tight. "Do you think Goram is mad?" Lily asked as she piled the dishes back onto the tray. She hoped he wasn't but Goram scared her anyways. So it didn't matter if he was angry Lily was still going to be scared of him. He always sounded angry and looked angry and often was very harsh. Lily had never been treated like he treated her.

"He is always grumpy with people, half the time because they complain about the services of the inn and tavern and he knows we do good work. The rest is dealing with people coming to try finding Da'Karis and figuring if they are real contracts to take or turn down. Don't take any grousing he does personally." she explained. Once she was ready they went downstairs and left the dirty dishes with Philip to wash and went to take over in the tavern. Sitting at the bar Goram looked their way made a 'HARUMPH' and went back to his pint and scrolls, Rosi laughed and blew him a kiss, getting another 'HARUMPH' in return.

Lily put on an apron and quickly went to work. She was a nice sweet girl and did her best. But it was clear Goram still made her nervous. Lily was almost completely unrecognizable from the Baerlon Noble who had first come here. She now had short hair, and it was a very dark brown, her hands were rougher now because of the work she was doing. She had gotten freckles from the very sunny kind of place they were in. She was even a little more plump then she had been at home simply because she didn't train as often and ate just as much. She no longer stood like a noble or soldier she stood like any other commoner woman and her accent was minimal and she spoke like any other Valusian. As she worked no one would think of her as anything other then a Valusian.

A long while later Philip came out of the kitchen and made a beeline to Lily and tugged at her arm and he began to point to the kitchen. Rosi was busy with a client of the inn and Goram had a hour before left to see another client about a contract.

"Okay Philip I'll come." Lily said with a smile. Even though he didn't speak Lily treated him mostly like anyone else she spoke or did anything with. She wiped her hands on her apron and followed Philip. So far Goram hadn't yelled or anything at her so she wasn't as nervous anymore. Rosi had been working like normal so now Lily felt comfortable too. She had been working hard and was getting the hang of it again quickly. She would still need to practice her skills however.

Philip led her into the kitchen to the stairs where she saw there was blood on the handle then he drew his hand from his forwhead to just above his eyes like a hood. From what he showed and motioned to her it was clear Da'Karis had returned and things might have been a little rougher on this job.

"Thank you Philip." Lily said before she hurried up the stairs and knocked on the door before entering quickly. If he was injured enough to leave those kind of blood pools on the stairs and the door. He was injured enough that he would need help taking care of it. It worried her that something had happened to him. It scared her a lot. Next time... she would go with him. No if's and's or but's. "Kar?" She called softly entering the room.

Da'Karis was shirtless and applying healing balm to his forearm which had a good sized gash, on the floor was bloody cloth he had used for a bandage. He looked up, "The contract was a trap for me courtesy of The Circle, do not worry I took care of everything and my injuries were not too severe." She could tell he had used magic to take care of some of his other injuries, but bruises were still visible on his ribs and one on his jaw. He removed his boots then stood to remove his pants as well, he would soak in the hot spring for awhile then feel back to normal. Tomorrow he would find the person who set the contract and hopefully be closer to The Circle, tonight though he might have to deal with Lily feeling tender and maternal towards him.

"Let me wrap it before you soak." lily said coming over and pushing him into a seat roughly. She grabbed cloth and held it tightly over the still bleeding wound. She then took a long strip and tightly but comfortably and expertly wrapped his arm neatly and tidily. She took the balm then and dabbed here and there in places where the skin was broken. She worked quickly and didn't stop until she was sure she had covered everything. "It will need stitches but that can wait after you have soaked. I will make sure I have everything I need for it. I will re-bandage you too." Lily said before kissing Kar's every bruise. She ended on his lips with a very soft chaste kiss. "I will go downstairs and tell Goram what happened and that I am taking care of you for now. Go soak and I will bring up something easy to chew for dinner as well." Lily said her tone like that of a noble and she was bossing him around, but she knew what she was doing. She had lost her long practiced accent and sounded like who she was again for once. It was proof of how much she was worried. But she didn't want to get in his way. It was obvious however that her parents had never wanted her in front of the battle and had trained her for everything else. Especially a healer.

He caught her wrapping his hands around her bottom and brought her into another kiss, "Most likely by the time I return up here The wound will have sorted itself out. The springs accelerate natural healing and I should be fine, but I will accept your healing skills." Da'Karis stood and along side Lily they went back down the stairs and he continued down to the springs. The blood had been cleaned up and she saw Philip had a bucket and rag near the back door. "I will see you in a little while." he whispered letting her go to continue her work.

Lily pouted but accepted everything he said. She went back to work but she didn't have the same energy as before and she was a little more... clueless this time. She kept missing mugs to refill until someone complained. Forgot to give them eating utensils. Small things but things she hadn't ever done before. She was worried about Kar. She wondered if it was her fault. Had being with him distracted him somehow? Was it her fault? She kept thinking and thinking and she did get foods that wouldn't be tough to eat together. And eventually she took it upstairs.

He was resting on the bed in clean clothes and had been for some time, he looked as she entered and he sat up. "My thanks for food and will you be staying with me?" he asked walking over to her. His bruises had faded a great deal and the wound on his arm had cleared up some and he looked rested.

"My shift is over. I can stay." Lily said softly as she took off her apron and washed her face and hands. She set the table for them both and took her own seat. Her mind was going in circles over all the things she had thought of downstairs and before. "I'm going with you next time." She said looking up across the table to him, she was obviously worried because she kept biting her bottom lip.

He smiled at her, "It is not the first ambush I have ever walked into, probably will not be the last one either. But it was surprising when the one tried to tackle me, I suppose The Circle wanted me captured instead of killed. Do not worry yourself Lily, I should have watched a little longer before striking it was nothing you did." His appetite was not its usual, but he ate a good deal of the food and walked to the chair and had a seat. "Will you join me until we decide to go to bed, or do you have other plans this evening?" he asked her with a slight tone of playfulness.

"I will join you." Lily said softly finishing her own portion and walking over. She took a seat on the rug close to the fireplace and leaned against his legs. She rest her head on his lap. She kept chewing on her lip. He was a trained man. She shouldn't be so worried, but she really couldn't help it. She wanted him to come back to her. She wanted him to hold her again and she wanted them to stay together. If he got killed they wouldn't be and she would be alone again.

He reached down and gently tugged on her to share the seat with him, never would she have to feel the need to not be close to him. "I speak truthfully to you Lily, you have nothing to fear I will not be leaving you anytime soon." Once she was sitting with him, he traced the features of her face and neck with his finger tips then began to kiss her. Da'Karis started with her fingertips then moved up to her wrists then her lips and down to her neck, taking his time. 

"I know. You are insanely careful and good and trained." Lily said softly, she knew he was very skilled and capable of taking care of himself. Lily moaned softly as he began to kiss her, she couldn't help but giggle when he got to her neck and moaned again when he found a sensitive spot on her collarbone. she was worried about him but she understood too that there was nothing she could do to help him or anything else.

Valusia XIV

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