Page name: Valusia XIX [Exported view] [RSS]
2016-04-24 23:40:04
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia XVIII

The next morning when Lily opened her eyes, Da'Karis was still there with her. It was hard to tell if he was asleep or just resting until she moved and his eyes opened. "Good Morning Lily, did you sleep well?"

"Mmm-Hmm." Lily confirmed, she leaned forward and gave him a chaste kiss to the lips, her cheeks a little pink. She then stretched while still laying. Her body creaked but she gave a happy little sigh once she finished. "It is a good morning today." Lily then said softly almost shyly as she looked up into his face. All thoughts of family far from her mind now, it seemed more than anything she was more and more filled with thoughts of life here and how she could do more.

He drew her close and let his hand rest on her stomach, she had grown so much from the girl he found tied to a bed. In a day or so he would have to continue the second part of his contract, bbut for now he and Lily had some time to relax and train. "Do you intend to work in the tavern today?" he asked leaning over and placing a kiss upon her neck.

"I will unless you wish otherwise. Goram seems complacent to let you decide what I do... not happy... not happy at all but he said if you had plans for me then that was that." Lily said before giggling as he reached a ticklish spot on her neck. She was quiet happy he was here this morning as mornings wee becoming a little lonesome for her.

Her laugh made him smile, Lily was quickly becoming the most important part of his life. "If I wish otherwise, that is a very telling comment young Ravenwood, what if my wish was to remain here content under the covers all of today?" His hand inched up her shift a little more, this was part of a test to see if she had her blushing under control.

"Then as Gorram said... That would be that... I love it when you smile." Lily said her voice just a tad breathless as she anticipated his touch with eagerness, she was blushing softly for now, but it was growing a little the further his hand moved over her skin. She didn't let her gaze leave his face, his smile made him... dashing. So handsome her chest hurt, he had the most intriguing beguiling smile she had ever seen, while rare it seemed mischievous and innocent all at the same time. It nearly made her breathless each time he used it. Though she was a little breathless for other reasons now and she clenched her thighs together, hopefully unnoticed as her loins got the better of her in anticipation.

He kissed her chin and whispered, "Do you wish for me to not assail you my love? One word and I will put you shift down and simply hold you until we decide to leave this bed." The shift had reached just above her waist and his hand was moving down slowly, it was a little maddening but Da'Karis's eyes told the truth, if Lily did not want him now he would stop.

"I..." Lily said breathless in her anticipation her body wet and hot waiting for his touch. "I want you to assail me..." Lily said as her blush intensified into a nice solid pink on her cheeks, he always made her speak, made her tell him she wanted this too. It was embarrassing, empowering and so fucking hot! Already her breasts were sensitive and her nipples tight, she fought hard not to moan in sheer anticipation of his touch. Her green eyes darting from his lips to his ever so straightforward eyes. Leaning up she decided to encourage him a little more with a kiss to his lips.

He returned the kiss and drew her nightgown all the up and when they broke the kiss he stripped her of it and tossed it over the side of the bed. Da'Karis kissed her deeply again then lowered his mouth to one of her sensitive nipples and teased it then the other to hardeness as his hand parted her legs and began to rub lightly. The had not made love often, but Da'Karis knew he would never want another like he desired Lily.

This time Lily didn't fight the moans and other sounds Kar dragged from her as he played her body like a tightly strung instrument. She ached to feel him and yet she was loathe to have him take his attentions away from any one place. He made love like he was cleansing her body, and she moaned and writhed beneath him. Lily reached her own arms out one to his hand pleasing her to encourage him the other to the back of his head to knead and caress him. they didn't make love frequently but that made each time that much more special to Lily. It wasn't all haste and quick pleasure it was torture and long lasting satiation. She loved it. She loved him, and she was pretty sure he loved her and she was happy.

This was only the beginning, he never rushed with her nor did he demand she do anything she was uncomfortable with. When he released her other nipple Lily knew what would be next in store for her. Da'Karis kissed her lips then began kissing his way down her body stopping to kiss and nip at her breasts before teasing her navel with his tongue. Lily had made strides in turning bright red anymore, but he was glad he could make his lover flush with anticipation and lust. Even better was the fact that they rarely spoke during their time of making love, they didn't really have to.

Lily giggled a little but moaned in the same breath as he teased her supple flesh with his devilish tongue. Her face was still flush but the thought and image of Kar between her legs pleasing her with his mouth made her well and truly blush and it crept down her neck until he was where he was headed, between her thighs and she could no longer concentrate enough to even blush any longer. Her hips bucking, and her head thrown back she cried softly at how pleasurable first contact he always made really was. She clutched at the sheets so she didn't hurt him by pulling on him.

Da'Karis smiled but continued his work at giving Lily pleasure, his hands spread across her skin from her knees up to her hips and he worked on not letting Lily toss him away. They would not stay in bed all day today, but he was in no rush to stop what they were doing.

Lily being quite flexible could do many unconventional poses during sex, but Kar was more of a basic man despite many things about his life being complicated and one of the things she loved and hated a little was how long he would take pleasing her. She hated him denying himself pleasure, though she wasn't quite ready to try the position where they could please each other simultaneously with their mouths. But she moaned and writhed as he lapped at her treasured place. it built in her quickly and sooner rather than later she was crying out in climax, clutching the sheets with white knuckles.

After Lily recovered from his ministrations he kissed his way back up her body and took her hand in his. "Let us try something Lily." he whispered placing her small hand on his manhood, and groaning as he closed her fingers around it. Giving her a measure of control over him and test her control over herself as well, unless she did not want to try this now. Being that she had just climaxed, she might not even notice that she now held his hardening member in her hand.

Lily was breathing heavy from her climax, but as soon as her hand grasped his manhood she gasped. She'd never known just how hot it was. And it moved. Instead of being embarrassed, she was far more intrigued. This was... so taboo, and weird, she knew what it looked like and she had felt it inside of herself but... she was completely fascinated by it now, the texture... the swelling, the.. she blushed a little as she groped his testicles. She put her other hand on his erect penis and explored the head of it. She glanced up at his face wondering if it felt any good. Her exploring touch.

Da'Karis watched Lily and she could tell by his breathing she was having an effect on him and he even groaned when she squeezed him lightly. The way she looked and examined him and his reactions as she touched his manhood, as if studying it. He was content to let Lily do as she would, it was letting her find out what she liked to do or allow her to find out what she did not like to do.

Lily continued and since he was laying so still and letting her have her way... Well she was a quarter elven after all... So she leaned forward and licked him. Using her tongue at first to lick across the slit at the top where pre-cum was leaking. At first taste however she looked a little surprised and licked more fully a second time before taking the tip of him into her mouth and sucking lightly. It was strange and she was bright red, but she was concentrating very hard on her task and the way he twitched when she did different things made her incredibly happy.

The assassin had to admit he was taken off guard by how Lily was acting now, she was making her decisions now. He didn't say much but allowed himself to moan or groan several times to show her how much he enjoyed what she was doing. Reaching down Da'Karis let his fingers slip through Lily's hair as she worked upon him, it would not be long until she got what she wanted.

Lily drew back and panted. This was a lot harder than she had thought it would be. After all mother and father enjoyed it a lot, they did it often enough. But her jaw was tired, and Lily wasn't sure she had been doing it right anyways, but she was fairly dripping with excitement and she looked from penis to abdomen then up to his chest and decided to concentrate on that. The red was covering her chest from her blush, but she climbed on top gracefully and aligned herself, before slowly sinking down atop him. She was panting with need and she moaned loudly as she took him into her.

Da'Karis helped Lily and he also moaned as her full weight settled and she enveloped his manhood, it was the most dominating thing the young woman had done since they met. Slowly he rubbed her thighs up to her hips and helped the rhythm of their sex, sharing the pleasure of her decision to attempt this. When Lily leaned a little too forward he smiled and took the opportunity to suckle at her nipple and then smile up at her. She was truly a sight to behold, astride him with the full sunlight of the day streaming in the window behind her, making his lover look angelic while they shared this passionate embrace.

Lily gasped and moaned, it was hard to concentrate and if it weren't for Kar's hands and assistance she might not have been able to do this so well. But this was amazing! regular sex was good but for some reason she was really feeling this round.

It did not take long for them to share a climax and Lily laid upon him while they recovered, Da'Karis inhaled her scent while his hands gently brushed her skin. "You continue to surprise Lily Ravenwood, I dare say I don't feel much like doing anything today other than be here with you." There were several things he needed to do, but right now it was enough to be here with Lily. It was a nice thought but, Lily knew she would be needed downstairs and it would only be a matter of time before Rosie returned to find out why she had not come down yet.

Lily smiled softly and kissed him lightly. "I must return to work, and you have a very many things to do. I know you do." Lily said softly, Though she didn't want to move or do anything else either. But Rosy needed help downstairs and Kar had many things he needed to do, he always did.

When she arrived downstairs the tavern was in full swing, many of the locals came in for breakfast or for those who worked over the night a drink before heading home. Rosie smiled brightly and handed her an apron, "Well, I see someone managed to make it downstairs before noon today." The buxom barmaid smiled and winked at Lily before heading out to another one of her tables. Lily went to her first table and noted that the three men all wore the same pin her uncle had, which meant they were members of his guild. "Wonderful, here comes the lass I'm famished and ready to order breakfast." the man in chain armor declared as she got up to them. His friends smiled and nodded to Lily but went back to the menus that Rosie had given them.

"What Can I get fore you men then?" Lily said making certain to use her accent that Rose and Kar and helped her learn. she smiled brightly at the menfolk but seeing those pins and chilled the fuzzy warmth she always had after spending time with Kar. Though this would help her focus more and be more careful, she hated that her uncle could ruin her day just by association even! But she had her tray and was waiting on the menfolk properly. she didn't look like a Ravenwood at all with her hair so different and wearing common clothing.

The men smiled and all placed orders for food and drink then went back to their conversation, which Lily could easily overhear. The city guard had entered into an agreement that bolstered their ranks with members of the Guild. That would mean her uncle was intruding in her new world and that was making her nervous, how long would it be before Kar and them crossed blades. Although whenever she saw the pins she remembered hearing her mother's voice in her head and that Alehial had her uncle looking for her.

Lily served the men and continued her work all the while just knowing her Uncle was still evil... and couldn't be trusted... but if only she could find evidence of that. Maybe she could go home then... and show her mother. Surely her mom wouldn't have anything to do with their evil uncle if she knew he was still completely and thoroughly evil right? She just didn't know... These thoughts preoccupied Lily the whole while that she worked. She didn't want to believe that her mother would ever need to stoop so low as to trusting a villain, even if she thought her children in danger. Besides she had written home, they should know it was her choice to leave and that she was fine now. Maybe she ought to write home again?

Valusia XX

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