Page name: Valusia XXI [Exported view] [RSS]
2016-11-16 02:38:03
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia XX

Three nights later, Lord Silvio York made his way through the waterfront to the tavern his aide told him where he would make his contact. York was in his late years and it showed around his middle and in his lack of hair, but he had been a clever business man and it afforded him a good life. And because of that, he now was trying to meet with the Shadow of Venir, the one assassin that everyone feared. Around to the back side of the of the tavern the older man almost lost his nerve before the door opened, "Master York, please come with me." Rosie, used to this brought York down to the secret door in the wine cellar to the meeting spot before going back out. Da'Karis had been explicit with Lily that she was to remain around the corner of the room with her bow in case of deceit on the client's part.

"greetings Silvio York, i have been told you seek my services? let us not debate or discuss, tell me simply who i am to kill for you." Da'Karis said. York had been ill prepared for the assassin's appearance jumped and wiped the sweat from his forehead before speaking. "Hartgard, he came to my house to court my daughter and at first he seemed perfect for my Violaine. He and his friends took her to a gathering and left my youngest daughter to be violated many times over by those people, now she lays in her bed unable to handle the horrors that she was subjected to. I wish him and those responsible to suffer, as my family suffers praying for healing of a spirit so destroyed by those monsters. I will pay any price, I just want them dead." York finished his story with almost an anguished wail.

Da'Karis passed the man a glass of alcohol to calm his nerves and took the seat across from him. "ten thousand gold payable on completion of the contract. do you require anything as proof of death, nothing too large as i will bring it to you and of course if you do not honor the contract..." The rest Da'Karis left to the man's imagination as he was sure the reputation of Da'Karis could conjure. "Jus..just their lying tongues." York managed to get out between gulps of his drink, "And I accept your terms assassin." They shook hands and York left, leaving Kar and Lily alone in the hidden meeting room.

Lily let out a soft breath as she slowly let out the tension from her short bow. She un-notched the arrow and replaced it inside of her quiver. she had been nervous, but she had followed orders (it is one of her good qualities, unless it's from her parents) and stayed silent, and ready. She did wonder though how many times he had been double crossed to have thought of putting her in the corner to insure their safety. She had pulled her hair into a low ponytail and braided it for the night.

Even though he had already accepted the terms with Master York, Da'Karis turned in the darkness of the room to her. "Your thoughts Lily? Since had it not been for my interference your position might have wound up like hers." he stated simply finishing his wine. It was a sobering thought and one that made Lily's skin crawl remembering those who tricked her into leaving home. "It seems suitors are a common disguise with men who trick women into things like this, Hartgard will only be the beginning I fear. And of course he might lead me to The Circle, then I can put that contract to sleep." he mused snuffing the candle and getting to his feet.

"Sounds like you've already made a decision and are asking my opinion... But... I think we should take it. It sounds like we could help... make money and of course if it leads to the circle then that means the lead you've been searching for is right in front of you. Why would you turn it down? Unless it's a trap set up by the Circle to trap you and kill you in which case it's a really good thing you have me around to bail you out and save your life!" Lily spoke swiftly and was putting her things away, as she spoke. She was very anxious about this and was now, relaxing little by little, speaking super fast was just Lily like usual.

"while I have accepted the contract, I still value your opinion and want you understand my reason for taking the contract. yes, it does sound like another supplier to The Circle and that is enough to take it." he explained watching her move about the room. "tomorrow we locate one of the group and start working to locate Hartgard." he told her standing and opening the inner door, they entered and left from another door than any perspective client.

"And I appreciate that you ask me what I think! I really do. That's why I gave you my opinion. I'm really glad you are letting me be a part of all of this. So are we talking disguise? or the stalking on rooftops thing?" Lily asked wanting a general idea of what was going to be needed of her tomorrow. After the first time, she knew she would wear more pants. She was really cold last time. This time would be better.

As they climbed the stairs, Da'Karis thought on her question and began to come to a decision, "You will trail from rooftop as your bow might cause some commotion, while I follow from the street. That way we can both keep a wary eye on one another." Once inside their rooms he began to consider how best to go about taking one of Hartgard's men for interrogation.

"Okay... I understand. You know my strengths and weaknesses best." Lily said softly as she changed into a night shift, and washed her face and hands. She brushed her hair and applied her lotions to her skin. Then she unstrung her bow and hung her quiver, checking over the supplies and condition before then getting into the bed. She was going to read some... while Da'Karis did his night stuff. Then they could eat too.

Da'Karis was meditating on the situation after looking over his poison vials, he knew where in the room Lily was and he waited. "It is not just the strengths and weakness I look at, if I am compromised and need a quick exit I will need you to keep an pursuer at bay. So, it is merely how much I trust you with my life." he explained not wanting her to think he thought her weak. To him there was no such thing as weak and strong, only perception and reality.

"I think it's sweet how hard you are working to include me into everything." Lily said with a soft smile for Kar. "Besides I trust every decision you make." Lily said before going back to reading one of the books he had picked out for her from before. She was trying to be serious and study her best and train hard to be of the most help to him. While she was trained as a ranger, assassin training wasn't too much different to her.

"The physical is always much easier then the mental aspect." he responded without opening his eyes. "There may be a time you wish you'd never started this training. Some of the tenets of my profession are not moral and almost all are considered evil. I doubt you will have the constitution to be present for my interrogations, and I will understand you not wishing to be present for them." In truth Da'Karis was concerned that Lily would spurn his affections after seeing what he could be capable of questioning a target.

"I once watched... as my mother made a tree grow through a man's hand from the chair he sat in... I don't think she knew I was watching. I didn't stay much longer afterwords because of his screams. I don't know how much help I will be... but at least... in battle... I will have your back. I can promise you that." Lily said softly. In fact Conner and her had both snuck around to watch what their parents were doing, Conner had left before she had. Lily shook her head to dis-spell the memories of the sounds. The books always slowed Lily down considerably in any training and it did show.

"The man you came here with, I interrogated him for Gregor's location. Does that change anything now that I have revealed how he died?" Da'Karis opened his eyes to look at Lily's reaction. She had seen the man when they returned back to the room of the inn where Da'Karis had left him. It had been a long interrogation and the man bled many times and was healed before Da'Karis slit his throat and let him die.

"I saw how he died..." Lily said softly placing a slip of fabric between her pages. Kar was asking some serious questions and he deserved her full attention. "At the time I really didn't notice too much about him. I've seen a lot of dead bodies in my life... even as young as I am and I know I am young! But... the point is... sometimes in life... things happen and the only thing you can do is to survive it. That's what my dad taught me. My grandmother told me once... that adventures aren't any fun while you are having them. they only become grand stories once they are in the past." Lily sat up in bed and slowly slid to her feet and approached Kar. "I saw his throat and the blood on him. I saw him strung up. I was... very scared." Lily said sitting down in front of Kar on her knees. "He would have killed me. He would have raped me... He sold me. I am glad you did it and that I don't have to be afraid of him anymore." Lily said softly watching Kar watch her. she was speaking quickly, but what she had to say was important and he needed to know all of it.

"Some would not fault your feelings, however they would consider me a monster or at least a servant of evil. I use darkness and murder sometimes to right an injustice. If you have any concerns about what you will see or face I welcome you to tell me now or when we are alone. In those moments I am the man before you, instead of those moments when I will be Da'Karis. I do not stop, question, or moralize I act to complete my contract do you understand?" He didn't want Lily to try dissuading him during an interrogation or completion of a contract.

"This is... your life and your work Kar. I understand. But I've... fallen in love with you and now that that has happened... I just want you to come back to me alive every day. I can't help how I feel. Whether you are evil... which I don't believe. That's between you and your gods. I know you do not kill innocents. That is enough for me." Lily said softly looking Kar straight in the face so he could know she was being serious.

"Then we are agreed and you can go back to your studies." he said with a smirk. But he did take her hand and kissed the back of it. "Because I do not intend to stay up late while you try to finish another chapter in the reading." he then closed his eyes and returned to his meditation.

"Just because it takes me a while." Lily pouted, but the blush on her cheeks belied how sweet she thought his gesture. She stood and went back to the bed and opened the book. Determined to finish the page at least before he finished. she slid under the covers and pulled them up and got her nose back into the book. Some words she was unfamiliar with she would silently pronounce with her lips as she concentrated hard.

Valusia XXII

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