Page name: Venir [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-09-21 21:33:03
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
# of watchers: 2
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Evil is spreading its fingers across the land, Lord Soth's minions are looking to increase their hold. Waiting until the master's command to begin the missions assigned them.

It was said once, "There are no bards from Venir, for everything even weather is dreary there." And it was almost true, except bardic songs were deep rumbling tunes of great battles and hardships. Venirians were a hardy nation of people, building cities and roads, everything a civilization needs. Except, like Illian far to the east, power allowed people to do as they saw fit. However, those in power instituted changes for its citizens.

The city of Keslo, small in size but a perfect vision in its stone work. In a small alley a magical portal opened and two figures emerged. Once through the magic door, they moved aside as it winked out. The day was like many others out of the year, gray & overcast made one feel gloomy and cold. The male retrived his equipment and bade the woman follow him out into the city.

"First thing you need is a dress befitting a Venirian woman, something cut low and to make a man's blood boil. Then I will decide on a place to stay for a couple of days and we will begin gathering information." Lash began explaining the plan again. "You will need to be submissive to what I tell you, with no flip remarks. And you may wish to practice making your voice different when we stay in a city or don't speak at all, your choice." He knew the orders would incense her, but rightly didn't care Lord Soth gave him leave to do as he would.

Angie grit her teeth together and clenched her hands into fists took a dee breath and smiled softly instead after a moment. "Of course Master anything you wish." She says softly in a feminen voice. It wasn't gruff like usual, nor was it deep or husky like normal either. It sounded like it belonged to how she looked at the moment. The smile was a little forced but other then that her voice was deffinetly a big improvement.

Lash led her to a clothing store and picked out a rather reveling number, "You may pick the color I guess wife?" He sat in a chair and waited for her to decide, this would be a fun little ruse for awhile. "Excuse me sir, do you hapen to know a Klaus Crow? He's an old friend who I haven't seen in a good many years." the tailor looked at him then spoke.

"He owns the inn at the town square, master, fine place with good food and he allows wives and such to do there wifely duties."

Angie scowled and grabbed one of the colors, not even caring what color it was. Wife... little better then slave. It meant he wasn't sharing and that was about it actually. Even wives wore collars. Though most of them were more neckless then collar, though some men were traditionalists and wore the metal collar on slaves and wife alike. She just knew she wasn't going to like the phrase wifely duties at all. She went to the changing area and changed as quickly as she could, having to concentrate on her image being projected all the time was more difficult then she had thought it might be.

"Don't delay much, wife, I wish to get some dinner then have a bath before we bed tonight." he called out. She would have to learn a great deal of control for this ruse to work. Standing he walked to her changing area and looked in at her. "I see the dress is agreeable, you can thank me later for it." he told her. She was quite a bit more attractive with the scars gone and some curves.

"Of course husband." Angie says in the soft voice to not sound disagreeable to the tailor. Though the scowl on her face didn't match the voice. The dress was on though and it was a tan color with brown trimmings. Rather simple but with her curves and smooth skin it fit her perfectly, or at least the image of it all fit together nicely She folded the clothes she had arrived in and stepped out in the if you could call it one, the dress. "I'm so pleased you like it Husband." She says with a soft overly sweet smile.

"Come along while I pay the man then we will arrange for our stay in the inn." He paid the tailor and and opened the door for her, once outside it didn't take long for them to find the inn. They went inside, the interior was rather comfortable even cozy. "Be a good wife and get us some food and drink. Then send the room man around so he and I can discuss our room."

"Of course, I'll even pick your favorites if they have them darling." Angie said in that sweet soft spoken voice. She headed to the front though to do as he requested. She ordered ale for them both and whatever the days meal was. She was tempted to ask them to make liver and onions with radishes on the side but she figured it was childish anyways. Better to let him think she was being tamed by him, not that she would make it easy for pretend either mind you. Once she ordered the food she pointed out her 'husband' and that he needed to see about a room for the night.

The man came and spoke with Lash about a room making infernece that a married couples room was available. The meal cam as well and they were told the owner would not be available until the morning. "Very well, then I will hope to speak with him then." Lash agreed. The man looked a little skeptical at them, and Lash was quick to advise him. "My wife will perform for me later, if you need proof, we will invite you to watch her." he said with a smile.

"If you can get a warm meal in his stomach the result later is well worth the wait." She says with a small laugh though, her laugh was anything but girlish and good for putting one's mind at ease. It sounded more like... a laugh that knew a lat of bad thing snad had done them too. It was more... threatening almost. Though she did look at Lash and smile a very becoming smile and take his hand licking the pads of each finger with quick little licks. She felt disgusted but if she didn't more men might wonder and she knew she'd fucked up by laughing. Whether or not her private jokes were funny. She refused to 'perform' while someone was watching though. Nor would she allow participation. She brought his thumb into her mought and slowly sucked on it. Pulling it out slowly and giving the pad one final lick before sitting back in her chair properly to eat.

The man looked rather amused, and Lash a little disconcerted at her spectacle. "It is not needed for me to watch her perform, however since the law provides that we verify you have sexual rights to her." Lash looked at Angie and grinned at her, "Since we have been on the road I haven't had a lot of opportunity to exetcise those rights." He cut into his steak and took a bite, it was cooked the way he wanted it and very flavorful. Looking across the table to wink at her, she was doing acceptably at this ruse.

Angie looked down at her own plate to hide the anger in her eyes at his flirtatious behavior. She had to remind herself though that he was a native or as close as he could be to this country. He knew the workings inside and out. She didn't. So she as well took a bite of her own food, hoping if she was eating they would simply ignore her. That's what she was seeing around the Tavern anyways, most women were ignored or being 'useful' to the men who owned them.

The inns were roomy and well appointed with large beds. With dinner finished the man took them into theirs. "Well, I was going to have to verify your coupling, but have to attend to something, I will leave the maid to verify, goodnight." He turned and left, leaving the scullery maid to watch them. "Well, wife I guess you should remove your clothes so we can let the woman get on with her duties."

"Certainly, Of course it would be nice if you also took your clothing off." Angie said with a grin as she stepped out of the shoes and unhooked the top, there was one hook and the whole thing fluttered to the ground leaving her bare on top. She untied the sides of her bottems and let them fall as well as she sauntered to the bed. She was loathing this and was scowling heavily as she walked towards the bed while the maid could not see her face. "I'll be sure to make up for that which we could not do on the road." She says softly turning around with a small grin on her face.

Lash wasted no time in removing his own clothes, his engorged member was ready for her attention. He moved up to her and gently began rubbing her breast. "Shall we invite her into our little love nest?" he whispered with a grin. While waiting for her answer, he drug his member across her nethers placing the tip inside her. Any movement towards him would draw him into her, he groaned a little, it had been awhile since he had been inside a woman.

Angie gritted her teeth a little. She wasn't exactly wet with excitment over having to bed him. "I think... it is up to her to join our bed. I love extra playmates when you allow it my husband." Angie says softly putting her hand on the side of his head and her fingers into his hair. She was being very careful not to move at all, he was large and it had been a very long time since she had taken anything inside of her. If she couldn't get slick this was going to be painful, very painful. The idea of having a woman join the bed did brighten the prospect of joining though even if it was only a little. She held out her other hand to the girl and with a soft tender smile on her face beconned the girl with a crook of her fingers. "Join us little one, we will be ever so gentle to plase you I promise." She says in a soft and yet slightly husky voice.

The maid looked a little unsure, Lash smiled and pulled his member from her and fetched the maid. "Come wife, help me disrobe our guest, and we'll show her how married we are." He began to unlace the young woman's dress and began to expose her to Angie's eyes. "Um, sire, mistress I'm not sure that I'm supposed to join..." she trailed off as Lash kissed her deeply. While distracting her, he lifted her skirt exposing her long toned legs.

Angie very nearly salivated at the sight of the young womn before her. "You just need to report that we couple sweetling, and it's more fun with more people." Angie chuckles softly, she got on her knees in front of the girl and kissed her way up her legs. Her hands gently caressing the muscles and skin moving up slowly. A gentle and firm pressure, She tugging the dress down to expose the maid's breasts and licking gently at the underneath of first the one and then the other. She was good at seducing women, she'd had a lot of practice. Besides the thought of having this woman be with her was making her excited, such a beautiful girl to join them pleased Angie greatly, enough so that she loosened upa little. Enough to properly seduce the girl and use her skills anyways.

He finished unlacing the dress and let it fall to the ground, the girl was a little unsure but Angie seemed to be enjoying herself. "Let's get you to the bed little one, shall we my dear wife?" Lash laid the maid on the bed and waited to see where Angie wished to start. As she moved to the bed, Lash took an opportunity to pat her ass. Two women and all he had to do was share with Angie, he considered himself lucky.

Angie let the swat go, it didn't matter. If she could distract herself enough, this might not be terribly aweful. Once the maid was on the bed Angie crawled on top of the girl and gave her a sweet reasuring smile. Kissing her lips softly and gently, putting one hand on the side of the girls face and letting the other drift from her ribcage to her breast to where she lightly kneaded the soft and pliant flesh under her hand. The girl would warm up to this, she just needed to be shown how pleasurable it could be. Angie wasn't really aware of how she had prostrated herself over top of the girl though. Her mind wasn't on Lash, it was on the maid almost completely.

He decided to surprise his new friend and moved onto the bed and licked her nethers. Lash wasn't partial to performing the elven arts, but knew if you did them correctly women's atitudes changed nicely. SO he continued to pleasure her with his mouth as he reached up to massage any breast her encountered. On occasion he kissed Angie and the maids thigh then right back to her nethers. The maid began to moan and gasp as they began to share her.

Angie moaned as she worked against the maid, She used her mouth expertly on the maid's breasts. Her fingers too and even her nails a little as well. She for once didn't much mind Lash's touches on her body. As long as she could enjoy the woman under her she didn't care what Lash did. She knew she would need to get used to having sex with him. This would be the best way to begin that torture.

Lash moved up and entered Angie, moaning loudly as he pulled her tight against him. "Does she please you my wife? From what I've seen she is very acceptable." he said as he began to thrust into her. Looking at the maid he smiled, "Maybe you should tell her how much you like her attentions." Stroking his hands along Angies hips, he wondered if she would berate him later for going after her first. Setting it aside he began to reach beneath and manipulate her clit.

Angie winced slightly and groaned, biting gently on the woman's nipple beneath her. "She's beautiful." Angie gasps out reaching her hand down to the maid's own privates and rubbing the other girls clit twice before letting her fingers delve into the warm, wet, heat within. It was helping to distract her. And let Angie let Lash penetrate her and use her body, Angie was glad she had used the wand quickly before they had begun anything, she hadn't thought she would need it so soon but she had used one before she had entered the room, lagging a little behind the others.

"Oh, you are doing such a good job m'lady, oh such wonderful hands you have." the maid gushed as she allowed Angie full access. She had never been brought into a guests bed so quickly and she actually hoped they would keep her for awhile. "If I might be bold, I would love to remain in your service for a good while." Both of them were amazing and so beautiful and strong, she moaned and tossed her head. She hoped quietly the lady might please her with her mouth, cause she longed to take the master in hers.

Angie grinned and scooted the girl up. It was a little awekward as Lash continued to thrust into her from behind but she managed and was soon using her skills that were deffinetly been practiced until she had mastered them. She used tongue and fingers and a little bit of teeth, as she lavished the girl beneath her with attention. Not actually terribly minding Lash now that she had access to the woman so fully. It wouldn't get her off but it was interesting. She stayed wet as well as she played with the woman beneath her, the moans and cries of the girl making her body tighten around Lash with each moan.

Lash continued his pace enjoying the feeling of Angies tightness. But apparently his third was doing a right good job at being this girls number one. After everyone enjoyed a climax, he pulled out of Angie and moved up to the girls mouth. She wasted no time in cleaning his and Angie's juices from his shaft. "Perhaps our little friend could return the favor you gave her?"

Angie had turned and lay on her side with her cheek against the smooth thigh near the knee of the serving girl. She hadn't gotten off and it stopped being okay as she felt him release. She wanted to bathe now and clean herself from any sweat or skin contact she'd had from Lash. But she lay there and watched the girl breathing, ignoring the fact she was cleaning her 'husband'. Even a kiss wouldn't be as good as it might have been before for Angie. "You did a fine job my husband, as ever." Angie says softly still concentrating on keeping up the appearance of clear smooth skin and slightly larger breasts then what she had. If she had gotten too carried away she might not have been able to keep the concentration for the image anyways.

Lash brought the serving girl around and she began licking at Angie's nehters. Her tounge wasn't overly long but it was earnest sliding all over Angie. Lash moved to watch Angie's reaction and wait until he could thrust the maid as well. "Oh, wife I think our little friend is interested in what I gave you." He continued to watch as the maid got more bold and tried getting deeper into Angie.

Angie gasped and opened her legs to the girl. If she was determind then Angie certainly wasn't going to stop her. Angie panted and tried to concentrate on the image she needed to project with the enchantment. Angie moaned and cried out when the girl made contact against her clit. Angie was responding much more to this girl ven if she wasn't very skilled then she had to Lash's touches.

Once aroused again Lash positioned himself to take the maid. "Wife you seem to be enjoying yourself." he smiled as he began to thrust in and out of the maid. This daliance should prove to build a little trust between them. The maid moaned as she continued licking softly then harder against Angie. His companion in turn was making some very interesting sounds herself.

"Y-yes!" Angie nodded her head and put her hands in the girls hair, gently rubbing and caressing the girls hair and scalp and shoulders. Urging her on. She was close now, it wasn't taking much. It had been a little while since she'd last had a tryst with someone. The girl wasn't the most talents nor was she very skilled but she did know some of what she was doing and it was enough for Angie. It was much better then Lash.

As if wanting to impress the lady more, she took Angie's clit into her mouth and sucked hard on it. She then moaned against it and ran her hands against the smooth skin of her thighs. Lash was begining to thrust faster into her body, making the girl moan even more. His second climax was nearing and he planned on enjoying her soft flesh more. He reached down and rubbed Angies breast, tweeking her nipple and smiling at her.

Angie cried out at the girls mouth on her body and at the rough treatment of Lash's hand on her body. She was close, very close as the girl continued to handle her. Moaning and clutching the fabric covering the bed, she was trying to keep up her concentration but it was wavering, the closer she got to orgasm the less she was able to concentrate and the image wasn't going to hold for long.

Lash continued to play with Angie as he climaxed, he continued to thrust into the girl. The maid in turn climaxed hard sucking harder on Angie's clit and thrusting a finger inside her as well. Both groaned and moaned out the enjoyment they felt. Lash looked down but, didn't mind the fact she couldn't control the illusion. In truth he didn't find her ugly, just as long as she could hold the illusion in front of their targets.

Angie cried out as she too climaxed. Her chest heaved and the illusion was gone. She lay beneath them both and panted hard as she calmed down. Though it was hard as the girl was still on top of her and her fingers inside of her as well. She hadn't been bothered by Lash's interference of their playing one bit. The scrs covered her body once more and the scar running from nearly temple to clavical was plain to see. It wasn't exactly a pretty scar, but it wasn't hideous either, it was the mass of scars all over that often drove people off.

Lash turned the maid so she didn't see Angie, "You've done amazing, we couldn't ask for a better partner. Now you should run along, we may have need of you tomorrow." She smiled brightly at the compliment, and brighter when he handed her a couple coins. "I will bid you both goodnight then she said." Once she was gone, Lash settled onto the bed without another word to Angie.

Angie sighed and after getting her breath back she sits up off the bed. She scowled and stood grabbing a wrag and wetting it from the baisin, she cleaned herself quickly but very thoroughly before putting the wrag aside. She then walked over and grabbed the clothing he had bought her the same morning and pulled them back on. Once dressed again she walked over to a seat nearby and sat in that. She felt sore and yet relaxed. It was a good thing he had used her first and then let the girl and her play. But she wasn't aware the illusion wasn't set once again.

"Number one, you will practice with that ring and holding your form." he said not opening his eyes. "Two, bring your ass back here in case someone opens that door. I have no wish to set up new identities because you blew the ones we are using." he turned towards the wall. Lash wasn't bothering to clean himself tonight, he had the juices of two women on him. "So, do you believe we can work together and perhaps play together?"

"As long as we might need to, Sir." Angie says scowling again as she stood and walked back over to the bed. Scowling even deeper at the bed and at him she sighs softly. "I can't keep the image if I'm asleep. I need to take the side with the wall to hide my body from the doorway." She says crossing her arms tightly across her chest. If he wanted to set things up for this ruse then he needed to worry about the details other then the ones where she was failing.

"So be it, I'm flexible." he commented, "Most Venrian women sleep in the nude anyway, but do as you will." He stood and walked around the bed, entering the other side. Apparently, nudity didn't bother him at all. "Our little friend may be a fountain of knowledge, we should indulge in her together or seperatly from time to time. He winked at her before closing his eyes again.

"I understand, if you really want to we could play with her seperatly." Angie said softly and laid on the bed again. Pulling the covers up to her chin almost, and she sighed again. "I'm not a Venirian woman, but I'll do my part as well as I am able." She says softly not having to disguise her voice this time as she was tired enough that this time it was her real soft tired voice.

"The job first, from time to time one of us may be out and the other may play. Until you can hold the illusion through orgasm the other one stays to divert her attention. I must compliment you though, you are tighter and wetter than she is." He turned away from her and blew out the candle, and quelled the urge to roll over against her. "Goodnight Angie, if we are distrubed don't fight if I roll over closer to you."

Angie didn't say anything, not only was she offended but she was a little more than angry over his comments. So without a word to him she shut her eyes and did her best to relax to get some sleep. She had a feeling it would be a long night though, especially after his warning. She closed her eyes and simply lay there waiting for sleep to come over her.

The next morning, she awoke to the smells of coffee and the sounds of papers being moved about. Lash was no longer in the bed, he had risen placed an order for breakfast and met with his old friend to retrive some scrolls. Having already discounted some of the more wealthy targets that could pay to defend themselves, instead he focused on a weaker merchant. The other scroll had a list of criminals that would be departing in the next several days. Using a charcoal pencil he had marked several possible candidates to be liberated into the service of Lord Soth.

Angie rolled over and looked around the room. Seeing Lash sitting at a table with several scrolls in front of him on the table and the smell of food. She sat up and rubbed her face with her hand. Looking out the window she grimanced at having slept in so late. Obviously it was because she hadn't fallen asleep easily or early enough. Scooting to the edge of the bed she looked down at the ring on her finger and concentrated a moment on the image she wanted to use. Securing it in place in her head she stood and stretched bodily. Not one crack, she'd never slept on a bed as soft as that. Even if she'd felt softer she'd never actually slept on one. She looked at the table wondering if there was enough food for her as well or if she would have to get her own. She also wanted to see what the papers were but it wasn't really her place so she was trying to be sneaky.

"Yes, I took the liberty of getting your steak with eggs, bread and coffee as well. And once I finish with the scroll I am reaqding I will allow you to look and give me your opinion." Lash told her. He had seen her strech and while not ogling her he did take notice. Three of the next fifteen prisoners would not work to begin his little band. He marked beside their names with an 'x' the rapist was top on the reject list.

Angie nodded and sat down to begin eating. Using the knife and fork like she really knew how to use them. She ate slowly letting the taste of each peice of food coat her tongue. She hardly ever got to eat food as good as this. So she intended to savor it a little. She ignored Lash while she ate though to look at him would be to lose the taste of the food in her mouth. She drank the tea and smiled again softly. It was rare enough for her to smile but without the scar on her face it was quiet a pretty sight.

"The ones with the 'x' won't work, either do to uncontrollable or their crime makes them a liability. You need to decide, one of us will have to get rid of the rapist." he said after handing her the list. Lash took another sip of coffee and mused again over the merchants list. He had worked for these men before his time in prison. His friend had advised him most of them knew what had happend, but none had moved to have him released.

"I'll take care of the men we can't use. I can dispose them as well. This will leave you time to take care of anything you might need and I will simply say I am running an arrend for you. I will wear your collar when I am running around but during it I won't." Angie says with a grin as she finished eating her breakfast and sipping her tea.

"You are ahead of yourself, though I find your enthusiasim makes me happy. First, we find a spot to hide out our converts until the oath can be administered. But, I figure when we take the transport wagon we attempt to keep the equipment in working order saves us coin to supply them. Once the wagon and men are secured we give them all a chance to swear loyalty, those that won't die." Lash then waited to gauge his thirds thoughts on his plans.

"Of course, and while I take care of the men that won't... you can resupply and take the oaths and swearings in." Angie said looking across the table at Lash. He hadn't brought her for brains, that much she was assured of. Besides she wasn't the best plotter or the most original thinker. She never had been actually. She was a brute force kind of person and she always had been. It never bothered her and it still didn't. "Have you the transport wagon train already picked out then? We will need other men or traps for this to work." Angie says finishing off her coffee.

"No prisoner transport had been hit in five years leaving from this city, this one will have a driver, two archers, and four guards. Taking this transport will, be a wonderful place to start in our plans." A knock at the door tore their attention from the banter back and forth. "Maybe the maid has returned for more fun? Feel like another go, she did find you so tempting and worthy of another lick?"

"I'm not one for games so early in the morning but if you command." Angie says with a dry unamused look on her face before she stood up and walked to the door. Opening it she smiled softly ready with the image in place to greet whoever was calling on them. She agreed it sounded like a very good place to start and with any luck there would be a minumum of damadge to anything or anyone and only a few would have to be taken care of permenetly. This was Lash's country and he knew it best, Angie had to follow him for numerous reasons and for Soth's sake.

It was a different maid, she curtsied, "M'Lady I've been sent to see if you and the master were done with the dishes." She was a little more well endowed then last night's girl. With hair the color of honey and eyes of deep blue. Angie could not miss her beauty or the fact she was looking at Angies body. More than likely the girl from last night had done some talking, "My name is Tesli, and it a pleasure to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, We have finished. Please come inside, My husband would love to meet you as well Tesli." Angie said with a soft smile. Standing aside and letting the girl inside, Angie couldn't stop herself from reaching down and squeezing the girls backside through her clothing. It was a nice firm backside, and was almost perfectly fit inside of her own palms. Angie only let herself with a quick grope before she released her and closed the door again. Tesli was deffinetely more attractive then the last girl was.

She giggled and smiled at Angie, before again curtsieing before Lash. "M'Lord, I am Tesli and if you are done with the plates, I am here to collect them. Bending low she let him see her cleveage and wiggling her backside at Angie. A bright smile crossed her face, she stood up and surveyed the table. "Is there anything else I can do while I clean up these?" she asked.

Angie smiled down at the girl before looking at Lash or rather her 'husband'. She wouldn't do anything without his say so. After all he was the one with scrolls of names and plans on the table. Mayhap he just wanted the maid to take the dishes and go this time around, perhaps requested the next time. If they stayed the night again that was. Angie didn't mind. It would work either way for her, besides he had commanded she practice holding her image even during orgasm.

"Tesli, do you like the taste of a woman? Because I must tell you my wife tastes wonderful." He saw her nod and look at Angie with a look of lust in her eyes. Lash unlaced his pants and fished his manhood out, "Come wife let's see you two more 'comfortable'." Tesli turned and began unlacing her dress and slipping out of it. Then she started to undress Angie, "Oh, m'lady you are so firm and wonderful."

"Thank you my dear, you though are lush and plump. So very pretty." Angie says softly reaching down to gently trace her fingers over Tesli's shoulder making her way down to her breasts. Gently cupping them and pulling the nipples gently yet in a firm manner. Letting the girl undress her and touch her as she pleased. Lash was all for it apparently so Angie would enjoy herself as well.

Tesli wasted no time in removing every stitch of Angie's clothes, stopping to lick here and there. "I skipped my breakfast this morning m'lady, might I have my fill of you?" she asked as her tongue massaged Angie's nethers. Reaching up she bent Angie at the waist so she was almost above Lash's member. "You please the master with your mouth and tongue and I shall follow suit." came her husky comment. Then spreading Angie's legs a little she again washed her tongue all over Angie.

Angie scowled when the girl was concentrating at Lash. Damn, she hadn't wanted to touch him again so soon. Gasping though at the skill of the woman beneath her Angie glared up at Lash. There was no way she could get out of this, especially if he forced the issue. She did not want to make the first move though. Not towards him, she would have been fine with pleasing the girl but... Groaning at the skill it seemed the girl had made her choice.

He smiled and crooked his finger beckoning her to his member. Tesli was worming her tongue deeply into Angie while her fingers pulled on her nipples. She was talented and knew how to seduce apparently as well as Angie. Lash was impressed, the girl was making Angie groan and he swore he even saw a smile. Taking her hand he placed it upon him, "The young lady reads minds, she knows how I love your mouth upon me."

Angie moans even as she glared of Lash himself. She was nearly anting at the skill of the girl beneath her working on her body. She grips his member though however reluctant she was to do this and pumped her hand a few times before closing her eyes and moaning again at the woman's skill. Angie lowered her head and opened her mouth taking him inside. If she could get him to finish quickly it would be less amount of time she had to touch him. With that thought in mind she sucked hard, and used her tongue to try and bring him to completion all the quicker. Even using her other hand to gently squeeze his sac.

"Oh, dear one not so fast, I want to savor this." he gasped out. Tesli found Angies clit and licked hard across it, then slid a finger inside. She wanted to impress the master and this amazing mistress. Her own hand slid to her own nethers. Lash could hear the woman groaning against Angie's body and could only guess how she made his third feel.

Angie cried out softly at the girls sudden change of tactics on her body. It had been a long time since any woman of skill had equally pleasured herself. Though her cry was muffled since Lash's cock was still almost deep in her throat. She gripped his thigh so she wouldn't accidently crush his sac in her hands. HEr legs trembled in her effort to keep them spread to give the girl room and staying upright and bent at such a position. Breathing heavily through her nose Angie tried to get back to pleasing Lash, but her concentration was broken and the image from the ring was fading as she was trying to do too many things at once.

Tesli felt the wobble and released Agnie, "Mistress I will lie on the floor, and you may lower yourself. I wouldn't want you to fall and hurt any of us." She then turned on her back and drew Angie by the hips to her mouth. Lash patted Angie's cheek, "Dearest, she is making you lose control isn't she?" Being closer now Tesli started to suckle Angie's clit, her fingers returned to teasing Angie's thighs and buttocks.

Angie squirmed at the feelings of such pleasure coursing through her from the woman's actions. More comfertable now and without the strain of possition she pulled her mouth off of Lash's cock sucking hard so she didn't drool until she could pant and concentrate a little harder on enforcing the image. She had understood Lash's warning perfectly clear, She needed to concentrate better, or more consistantly rather. Resting her face on Lash's leg to try and concentrate on the image until she felt it was secure it again. She opened her eyes and looked at Lash, while she didn't like doing what she was doing and she detested the man himself, she hated the fact that he was comfertable around ehr enough to place his hand on her cheek and not fear any kind of repercussion.

He was looking into her eyes, he groaned a little with a smile on his face. Extending his hand he stroked her cheek and reached further to gently squeeze her breast. Tesli wanting to keep Angie happy began to press a finger against her anus. She then began to redouble her efforts to keep Angie panting. Lash looking down Angie's back saw what was happening, and smirked looking at Angie waiting for her to continue.

Angie groaned deeply clenching her teeth together to stop from being any more vocal then she already was. She panted hard and couldn't frown from the pleasure the girl Tesli was giving her. She was begining to shudder lightly and it wouldn't be very long. Each time Lash grabbed her or touched her though it damped the pleasure just a little and prolongued the pleasurable ending she sought. In an effort to get him to stop touching her though Angie leaned forward and took Lash into her mouth again. Having to concentrate harder then before on everythign she was doing, her hand wrapping around the base of his member so she could concentrate on the head, and her other hand manipulating his sac to bring him forth as well.

Telsi heard Lash and Angie's noises and moaned biting lightly on Angie's little bud. Her finger continued its relentless course into Angie's backside. Lash looked to the ceiling and savored the enjoyment Angie was bestowing upon his member. "Slower please wife I wish to achieve climax as you do." he whispered to her. He knew she hated him, the discussion about the recruits and first targets went well, perhaps in time she wouldn't mind sharing lovers with him.

Angie cried out and closed her eyes tightly. Leaning forward and taking Lash all the way in her mouth and throat. Her body shuddering violently as she climaxed from the girls skills at handling another woman. Her cry was nothing more then vibration in her throat around Lash's member. She hadn't meant to take him all the the suddenness of it brought tears to her eyes a lttle as she swallowed convulsively around him fighting her gag reflex. She had quickly released his testicales and gripped his thight hard in her hand, needing to hold on to something as she struggled through everything, her image once again disappearing at the suddenness of everything.

Those actions pushed Lash into his climax, his member jerked as he onloaded his seed into her throat. He moaned loudly, and called Angie's name, he twitched as he fought to regain composure. Telsi heard all this and allowed Angie's juices to drip into her mouth, swallowing and gently licking her. She had also climaxed around her fingers while all of this happened. Her friend had been right these two were amazing and very powerful.

Angie struggled to swallow around Lash without gagging any further or coughing it up. Angie twitched and her his jerked a little as Tesli continued to lick her though. After a few seconds more Angie pulled her head away from Lash's crotch and this time she didn't care if she did make a mess pulling off. She felt physically sick to her stomach at having swallowed his seed for a second time. She was breathing heavy though and concentrated on her image quickly, it was hard but she managed and wiped her mouth and chin with the back of her hand and a napkin she had reached up and grabbed from the table. She felt disgusted more then relaxed or at ease. But Tesli was still licking her and making her squirm every little bit.

Tesli continued to pleasure mistress, her finger moved about in her body. And once her climax slowed, she began to please Angie to a second orgasm. Lash sat back and gasped loudly, Angie hadn't spilled a drop and that impressed him greatly. "I think our new friend wants a second helping of you but you need not pleasure me again dearest." He stroked her cheek again and winked at her.

"I'm sorry to have worn you out then husband." Angie says with a small smile. "Tesli dear... I'm going to change our position a little." Angie warns the girl before she gently removes her hands and sits up. It only took a short spin and a flip before Angie lay on her back with Tesli on top of her. Angie's face now buried in Tesli's own crotch. Using one hand to open her Angie wasted no time before licking first the clit and then the girls slit. She was wet already and must had climaxed as well. Angie spread her own leg's open once again to give Tesli room to play as she liked. angie was going to thoroughly enjoy this girl on her own this time.

Tesli gasped and moaned and dove back between Angie's legs. She wasted no time with other parts just began to lick and suck mistress's clit. Then her finger began to play at Angie's anus again. Lash in turn sat back and enjoyed the show. Tesli was moaning loudly and her other hand was playing alternately with Angie's nethers then kneading the flesh of her breast.

Angie groaned and worked Tesli over as well. Stabbing inside of her with her tongue every few licks, focusing on the girls clit a little and then back to her opening. Angie added a finger and then decided to give her more and added a second finger. Pumping them in time with her licks and suckling. Rotating her wrist and scissoring them inside of Tesli. Angie blocked out Lash for now and just concentrated on Tesli and making her cum.

Tesli also began changing how she was trying to get Angie to cum as well. Her tongue flicked over Angie's clit, then sucked savagely on it. Lash found himself becoming aroused again. THeir moans and groans were intoxicating and very arousing. He stood and changed his point of view.

Angie cried out softly and added another finger to her play. Taking a moment to pant for air before going back to playing with Tesli and this time teasing her a little by licking her but not her clit. Only after a few moments and the wriggling of Tesli's hips did Angie finally relent and laive upon the woman's clit again. She didn't want to outlast the girl or let the girl outlast her for too long. She would be a poor lover to leave the girl behind.

Lash was walking around the women while pleasing himself as well. Tesli decided to add another finger into Angie hoping she'd find it pleasureable. She felt herself grasp at Angie's fingers and she lapped at Angie's nethers. Her climax was not far off and she wanted to share it with them. That is when she noticed Lash moving about them with his member.

Angie moaned at the extra finger inside of her, this girl was very talented indeed. Angie continued to lick and thrust her fingers in and out of Tesli's body, feeling the slight change in rythem, and breathing. She wondered if she was close to climax already. She was concentrating on keeping her image and pleasing Tesli and hadn't any spare concentration for seeing Lash beside them.

Lash wondered how long both women could hold out before the climax would overtake them. He knew he was close to achieving his own as well. Tesli continued to pleasure Angie sucking hard on her clit. She moaned and grasped at her with her free hand. Her fingers kept plunging in and out trying to bring Angie to completion.

Angie groaned deeply before gently pinching Tesli's nub, not too hard but hopefully enough, she was shaking with the effort not to finish so soon but the girl had a head start on her and Angie had to use most of her tricks to catch up to the talented girl. Angie still was keeping her image projected though it flickered, it was obvious she was trying to concentrate and keep it up.

Tesli could no longer hold back and began to climax, moaning into Angie's nethers and thrusting her hips. She continued to lick, but used her hand to also manipulate Angie's nub. Her fingers continued to explore her lover as well. But, she had noticed Lash and his member circling them and was curious what he was planning. At the moment though she allowed the pleasure to ripple through her.

Angie cried out softly and she too climaxed. Her leg muscles tensing as for a few moments her image was once again wiped clean and left her bare. Angie licked the girl continueously even as she continued moving her fingers inside the now excessivly tight woman. She released her clit and licked it gently before leaving it alone. Too much abuse and one simply got sore, so with that Angie panted hot breaths against the girls skin between the licks as she rode out her ow orgasm.

Lash noticed the image waver, and as the girl began to right herself to look down he placed his manhood in her view. "If you please my dear, I'd like to try that pretty mouth." Tesli smiled at him and obliged, taking him to his root and preforming well. Lash looked down and smiled at Angie, "Please don't think ill of me dear wife, yours is still my favorite." His look however was more one of concern about her control.

Angie had the image back in place after only a few breaths after her orgasm. Had he really expected her to be able to hold it after just telling her? Practice and application were two different things. She glowered at him and flipped him the bird out of sight of Tesli. Angie was sitting up and still panting somewhat. Getting to her wobbly legs though she walked behind Lash. "Oh dear let me help her?" Angie says sweetly before reaching down and gripping his balls in her hand.Giving them a firm but unhurtful squeeze. She wanted him aware of her displeasure but not get in trouble to be punished in any way. Wrapping her other arm around his chest she pinched a nipple hard enough to make it rosy and hard.

Lash groaned lightly and reached down to haul Angie to her feet. "My thanks dear wife, you treat me so well." Without a warning he pressed his lips to hers and slipped his tongue inside. His other hand snaked into Tesli's hair as she expertly continued topleasure him. Tesli was finding this all so pleasant, she added her hand to Angies, then slipped her finger into angie again.

Angie groaned and tried to pull away from Lash, she had to keep the girl from thinking she was unhappy though and as such left her mouth open to him but didn't participate. She also couldn't take her hand from his balls with Tesli joining her hand down there. So she fondled him but without much pressure letting Tesli pretty much take over. She did grab Tesli's wrist though, she didn't want to get caught in pleasure again, not just yet. She in the position she was in though couldn't tell Tesli and couldn't pull her hand away at all. So She simply held Tesli's wrist.

Lash continued as they were the hand he used to drag Angie up curling around her to squeeze her ass. And moaned into her mouth his pleasure as he climaxed. Tesli didn't stop and drained his seed from him, not spilling a single drop. She made sure not to leave a mess, "Mistress I'm afraid I can't continue, but I'd love the chance to join you again." She withdrew her fingers and licked them clean as well, as Lash released them both.

"You were better then wonderful Tesli. Take care of your duties for now and we'll see about later." Angie said with her soft voice sweetly, she even helped the girl to her feet and then gathered her clothes for her. There was a soft smile on Angie's face as well, as she helped the girl redress. Angie didn't mind being Nude, most of the time she was rather unseemly and men preffered her dressed anyways, so when she had time and was with another woman she usually just went nude. She was ignoring Lash rather pointedly as she moved around though.

Once Tesli had left, Lash looked at Angie with a wry smile. "Remain that way for now, I rather like the view." He returned, without dressing to the table & his research. "How are you with a bow? Or are you more of a swordswoman?" he asked. He already made a mental note to ask his 'old' friend for a special map of the area around the city.

"Best with a blade but not bad with a crossbow. I wish I could say the same but unfortunately I don't beleive in lieing to those stationed above me." Angie says with a curl of her upper lip. She walked over to the porcelin basin and filled it with water and used a wrag to begin wiping herself down. She kept the image up just in case someone would enter or was looking through the windows. Besides she needed to get used to concentrating on it at all times.

He laughed, "Well, at least you held back your disgust while we were playign with the help. Perhaps if you are a good girl I'll arrange something for you. I believe that we may need to divide and conqureor or attack from both sides." He did lament the fact Angie didn't seem to enjoy even the carnal lust of sex. But, when the women started after her she became insationable.

"However you set it up, I'll execute the plan. It was you who said to act as your wife. What wife of Venirian standards would deny or attack her husband?" Angie says rolling her eyes, not bothering to disguise her voice for now. She was still washing her body, more of a sponging off then a washing really. But she was being thorough, and still wasn't looking at Lash.

"What are you thinking, think we two can liberate the begining force of disciples?" Lash turned and was watching her, but started to notice something was strange with his hands. "Angie, do you feel, strange?" he asked noticing what seemed like sweat covering his hands. As he said it he noticed it begin to steam. Caliban had told him, the changes would present themselves soon, it seemed today was when it would happen.

"I think if we plan it right we can. I feel fine why can't you look any harder?" She asks turning to look at him finally before a slow smile spread across her face. She put a fist one one hip and rested her weight on it cocking it to the side and giving her a stance of major attitude proportions. "Things getting hot for now Lash? Maybe you ought to cool down a little 'hubby'." She grins wider almost a full blown smile now. She was offering him the basin she had been rinsing herself with full of water still.

Suddenly, before her eyes what looked like a living string of goo rose from Lash's wrist. Only a few inches up over his fingers it burst into flame, it was an attached whip of flame. His face was a little surprised at what was now in front of his face. "Caliban said I'd notice some intersting things, I didn't think this would be it." Raising an eyebrow and a slight smile at Angie.

Angie scowled heavily. Losing interest now that he was experimenting with it. She turned her back to continue to wash her body. "Congratulations Lash you are now more of a freak then you were before." She says annoyed at his smugness, she began sponging her body again. She couldn't go against him order to dress and she felt grimy and dirt after what he had done to her body.

It took a little concentration, but he extinguished the flaming whip. "I think I have redefined the word freak, Angie. And I foresee a lot of uses for this 'gift' your former master gave me." She was upset that a man like him could wield so much power. "So, we will borrow some horses after I get the map."

"Will I be allowed to wear my preferred clothing or yours? Will a be allowed my weapons as well? for this plan of yours?" Angie asks in a bored tone of voice as she closed her eyes and cleaned her privates, not bothering too much with 'hiding' her body from him. He might only demand to watch or something equally perverse. Which she wouldn't do anyways. She had never before met such an annoying man such as he. But she would be vigilant in her endeaver.

"You truly wound me sometimes you know!" he retorted sarcastically. Standing her moved over to grab a towel, which he tossed at her. Then he proceeded to clean himself, dry and then dress himself. "You will dress for the jump at hand, but make the ring seem like more ladylike clothes. I will carry the weapons until we get out of the city."

"What the hell are lady like clothes?" Angie asks not knowing what the hell he was talking about. She caught the towel in her hands and just rolled her eyes at his childishness. She finished sponging herself down before gently patting herself dry. She took care of her skin very carefully, and was big about hygene. She gladly though grabbed her pants and slid them on, securing them in place before grabbing her top and pulling it on as well. Adjusting herself minutely in her clothes before standing feeling much more comfertable in these clothes.

Once downstairs he left her for several minutes, under the lustful stares of the maids from yesterday. Tesli actually 'accidentially' stumbled to reach out and caress Angie's ass. She smiled as she apologized, and scurried away when Lash returned. "I have what we are looking for, and better than we bargained for. Come along wife we have much to 'accomplish." he led her out towards the barn in the rear.

Angie followed obiediently, already wearing his collar around her neck again. As much as she loathed it and what it meant. "Yes sir." Angie said in reply, she wasn't one to talk much anyways so the soft reply wouldn't really be heard and would be seen as submissive enough. She followed him out to the barn and to see what it was that he had gotten better then he had bargained for.

Once alone he produced the map, "Right here a decent way from the city, is a ruined temple that will serve our purposes. And for a modest fee, my friend will provide a alibi in case anyone gets suspicious." He picked out two horses and saddled his. "Can you ride, or for the fact do you need me to saddle yours to?" This would prove to be a wonderful ride in the country he grew up in.

Angie while he spoke had gotten her horse saddled and ready. She gave him a blank stare at his question. She then turned and once her foot was in the stirrup lifted herself up into the saddle. Holding the reins in her hands she turned to look at him. "Are you leading the way or am I?" She quips ready to be gone from this place and to drop this stupid act.

He caught up and led her throughout the ride, for over the next four hours they rode along the course. Suddenly at the top of another hill they could just make out the roof of the ruin. "There is our destination, it used to be a temple to merchants. Now if it can be fixed up a little bit, it'll be perfect." Lash actually seemed excited to see this possible new base of operations.

"Looks... Like it'll take a lot more hands then you and I have." Angie says looking at it critically, as much as Lash seemed to be fantasisingabout how the place might look after some major fixing, reality intruded showing her that they would need a lot of reairs done to this place. While it did look good where the stonework was intact, and some of the wood could be reused. It was still a mess and would need a lot of work to be weather proof. For now it would work well enough she supposed.

Lash dimissed what she said, he could establish a jump point either inside or in the area and recieve all the help he needed. "All I care about is that it is defensible and far enough from prying eyes. Shadow planned on returning to us soon, no doubt he is watching what we are doing." Soth had been told him to do this job well without fail. And the first stepping stone was on that hill, he just knew it.

"Then this is your spot, Are we going to see how extensive the damadge really is or just sit here gazing at it?" Angie asked softly annoyed enough already, she was wondering if thy were actually going to get to do something today or just follow Lash around like a good little 'wife'. She was tired of doing nothing all the time, besides the sooner they set things up the sooner she got to kill more men.

He nodded and began to head in the direction, worming between the trees until they reached the temple grounds. The building was extensive and the extra buildings all seemed to be suffering minor damage and age. Lash dismounted and tied the horse to a tree, he went to the well in the center of the courtyard. They had sealed it with a heavy stone cap, which showed no signs of having been tampered with. A small barn that had seen better days was flanked by a small overgrown garden and a pen for feed animals.

Angie followed silently, he seemed to be fascinated with this place and yet it was a crumbling old building as Far as Angie was concerned. Something that needed a lot of work and apparently they were going to be staying here for a while. She just hoped she got to go out and take down the caravan people soon. At least that would be something interesting and exciting to do rather then follow this lunatic around and do his bidding.

"Come we must check the inside, and are you sulking? Here we are able to do the master's will here. And we are the ones who decide how best to fufill that. It makes me swell with pride knowing soon, we will be the scourge of the traveled road here in Venir." Lash pulled hard on the chained door, then stopped and looked expectantly at Angie.

"Once I am busting heads or splitting them I'll jump right on that wagon train you got going there Lash. Until then sorry for not being so enthused about a moldy and crumbling building out in the forest. Sorry for not really being as prideful as you, guess it's a failing of mine." Angie scowls as him following behind him closely. Picking up rubble out of the way as she went and putting it off to the side. This place was a dump and as much as she liked fighting Manuel labor did not appeal to her as much.

Almost disgusted with her attitude, Lash waved his hand at the door. AGain the tendril shot from his hand to wrap around the lock, then burst into flame. He smiled and did it again with his other hand, with the same result. After a few more attempts the handles broke and the door swung open. "I must remember to thank Caliban for his gifts, you and these." he teased, "Come along Angie, let us see our new home."

"Yes master, shall I woof and wag my tail as well?" Angie spits back, following him despite her acidic comment, she spoke again with her normal raspy voice, though she left the image where and how it was. She needed the practice concentrating anyways. She was not nearly as grateful as Lash was for the new abilities Caliban had bestowed upon him, it only meant if she got truly out of line he had an even better weapon with which he could turn upon her.

"You only wagged your tail for Tesli." he shot back, "But, I liked the master part." The temples interior was dusty and was in need of a good scrubbing. A door led down to the crypts and another up to other rooms. But, the most intereasting feature was the design which would allow for the perfect location for a gate location. "It seems to have weathered years of neglect well.

"Yes it sure did, and I'm sure you did too. You just lap up any kind of attention from girls don't you?" Angie scowled heavily looking at Lash first and then looking over at the great hall where Lash was surveying to place the transport hole spell thing. Angie didn't know what it was he was actually going to do, but she knew what would happen once he did.

He left her sight long enough to check the floor above and the roof. Both needed some attention, but were solid. "Your opinion Angie? And I appreciate your true opinion to the compound as a whole." Lash pulled open the door to the crypt area. Unsure if he would use this area, it could serve well as a prison or treasure area.

"Not bad, needs a lot of work... Kinda grimey... But we could manage, it's a good base building of operations." Angie said with a shrug of her shoulders. She didn't want to be the only one working on this project though and she only hoped he would be helping or getting the help they would need to fix this place up in working condition. Not to mention the tools and building materials as well.

"Then we will begin scouting the road for our ambush, then return back to the city. The day or two before they move the prisoners we will stake out the spot and wait. Anything you can think of that I might have missed?" Lash hoped she would take the opportunity to give him a couple ideas. "Perhaps we can even use your illusion to our advantage."

"Sure thing boss you just let me know who to pummel and I'll do it. Male if at all possible please. If we could also get the material we need to contain all of the people we are about to capture, and the tools to set up the traps we would need and rigs to capture the caravan. The weapons and the armor." Angie says and was wondering if he actually knew how to do this. Her personally had been on a few murdering missions of her own in carraiges and such.

He smiled then fetched his horse, a couple of hours ride later they were back near the road. The spot was a decent place to set up a ambush, even more so if they could get the escort over in one area. "You'll use your ring to look like you were attacked, then when they leave the wagon we will attack on two sides." Lash had used an attack similar against raiders once, to a good effect with no casulties on his side. "You will just need to make it look good to fool them understand."

Angie rolled her eyes at him. "Why don't you wear the ring and be the girla nd I can be the thug... it seems like it would work better that way to me at least. you have the act already down!" Angie says sarcastically before getting down from the horse to get the lay of the land to see how they could set this up and take them down. It wasn't a bad plan over all, but one gril would never get an entire caravan to stop.

"If the illusion is convincing they will stop to render aid or attempt to get a piece of you. Probably even better to let them have their cocks in hand before you start killing them." Lash intended to take both archers and the driver, before they could take action. "If we can escape with a minor amount of work for a bigger profit, things will start better." He placed the marker for the gateway to open in a out of the way space.

"Great... first I'm your wife now I'm a whore, anything else? Should I Bare my chest and whistle them over? Invite them for a ride in the woods?" Angie scowls heavily at him. She didn't really care what he was doing or how he wanted to do it. "So I take the fighters and you take the archers?" She hoped that was the plan anyways because she doubted all the archers would leave their posts to investigate a lone woman.

"Yes, if the numbers hold true they and the driver are my targets. Then I shall in due haste head to help you finish your targets. Remember to try and keep their equipment serviceable." Lash turned about several times looking for his own perch. An elevated station might prove to be a better choice for him. 

"I won't need assistance, but I'll do my.... best I suppose." Angie says cocking her hip to the side and locking one of her legs. She put her hand on her hip and just waited watching him. She had the easy job apparently, but she wasn't going to complain, he was the boss and she was his subordinate. She was here to look out for any kind of betrayel to Soth and the order. That was her job, everything else was sort of a side order.

"Pride goeth before the fall, Third." he quoted temple teaching. Lash used to hate that part of prison, priests coming into his space trying to find lost lambs. They never understood those lambs had been slaughtered and eaten already. Some soldiers of Venir fought to the death because they thought if they did there would be better pay. If Angie treated them like a standard militia, she would get herself into a lot of trouble.

"Then I'll do my best to kill them all quickly and without hassle, First." Angie said turning to face Lash, if he thought she was a weak fighter just because she was a woman he had a lot coming to him. She wasn't your average merc fighter. She was one of the best, it was why she was a sole guard in Caliban's torture room, and holding room. Though a wizard of the Drow's magnitude had gotten the best of her, now she wouldn't be so careless again, she had gotten soft being pampered by Soth's servants and slaves.

Lash climbed a nearby tree that crossed the road, an easy feat he mentally measured the distance he would need to surprise the archers & driver. "Angie go back that way to make sure I cannot be seen." he ordered. From this spot he should be rather hard to see from a moving wagon. He brought forth a tendril, but did not set it a flame checking its length and where he would have to strike. At least two days remained before the prisoners were moved, he would have to practice on using these new powers.

Angie followed his order, he was slightly visible but she was looking at him, but other then that she supposed if he wore browns and dark greens he would be unseen. Especially if they weren't looking for him, "Clear from here." Angie says, she would tell him the rest afterwords, she needed to after all he would be her backup support after all. She would be taking care of the foot soldiers and protectors, he would be getting the drivers and the archers, it would save her a lot of pain and injury from having to take care of them all.

Lash hopped down, once he took care of his targets he would jump down to the wagon. "Well, if the wagon is here you should be over there to bring them in." he instructed. Looking at her and hoping she understood the need to be on the same page. Facing her he waited to see if she had anything to add or subtract from his plan. "Other than that I think we have earned ourselves a chance to relax before the operation."

"Wear browns or greens when we do this. You're just slightly visible, If you return me my weapons I'll practice and 'relax' as you like. Other then that I think we are all set, you should practice with you... tentacles first though." Angie says not bothering to hide her husky voice from him now they were alone. She folded her arms and waited for him to talk to her or say something to her. He always seemed to have something to say and she being his underling was waiting on his commands or whatever.

He handed her the sword belt, "My apologies, I hadn't thought of it until you said something. We should go back to the temple grounds to pratice, away from this spot. And my thanks for the tip on colors" he said as he mounted his horse. Practical Angie would be a wlecome addition, if they could remain a working team. Lash made a mental note to arrange something nice for her if this worked out.

"You're welcome, I didn't think you knew too much about ambushes in any case." Angie said as she pulled herself up into the saddle of her own horse. She just couldn't wait to get back to that decaying old relic of a building to begin cleaning and working... if that was his idea of relaxing Angie could give him a few pointers on some things. Other then that of course she didn't like what expression was on his face. He was contemplating something and he really didn't like it.

"I've foiled enough before my imprisonment." he admitted. Riding back to the temple grounds in silence. "How long do you wish to practice before we head back to the city?" Lash moved a little bit away, and formed two tendrils, snapping them at a nearby tree. They reacted exactly as a whip and after two test cracks, he let them alight in flames.

"Enough." Angie says with a shrug before pulling out her weapons and practicing on her own far enough away to not get in the way. She dropped the image and focused on her swordmanship, she was no clouch even practicing alone one could tell that. She was no green horn, she obviously had been fighting for a long number of years. In fact no one knew just how old she was. Not even Lord Soth himself had asked.

Lash cast the firey whips several times and even found they could burn through a lot of things. They were very strong as well, giving him the perfect plan for the archers. Angie seemed to be shaking any dust from her limbs. "I do not believe we will do any cleaning today, gather supplies for tomorrow. We will clean tomorrow or wait until we bring our new members home first."

"Sounds like a fine plan to me. I suppose you should have my weapons back..." Angie says turning to go to the horses. Not yet offering to actually return them yet. She didn't like being unarmed. That that she really was mind you, she in fact had two daggers hidden under even that revealing peice of trash he made her wear in town. It was disgusting this place was. But she did her job as she was supposed to.

"We will wait until we are closer to town, I know what it is like to not have your weapons close at hand." Showing her a little empathy, he had been seperated from a whip for so long. He mounted his horse and looked over at her. "Tonight we will supper in our room, use of the illusion is your decision. Any requests for that meal or libations?" he asked before pointing his horse to Kelos.

"I don't drink when I'm with men. Other then a glass of wine or so. I suppose you will never have to worry about being disarmed again though not with your new... lengths?" Angie said kicking her horse into a walk, it was an hour or so ride back to town, but she already had the image up and working, she needed more practice with it in any regard. why he was tryin gto wine and dine her Angie didn't know, it didn't make him any less of a scumbag though, and she knew he was trying to soften her up. It wouldn't work.

"Drink or not I could care less, if you think I'm gonna get you drunk then take advantage? Not right now, and why if I could order you to spread your legs at my leasure?" He wasn't insulted, just felt like she always thought everything would lead to him plowing into her. Perhaps he would do something nice to otherwise prove he could be nice. "Now, if you have an idea for food, since drink is so far out of the question."

"Whatever is fine, steak is always good but something more simlple for our disguise would be fine as well. Steak is expensive here, if you have unlimited sources of money then by all means order steak again." Angie said with a shrug, she didn't really care either way what they ate as long as there was food. Angie was stiff though riding for the next ten or fifteen minutes. Deeply offended at his crass attitude about her assumptions.

"I'll make arrangements once we arrive, unless you decide to hold off dinner for a bath. I think that I will do the bath first then dinner, tomorrow might be very busy." They rode the rest of the way back in silence. Once back in Kelos, he wasted no time taking his leave of her to gather cleaning supplies. Leaving Angie to arrange for the bath and make sure the bed was turned down.

Angie oversaw the turning of the bed and requested for a large tub for bathing and hot water for Lash to be able to bathe. She was planning on using it before he returned anyways, but she was more worried about what all they would be doing tomorrow rather then the rest of today, so far she had been doing a pretty good or rather a really good job at keeping ehr image solid and clear.

Telsi and a male assistant brought the water and filled the tub, the male making trips for the rest of the water. "Would mistress like me to remain to help you?" She smiled at the end of her comment, then shooed the man from the room. "I could keep you company until your husband returns." she offered. Standing demurly with her hands behind her back, looking at the floor.

"I would love that Tesli, but I'm not very clean at the moment and I'm not sure if my... husband would be very appreciative of that. Thank you for the offer dear, perhaps tomorrow or later today if my husband permits." Angie says with a soft smile, watching the quite beautiful girl standing near the door. She was using the soft feminen voice and she carefully began unlacing her boots and pullig them off, next was the pants and the shirt. Lash had already taken her weapons before so all she had to do was undress.

"As you wish m'lady." she said with a small curtsey and a lick of her lips. She turned and left the room, closing the door behind her. Just before she entered the water, Lash returned. "Getting ready to clean yourself? Shall I ask for a servant to join you?" he smiled at her. He dipped his finger into the water to test it, "I wouldn't waste much time, its cooling some."

"No thank you, one already offered." Angie said stepping into the tub and relaxing for a moment before grabbing the soap and washing her hair and body with a rag. As soon as she was scrubbed and rinsed she got out and grabbed the towel she had set nearby, drying herself off with rough strokes and rubbing she once again got dressed but in cleaner more comfertable clothes she could sleep in for the night.

"Oh, joy I get to bath in Angie!" he commented dryly. He then pulled the cord to summon the help. SMiling broadly when Tesli reappaered, "The man should remove the water and bring fresh please. And please bring dinner like I made arraingments for." He stripped down to nothing and sat in his chair to await the fresh hot water.

Angie continued to dress and do up the clothes she had a little bit of a hard time actually getting on. There were many ties and such but no real... clothes like appeal to them, she admitted though she did look pretty amazing in these clothes. If they weren't so damned hard to get into it would be even better. She got her brush though and began to brush out her wet hair. This would be a fun filled rest of the evening she could just feel it.

Tesli returned with dinner and the man brought large buckets to remove the used water. She smiled seeing Angie dressing and Lash without clothing, "Is there anything else I may do for either of you?" The man had since left to get rid of the the old and bring in the new. Lash tore into the food, smiling broadly it was excellent as always. "Come on Angie, the food is wonderful, not real sure if my wife needs anything tonight, Tesli."

"Perhaps some other night Tesli? thank you for everything, you were excellent." Angie compliment with a wink and a licking of her bottem lip at the girl. She sits down at the table and puts the napkin on her lap, starting to eat with the utensils wishing the man would come and fill up the tub full of water already. Lash just sitting there eating was weird, and not much fun for Angie really.

It was mostly a stew with cabbage in it, but it was hot and filling. The bread was also fresh and absorbed the liquid in the bottom of the large bowl. The man returned a while later filling the tub with more hot water. Lash stood and entered the water, washing and scrubbing himself clean. After drying he dressed, "Come Angie time to bed down, tomorrow will be here before we know it."

"One can only hope can't we." Angie says climbing over to the bed and laying on the very edge again. She hated sharing a bed with him, with any male really, but tomorrow she would be able to begin setting things up... and killing men. That was always a good day for Angie. With thoughts of murder in mind Angie let herself fall asleep, unconcerned overly with Lash and his plans for bed and such.

Early the next morning, Lash awoke & changed into the clothes he would need. Then turned to awaken Angie from her slumber, encourage her to eat then be ready to ride out. Leaning over her shook her and whispered, "It is time, once you are ready we will take some food with us." After that he moved away and watched out the window to see how much of the city was awake. All of the intelligence he was given pointed to two archers, six horsemen, and the driver.

Angie got up, washing her face and hands, drying them she stretched until her back popped a few times. Yawning softly she changed quickly with her back to Lash, once dressed she pulls on her boots and laces them snuggly around her calves. After she tucked in her shirt she cinched the belt tight to hold everything still and in place. Tieing the lacing at the the cuff of her shirt she turned to Lash at last. "Ready." She says with a nod.

"Take your pick, food and water or saddle the horses." he offered her the choice. He truly did care which she picked, whichever one needed to be done quickly. "We ride to the temple, leave one horse there and move to the ambush spot on the remaining. After we secure our victory, one drives the wagon back to the temple while the other rides after disposing of the bodies. Then once together again, we open the wagon and explain their new position in life."

"I'll saddle the horses, and taking care of the bodies. I'm probably better at it anyways. You'll be the more intimidating figure of leader of our crew. Expecially with your tentacles." Angie says finishing getting dressed. She was prepared as much as she could be for the day. Her hair in a fresh braid and pinned to the nape of her neck. When she put her helmet on it would be out of the way and it wouldn't be cought and ripped out or anything. That and she had actual practice at disposing bodies. She was pretty sure she had much more practice then he did.

They both went wordlessly to their tasks and once completed left the city. He passed some bread and salted pork to her and a full water skin. The ride to the temple took only a short time. "We should leave your horse and take mine to the ambush spot." Lash was begining to anticipate the coming battle, his eyes were bright knowing his first chance to prove himself was coming.

Angie ate on the ride, glad to be out of the city for once. Even if it was with Lash. She agreed with him though, taking his horse would be wiser, hers was a little too tame actually. "After we suit up, if yours can handle my weight with yours then it's a plan. Angie says getting down from her saddle and tieing the horse to a stable tree branch. Opening the saddle bags and pulling out her armer and weapons.

Once she was ready they rode to the ambush spot, they still had two hours before the vicitms would arrive. "Alright, now I'm heading up and will leave it to you to place the horse somewhere and take your place. As long as we stick to 'our' plan, success is assured. Luck in battle Angie." he finished with a common salute. Lash then started to climb into his perch, to wait for the wagon.

Angie tied the horse a good distance away and behind some bushes. Walking out she checked her weapons once more before conjuring up an image she thought would stop most any man or wagon train. Lash could see the transformation of a tall gruff looking female ready for a battle suddenly having long curling blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a very large bust. Small waist and hips that flared out to a perfectly rounded rear. The dress was a pastel purple with darker purple trin, it was ripped showing even more ample cleavage, the skirt was ripped up the side showing smooth peach colored legs that were toned but soft. All in all she looked like a wealthy young maiden, who'd been in trouble. For affect she added stains here and there, mostly grass a few of something darker, Her dress she made look of embroidered silk and cotten. while beneath the image was just plain old Angie geared up for war. She'd have to be careful how close they got to her though, and whether or not she would be able to draw them all in at the same time.

Had she looked at his location, she'd have seen the grin plastered on his face. The image would draw in both do-gooder's and lusty soldiers alike, she was a deadly trap. Producing a couple inches of tentacles, waiting for the wagon to appear. Lash loved the rush of excitement the ran through him, this was a chance to solidify the team of himself and Angie. But, even moreso he would be able to banish that desire to kill again.

Only a short time later, the wagon and horses came around the bend. Two horses on either side and two archers on the top. The driver had the quicker eyes, spotting Angie and halting the procession. "Forward, check this out." he ordered the riders. They dismounted and began to move forward followed by the driver, the archers kept watch to the sides, neither having seen Lash waiting in the branches above them.

Angie had her face covered with her hands, acting as if she were crying. Though she didn't really know how, to act that was, she hoped it was good enough to fool those from afar. With the torn thin dress and brightly colored to attract attention. She deffinetely looked like a noblewoman who had been lost or hurt and left behind. The shaking of her shoulders and covering her face, she looked weak and completely harmless.

One of the men squatted near and began to reach out, "Miss are you alright?" The woman was attractive and her torn dress left little to the imagination. He looked back to the driver, the man was incharge and it was his decision on what they would do. "Should we talk her back to the city sir?" he asked quickly. Jarl the other rider was facing towards the trees, blade out looking for an enemy.

Lash above began to form his whips, once Angie started everything into motion he would take the archers. If she could handle both riders and he the archers they could split the driver between them. The old feeling of ice ran through his veins as it did before every fight. This was what he missed most while in prison, the chance for a preadtor like him to hunt. The archers beneath him had arrows nocked, but would abandon them once he wrapped his whips around their throats.

Angie grinned beneath her hands, quickly reaching down and grabbing the hilts of her swords. Pulling them out she quickly thrusts one of the swords into the chest from the back of Jarl. Getting to her feet she sweeps her sword in an upper swinging arc at the man Squatting to help her. She was really enjoying this, the feel of the blades sinking into flesh, the hot feel of adrenaline pumping through her and the sweet scent of blood filling the air near her.

Jarl lunged away from her, while the other man toppled back onto his back. As the archers began to pull their bow strings, Lash's tentacles wrapped around their necks. He then fell from his perch carrying both men into the air to hang to death. Anchoring his tentacles to the wagon he produced his whip and moved toward the driver. Corl, the driver realized too late his archers were not doing their jobs, "Surrender bitch and I will take you into custody."

"Surrender and I won't kill you then son of a whore." Angie laughs back before getting into a proper fighting stance. She let the image fall to show her true self. The armor the swords, the scars and the height. She was the same height as the men were, which might have been a shock since she had disguise herself as almost a head shorter. She had muscle and quite frankly looked menacing.

Jarl's companion, Erik managed to stand and pulled his sword, intending to fight to the end. Lash brought another tentacle-whip into being and struck, wrapping it around Corl's neck. The man dropped his weapon scrabbling to remove the thing wrapped about his neck. He gave Angie a terrified look before the whip burst into flames. Erik turned and saw his commanders face and head aflame and knew he was overwrought, "I surrender." he exclaimed, tossing his weapon down.

"DAMN!" Angie yells out, she had wanted to kill a few more and it wasn't really fair that she didn't get to. She took the weapon though and stalked forward angrily, roughly checking him over and taking the dagger he had in his boot. Scowling at Erik she nods to Lash. Before backing up a few paces. It was his call now that there had been a surrender. She was just there to draw in and kill as far as she was concerned.

He unwound his tendril and looked at Erik & Jarl, before looking at Angie. "So, sorry chap there is no prisoners to be taken." he brightly said. Lash was mildly interested that Angie seemed more exciteable drawing blood like this. "Finish him, and the maimed one as well." he instructed her. He picked up Corl and checked him for other weapons and began stripping away the armor. 

Angie smiled brightly yet again and her eyes lit up with mirth. Lunging forward to take them off gaurd she quickly sliced through Erik and twired slashing open Jarl side. Blood splatter her face and body from the wounds she was inflicting and she reveled in it. Bringing the other sword around she slices open Jarl's neck and at the splatter covering her face, once the body of both men fall to the ground and convulse a little she turns to look at Lash smiling the happiest and brightest he might have ever seen, her eyes shining with mirth but dead of all emotion one might call human. Still looking into Lash's eyes she knelt and dug her fingers into the open wound on Jarl's side, making the dying man gurgle screams of pain and misery. Angie almost looked like she was climaxing. As she dug her fingers into the flesh and blood.

Lash watched her and smiled, a damaged person was so much more interesting than normal people. He gathered Corl's equipment before addressing her, "When you finish strip them of equipment and stash them away, then catch up with us." He climbed onto the cart and cut down the archers, taking their equipment as well. Mounting the cart he ushered the horses away from scene enroute to the temple. Angie would finish the job and follow behind, then they would cull this new herd.

Angie played a little while longer before she stashed the bodys as he told her and gathered their gear. She finished and packed the horse with their things and rode back towards the temple he wished to use. She was covered in dry blood and it had begun to flake a little but she didn't want to wash it off. She enjoyed the feel of it on her skin, she liked the way it felt. She didn't care what she looked like while covered in it, she hated men anyways. But now Lash would know why Soth had chosen her for Caliban and why he allowed her to become his third. She came upon the temple soon enough and saw the wagons and Lash himself. "Sir." she called out to let him know she approached.

The wagon was open and the men milled about, obediently staying where Lash had told them. He turned towards her and beckoned her to him, "Men this is Angie my third and your superior." From the temple several men and the wizard that would issue the oath came. A quick accounting showed the three Lash indicated that would not work were missing. Catching her eye, Lash motioned for her to follow him into the temple.

Angie did so, the frightened look on many of the slaves faces made her spine tingle delightfully. She let the look fade however once entering the temple with Lash. He wanted to talk about something, she wasn't really in the mood for talking though, after such a thrilling kill she wanted to revel in the blood still covering her face and arms. Actually she wanted to find somewhere she could be in private for a while. Or kill more, there was always that option too. She obviously wasn't paying much attention to Lash as she followed in thought.

Just outside the crypt door he stopped and quietly rounded on her. "I must commend your work Angie, and I have some bonuses for you. We will be returning to the city tonight, but I have the first thing for you now." He opened the door and led her into the crypt, at the bottom of the nwly lit stairs were the three men. Moving close he pointed to a water skin and some rags for cleaning, "They are yours to play with in whichever fashion pleases you, if you agree to allow me the slight honor of washing you after."

Angie eyed the men and the delighted smile covered her face once more, she pulled out her private dagger that had a hooked edge and was very well taken care of. "Agreed." Angie says her husky voice even deeper, her eyes focused only on hte three men before her. Her breathing quick in anticipation of what he was allowing her to do. She licked her lips and almost moaned at the taste of blood still smeared across them. She was going to have fun, lots and lots of fun.

Lash stepped back wondering what she would do, kill them nude to incresase the blood on her body maybe? Gorl the rapist looked at the two of them, the male refused to let him join his group then brought him down here. "What is going on here? I'm being kept out because I took a couple liberties with some whores?" The other two, Polir and Tob had been refused because they were untrustworthy began to cower away from Angie. The warrior woman covered in blodd was scary to say the least, and her companion was letting her do as she desired.

"Then I shall start with you yes? So you won't be left out any longer? Wouldn't want you feeling lonely without anyone around to take care of you." Angie said with the same happy expression on her face. Stepping forward she twirls the dagger in her hands before gripping it tightly and with a side slash cutting across his chest from shoulder to lower chest. Not to deep, but enough to have need stitched or a medium healing potion. Angie grinned and touched her blade with her fingers. "So pretty for shuch an ugly mug. Why is it that what's inside is so much nicer to look at?" Angie wonders softly, her husky voice filled with rather innocent curiosity.

He gave ground, clutching the wound and glaring at her, "I'll make you sorry for that!" Kicking out his left leg hoping to make contact with her in one form or another. The other two decided that salvation may be found begging the man sitting on one of the sarcophougus. "Please M'lord, spare us, we'll serve willingly and well!" they practically wailed. Lash however paid them no mind, totally engrossed in the spectale of Angie before him.

Angie laughed and grabbed the kick that had hit her, capturing the leg under her left arm and keeping it to her side, Angie slices a straight line from the inside of the knee to the inside of the thigh. She then released the leg and pushed the man back. Laughing softly she narrows her eyes on the man beneath her. "I'm not sorry yet, keep trying." She taunts softly.

Lash raised an eyebrow, Angie was fearless and took great skill in inflicting harm. Having sustianed two injuries Gorl wasted no more time and charged Angie. The attack was brutish, Lash knew she would deftly avoid and make him pay. Personally, he would cut the hamstring or achilles tendon crippling the man's movements. The other two disappointed him, they lay on the floor saying how they would willing give their lives in his service.

Angie let him tackle her, slamming her into the wall she had braced for it. Grinning she plunged the dagger into the his back, she was careful not to make it deep enough to nick anything major he needed to continue living. It made him drop and Angie grinned following him down getting on her knees and caressing his shoulders and head softly. "If I pull it out, I can do so much more damadge. If I leave it in it'll hurt but you'll be fine. If I put my hands on it and push just a little more and angle it about seventeen degree to the right and up, I'll slice your lungs to peices and let you drown in your own blood. Which sounds the best to you?" Angie asks her husky voice soft and sweet, lilting almost in a sweet and lovingly fashion.

He struck out and slapped her with a bloody hand across the face. "I won't beg you for anything." he spat. "Kill me if you will, but I curse you, you'll die at anothers blade or spell and you'll lay in your own filth before oblivion takes you!" From across the way Lash was impressed for a moment, unlike the other two he would not beg for his life & was defiant to the last. Now it would be a very good sight to see what Angie would do, given the fact Gorl wasn't playing her game.

"You've chosen a very slow and painful death my playmate. Compared to you those worms groveling will be clean and quick in comparison." Angie said her face stone cold and her face expressionless, her eyes were blank filled with no emotion and no glimmer of even life. She reached down and from her boot she pulled a long and jagged dagger which she plunged into his unwounded leg and into the stone beneath. The hilt was round and to pull it out would surely severe more muscle then one could live with. Bleeding to death would be quicker it it was pulled. But Angie was far from finished, pulling a second the same as the first she grabbed the hand that hit her and putting the back of the hand to stone, finally smiled sweetly before plunging the dagger in through the bone and tissue and in a crack of the cobblestones. Standing slowly she stood on his remaining hand, with her heel, and when she turned to face Lash she turned putting all her weight and twisting on the heel holding his hand. The resounding cracks from his hand breaking so many times under her heel made her smile brightly and happily once more.

Lash returned her smile and nodded, she was impressing him more and more. Gorl was groaning and almost snarling in pain, unable to free himself from the daggers. The other two began their prostrating again, hoping they would be shown mercy. Daring to interupt her session Lash asked, "Would you like me to heat any blades for you? That is if you wished to cauterize any wounds to keep the torture going."

"Get a fire going and I'll do it myself. My men to do with as I wish so you said. So Sorry Gorl But I have other playmates I've kept waiting. You'll have to make me sorry later my sweet." Angie said with a small smile looking down before stepping off of his hand. she stepped forward and pulled her last blade from behind her at the small of her back. It was a curved blade a Kukri. "Boys you should be happy you get to see Rosa, she's me favorite, took her off of an assasin from Valusia. Come say hello, and let her get to know you... by blood." Angie says stepping forward slowly, Gorl could bleed a bit more before he would need the cauterizing to keep him alive. She had time to be able to play a bit more.

Lash left his perch and went to find a brazier, he was in luck as one was overturned in the corner. He righted it and drug it back to the sarcopghi where he sat and produced more of his flaming tendrils to fill it. They burned well and would burn long as well. "Done Mistress Angie." as he placed his own blade into it to heat. It was a small loan, although at this minute he wished he had a beer to watch this spectacle.

Angie smiled and leaned down to caress one of the men's faces. "Still so young, not yet able to grow any hair. If it wasn't for your gender, you would be sweet and loving." Angie said softly before leaning forward and nuzzling his cheek with her own, leaving a bloody smear behind on his. Turning she looked at the second he was much older and she did not like the look on his face she leaving the younger man she stepped over and slashed with 'Rosa' A long but shallow cut to the face along his cheekbones and nose. The splash of hot blood hitting the younger man's face. "It seems Rosa has chosen." Angie says with a soft smile down at the man she had cut.

Polir cried out as the blood welled from the slash, Tob sobbed as he began to dispair. Lash was truly impressed, she made them think, Gorl was getting a more painful end. But, none of them would survive the attentions of Angie, they just didn't know it yet. "Please, mistress, I'll do anything you want, anything I swear it." Tob pleaded to her. Polir reached out and tried pulling his shirt to his face hoping to staunch the flow.

"Sir permission to ask a question." Angie said watching the blood run down the man's face. Her knife in her eyes didn't twinkle like it usually did. "Why these two men? That I understand." Angie says jerking her dagger in the area of Gorl's pain wracked body. "But why these two?" Angie said leaning down and inspecting both of the men. Tob didn't seem at all the type she prefured to torture. "Can I keep them?" Angie said softly reaching out and touching the somewhat dirty hair on Tob's head. This boy... peaked Angie's interest somewhat. And Polir made such pretty noises. Gorl was fun but these two actualy were terrified of her. It made her pleased.

"Long ago Polir and I were 'neighbors' of a sort, the day after I announced my departure I caught him with the mother of my apparent son. The boy has no spine, he was arrested for not paying taxes. Not exactly a soldier like we need, now is he." Lash didn't mind that they peeked her interest, it would prove she wasn't out of control. He waited to hear what she would say giving her all of the information.

"Then we can use him in a non military sort of way can we not? He can be our scout. Send him into towns to get information for us. If not... Rosa will be glad to taste his flesh again. She made such a pretty spot on his face already can we please use him?" Angie asks softly with a smile reaching out her hand she caressed his cheek letting her fingers run down the blood soaked shirt to press into the wound harder. She loved the whimper that escaped him. Her face clearly showed that pleasure as well. "Every camp needs errand boys, we can use The young one for that yes? But mayhap I should give him a pretty souvineer too, just to introduce him to Rosa? What say you sir?" Angie says turning and look at Tob before looking over her shoulder at Lash. As much as she loved to torture until these two did something horrible in her mind she just wouldn't enjoy killing them as much as she had enjoyed the countless others.

"Polir is still a no Angie. Tob can errand here in camp, I will not have him running to ruin our base. If you wish to discuss this further it will be in private." Lash wasn't overtly concerned about the boy, he could cook him to a cinder with the flick of a wrist. But, he was finding Angie's smile and obivious enjoyment truly interesting.

Angie's happy expression faded, her eyes clearing a moment to focus on Lash before she turned and slit Polir's throat. "Jealousy is a very ugly emotion Lash, you can't just kill everyone who gets things you don't." angie says in her husky normal angry tones once again. She kneels by Tob quickly though and strokes his cheek with her free hand. "SSssshhh it'll be over soon I promise. I just want to make a pretty mark so you remember the taste of Rosa's fun. In case you ever want to come play again with us." Angie said softly nuzzling his neck before Rosa rest against his shoulder, digging in suddenly and dragging down to just above his nipple, hard enough it would scar but not hard enough to cut the muscle to inusability. "A few bandages and ointment and you'll be fine, but no healing proper." She says with a smile before licking his cheek. Polir was still wiggling and blood pooled around his body, she didn't care to torture those who wouldn't be hard to hurt.

"Not jealousy, he wronged me by taking what was mine. It just so happened that fate gave me the chance to let you punish him for me. Now what about him?" he indicated the form of Gorl still attempting to get up. Lash lamented the fact about Polir, he would have been a wonderful addition to his team. But, everytime he looked at the dieing man, all he saw was them together in his bed.

"hhhmmmm my favorite toy." Angie smiled before picking up the dagger that had heated in the brazier. She didn't comment that what Lash described was jealousy and it was stupid. Petty and little actually. Stepping away from Tob she knelt by Gorl's side. "Dear one I haven't left you yet. Awww.... your poor hand... let me help make it better yes?" Angie said sweetly before gripping the dagger imbedded in his hand and the stonework. She waited to hear what he would say, or what he would do. Holding a red hot dagger in ond hand the the dagger pinning down his hand in the other, she really wondered if men were that stupid. Like she needed it reafirmed.

"If you're gonna kill me then do it, I won't beg you freak!" he spat. Wishing that she'd get it over with, not like he would have ever raped her. It would've taken a whole lot of desperation to make him go after her. Lash looked a little taken aback at what Gorl said. He watched Angie to see her reaction, Tob still laid still and sobbed, holding the wound.

Angie sat still a moment. "I was going to kill you but now... Now I think we need some time alone just you and I." Angie says before leaning down. When her mouth was near his ears she whispered so only he could hear her voice. "I shall flay the skin from your cock and take your balls in one strike from your body, I shall slice your skin from your face and your legs and cauterize them. I will not let you die, Until I hear you cry to the gods and tears fall from your eyes." She whispers before leaning back onto her heels. "Sir. I request that you take the boy and patch him up... And please close the door when you leave. I don't want to spook the horses." Angie says softly turning to look at Lash. The joy from earlier was gone from her face and now was no expression and no emotion, even her voice carried no tone of joy or anger. She was blank, nuetral, terryifying and deadly.

"Very well Angie, I will clean up your little servant, but will return at time to help you clean up and travel back to the city." He stood and collected Tob, still weeping and clutching his wound. "And if you don't use my blade, I would apreciate you taking it out of the brazier." Then carrying his burden up the stairs, gave Angie her request. After handing Tob to another newly minted Disciple, he closed the door behind him.

It was a few hours after that that Angie opened the door and came out. She had a pleased smile on her face and was covered in even more blood then she had been before. She had had a very satisfying few hours, the torture had lasted quit long. She was rather proud of Gorl, especially after she had cut his tongue out of his mouth and cauterized it. She was quit pleased by it overall, his whimpers and tears and cries were pleasing to her. She would carry them with her for a few days to tide herself over.

The men looked at her with a mixture of horror and disgust. Lash had alrady tended to Tob, and set aside a place to clean her before returning to the city. "This way, bloody Angie, It isn't fancy but will do." he said leading her to a side chamber. There was a kettle of water above a fire to heat water and a cask of cold water and tub. He had gotten some rags and something to pass as a towel. "Please remove your armor and everything else." he instructed.

Angie did so quickly, her armer would need cleaned as well as her weapons. Once she was nude she did that first. She cared more about her weapons then she did her own skin. By the mass of scars on her body that much was obviously clear. Once her blades were clean though she set them aside to dry and get oiled in a moment. Taking a wrag and cleaning the blood from her body she also set aside a small ish leather pouch. It didn't hold anything of much weight, as it made no sound it didn't hold coins or tools of any kind either. Once clean and dried as well as she could get she turned to look at Lash. "Any news since I've been gone sir?" She asked wanting updated so she knew what all was happening. She had been enjoying herself and she was still smiling from that but she wanted to get back into business. She did feel bad for the men who had to clean up, she left a bit of a mess after all.

He stopped her from wiping herself off, "I believe you agreed that I would help with this." He noticed the pouch but didn't ask and shook his head in response to her question. "So, you enjoy torture, no doubt having learned much watching Caliban. So, would it make you happy or at least a little gratful if I arrainged for you to recieve a multitude of torture devices?" After her finished wiping her down, he left her to dry herself while he began oiling her armor.

"My tool's I have are sufficient. Unlike Master Caliban, I simply enjoy the result, not the act of. It's not an art... it's a skill. I learned much from Master Caliban, but I prefur my own weapons. Besides, my favorites I collected from enemies. They are good enough for me." Angie said softly oiling her knives and daggers as well. They all needed cleaned and oiled before being put away, she didn't mind being nude at the moment or Lash's hands upon her drying her off. She was still riding her peak of enjoyment from the torture.

Lash had to marvel at her decision not to dress immediatly. "So, I will more than likely regret asking, but what is in the pouch?" Still they needed to hurry a little bit to arrive back in the city before long. The alibi would only hold for so long if the soldiers didn't realize the attack had happened. "Has your activities left you with an appitite?" he asked, still unsure if he wanted the answer to his earlier question.

"My souvineers from the Men I kill. I take a small portion of their hair and a small peice of their clothing to wrap it in. If it's long enough it's a small braid. If not I make a small pouch to hold it. It's... to remind me." Angie says softly before grabbing the clean clothes from her pack and pulling them on. Then begining to don her armor as well. The answer wasn't as forboding as he might have thought. She wasn't gruesome by any mean's. It was stupid to want to take something like peices of the body... eventually you'd have so much you couldn't take it with you. This way she knew her enemies and carried them with her. She even had the number of the one's she had killed with her marked on her blades.

He was surprised by her answer, it almost sounded like she was nostalgic about her victims. "We should be on our way now, a fine meal after a successful attack." He stood and together they started out to the horses, for the ride back to the city. Before he left he gave instructions to the new members and one of disciples on what to do. "Shall we go Angie, we will have a lot of things to do in the morning."

"Yes sir." Angie said grudgingly, she told him what he wanted and there was no thank you just orders and a weird look. So much for comraderie. Just because she collected dead men's hair now she was weird? Was it weird? It was a lot lighter then a tooth or bones. It was more conveinient too. Was it really that strange? Once Angie got into her horses saddle she pushed out the projection of the cuter smaller sweeter version of herself.

The rode out for a while before he spoke again, "So, how many do you carry? I assume you've been collecting them for a little while." He never was never one to take trophies. "I intend on indulging you, your hobby as long as we can remain civil and on the same page." If she gave him a little less guff, he'd keep her in bodies.

"I have yes. Last count was forty seven, fourty nine now I suppose." Angie says softly tilting her head a little to look at the slowly darkening sky above them. "Nice to know your threatening my hobby now... as apposed to my life for instance." Angie said dryly, what did he think she would do? Beg him to let her kill men? If she had to she'd kill them with or without his permission, if it was for the better good of Soth's mission that was.

Lash laughed, "No, not in that way silly woman. I mean to make sure they are brought to the crypt for you to take your time." He looked at her and shook his head. "Forty-seven is an impressive number, and I'm sure together you'll need a bag of holding for your collection." Spuring his horse to speed up a little bit, he wanted to be back in the city before too long.

"What a lunatic." Angie sighed before spurring her horse on to catch up with Lash's own. In truth she emptied the small pouches inside and threw away the scraps of clothe, inside the smallish bag was the combined hair of her dead conquests. She didn't mind... and the bag wasn't heavy or full yet. Not nearly so. There was plenty of room until she could someday add her own hair to the collection and leave this world. She didn't need to take time with them, she had just not had a kill for quite some time to it was nice to take her time again.

Arriving back in the city they wasted no time in returning the horses. Lash ordered dinner to be brought to their room as well as water for a bath. Once inside the room he took the scroll of names and tossed it into the fire. He took his chair and pulled off his boots, and doffing his cloak and weapons belt. His group numbered more than two, but something was missing that was leaving him unfull-filled.

Angie didn't speak, she followed him and took off her armer setting it aside, as well as her weapons. Donning the proper clothing as wife as he had bought for her, she picke dup a brush and released her hair from the tight braid it had been in. Humming softly she brushed her hair and sat on the edge of her bed. When singing or humming her voice was as deep and husky as ever. but she didn't think anyone would mind, singing voices were often quite different from the spoken ones.

He continued to go through the other parchments he had been given. As Angie finished there was a knock on the door. Dinner should be ready by now, and the question would be which maid would bring it to them. Lash looked up, still unimpressed with something. "Angie, be a good wife and let our dinner or bath water in please." he asked without looking up.

"Yes husband." Angie says standing and going to the door. Opening it she smiled softly. She didn't mind the orders so much right now, she was still remembering her fun time with Gorl. She didn't know why Lash was acting so strangley but she didn't actually care much either. As long as it didn't affect getting lord Soth's mission taken care of. She didn't care about anything much really.

Telsi stood at the door with a dinner tray and a broad smile when she opened it. "Evening mistress, I have the dinner the master ordered." she said with a note of a smile. Once she was given admitance she placed the tray on the table. "Everything is exactly to the order, and I must say the cook outdid himself." she informed them. The lord was rather quiet, but the mistress seemed rather happy and upbeat to her.

"Good I am very glad to hear that. Husband the food and maid have arrived." Angie says looking over at Lash, there was something wrong but if he didn't show any interest in the girl Angie would usher her back to the door and gone. Out of the room, the food smelled great actually and she was hungry, after all killing people really gave her an appetite. "It smells delicious actually. I can't wait to dig in!" Angie smiles brightly using her false voice still.

Lash looked up and a slow smile spread across his face, "Welcome Telsi, dinner smells very good. Will you do the honor of coming to collect the dishes and laundry after we have eaten?" He wanted to find a reason to get the girl back into their room. "Is the water coming for the baths later, It would be good to soak after our long ride today. And maybe some entertainment for even later."

"Sounds wonderful... Then until later Telsi." Angie said leaning forward to kiss the girls cheek softly before opening the door. If she was coming back later for entertainment well, Angie wasn't stupid and that grin on Lash's face wasn't exactly innocent either. But at least she would be able to eat, and maybe have a chance at a proper bath tonight. That would be worth fooling around again, It wasn't often she indulged in this much flesh so closely together, with all the other activities she had been doing she was starting to get a little tired already tonight.

The instant the door shut Lash retreated back into his thoughts. Had what happened in the crypt been right? Anestia had meant something to him, and the son was his wasn't he? Or had he in a bid to even the score, given the boy's father over to Angie to kill? Everything concerned did he even rightly care, no, he didn't care and he'd drown those questions in the women tonight.

"Angie, do you think with there being fourteen of us, should we try swelling our numbers further or hit a caravan?" He cut into his food and waited for her slant on the situation. "Would you like to bathe first again? It is not a problem if you wish." Part of him was being fair to his third for working so hard. The other part enjoyed seeing her bathe and found her immensly attractive.

Angie looked over at Lash eating his meal. She cut into her own and ate some of her own food. "I think for right now fourteen is a large enough number that we won't need any more unless we lose some hitting other caravan's right now we just need to get supplies to take care of the ranks we have right now. They are no good without weapons and armor. I would like to bath." Angie said softly eating more food and drinking the wine in sips. She was trying to act as if she had manners but it was hard considering she really didn't.

"Perhaps there is a better way, the list I have states an Ophrian metal smith coming her in the next couple days. Bringing not only a great deal of worked metal, but raw ore as well. If we could take him with what we have then, a limitless possibility of weapons and armor. Also we need to focus some on feeding them, the rations will not hold out long. Feel free to bathe first, I don't mind." he casually told her.

"That sounds good. We will be able to get rations as long as we continue to hit the caravan's, then we can work on the small towns and such. Once the ranks of our force swell a little and we actually get that dump cleaned up and workable. We can eventually send the best out and back to the main compound. The Smith will speed the process up exponecially. We should look into finding a Leatherworker as well. For patching up all our leather good's. There are a few outer edged farms I saw with little enough protection, if we have to we can pay for some of that food, the rest we can get from our protection fee's, if they give us the grain we won't kill them and as long as they don't tell anyone about us... they'll be safe." Angie says not looking up at him as she rattled things off, she had nodded her head though in thanks for getting the bath first. She continued to focus though on trying to use the utensils correctly and not destroying anything or dropping it, she was doing really well so far.

"I really must commend you Angie, from the dislike you hold or held me in not long ago. You have proven to be an astute officer and a very good agent." He did mean every word he said, she was turning out to be a good choice. And they even seemed to enjoy the same kind of women, perhaps if she did an amazing job he'd arrange a little harem party for her. "Well, I'm sure you do not wish to let the water cool down."

"Hold. I still hate you. Orders are orders however and since we are both working towards the same goal there is no reason I cannot use you. You have proven useful to be around. Though the other men if I continue to play might help take the edge off the urge to decimate them all." Angie said softly as she stripped to get into the water. She turned her back to Lash, she always did. She continued to hold the image in place however and sank into the still hot water of the bathing tub. She let herself soak a little. "Did you think I was hired for my hatred only Lash? The way you speak it seems you are surprised I am intelligent and deadly as I am." She asked in a rather statement and inquiring manner.

"I thought you more the sword and strong arm type, and I am pleased that you have more depth." he stated flatly. He finished his meal and again turned to his papers. It had not been cheap to purchase them, but it seemed a good investment. "I would say that your admission that you still hate me is deeply wounding, except I don't care. We will serve as ordered and find enjoyment where we can I guess."

Angie scoffed at his words and began to scrub her body clean. She knew he was going to indulge in the woman tonight. She didn't quite feel like it, though she was sensitive still, and buzzing from her kill, he was sucking it all from her rather quickly. That and his order to kill the other man who could have been useful, she didn't understand that but she was going to find out about it. She could care less what he 'felt' or why he even bothered to mention it. She had just been correcting him, quickly she soaped up her hair and keeping her eyes locked on him, she rinsed it as well. She never left herself weak or blind. though she trusted him enough not to let her get killed while asleep. He still needed her by his side, that was for sure. "I am the strong arm and sword type. I just know how to do battle." She says standing from the tub, the towel already covering her front as she stepped out of the tub and began to dry off. She wasn't some highborn, in fact it was almost clear that she was slightly above that of a street urchin, in regards to status. But even the likes of her could become warriors in Ophir. She just had a taste for torturing man was all.

After the man came to swap the water, Lash soaked awhile before scrubbing himself clean. He instructed the man to have Tesli gather the dishes and laundry then return when she was finished. A short time later Tesli knocked and after being admitted gathered the dishes and laundry. "And is it true you wish me to return later? It will be my pleasure to come back." She looked back at Angie and smiled as she gazed.

"Yes we wish for you to return later Tesli, please be a dear and clean up until we are ready." Angie said in her soft feminen voice. The image was still held and she continued to dry her hair, she had already pulled her clothes on and was covered but like at Ophirian women she kept her red hair in braids and she wanted her hair dry before she braided them again. rubbing the towel over her hair over and over, she was sitting on the edge of the bed to do so. She didn't want to bed over too much and give them both too much of a show.

"Tesli, would you mind I wish to get my wife ready for your return, show her your nethers and leave off your coverings as you work." He smiled at her, then looked at Angie, she knew the warrior woman lusted after this girl. "Is there anything you do not like as far as sex young one?" he wanted to know where her limits lie. Lash continued to wash himself and watch Tesli tease Angie. He rewarmed the water with his powers, marveling how soaking in this warmth felt against his skin.

Tesli looked at Lash and obeyed, lifting her dress slowly while gazing at Angie. She then tugged at the fabric covering her and let it fall to the ground. Smiling she stepped out of them and picked them up to add to their laundry. "I have never taken a lover into my anus, my lord & lady. In fact, I have been a little afraid to." she admitted with a slight blush. She continued to clean up the dishes and laundry with one hand holding her skirts aside for Angie to see.

"I'm not overly fond of that particular area, but on occasion it is nice." Angie confessed softly as she watched Tesli, she continued to dry her hair but her eyes watched the young woman's revealed flesh steadfastedly. She was a very lovely girl, young and smooth, carefully taken care of. Angie licked her lips as she watched the girl work, the buzz rising inside of her yet again. She ached to touch the girl but kept herself on the edge of the bed and drying out her hair. The lust and want for Tesli showed clearly on her face, even as she kept the image in tact. She was concentrating on her image and the girl, trying her best to ignore the man in the tub.

Tesli smiled and once or twice used her free hand to expose more of herself to Angie. She then moved over to the tub and kissed Lash's cheek and whipsered, "May I say goodbye and promise Lady Angie I will return to help you devour her body?" His smile said enough and she moved to Angie and the bed, leaning forward she softly kissed Angies lips. "Mistress, when I return the master and I are going to share licking and devouring your exqusite body, won't that be fun?" She then slipped her finger inside herself and offered it to Angie, so she might taste Telsi's excitement.

Angie watched and leaned forward taking Tesli's fingers into her mouth. Licking and suckling them clean. Leaning forward she placed her hand at Tesli's nethers and plunged two fingers inside of her body. Releasing the fingers inside of her mouth she leans forward. "I make no promises to leave you be either." She whispers before pulling her fingers out and licking them clean. "Be quick." She orders standing and walking to the dresser where the brush and comb were. She needed to get her hair in order if they were to play. She continued to ignore Lash however, since he hadn't given her orders or anything.

Tesli gathered the dishes and laundry before leaving, she smiled at both of them before leaving. Lash watched the interaction of the women, "So does her comment excite you? I know her idea does me, before she returns strip and lay on the bed, I promise not to touch until she returns." He then got out of the tub and dried himself throughly. In stead of dressing he wrapped the towel about his waist and waited.

"Is that an order?" Angie asks her tone bitter, just him getting out of the tub or even opening his mouth ruined her mood some. She wasn't going to answer his questions, nor did she care what he liked or disliked. She sat on the stool brushing out her hair, once it was smooth and silky she braided one half and the the other quickly. Her fingers deft and quick in movement, it didn't take her long at all to be done and tie off the ends and flick them over her shoulders. She would do nothing until she was good and ready.

"Do I need to make it one?" he hissed in her ear, moving fast beside her. "Understand this Angie, I have praised you and am willing to reward that which you did well. She requested me to have my wife nude upon our bed when she returns for something special. Nice that you would blow our cover to keep the maid from lathering her tongue across your nethers until you could stand no more." He stood up and returned to the table, if she was going to petulant he would do as he would.

Angie clenched her teeth together and scowled deeply. Just like a man to blow things out of proportion. Angrily she stripped and left her clothes in a pile on the ground. She lay on the bed and kept her arms by her sides. She wiped the angry look off of her face but it didn't stop the hatred from being there. "Be careful...husband, I will not continue to behave if you continue along with this behaviour. Don't think beating me will help you control me either... husband." Angie warns before closing her mouth and laying on the bed silent and fuming.

He sat beside her and placed his hand absently playing with her nipple. "Beating you never crossed my mind, If I feel that is needed, I will simply kill you. The mission is what matters, I just believed sharing the maids or other women would improve your shrewish mood. Because, your first reward was me and Tesli, the next might just be you two, and after that perhaps two women and yourself." The knock at the door signaled Tesli was back, and before he went to the door, he kissed her cheek and smiled.

Angie's hate filled scowl followed him, and until he opened the door. Bedding a woman was a release not a reward, it was a comfort a luxery, not a treat. She deffinetly wasn't in the mood to play around now but there was no choice left to her. He commanded it and it was the woman's part to obey. she never thought she would be forced to endure a woman's touch but because of this man she was and it made her hate him even more. Carefully masking the look of hatred, she couldn't help but not want to do this any longer.

Tesli entered when Lash opened the door and smiled brightly when she saw Angie. She at once began to remove her dress, even smiling when Lash help her. Once free she playfully stole his towel and led him to the bed by his manhood. "Oh, my lady, you look good enough to eat!" she purred as she climbed onto the bed and began kissing up her legs. Her hand gently began to try spreading her legs, giving her access to taste the lady.

"Thank you my dear." Angie said softly spreading her legs at the young woman's touch. She refused to look at Lash, and stared down at Tesli, trying to make herself aroused to ease this playful woman along. She had no hope that Lash would not take her in some manner. He had done so far each time they had played with the girls. If she couldn't get Tesli to make her slick enough it would hurt, but then that was something she was rather used to.

It wasn't until her legs were spread that she felt a lick at either leg. Tesli and Lash were working their way up to her nethers, both keeping beside the other. "Oh, master doesn't Mistress taste wonderful!" Telsi exclaimed breathily. "I agree, she is sweet and we haven't even got to her nethers yet." he responded. They made their way to her thighs that is when the licks turned to include kisses and nibbles.

Angie let herself breath a little faster not that she needed to. It was the usual response though, and she needed to act like it if she couldn't actually get it to happen. Telsi's softness was walcome but the harsh scratchiness of Lash's face was a harsh contrast and not one she cared for. Angie concentrated instead on her image, and keeping up the act for Telsi, Lash would probably just take her. Whether or not she had asked for it or was ready, she didn't put it past him to rape.

As they moved closer to her nethers they got closer together and they started to take turns at the lips of her nethers. Lash was impressed that Tesli came up with this, and even though he was a little angry with Angie he wouldn't take away her chance to climax. Both of them licked roughly across her clit, letting the cool air touch her when they switched. If she didn't climax before long Lash may change their technique. This would be a long campaign if they couldn't find common ground.

Angie couldn't stop from becoming aroused as they manipulated her most sensitive of places. Gasping and breathing hard from the truth of pleasurable feelings now rather then the fake ones from before Angie still held off on letting herself feel too much or cumming so early on. If they were determind they would have to work hard to make her fall into ecstasy, she was still concentrating on keeping up her image as well.

Lash took one of Tesli's hands and they both began to feel and massage a breast. Tesli had one that she just pulled at the nipple before kneading the soft skin. Lash had wetted his finger before rubbing and teasing her aerola beforegrazing his fingers along the rest of the breast. They both moaned and Tesli commented that she tasted so good. As they held open her outer lips and took turns licking her clit.

"nnngh!" Angie groaned bitting her bottem lip, her face showing she was concentrating hard. Their teasing was making her wetter and making her feel so much more pleasure, she was trying hard to keep a hold of the image she was using in front of Tesli. She was getting closer now but still she concentrated hard and tried to keep the image solid. Lash would have to distract Tesli if she couldn't keep it solid through climax yet again. she had been trying though.

They continued to lick and tease, all of a sudden the both slid a finger inside her. Then took turns alternating the thrusts, with the licks, as they continued touching her breasts. Lash would at times let Tesli suck Angie's clit as he kissed and licked her upper thigh. Tesli added a new finger rubbing at Angie's anus. Both of the people trying to bring Angie to climax were breathing heavily.

Angie cried out and covered her face with her arms crying out as her orgasm swept out over her, the image fading at the last second until the pleasure rolled through her body making her arch her back. Her large and scarred body appearing beneath the image as she could no longer concentrate on the image to project with the ring. The stimulation between the two of them over her was impossible for her to deny. It was almost worse then not having one at all.

Lash quickly reacted, practically throwing Telsi onto his manhood and turning her away from Angie. "My apologies my love, I just could not wait to plumb her depths again. Join us when you compose yourself, for there is much pleasure left to share." In no time Telsi was moaning and begging for the mistress to come feast on her as well. Lash turned his head to look at her and see what had happened.

As soon as the pleasure had passed she threw the image up again and scowled visciously at Lash. But she came over and suckled on Tesli's breast the other getting the attention of her hands. Letting Lash take his pleasure in the girl, she would add to her pleasure and hopefully it would be enough to leave her be. She was tired from today's excursion and now she had to endure this on top of it.

It didn't last long, they had both been excited from making Angie climax that less then ten mintues the were both satisfied. Lash looked at Angie, not caring for her sour expression. "Thank you Tesli, if my wife has no further desire you may go." He crawled up into the bed and prepared to go to sleep. "Angie if you would let her out then join me, it may be a busy day in the morning."

"Yes Husband." Angie said trying to keep the angry look off of her face. She stood, got off the bed and gather Tesli's clothing. "I'll help you dress dear." She said softly, holding up her clothes for her. She wanted to let the girl know it wasn't her fault he was so brusque right now. Once Tesli was dressed Angie gave her a chaste kiss of the lips and with a gentle guiding pull on her arms brought her to the door. "It was pleasent as always Tesli." Angie smiled gently at the girl.

Lash waited for Tesli to leave, and for Angie to begin acting like everything was his fault. He continued to go over his plans for the next day, and how they could better be handled. Nothing else could be donw about Angie, he tried to be fair with her and all she could do was harp at him. Some people, they chaffed if treated like a slave, still others if you treated them as an equal. Maybe she just neededto find another victim to make her smile.

Angie stayed silent as she cleaned herself and redressed before getting into the bed. If he would just stop nancing about and give her orders to follow. Instead he asked how she felt or what her thoughts were. He treated her like an equal which she was not. Her orders were to follow his, and to kill him if he did anything outside the interest of the guild of Soth. He was getting pretty terrible at his whole Leader giving orders to follow thing. She was getting tired of him trying to befriend her, he had been so rough with her back in Caliban's dungeons and now he was trying to be kind? It was stupid.

Lash decided not to dwell on the situation, it wasn't going to improve right now. He instead made a mental note to treat Angie as she wanted, if she didn't like her treatment she would have to show that she could change. Shadow should be returning soon, and then he would run his plans by him. Perhaps he would leave her instructions and depart before she would awaken. The temple would require a great deal of work and perhaps Lord Soth would contact him for a report.

Angie fumed a little longer before finally closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. Once again she was facing the wall and sleeping at the edge of the bed. The blankets covering all the way up to her chin. Just in case someone would come in the morning she had to be able to cover herself or hide herself quickly to put up the image Lash decided. Drifting off to sleep Angie's body relaxed completely and the image dropped, her breathing evened out and her expression went from angry and hateful to serene.

Lash arose early the next morning, dressed and left a hastily scribbled note. I hope you find your breakfast and morning agreeable. Head out to the temple when you know you can follow orders, without atitude. As he left he stopped to speak to the cook. Hours later, someone knocked on the door to their room.

Angie rose ith a knife in her hand and looking around a little scowled heavily. Looking down at the ring on her finger she quickly got the image in her head and calmed down hiding the knife beneath the pillow once again. "come in." She calls softly using the 'feminen' voice. She stood up and looked around picking up the note and reading it she tucked it away in her top so she could destroy it later. Wouldn't do to have their lair found out and attacked if anything got back to them.

Tesli entered carrying a tray with breakfast on it, "Good morning mistress, I have your breakfast as the master instructed." She smiled at her but looked quizzically at the fact Angie was dressed. "Would you like it in bed or here at the table?" The other servant girl was upset when she abruptly stole the honor of coming to their room. She hadn't realized the master had left, and half expected him to be here waiting.

"The table please Tesli, thank you. My husband has already left and told me to go to him after I finished eating." Angie lied swiftly, she knew her hair was fine in their braids, she had been doing it since age five. The strange look must have been for the fact Angie was alone, and dressed so early in the morning. Angie did smile though, Tesli must have thought she'd get to play again, unfortunatly Angie was just about done playing for the time being. She was tired of hiding herself while being with a lover and if she so desired a lover she could bloody well find one on her own. But... she had taken advantage of the situation and now she was done. Unless she had to she would abstain for now.

When Angie sat and began to eat Tesli took a seat across from her and looked nervous. "Mistress may I ask you a question, last night I noticed when you climaxed something changed. And before I could realize what it was, the master impaled me and turned me away from you. Is there something you are hiding from me?" She hoped Angie would be honest and answer her, for it felt like she became taller and her body changed.

"There are many things I am hiding from you Tesli, and most of them it isn't your place to ask to know." Angie said chewing and swallowing before answering but taking another bite. "There is a reason he turned you away. I won't deny that." Angie said softly taking a drink and clearing her throat a little before continueing to eat. She needed to finish her food and chase Tesli off, she would do it as carefully as she could but... in the end she might have to just kidnap the girl and take her with her to work for the encampment. That was of course a last resort.

Tesli blushed a little before finding her voice, "I mean to say, I enjoy the Lord, but find you more to my liking. And if you are using magic to hide something. I would try to accept it as part of you." she finished by coming over and kissing Angie without asking. She lingered for a few seconds, before standing back up. She then went to make the bed and tidy up some.

Angie watched Tesli while she continued to eat. She knew it would be unwise to reveal her true body to her but... perhaps... some of it would be okay. Just keeping her face and facial scars hidden. Once she finished her food and made sure her day pack was ready to go she stood and undressed, she needed to change into pants and all of her armer and such anyways. "If you wish to know... then I will show you." Angie says softly, she was going to let her see her body shape her true body shape but not her height and certainly not the true face behind the image she put up. It would be a little tough but she could manage. If all else failed she'd just take Tesli with her.

She watched Angie change her form, "Why do you hide it my lady? I still find you intresting." Telsi raised her skirt a little, still looking at Angie. "And I still would love another chance to taste you, just the two of us. Unless you fear it would anger the master too much."

"My husband doesn't wish to see it. He perfurs the more pleasing look. I was his slave until he wed me. I'm afraid I displeased him yesterday and he is already agitated with me. It would be best not to do anything that might anger him more... I am to meet him in town." Angie says softly still not using her normal voice. She put the image back in place properly and smiled sadly at Tesli. "I must prepare now, please take the tray and leave me Tesli, perhaps another day we can play again." Angie says softly, not wanting to armer up until the girl was gone.

She nodded and gathered the dishes and left quietly. It was a sad thing that the master forced her to hide herself from view. She took the tray back to the cook, then procedded to go to her master's chambers. Knocking quietly before she entered, then quickly disrobing. The master bid her come to his rooms and report what his old friend Lash and the woman might be up to.

Angie was soon armer and fully loaded with weapons. with a cloak over her shoulders to hide most of the armer she went to her horse and took to saddle. It would take her a little while to get to the temple but as she got near she noticed the activity. And the guards. Clever to have already set them up from the other day, probably while she had been busy playing with the man in the coffin room. Angie rode up none the less and smiled seeing the hustle and bustle of work. she would drop the image if she was halted, if not she would hold it until Lash said otherwise.

A guard came forward and took the reigns from her, "Ma'am." He then led the horse away after she dismounted. Lash was speaking with the cleric then headed back inside. Walking to his main war room he began to look over his papers that he brought from the city. He had noticed Angie ride up and was less concerned about what she wanted. "Maybe I should tell her to feed her pet." he mused since when he arrived he saw the boy being shoved to the back of the meal line.

Angie walked towards the place Lash had told her he wanted to use as the war room. Stepping inside still wearing the image of the sweat wife, but armered she stepped inside. "the maid asked some serious questions." She said walking in and saluting to him. Her normal husky voice was what she used, she was suspicious of the servant girl, her interest was too much for just a joining of lovers together. But then Angie was suspicious about everyone. she had come for orders, or to being working either way. without any 'attitude' his note had said.

He looked up and noted the image, "Drop the illusion, and how serious of questions?" Looking back down he was trying to figure out how the information was so detailed. "I suggest then you put her into our service or silence her. A pity if is is the second, she is an amazing..." he trailed off suddenly understanding. "That cunning son of a whore, Brilliant in this day and age here."

Angie stood and dropped the image, she didn't quite follow his thinking but... he was basically stupid so she was sure he would explain. "I told her I was your slave before you made me your wife... I showed her my scars, though only the ones on my body and not my face. I didn't show her anything that might actually let her know who I am." she let him know, she figured it might be useful now, for whatever he had figured out, if that was what you could call it. Either way she waited for orders still. If he expected her to follow she wasn't. She knew there were very few free women in Venir though, and that most servants were actually slaves. Maybe it was Tesli's master?

"There is more to Telsi then I first thought, I sought to keep her from realizing your loss of concentration by taking her hard and fast. I suspect she told you that I was nice but, she truly enjoyed licking your nethers more?" He turned and picked up the pages and began to reread them, of course his old friend could only get this degree of detail if he had someone that could move freely anywhere. "Did she ask where I went this morning? Because I think the local thieves guild has done this leg work for us. And now you are going to keep Tesli close, very close until we might turn her to betray them."

"She didn't ask she just seemed surprised. what exactly are you wanting me to do? Seduce her?" Angie asked sceptically, she didn't know how these people ran in Venir, let alone how to get them to turn on one another. Exactly what does keeping her close entail?" Angie asked, all details she needed to complete the orders he was giving her. Besides that, she only understood maybe half of what he was saying. He wasn't explaining anything but she was rather used to that too. If she needed to seduce the girl Angie would do everything possible to get the girl so worn from pleasure she would give them anything they wished, killing her with tenderness as it were.

"My old friend Klaus is curious, and since we did not openly recruit inside the city, that curiosity is growing. I think perhaps some disinformation may be helpful, yes seduce her let them believe you are falling under her spell. We will make a plan after I speak with Lord Soth to handle the thieves guild." Perhaps with the Lords permission he could recruit the entire guild and use them to swell the coffers. Either that or he would personnaly burn the guild to the ground.

"Very well. What do you wish of me for now then?" Angie said wondering exactly how she was supposed to seduce the girl and let her feel she had been seduced. She had nover done such a thing. She didn't know how to do such a thing either. She would have to figure it out as she went she supposed. Meanwhile there had to be something he wanted her to do or ask her plans on for something. surely he wouldn't tell her to get out and do nothing or make her stand there silently.

Lash continued to move around the room speaking more to himself than to her. He did however stop in front of her, "So, has Lord Soth asked for your report? I have already tendered mine and was told yours would be requested. And your pet needs fed, the others have only tossed him scraps." Turning he went and sat in front of a fire again picking up his lists to go over.

"I do not know how to read or write. What do I care if he eats or not. I let him live so he could be of use. Every one needs someone to clean slopbuckets and wash pots." Angie says dismissively, she really didn't care, the only reason she had spared him at all was because they didn't take any slaves for labor, all for battle. They needed someone to clean up and set up. Otherwise things would be difficult. She didn't know how she was supposed yto give Soth the report unless he wanted to use a spell or something, then she could give it to him.

Lash looked at her like she had lost her senses. "You still have your signet do you not? It does so much more than allow us access to the gate points. And he will contact you when you are to report, at least that is what happened for me." He looked back down and studied the reports closer, in case Klaus had falsified one or two.

Angie didn't respond. There had been no question and the last order was to feed the boy she had let live. Turning on her heel she set off to do just that while waiting for Soth to contact her for her report. Stepping back outside she scowled heavily the image was dropped, apparently while in their 'camp' she was to be normal, in look anyways. "Where is the boy with the wound to his shoulder?" She demanded from one of the guards watching the doors. She wanted to get this done and over with. The boy could starve or steal for his meals she didn't care. The fact she was having to take care of him like he was her slave was rediculous, Ophir didn't have Slaves, what did she know of keeping one.

"That way, he has been cleaning the food bowls." the guard pointed. The cook tent had been set about twenty paces. The boy was scrapping bowls before he washed them, he hoped there would be enough for him to eat. He winced from the pain of his injury, the warrior woman said it marked him. Otherwise he was treated like dirt by the others in the camp, even fearing one of them might try taking advantage of him.

"If you don't add a ma'am or sir onto the ends of your sentances when you address me... you'll get a scar much prettier then the one he will have." Angie threatens stroking the handle of her sword. Turning on her heel, she heads to the kitchen tent. Throwing open the flap, it was after breakfast and before lunch. She knew there would be no men there eating. No one to get in her way of speaking to the cook and assistant cook. She was not going to bring the boy food every single day multiple times a day. "Who is the cook?!" she demands as she strides inside to the back beyond the past tables set up to serve from. She would be speaking to the cook personally.

The older man looked up, he had been arrested for poisoning a local noble. The idiot had survived but would never be the same ever again, however Nunzio was on his way to prison. "Well, Lash assigned me to cook, so I guess you are wanting to talk to me sub-boss." He was already cleaning game for the later meals, several of the men were out hunting wild vegetables. Unless there was some way to secure fruit and roughage the men would soon become ill.

"Ma'am will do." Angie said with a sneer. Men always tried to put women down, thought them weak and easy to intimidate, apparently the fact that she was several inches taller then this short man was no affect on how he viewed a woman. Nor the scars or armor and weapons. "what have you left of food, and if you tell me nothing... let us say you will still be able to cook but preperation of food might be harder with less digits." Angie threatened, she didn't feel like wasting time on these swine. She had been ordered to feed the boy, she would do that and be done with it as quickly as possible.

"Well Ma'am, I believe if we head down into my pantry. Oh, forgive an old fool, I have no pantry what you see here is everything we have. And I have sent three men out to forage for anything I can add to these rabbits to try filling them out as a meal." He wasn't afraid of her, but too he didn't disrespect her. How could anyone expect to find more food when they had barely any to begin with.

"TCH! Then tell me where the boy is I scarred so prettily." Angie demanded, it wasn't her concern that there was no great food supplies from the caravan. It did surprise her a little though, a caravan of that size should have had a weeks rations left at least. It meant she would have to give the boy some of her own adventuring rations. It was something she would have to speak with Lash about remidying, the food issue was worth then she thought. They would have to hit another caravan soon or buy food in a market. Which was rather suspicious, maybe he could do it while keeping Tesli the spy occupied. Angie was actually paying little attention on the apparently cook.

"Back scraping bowls and cleaning them, I have no problem with him taking care of that, but he jumps and winces at every little noise." He went back to preparing what would be a meager meal for them. It did strike him odd that Lash refused the first bowl of food. More than likely the boss had eaten before he left the city. The woman was apparently done speaking with him, and that suited him fine.

"Can't help that I'm good at my job now can I?" Angie said in parting to the short man cleaning the meat. She turned and headed to the back, throwing aside the flap and holding it open, she looked down at the boy who had tried to be a man and refuse Soth's generosity. He was indeed very jumpy and was scrubbing and scraping the pots and bowls. He still held himself like his shoulder hurt. It had only been one day and it made her smile. Though if he didn't take care of it properly it would be blamed on her. She'd have to check it too, how troublesome, angie thought toherself frowning at the boy.

He contined to scrape out the bowls, there was very little left inside them that he could make a bowl for himself. ONce he dunked it into the water did he notice Angie. He was tring to mask his panic, turning he kept his eyes on her boots. Not quite understanding on why he wasn't allowed to become a member of the disciples. Was she here to kill him finally? or did she have something else in mind for him?

Angie smiled pleasently, at seeing his panic and seeing him stare at her boots so hard. "I was told you are not being fed. Is this true?" Angie asked him, her husky voice neutral despite hte pleasure of his terror at seeing her. She was here to feed him and to check his wound and bandaging, other then that she really had no reason to be here. As of yet he was the only menial task worker they had, so it would be good if he stayed alive. It was bullshit that it was her job. she just saw a position needing filled and didn't kill the boy so he could do it.

"No, the other men kept me from getting anything, said I didn't belong." he said plainly. Even her smile worried him, like she was deciding how next to slice him open. The wound almost seemed to throb as he waited for her to order him to do something. He had thought to flee this place, but Lash had plainly told the men he would hunt down any deserter personally. And as much as he feared Angie, the fire-wielding Lash was worse.

"Get a clean bowl then." Angie said and pulled her pack off of her bag. She rumaged a little before pulling out a small bag. Opening it too she pulled out half a loaf of traveling bread and two somewhat small peices of jerky. she was waiting for him to get a bowl for her to put it in. This was a waste of time in her mind, She let him live he should be able to figure out how to keep on living. she had half a mind to go back and slice up a few more men just to feel better but she somehow thought Lash would be angry, he was already hard enough to work with.

He brought her the bowl, still not looking in her eyes. Why would she mark him then show him kindness by offering him food? Was it a trick of some sort, would she take it away and punish him? From what happened in the crypts, he knew she liked playing with her victims. Daring not to hope someone in this camp might actually be nice to him, he waited with the bowl in his hand.

She dropped the food in the bowl, then closed the smaller bag. Putting it back into her own backpack and slung it back over her shoulder, she had accomplished that job at least. "Sit and eat. Let me see you've properly covered my wound." She ordered pointing to the ground. she saw him trying to figure out what was going on, but she wasn't about to explain to him what she was doing, she was of higher rank and skill then him and she would do as she pleased. She waited impatiently for him to follow her order. "The rations might not last unless you can hide them, I suggest you do so." She said in somewhat of a helpful way.

He sat and began to eat, he had not eaten since they passed out rations before loading them in the wagon. Even if she killed him at least his stomach would quit grumbling. It was awful here, all he wanted to do was slip away with Izzy andlook what it got him. Scarred and a slave to this woman, he contemplated taking one of the cooks knives and finishing the job she started. "Why do you care how I covered the wound?" concern wasn't something he figured he'd get fromn her.

"Being a slave I imagine you knew very well the duties needed to be carried out. Slop buckets to be emptied, bowls to be scraped, animals pens to be cleaned. Errands to be run back and forth. Our camp has none of these things. Yet Master (she sneered it) Lash beleives the men he has freed and sworn to fight for ouw Lord Soth will do it themselves. There needs to be men to do these things otherwise the orginizaton and the tempers will be out of control. Master Lash has other things to be bothered with. As his luietenant, I will make sure the men are in line and punished if they get out of line. I care about your wound because if you get a disease you will spread it. If you die there will be no one to preform those basic and unliked tasks that must be done." Angie said kneeling next to him, she pulled his shirt off and unwrapped the wrags around his shoulder. she didn't care if it hurt him, she just pulled it off. When it began bleeding again rather well she sneered. "No ointment nor herbs." She scowled and got into her bag again, pulling out a healing ointment to at least make sure it wouldn't get too infect and make a seal over the wound she slathered it on. Tossing the old dirty wrags she pulled out some bandages from her back and wrapping his shoulder. Her touched her firm but not abusive as it could have been.

"The only reason I wasn't included in this group was my crime wasn't it? Or the fact I'm not like them, killers or thieves. You instructed me not to seek out other methods of healing. Lash was the one who bandaged me after you made the wound." He was too busy eating to calm his stomach from a day or so of not eating.

"I don't know about that Stuff. Master Lash doesn't tell me such things, he only tell s me whom to kill. I didn't mean let maggots eat your flesh and bring pestilance to us. Tch! the man is a Leader and not much else." Angie says shaking her head, the balm she put on his wound would stop infection from getting in and help only a little in the healing process, she mixed it herself. It was the only craft she had ever learned. After wrapping him up she handed him his shirt back. "The rest of this food is for you. Hide it. And forage for mushrooms and berries when you have free time, I won't always be ordered to make sure you are fed." Angie said fixing her pack a little before putting it back on her back. She dropped the small pouch of rations in his lap. It was good for a few days at least, she would have to buy herself another one in town sometime.

"Angie, I will have your report now. How goes Lash's plans and the men he brings to my service. You will tell me all and keep nothing back, do you understand my command?" The voice was Soth's, just as Lash told her, the master wanted answers. It would have been disconcerting had she not been informed about the signet pins other abilities.

Angie scowled again deeper this time and sat herself back down. At least here she wouldn't be bothered while she reported. "I understand Lord Soth. Lash's plans are good, but he forgets little things, feeding the army he is ammasing, slaves to care for the animals and those who should cook the food to feed the army. Medical supplies, all things he is showing no concern or plans of ammending. Yesterday he ordered me to kill three men, one of which swore to serve you, Lash ordered him dead no matter what the man promised, the other a boy, not even growing chest hair yet. I refused that order to keep the boy as labor in the camp. He seems distracted and not focused oncreating a stable guild setting here in Venir." Angie reported while she sat still in the back near the boy. She had a few others things to say but wanted his words from what she had said first. She wasn't leaving it out she was pausing for his insight first. "I am not sure if it is important but there are two other things I have noticed my lord." She finally said figuring if she didn't say something now he might take offence and have her taken care of.

"And those things are?" Soth prompted.

"He has a contact, a leader of a theives guild. They have sent a woman to try and get answers from us. He also seems to be searching for something, something from his past. He is distracted." Angie finishes, she thought it was important enough to mention and he might like to know, they were his eyes and ears in Venir after all so she would report to him, he didn't need to know about her murdering torturous fun, she had been ordered to do it after all. but she would wait either for further orders or for him to simply leave her satisfied with the information she had given them. Really though either way worked for Angie, she had been ordered to reverse seduce the woman? seduce the woman to the point she would tell them everything?

"I am aware of what he searches for, a son. The thieves guild I am aware of and gave him leave to bring them to the cause or destroy them. As far as the woman, I trust you two can handle the woman. And his treatment of you, I take it he is using you again to enjoy himself? Do you require anything else from the disciples."

"No my lord, if you are aware then my job is done and I have reported everything to you as ordered." Angie said with a heavy scowl. She hadn't known Lash had a child let alone a son. Not only that but to destroy a theive's guild was no easy feat. they needed first and foremost food for the men they had now though, which meant raiding a few farms or taking over a few farms. They needed food and taking over other caravans wasn't going to be enough. She would need to speak with Lash again to see his plans and let him know what would be the best action. Not until Soth was finished with her though.

For a long time she sat and waited, Soth did not enter her mind again and she didn't feel anything else. He watched her though trying to figure out what she was doing. Seeing that she had no other orders he left to go hunt mushrooms and berries. Leaving the tent he attempted to avoid everyone else as he made his way to the woods. It never occured to him that if he had a weapon he could have avenged himself upon her.

Angie finally sighed and got up. The brat could take care of himself for now. she exited the tent ignoring the 'cook' if that was what you could call him. And headed back to the command room of the church. She simply walked past the guards and strode into the control room. "Sir." She says to get Lash's attention, she wasn't going to call him master or any other such rediculous name, and calling him by name might get her punished. she was going to let him know she had reported and everything was finished with the child.

He was nowhere to be seen, the room was empty of people. The brazier still burned where he had been sitting. His weapons and everything were gone, more than likely he had left the camp. The local map had a farm stead circled in charcoal pencil. Might have Soth told him what was in her report? would he have left to take care of the camps needs.

Angie scowled in either case she would check the camp here and see how the work repairs were getting started and head back to the Inn at the town. she had a girl to seduce away from her master. Turning on her heel Angie heads back out to look over the building and to see if the men had begun to clear the rubble and begin repairs. she would head back afterwards and wait for Lash there at the Inn.

The camp was shaping up, The disciples priest had added some special touches to keep curious parties away. The men were doing as they had been instructed, which was make the place habitable. She then saddled up and headed back to the city. When she arrived at the inn the staff was cordial and happy to see her. "Anything I can do for you Mistress?" Telsi asked, "or to you?" added with a wink.

"Some dinner would be appreciated and perhaps if you could stay a little while... That too would be appreciated." Angie smiled softly, once again in her disguise and with her soft voice. Angie petted Tesli's jawline gently and kissed her lips. Angie wondered while kissing her what this girl really thought of her? Was she having fun or was it just another order? breaking the kiss angie smiled sweetly. "Until later." She promises happily before heading to her room to unarmer herself.

A short time later there was a knock at the door. Telsi was holding the dinner tray and waiting for the mistress to open the door. WHile her instructions had been to get the information from them. She could not help but enjoy the tastes of both of them, Angie especially. And know that she knew something about the woman was a magical disguise she was curious.

Angie opened the door and smiled, she was nude except for a towel wrapped around her covering her just barely, she was much taller then what the towels probably usually covered. "Come in!" She smiled brightly at the younger girl. "I was just sponging, I didn't do anything requiring a bath but thought I would freshen up!" Angie smiled brightly taking the tray from Tesli and putting it on the table. Then going and closing the door behind her. "I'm sorry would you like to eat some of what I've got? It's kind of rude of me to eat alone in front of you." Angie says she was trying to be herself when around a girl, that usually always worked best, except for the ring of disguise and the whole voice thing.

Telsi looked at her from toes to head and smiled, "Yes, I'll partake of what you have, mistress. Will we be joined by the master or is it just us?" She removed the food from the tray and waited for the lady to make herself comfortable. Looking at the mistress' legs suddenly made Telsi hope it would just be them. "Shall I tidy up while you begin dinner, ma'am?" she asked looking about the room.

"The only difference in the room was her pack and armer laying in the corner near the chair. Everything else was clean and put away. "I'm not sure he didn't tell me. He gave me some errands to do and once they were done he told me to wait here. Angie sat and began to cut the food up. If they were sharing they'd each have half maybe. "Tell me about yourself Tesli... I only know my story and life... is yours any easier having lived and worked here at the inn?"

"My life has not been an easy one. But, master Klaus has been fair with all of us. And it his instructon that we may play with anyone we choose, so if I were to turn down the master in favor of the mistress it would be allowed." She moved about the room and checked for dirty laundry which she piled to be taken away. Then she came up to Angies chair and smiled sweetly, then tugged on the towel. "If mistress likes I can bring her a robe or perhaps something to just cover certain areas."

"I'm okay with what I have now... Besides it won't last long after the food is all eaten... right?" Angie smiles leaning down and kissing her soft lips. breaking the kiss to take a bite of food and then offering Tesli a bite as well. "Tesli who is Master Klaus? My husband tells me only what he wishes... but is Master Klaus his friend? the owner of this inn? You have much freedom here it seems. I am rather envious." Angie admits softly as if telling ehr a secret.

She took the bite and licked Angie's fingers, "In truth I do not know how the master knows master Klaus. And yes, Klaus owns the inn and is here some days. Leaning forward she pressed her lips to Angie's thigh to leave a mark. Her hand traveled under the towel to graze across the other woamn's nethers. Telsi longed for Angie to finish the meal so they may enjoy pleasure in each others arms before Lash returned.

Angie sighed softly in appreciation. "Feels good... I'll hurry." Angie promises eating quickly. She too would enjoy seducing this girl very much. she just had to be careful not to let her see her face. Much easier done then her entire body. After finishing much of the plate Angie stands and leads Tesli to the bed. she ran her hand up Tesli's thigh to toy with the outer edges of her nethers outside of the clothe. One tug and the towel was gone from Angies body showing her true body underneath but keeping her face still clear and perfect, just like the last time she had shown Tesli.

Tesli leaned down and slid her tongue across Angie's nipple and bit down lightly on it. As she continued to enjoy Angie, she began to unlace and strip off her clothes. Standing she pressed her body against Angie and let her hands roam. After a few seconds she grazed Angie's nethers again and smiled before kissing her. "I can't wait to taste you again mistress and I hope we have time to throughly enjoy each other."

"This time let us enjoy each other mutually, it isn't often I get to play alone. My husband is rather... posessive." Angie said with a soft smile, she leaned forward and kissed Tesli deeply. Parting from the kiss to spread her legs with her hands she kissed her way down her throat stopping only for a moment on each breasts before traveling down her stomach and finally to her core. Spreading her legs a little wider Angie parted her nether lips and leaned down giving one long lick to Tesli's soft warmth.

The girl groaned with each contact and released a throaty moan when Angie touched her nethers. "Might we lay on our sides, so each other better, mistress?" Even as the suggestion passed her lips she arched her back and thrust her hips forward to Angie's tongue, her left hand part Angie's nethers. "Oh, mis-mistress right there, ple-please a little more pressure ri-right there!" Tesli licked hard, wanting so badly to devour her new friend, until they both had their fill.

Angie chuckled before moaning, this little vixen was very sensitive and it wasn't hard to see why she preffered to devour then be the devour-ee. Angie rolled onto her side and took Tesli's hips with her, lightly lapping at her clit before steadily licking at her entrance but teasing her by not pushing her tongue inside to better taste her. Angie was nothing if not an attentive lover, bringing someone to the peak and begging for more for as long as possible. Some called it torture but Angie called it pleasure personally. Angie propped up her leg so as to give Tesli room at her own Nethers to play and eat. No reason this couldn't be mutual though, Angie was the more experienced of the two or so it seemed.

Tesli grabbed hard at Angie's legs and pressed as far as she could get into her. Folding her tongue lengthwise she craddled Angie's clit and slid it along it. Then she mimiced Angie lifting a leg to give her lover more access. Being a little more bold she added a finger into Angie feeling her wetness. At intervals she moaned her desire into Angie's nethers, this was so pleasureable.

Angie decided not to prolongue it much more, she quickly began to thrust her tongue inside of Tesli and moaning into her Nether's much like she was doing to her. Using her fingers only to gently pinch and twist her clit to bring her more pleasure much quicker. Angie spared no trick or twist of wrist she knew on Tesli. Not for a moment did she let up on the poor girl, if she was going to fall for her it would be because of her gentle touch that brought such amazing orgasms.

Tesli couldn't believe Angie's skills, she practically screamed out her pleasure and procedded to take her slickened finger and pushing it into her deeper. Her licking turned to sucking her clit savagely, wanting to bring Angie to climax. She could not believe she was being so lucky to enjoy such a talented woman. Suddenly with Angies increase in pressure she bit lightly on Angie's clit. Her hips began to buck and the muscles in her thighs began to quake.

Angie groaned deeply as her own orgasm came through her, compared to Tesli's it was much gentler and didn't make her quake as much, she prefurred women for that reason. But the fact that Tesli screamed out in such a manner and that the rush of her juices to her wanting mouth, her muscles trembling and her hips bucking made her excessively delighted. It made her pleased as pie to do this to women, so once Tesli calmed down, with no help from Angie as she continued to lick and pet ehr Nethers and clit, she pulled back, aware she had kept the image successfully through her own orgasm.

Tesli laid her head on Angie's thigh and continued to lap and nip at her nethers. She also reached around and pressed the finger from her nethers against her backside. "ummm, mistress that was wonderful, might I please stay awhile and share more pleasure with you?" she almost pleaded a little and licked hard Angie's clit. Hoping to stimulate Angie into agreeing to letting her stay. She had not noticed any papers laying about while they were in route to the bed and pleasures.

"Of course you can Tesli, but for now why don't we take a small break and just relax between ourselves? A woman's body is much softer then a man's." Angie said with a smile propping herself up on her elbow to look down at the other woman trying so hard to continue to please her, while it did still feel good Angie found she was wearing out a little of enjoying the pleasure as much, especially if it was prolongued, besides pillow talk was sometimes the best way to get answers.

"Alright, I suppose a small break would be ok." she pouted playfully. Turning so she could face Angie and kissed her neck, "So, what should we talk about?" Tesli was enjoying this time to touch and taste the mistress, but it was fun to have the master there as well sometimes. "So why are you gracing this town m'lady?" she asked. While she waited for an answer she gently drew designs on Angie with her fingertip.

"My husband wished to meet up with an old... well he used the term friend. He does not tell me all of his reasons. He certainly does have his reasons though, and I think they might be personal from even before I was with him. what about you Tesli? Is this town everything you would hope it is?" Angie asked lightly tracing her fingers over Tesli's skin, tracing up over her chest and around her nipples lightly then up her neck tracing her jaw and then following the lines back down once again. Speaking in soft tones of the soft feminen voice she had been this entire time, and now the soft tracing of her fingers she was hoping it was having an affect on the girl.

Tesli drew in a breath and cooed at Angie, "The town isn't bad although I prefer to see a little adventure." She nuzzled her neck and licked at Angie's neck and earlobe. She kept drawing the designs and stopped long enough to pinch her nipple. "Certainly he told you some of his reasons, or you might have heard him tell someone. I just wanna find out how much longer I might find solace and passion in your arms." saying as she gave Angie an demure pout.

Angie smiled softly at Tesli, if she wasn't onto the girl or wise in the ways of betrayel this girl might have very well gotten some real information from her. As it was right now however, Angie was far more experienced then she might have thought. "A few more days at least, my husband keeps much to himself. Perhaps... My husband might be persuaded to take you with us when we leave? If it's adventure you seek, and our embrace you long for... I'm sure my husband would be willing to bring you with us." Angie offered moaning softly at the soft and yet the rough touch of Tesli's fingers upon her body. Let her beleive Angie smitten with her and giving her information.

Tesli drew back a little and looked at Angie, "But Master Klaus would have to release me. I do not think that he would be so willing to allow me to leave. But, where might we go? I know the others are ever so interested." She smiled brightly and kissed Angie's chin while her fingers pinched and rolled her nipples. "What would I do in yours and the masters service? More of this I hope."

"I'm sure my husband could speak with him. We would go wherever my husband wishes to go right? What others are interested? What's so interesting about Lash and me?" Angie asked softly reaching down to pet her lower stomach and thighs. Teasingly not getting close enough to touch her actual parts. the soft gentle touches would soon have her craving actualy touches and make her desire having Angie drive her mad with pleasure.

"The other women here, most of them heard fr-from the first maid you and the master sh-shared." she began to pant at Angie's touch. She began to kiss at her neck and began to nibble at Angie's nipples. Telsi couldn't tell her lover the whole truth, she was afraid of the repercutions. "Oh, mistress you are so seductive and your hands feel so good. Can we enjoy each other again, soon."

"She was a sweet little thing, but not near so sweet as you little Tesli, so pert and eager you are." Angie laughed seductively, finally letting her hand wander down to gently stroke between the folds of her nether lips. Spreading them with her fingers and using the middle finger to tease her entrance. "Is she the only one interested Tesli? Who could have an interest in a traveling warrior and his wife?" She asked softly leaning forward to gently nibble Tesli's collarbone.

She gasped and moaned trying to thrust further against her hand. "Just most of the help, some of the men wondered if the master would let them come to you. I-I took initiative and tol-told them that the master only took extra women into his bed." Her own fingers began to pull on Angie's nether lips and she also began to lick and kiss her collarbone. "Is the master returning tonight to join us or is just us tonight?" she asked hopefully as her finger slipped inside Angie's warmth.

Angie groaned huskily and gently bit down on the girls shoulder, her finger thrusting deeply inside of Tesli's warm moist cavern. "I don't know, my husband tells me only what I need to know, I overhear only a little. Is your master very interested in us Tesli?" Angie asks letting her thumb rub her clit gently. As her finger continued to thrust deep inside of her and pull back out again. angie was skilled in seduction of women, teasing them with soft pleasures and giving them the roughness where they wish and when they wish to have it.

Tesli gasped and moaned heavily, "Master di-didn't tell himm much when they met. An-And he is a-a-a little curious about everything h-he had asked about." Her finger explored Angie's sex rubbing the pad of her finger all over, then rubbing her clit. SHe cradled her head on Angie's shoulder then nipped her neck, she knew she might leave a mark upon her. "Please mistress I-I'm b-begging you, can we devour each other now?" she gasped with longing.

"Oh sweet Tesli, I d wish you would want to come with us, I am enjoying your body ever so much, the way you gasp and moan pleases me so much! what didn't your master tell him I wonder." Angie asked before she traveled to Tesli's breasts with her mouth, sucking and gently biting them. She didn't care how many marks she left on Tesli's body, it would be a job well done sex and information wise if she got it. She added a second finger to the first plunging inside of Tesli and continued to rub her clit lightly with her thumb, the more she worked over the girl the less she would want to keep from her.

"O-o-oh, I do want t-to go with you, and keep enjoying you and even the master. Master Klaus never told him how the information...." she gasped and clamped her mouth around Angie's breast. Rapidly her thrusting fingers picked up their pace, even twisting her clit. She began to moan and when she lessened her jaw pressure, lick her nipple. If they knew she had almost given everything away.

Angie gasped and shuddered, Tesli certainly was doing well on her own. She had almost given her the information she sought, perhaps the next time she would get it. But for now she would simply please each other. Perhaps afterwards she could get the rest from the girl. She might even wear her out simply to keep her in the room for the night. With this in mind she thought to let Tesli bring her to completion on last time before so focused solely on the girl.

Telsi began to lick and bite roughly at her breasts as her fingers continued to plunge into her. Although she was unsure how she would keep anymore information from Angie or Lash. It was probably best if she kept her mouth busy. "Angie did the master cause those scars on you?" she asked curiously. She felt as if there was a secret Angie was keeping, but needed a lot of trust to divulge.

"Some of them yes." Angie gasped as Tesli worked over her body, she continued to play with her as well to keep her so frenzied with passion. "Some are from other masters I've had before." Angie moaned it wouldn't be long, a woman's touch was always better then that of a mans. always more pleasurable and more exciting. Once she was finished she would work upon Tesli until she begged for no more pleasure and to be touched no more.

"My poor mistress, I must taste you again may I lady?" She didn't wait quickly sliding down and burying her tongue into Angie. First licking roughly on her clit, then exploring the rest of her sex. Using her other hand to spread Angie's nethers to get deeper into her. Groaning in pleasure she increased her attempts to make Angie climax.

Angie released her to let her do as she please. Placing her hand on the girls head. "Gently Tesli, gently, there is no race to win and no thick skin to make me feel through." Angie advises softly moaning at the frenzied rush of the girl. Angie bucked her hips at feeling Tesli's tongue inside of her. It only took a few moments until she was on the edge of her climax now. the feeling making her skin tight on her and moaning at Tesli to push her over that edge. She kept a sharp image of what she needed for the illusion in mind, even though she was covered with pleasure. This time as well she would keep the image over her face and her height without fail.

She followed as Angie requested, and took her clit into her mouth sucking lightly at it. Snaking her finger into Angie thrusting to add to her stimualtion. She had half imagined the master would return and have his way with them both before now. Klaus had instructed her to find out what Lash and his wife were hiding from him. And try as she might Angie might not know anything, might it all be Lash?

Angie let the pleasure wash thorugh her but kept strong the mental image. Once she was finished panting and moaning from her orgasm she pulled Tesli away from her and smiled seductively at her. "My turn." She said in her normal husky voice, it was safe to use it after orgasm after all, when it wouldn't be questioned to be husky. Positioning Tesli up and opening her legs somewhat wide Angie just looked at her for a moment before using both hands to spread her nether lips open for her to see as well. "Beautiful." she compliments softly.

She was savoring the taste on her lips and panted, "Thank you mistress, are you going to use me now?" Desperatly she hoped that Angie would attack her nethers and force her over the edge of a huge climax. Even though she was instructed to find out what Lash and Angie was hiding, she did enjoy them both. Lash was firm and felt wonderful thrusting into her. But, Angie was soft and talented, and her nethers begged for his attentions.

"Yes... I am." Angie said, her dark eyes promising many delightful things, all of them wickedly sinful. It was an hour perhaps two later before Angie finally stopped pleasing Tesli after the very last orgasm, still Angie held the girl down by laying beside her and wrapping an arm around her waist. Holding her against her own body and the bed. Angie had thoroughly enjoyed the time she spent on Tesli, and if she could get the rest of the information out of her it all worked to her benifit.

Tesli was exhausted her lover could not get enough, she nuzzled against Angie satisfied. "Oh, M-mistress you you are a goddess of sexual persuits, you have drained me of all energy." Angie had not said that she wished her to leave, she was even pinning her to the bed. "What if the master arrives, what will we do then mistress?" Not that she was overly concerned and yawned feeling very sleepy.

"Well he too might wish to enjoy your delectable body and then retire. I don't see a reason not to keep you tonight though. Besides it's not as if Master Klaus ordered you to get anything from us, being a friend of Lash's and the master of the guild and all. So you should stay and enjoy this time with us, even think about leaving with us perhaps." Angie says adding the bit in the middle to see if she could get an agreement out of Tesli, if she did there was a few more questions she could ask if the girl was tired enough.

"Oh, he's concerned Lash is here to kill him. But, trying to keep him happy, he sent me to get the information." she murmured lightly and snuggled closer. Her tired mind wasn't even aware of the question or her answer. The room smelled of excited women and Angie was warm under the covers making a perfect place to sleep. "Will you really keep me near, mistress, so we may love one another and the master too?" she asked before nodding off.

"I will if my master allows it my sweet. How did he get the plans of the caravans?" Angie asks softly moving the girl a little so they were both more comfertable for sleeping and covered by the blankets. She hope dthe girl would be able to answer it at least. this was the second question she needed answers to. Otherwise she would be going back and giving him nothing, which might result in some bad things happening.

"How else? I shook me ass in front of them until their tongues wagged. Umm, you are soooo warm." she pulled her close. She kissed Angie's lip and licked it before nodding off. Her breathing eased and she cuddled to the warmth. Her hand rested on Angie's hip and she smiled.

Angie smiled and held the girl close letting her sleep now. She too was very tired and she decided to try staying awake until Lash returned however, she would need to think of a way to hide her face from Tesli if she did fall asleep and the girl woke up before she did. Angie couldn't dare let Tesli find out now about her. Not when she had all the information from her. Poor sweet little thing, no idea she'd been seduced herself and given her the information, not only that but was almost in a very serious position to continue being used.

Hours later Lash returned to the city and the inn, wanting nothing more than to fall into bed. Upon opening the door he could smell the musky smell of the women and was surprised to see them in bed together. He could not miss them or the sudden interest in wetting his appetite. Moving beside the bed he nudged Angie, curious what she had found out. Noticing they were naked, he could not resist and slid his hand under the cover and between Angie's thighs.

Angie jumped, not only shocked from being touched but at having a hand at her Nethers. She didn't have a dagger to grab but she grabbed his wirst underneath the covers her grip hard and tight. "Lash!?" She growled softly, angry at being woken, touched and for it to be him doing both things. She didn't want to wake Tesli though and was careful to keep her voice down and throw up the image as soon as she had the thought to do it, at least her face anyways.

"Yes, dear wife, don't wake our friend, I want you to get up and report while I clean up. Then I might enjoy you before I join eveyone in bed, and yes it is an order to hold up our cover." He removed his hand and went to the basin stripping nude and wiping himself down. It had been a long afternoon doing what he had to for the cause. And with the scents in this room he felt like a little indulgance was in order.

Angie scowled but gently extracted herself from the bed and the girl sleeping in it so well. Once free she walked over to the other side of the room where Lash was. Speaking in soft tones she began her report. "I reported in and received no extra orders, as for what you ordered it seems your friend thinks you wish him dead, so he had his slaves seduce a few men to get the info on the caravan's we have the plans for." Angie said off -handedly and with a negligent shrug of her shoulders. there was no real detail to everything she found out, so it wasn't neccesary to give it back word for word.

Lash smiled and thought for a second, "On your knees or bend over the table while I tell you about my day. Your choice, but I will have you now!" He reached out and slid his hand against her nethers again. "It smells like you to had a grand time. And yes the earlier words about you pleasing me is an order." His hand moved up and gently pulled on her nipple while he waited for her decision.

Angie bent over the table, it took her a moment to think but she did not want to look at his smug face or have the taste of him... she laid his shirt over the table before she leaned down and lay her breasts and stomach on it. she hated this, and she hated him more and more with each passing day she found. "I did as ordered and got the information you wanted Lash. And what orders of pleasing you?" She growled out the question softly, she hated this but she would still be slick from her earlier play with Tesli, so it wouldn't hurt.

He positioned himself and pressed his length into her, and began to thrust slowly. "I have acquired several sources of food for the camp and my gods you two must have been having quite a time." Picking up the pace of his thrusts, he cupped a hand around her breast to play with her nipple. "So from your encounter Klaus thinks I'm here to kill him, won't he be surprised when I offer him the chance to join the Disciples, what about Tesli?" Lash quit thrusting and just remained deep inside her, his hand slid down to rub her clit, "I must say you seem very tight and wet, I think I shall enjoy myself greatly."

Angie gritted her teeth, and gripped the edge of the table. She hated it, the feel and the touches. His snide comments while he toyed with her body. She felt no pleasure from this, she was thankful that she was slick from previous play but it still almost hurt, she was tight and he was larger then anything she used. "She wishes to join us, at least to be able to travel with us. She knows nothing of our mission." Angie said through gritted teeth. She wished he would hurry up and finish and get the hell off of her. Then at least she could clean herself out and... "Shit! I didn't take a precaution!" She says turning and looking at him. She wasn't going to even tempt fate by not taking some kind or precaution to stop something like a pregnancy happening.

He pressed her down, "Perhaps, I won't allow you to get that precaution?" He began to thrust again, reaching down he began to stroke her clit again as he did. Lash would let her up and get it, but he would get her promise first. Angie was very attractive at this angle and he picked up his pace having much fun and not long before his climax. He let her up, "Go get your precautions so I might finish and do hurry."

Angie groaned against her own wish before he stopped and released her. Getting up she stumbled to her bag and grabbed a wand and covering herself quickly. Putting it back quickly she walked back over and bent over again. He would only get testy until he was allowed to finish, and inside of her. Leaning over she waited. That bastard telling her she couldn't get the precautions... as if he were to lose her to pregnancy, she would be blamed by Lord Soth, and She would be out of the way, she should just cover herself whenever expecting him sometime in the near future just to be safe from now on.

He grapped her and flipped her over, she would see his face when he climaxed. Lash re-entered her and began thrusting as he leaned over to suckle her breasts. Angie wasn't perfect, but she was warm and passed as a perfect place to indulege himself. Wondering for a minute what a child born of them would be like, he chuckled and continued his thrusts. Releasing her breast he licked her neck several times before his climax began.

Angie groaned, this time more of an angry sound then anything else. Being flipped wasn't her idea of good because now she had to see who it was exactly who was forcing himself on her. She could already feel him and feel his manhood inside of her. It disgusted her and the grin on his face wasn't helping either. She looked up at the ceiling not wanting to look at him while he filled her with his seed. The very idea disgusted her, and filled her with anger and hatred. He just kept using her every time they were together, as if she were a common whore, or his slave.

Lash didn't care what her look was for, he remained in her for a few moments after he finished. He looked her in the eyes and whispered, "I am glad you understood what I wanted. Now, tomorrow I will go see my old friend and make him two offers one to join Soth. If he refuses then to keep him quiet I will offer him you. And when he takes it, you may have your fun, dear wife, for the glory of Lord Soth."

"You bastard! Am I not your 'wife'!? This glory you speak of you just wish for me to do your dirty work again like with the man in the crypts!" Angie whispered angrily back. She was refusing to look in his eyes though.She pushed at him, feeling the warmth inside of her belly was sickening to her and he was weighting himself on top of her.

He held her easily, "It is not dirty work I send you to do, it is Soth's bidding!" Narrowing his eyes upon her to hold her attention then hissed, "His Lordship demands that if Klaus does not join then he dies and his operatives become ours. Would you deny the orders I pass along from Soth himself." If Angie refused to follow the Lord's command, he would snap her neck right here and now. "Now answer, will you do what Lord Soth orders if Klaus denies my offer to join the disciples?"

"I will do Lord soth's bidding." Angie says looking up at him. It was clear she meant that too, she would do Soth's bidding but unless it coincided she would not do Lash's. "Now get. Off." Angie says in a threatening manner, she was done, he had finished his business and she wanted clean. the rest of this was ridiculous, his threatening her over things she would be doing. Forcing her to see it was him on top of her, spilling his seed into her. Demanding she continue to do these low tricks of his, while he never had to do any real work, or killing.

"Good, because I argued the point of having you do it when I could incinerate him the moment he said no. Only to have our Lord overrule me, or did you think I was going to let you call me coward again?" He let her up and grabbed the already moistened rag and wiped his manhood clean. "If she stays you sleep nude and if she starts play in the morning, you had better hold on to your cover both image and atitude." Leaving her to clean herself he got into bed beside Tesli.

Angie scowled hard and cleaned herself quickly. throwing the rag into the basin she also gets into the bed but on the other side of Tesli, She would sleep and do what she needed but she ould take her frustrations out on someone, and whoever it was was really going to regret whatever it was that they had done they were going to be getting the full wrath of Angie.

Tesli unaware of what happened rolled over against Angie, her hand wrapping around Angie's waist. Lash smiled lightly and place a hand upon Telsi's hip, hopefully the girl wouldn't be a causilty of the thieves guild changing hands. Maybe then he would devide his interests and Angie would quit being such a pain in the ass. The only thing he could not understand was why ahve Angie kill Klaus, he could do it just as well. Lord Soth must have another plan in mind.

"Awaken my servants, for the plan I had set in motion is about to change. Angie will not kill Klaus if he refuses Lash, instead he will become one of us by another route. I require you, Angie, to allow Shadow to 'ride' along until you and Klaus are alone and then you will beat him into submission. Then Shadow will overtake his soul and utilize his body to further our goals. This must be done quickly, Shadow must have a host and soon for moving along with Angie is only temporary."

Lash looked across the bed to Angie, was Shadow already inside the warrior woman. In truth he had only ever known Shadow in a man's body, would there be a difference while in hers? "Wife did you hear that noise?" he asked hoping she would understand what he meant. He had to hand it to Soth, turning a possible issue with killing the thieves guild leader into taking it over. What puzzled him was having Angie handle the situation, perhaps the fact he wielded powers was why Shadow could not ride along with him.

"I heard it." Angie said softly, being spoken to by Soth like that was a little disturbing. The news that a man would be riding along inside of her body creeped her out, and the fact that she was going to be the one to do it all... meant it was very important and that she was probably going to be tested to see whether she could complete this task Soth had given her. "When do we begin the plan?" Angie asks softly standing up out of the bed. Gently moving Tesli's hand from her body, and getting to her feet. She was going to quickly wash off before getting dressed so that she could complete this plan. She needed to dress properly for the role. So she was beginging to clean herself, she really didn't even think much about being naked and all, but she needed to clean off and dress. Focus on the goal, that's what she had done her entire life.

Under the covers he gently rubbed Tesli's thighs, she would be the one to arrange the meeting. "Maybe we should wake her with some enjoyment, that way we can arrange my meeting? What do you say, we'll split her legs like she and I did to you?" If she refused then he would wake the nubile maid himself, but he knew how much Angie lusted after her flesh. Lash wondered how soon Shadow would arrive to enter his third in command and how it would affect her.

Angie looked back at Lash and then down at Tesli, "Let her enjoy your touch, she missed you last night even while she was in my arms." Angie said with a shrug before she finished cleaning herself and drying herself. Putting on the vest like top that tied in the middle to cover her breasts, though it was one fifth the size of any normel vest and only covered really her nipples. She put on the well basically loincloth like bottem that matched it. Once finished she let down her hair and brushed it, ignoring what was going on behind her. Leaving her hair down and putting half of it in a braid and then bun in the back of her head, she then used some perfume and dabbed it on her skin. Fresh and dressed and ready for the day she sat in front of the fireplace, it was chilly, it was autumn though so it made sense, the things they made slaves wear in any weather was rediculous though.

He stood and approached her, "No, dress as you normally would in a dress. If you walk in looking like this he will smell a problem, even show a little reluctance." Lash then turned and went back to the bed, pulling back the covers and parting Tesli's thighs. As he began to ravish the young lady she woke moaning and gasping. "Once we are done my dear, I would like for you to arrange a meeting with Master Klaus." he then began to pleasure her more.

Angie scowled and pulled off the clothing, putting on the more normal skirt with the large slits in each side, and the top that was basically a band around the breasts. Normal... yeah that is what all these clothes were. The cries and moans of the girl still had an affect on her. She pursed her lips and rubbed her thighs together sirrupticiously. She was fully dressed now but not exactly what you would call fully anyways.

Tesli looked at Angie and bit her lip, "Mi-m-Mistress will you not j-join us? Pl-Ple-please, I bet e-e-even the master owuld agree." she held Angies gaze. Lash not yet having thrust in side her looked back, "Come wife, think of her as breakfast." "YES-yes master I will speak with him when you and the mistress release me." she panted. From her vantage she could see Lash was erect and excited.

"I will help yes..." Angie said softly walking to the bed. "Procede as you wish husband." Angie says softly before leaning over to lick and bite gently Tesli's breasts and her nipples. Lash was between her legs with his head so there was only the upper half of the body Angie could play with. Besides, it was morning and he would want to remedy it in the best way. Inside of Tesli, he certainly didn't need her in his way to do that. She used her hand on the breast she wasn't using her mouth on.

Tesli's hand shot out and inside one of the slits in the dress and she quested to rub Angie's nethers. Her back arched as she felt pleasure from Master and Mistress at the same time. Lash redoubled his efforts at her nethers, mildly disappointed that Angie did not join him at licking the girls nethers. But, he decided to make the best of it, raising up he entered the girl with a quick movement. Tesli's eyes went wide and she uttered a low moan.

Angie grinned and let the girl have easier access to her own nethers. She never let up through from using her mouth and hands on Tesli's body, after all the girl had done nothing wrong and would like more pleasure you wouldn't except her really. Even Lash wanted her to join in but then he was a man and Angie knew exactly how men thought of such things... there was no real reason to give him anything he wanted unless she was ordered to do so. Like Soth ordering her to let this Shadow man ride in her body until he took over the Theives Guild Master when he refused.

Tesli inserted a finger into Angie and smiled at her through half closed lids as she moaned again. "Mis-Mis-Mistress are you su-sure you don't want the master in you?" she panted out. Lash looked at her and smiled, he continued to thrust deeply into the woman. She had an idea and began trying to shift so to bring Angie to her mouth, licking her lips seductively. "I think the young lady is hungry for you, dear wife." Lash smiled.

"Very well Tesli, if you wish to taste me, I will let you." Angie said turning and lifting the skirts out of the way. She climbed up onto the bed, "If my husband wishes to have me after our fun last night, then he may." Angie said waiting for Tesli to move her where she wanted her. She ignored Lash's looks and the fact he may wish to switch to her, hopefully he would want to continue with Tesli more then he would want to copulate with her.

"Perhaps later tonight after dinner if everything goes well today." he commented as he thrust into Telsi and rubbed Angies bottom. Tesli once Angie was in position slid her tongue up into her nethers and stroked it against her clit. Lash was enjoying her and thought about how nice they enjoyed Tesli. The bed creaked a little as they continued, Tesli moaning and sucking hard on Angie. Lash did lean forward and untied Angie's top and Tesli immediatly began to twist Angie's nipples.

Angie gasped and groaned, arching as they both assulted her body pleasurably. She leaned forward and leaned her forehead against Lash's shoulder, needing some kind of support as she panted. Tesli was certainly skilled but, with her mouth, she was becoming wonderful with her tongue. Not to mention her fingers on her breasts. Even the warm hand on her ass felt really good at the moment.

Tesli heard her and alternated licking and sucking Angie's nethers while her hand pulled and twisted her nipple. SHe also groaned and bucked her hips to meet Lash's thrust. He was breathing hard and turned his head and licked Angie's neck and caught her ear in his mouth. Lamenting the fact that he wasn't able to thrust into them both, but glad Angie joined them. His other hand stroked and squeezed the buttock in his hand, he marveld how tight Angie's body really was.

Angie groaned and trembled lightly, at the pleasure going through her body. the light attentions from Lash were a little out of focus with the almost rough touches of Tesli. It was confusing and felt good but didn't make her any happier, and was getting her off. Angie didn't want to make Lash feel any better, but she was clenching the sheets with her hands. She almost needed better support but the only support was Lash, it was not an option in Angie's mind.

Lash moved his head and sucked upon her open nipple, then bit down and pulled upon it. He thrust faster into Tesli, making the girl groan and increase her attention to Angie. She could not believe that they were still so driven about including her into their bed. Holding out hope that the meeting with Klaus would be a good one. Angie was an addictive lover and even Lash was bigger than any of her previous lovers.

Angie cringed and leaned back, she hated pain during sex, if anything else it really made her angry. She loved having Tesli in their bed so often, it meant she didn't take as much from Lash then she might have to otherwise, hopefully they continued using her... though also hopefully they used her a little less. She was getting tired of sex all of the time, but it wasn't her choice and he continued to make it an order. She was going to hate him even more, he wasn't doing much to really lesson her anger towards him any.

Tesli felt her move and changed the angle of her tongue and gently rubbed her breast, kneading the flesh of her lover. Her body began to tighten around Lash, and she climaxed. Lash in response began to climax as well and licked Angie's nipple roughly. They both planned to continue pleasuring Angie until she climaxed as well. Lash however noticed movement in the corner of the room as Shadow arrived.

With Tesli's talented tongue and fingers it wasn't long, it was a soft one compared to many she had had. Once it was over she carefully got off of the bed, and away from Tesli and Lash. She moved to a chair and sat to collect herself, she had kept the image succefully again, but truthfully she was glad they were done. Now all she had to do was let a man ride around in her head and drop him off in someone else's head too. It was going to be a big fun day and full of big fun things... this was going to be a great day on top of many previous obviously.

Angie noticed the shadow as it drifted to engulf her, the inky blackness seeped into every orrifce of her body. "Greetings Angie, I am glad to see that you and Lash are finding a way to coexist. Do not be concerned, I will not violate any of your memories. And all of our communication will take place without Lash hearing it, so I wish to know how our leader is affronting himself." Shadow's voice in her head was an oily hiss, and she felt him momentarily brush against her nerves and senses like warm water.

Angie jerked slightly and gasped under her breath, clenching the arm rests of the chair tightly. "I follow orders, and Lash is a man, a man put in charge." Angie thinks loudly as she continues to stay where she was in the chair and regain her breath, So... this was Shadow, the man she would be carrying in her head for a few hours. she hoped it was less then that even. she retied her top and put herself in place, and adjusted her skirt too.

The sound inside her head was like ice crackling, Shadow found her remark amusing. To try smoothing over her les than happy demeanor it nudged her pleasure center. Interesting how he spends this time plowing into the girl who has been reporting what she learns to her master. But, from what I gather you enjoy her as well. Lash had seen the shadow pass over and seep into Angie, so Shadow was inside her now.

Angie moved a little in the chair, she was loathe to admit it was a squirm. "I don't know what you did but don't do it again. I prefer the female body to that of a male's. I enjoy torture too as long as I'm the one doing it and to a man. We will use her to get to the guild master. You will take him over when he refuses to work for Lord Soth." Angie says working hard to not scowl, thi was wierd and intrusive and Shadow was inquisitive and male in her head.... in her body... and he found it amusing.

The chuckle sounded again in her mind, "Uncomfortable with me in your mind? Maybe it would make you more at ease if I share some information with you. I began life as a female, and after gaining enough power I shed sexuality." Shadow suddenly imparted a memory, only one a woman who had enjoyed the touch of another woman would know. Then the chuckle took a more feminine tone.

<i>"I don't care for anyone in my mind but yes it does calm me a little to know you were feminen once, but not that you don't share my hatred. I'm not interested in bias opinions. I just want you out of my mind and body."
Angie thinks getting to her feet and going to clean herself up a little, she was having a hard time concentrating on her image with Shadow in her head and working in the world. She was concentrating very hard on the image and it was making this all rather very difficult.

"Let me hold the image for you. I am nothing except pure energy and will. I could hold your image, channel my power through you, and stoke your desire with only a fraction of it." Lash had disentangled himself from Tesli and pulled the cord for a maid. "I intend to have water brought for bathing, and I suppose breakfast is in order as well." He was curious what interaction Angie and Shadow were having. Something about the creature always struck him as odd, not that he minded.

"If I can't do it myself then there is no use for me to use the ring. I don't want my desire stoked or any other emotion elicited by you." Angie thinks before turning to look at Lash. "sounds as if you have everything in hand Husband." Angie says softly looking at him, she was working hard to keep the image up and act normal. She was not liking this arrangement much at all, especially if Shadow was going to tap dance on her eroginious emotions and make her cum while standing, or make her fall over because of it too. It also meant that she might make her feel fear or anger or anything else while in her head.

Lash looked at her and showed a hint of concern, was she and Shadow fighint for control. "Angie are you feeling alright? Did Tesli overwhelm you with her fervor?" A knock at the door brought a different maid, from the first night and a man to bring hot water. Tesli was still recovering from her round with them. "So, welcome little maid, we need you to take our order for breakfast." he instructed as he directed the man to the tub.

"I'm fine Lash, just a little tired I think. A bath should perk me right up." Angie said softly not moving and watching the maid and the other servant. It was easier concentrating on everything when she wasn't moving or doing anything. From the way Soth had explained things Shadow would either do damadge or take over or lose energy from staying in her head and body. It meant if it was true then Angie wanted Shadow into this other guy as soon as possible.

"Tehn to save time we will share the tub then, Tesli care to join us as well? The usual breakfast will sufice today, thank you that will be all." He then lowered himself into the tub and groaned as the water and beckond both women to join him. Tesli did so but first came to touch Angie, "Will you bathe with us mistress?" "Gods, to have that body, no woman in one hundred miles would be safe from my desires, do join them Angie it will help."

Angie nodded and untied her top and skirt, It was almost as if it would be too hard to deny bathing and joining Tesli and Lash in the water. She laid the skirt and top on the dresser carefully before walking over to the tub, letitng Tesli get in first and settle in before she climbed into the tub as well. There wasn't a lot of room in the tub but they were all in now and Angie did feel better about it. She didn't like that she felt better about it, she shouldn't like being in the tub with Lash.

Grabbing the rag and soap Lash looked at the women, "Dear wife come here and let me bath you, then you Tesli." He made the rag soapy and smiled at Angie. He wanted to prove that laying his hands upon her did not always mean he was going to plow into her. Lord Soth set this plan in motion, and he was going to give it all due time. Despite it all, he hoped that once this was over, the three of them could exist in peace.

Angie gritted her teeth carefully and scooted over, in his reach now where he could reach all of her easily, that was what he meant. She had understood him easily, and she didn't want to do it but she had heard the order. She sat near him and waited for him to begin washing her... She really wasn't looking forward to this at all but she would sit and wait for him to do whatever it was he wanted. She just hoped it wasn't another round of sex in the tub. They had plans and Shadow was sitting in her head waiting and watching and she really didn't like it.

He began to wash her starting from the back then with a mild grin commented, "Tesli if you would wash Angie from the front and pass me the rag when you get around. It will go so much faster, and you'll be nice enough to help us after you wife?" Lash wondered if he surprised her with his little idea. Shadow was here and while he doubted the psion would care, sex for three people in two bodies was creepy. Today was when a quick plan would turn into a triumph for Lord Soth, and a step towards the real goals.

"Sounds like a good plan husband, though please no more passion dear Tesli I'm a little worn out from before and from last night as well." Angie says reaching out and stroking Tesli's cheek softly, she wanted to make sure Tesli was still interested but not goig to start anything. After all she would still enjoy her but not right now with Shadow riding along, it was creepy and a little more then uncool. Lash was a freak, but she had sort of known that already, but he was also a creep. The more time they spent together the more she really was begining to regret her discision to go along as his third.

"Of course mistress." Tesli was quick to responded. She and Lash passed the rag and cleaned her body without even a meaningful sexual touch. Both of thm had their plans and waited to see what each of them meant to do when the plans started. "Being a gentleman I will go last for the washing, Tesli if you would please switch places with Angie. Front or back, which part of our little friend would you like to wash, Angie." he asked rinsing then reapplying the soap.

"The back I suppose." Angie says softly reaching around Tesli for the wrag. The temptation to caress her skins and her breasts would be a sore temptation Angie didn't want to deal with, what with having Shadow in her head and all at the moment. It was a littel tight with three of them in the tub but they were managing well enough. Once she had the wrag she began to gently scrub Tesli's back and shoulders, lower back and submerging the wrag to clean off her lower buttocks as well, though she tried to keep herself in line and do only what was neccesary.

Tesli giggled as their hands rubbed her body, "Oh this is very enjoyable thank you both. Mistress I will wash the master's back so you may do his front." Lash smiled ruefully, thinking Angie would prefer not to touch his member or sack below it. "Tesli, Angie might wish to let you as our guest that honor. Personally, I could care less, I have enjoyed my time with you as well as the history with my wife."

"Tesli I'll let you choose, you are the guest as my husband said. I have done for my husband this task many times. So since you are new I'll let you have that choice." Angie says with a soft smile, she just hoped Tesli chose the front because she did not want to deal with Lash if he got excited again. At least if he did she and Tesli would need to finish with their own missions. After all, shadow was riding in her head and it was a time table sort of thing.

Tesli decided quickly that she would do the front if mistress didn't mind. And when the time came Lash took his turn between them, enjoying their hands rubbing his skin. And chuckled as Tesli did a wonderful job washing his manhood. Then they all exited the tub and began to dry off, Tesli then left to make the meeting. Lash still drying Angie began, "Whatever happens with Karl, allow me to speak and try your best to appear submissive, like a woman of Venir."

"I thought I was doing a well enough job so far. Just remember I'm the one with someone else in my head Lash. Someone who wants their own body." Angie said tempted to take the towel from his hands and finish drying off on her own. She hated having him dry her off, he always went slowly and accidently let the towel slip so his fingers brushed her skin. Telling her to be submissive... she already was, her act was fine... she could sit there without saying anything with her eyes downcast. Who couldn't?! This was... really making her angry.

"Lash speaks the truth, and I can feel your anger grow. Do not jepordize the Lord's plans Angie, not with your anger towards Lash or me. Soth knows what he plans and how to make sure the plan works like a charm. I will depart as soon as the opportunity presents itself." Shadow hoped the warrior would heed the advice, it was important.

"I was given an order, you're in my head shouldn't you feel my resolve to accomplish it. I know how the weak females act here in this country. Question me some more and I will get you out of my head sooner rather then later." Angie thinks in return to Shadow's questioning of her. She was already tired of having Shadow question her and demand of her as much as Lash was. Two of them was worse then one. Hopefully Shadow would get out of her head and into Karls soon enough.

Tesli returned with a smile, "Good news Master Klaus will meet with you both now. Only, niether of you may bring weapons into his prescene, agreed?" When she secured the agreement she led them through the inn and tavern to a set of stairs that led down into a cellar. Along several passageways and through a few doors they arrived in a large chamber, filled with a dozen or so thieves. They brusqely searched Lash then pointed them through a small door.

Angie had adjusted her clothing slightly before they left, but followed behind Lash as was a proper woman of this country did. The man led and the woman followed, the man spoke and the woman was silent, the man made decisions and the woman followed them. Unarmed there was no way they could take down this many theives, of course she wasn't actually unarmed but they never searched her. she was holding the image in her mind firmly even as she was assessing the area and the odds. She waited until Lash went to the door before she did too. She hadn't made a sound while coming down here.

Through the door was an antechamber and once the out door closed Tesli began to remove her clothes. "It is the master's orders, females do not wear clothes in his office. Mistress I'm unsure if the same applies to you, if you wait a moment I will check with him." She knocked and waited until she was admitted by two guards inside. When they were alone Lash looked at her, it would be obvious that someone was probably listening to see if they meant something underhanded.

"You have no objections Husband?" Angie asked in her soft voice, she had been using it this entire time, it was ordered by Lash that she do so. Angie never went against an order, it was who she was to follow orders, she even prefurred them usually. She wasn't at all pleased about this rule however, how much more did men have to do to humiliate women in this land? Apparently they couldn't do enough, it was rasping on Angie's nerves but she was following orders and she held herself to the orders she had been given with a strict discipline.

"I would prefer the guards not seeing you naked wife. We will have to see if Klaus feels threatened by us." His look spoke that he wasn't about to give any man that would serve them satisfaction of seeing her nude. It would erode the hiearchy of his group. The door opened and Tesli reappeared, "If I search the mistress he will allow her inside when you address him master." Lash looked to Angie to see if she agreed.

"I have no objections to being searched, if it is okay with you husband." Angie stated looking 'up' at Lash innocently. Since she was an inch taller then him normally and the ring was taking care of her height it had to look like she was looking up at him. She was confident in having hidden her knives to the point where not even Tesli would find them. She only had two, and they were her last resort knives. She never went unarmed so that she would never be taken advantage of. But she waited for Lash's words on the matter as a good wife should and would. She just wanted to get this over with, the distraction of Shadow in her head and all this foolishness going on was making it hard to concentrate completely.

"I have no objections Tesli." Lash said plainly. Angie felt an odd sensation as her hidden blades absorbed into her body, "A precaution, she would never find them now and once safely inside I with exude them back out." Shadow intoned. Tesli came over and began to rub and pat all of Angie with a playful wink here and there. "The mistress has no weapons on her, you have my word." she told a guard. The door then opened and they went into the office and Tesli showed them to a couple chairs.

"you had my hair absord a modified blade and my foot too?" Angie questioned Shadow, what kind of search did Shadow think it was going to be a full body cavity search or something? but still Angie didn't speak as she followed behind Lash as he following Tesli inside. She had already met Karl once upstairs and the mysticism and mystery was getting old to Angie who had little patience to begin with really. But she was silent and seemed meek, after all Lash was the one in charge and Karl was the other master, both men outranked her in this society.

After a few mintues she felt the blades return to their spots. Klaus came from another door and sat not speaking yet. Lash stood and spoke directly to him, "Klaus, I know you have been keeping tabs on our movements and I am here to clear them up. I am leading a group of the Disciples of Soth here to do his bidding. And now I will offer you a chance to join us, his Lordship wishes us to use our resources to accomplish all of our goals."

Angie blinked slowly and looked up at Klaus, her look no longer meek but very serious indeed. She said nothing still but she thought they were close enough now that showing this much was acceptable. Besides her order was to not speak, he said nothing about looks. Hoping Klaus refused to that Shadow would leave her and take over his body, Angie couldn't help but wait anxiously for Klaus's response to what Lash had just said. She almost hoped he would struggle a little actually, that would be rather amusing to her.

"What would I get out of this, Lash?" he croaked. He was older than Lash, and didn't quite look healthy.

"A fair amount, but you and your people will swear loyalty to Soth first and myself second. And you will take orders from my second and third even." Lash responded carefully and in an even tone.

"No, I will swear to no one Lash, and since failure is not an option for Soth's people. I'm afraid you will not be leaving here. Goodbye old friend." he began to rise.

"Perhaps, we could come to an agreement to spare our lives?" Lash asked trying to sound concerned.

"Speak." Klaus encouraged him.

"I will allow you to have my wife, and when you are done we will be on our way, in peace." The comment & offer was unhurried.

Klaus looked at Angie and licked his lips when he reached her breasts. Then they drifted lower at her legs. "Is she submissive?" he asked.

"Angie stand and show him your body, perhaps sit on his desk and let him taste you." Lash ordered.

Angie stood instantly, her body tight and straight. she was pissed but she kept her face neutral. She reached up and untied the top, shrugging it off her shoulders and letting it fall to the ground. Then she untied the side laces for the skirt and let it too flutter to the floor. She only wore the shoes now and stood before him nude. She was using the ring to make her body the perfect image Lash had ordered her to use originally. The 'perhaps sit on his desk' wasn't a clear order and so she stayed where she was. she was not going to let this... man (it was the worst insult she could think of to use) taste her body if she was not expressly ordered to. Still Angie didn't say a word nor let out a sound, she did as she was told.

"Move woman, I will exit you and enter his open mouth and barely allow his tongue to enter you. I will begin losing power unless I use you or take him over." Lash watched her and was begining to formulate the order for her to get on the desk. Klaus pushed his chair back and patted the desk in front of him while staring at Angie. "Come lovely young woman, I promise I will not hurt you, I bet you'll even enjoy it more than what your husband can do." he punctuated the coment by licking his lips.

Angie looked at Lash, her eyes angry indeed before she pushed it back down. technically Shadow was ranked above her as well and an order was an order. She climbed up onto the desk and laid on her back, "Will this do Master Klaus?" She asked the anger making her words sound more timid then she usually did. "Hold on then because I prefur my body to be just that...mine!' Angie spoke to Shadow in her head. This creepy man, was the perfect type Angie killed for sport, he was the type that the world never needed.

Angie felt a cold sensation in her nethers, apparently Shadow was preparing to leave in a hurry. Klaus again licked his lips and reached out to spread her nether lips. Slowly he leaned forward, mouth open and tongue presented, he licked the crease of her leg before crossing her nether lip. And Shadow struck, pouring from Angie's nethers and flooding his mouth and mostrils. He began to buck and thrash, Lash wrapped his arms about Angie and pulled her off the desk and away from the battle for the guildmaster's body.

Angie pulled out of his arms quickly and after wiping her leg off with her hand and wiping it on Lashs sleeve watches as Shadow faught Klaus. She could always knock the bastard out, it might give Shadow better time to control him and supress him. But she wouldn't do anything without an order still. She didn't know what Shadow would do if he expelled him from his body... Shadow would have to find another host quickly though and it wasn't going to be Angie again.

Lash knocked her lightly with his fist, "I didn't want you knocked off the desk, ingrate." He stood and watched the spectacle, Klaus fought and grabbed ahold of his throat. Figuring it was probably like drowning on syrup, being taken over like that. He retrived her clothes and handed her the skirt as he tied on her top. "And to think he meets this fate for wanting to lick your sweet honey pot dear wife, it is true, beauty can slay any beast." he smiled as he mused a little bit.

"Better him then me... it should be a warning to all men I should think." Angie says still speaking with her 'wife' voice. She scoffed though at the last thing he said, her true image... her face and body were horribly scarred she was anything but beautiful really. "Should I try to knock him out? Think it would help Shadow?" Angie asked softly before looking at Tesli who was still in the room, her skirt was once again secure and she checked the top once he had finished.

"I think we should handle other things and let Shadow wage this battle alone. Tesli dear! Come to us right now." he said to the frightened young lady in a calm voice. She looked ready to scream for the guards or flee the room. Lash did not want to hurt her, just bring her around to their point of view. The fact that Klaus continued to choke and make muffled cries did nothing to lessen her fear that she was feeling.

"Tesli come here, we'll keep you safe... I promise." Angie said softly reaching her arms to the girl in an open invitation. She was using the most soothing and coaxing voice she could to get Tesli over to them and hopefully not cry out for the guards. Angie was about ready to help Shaodw just to make the choking noises stop, it was annoying when a man faught so much. they should just give up when there was no escape left or no chance of escape at all.

"What in the abyss was that?" she squeaked in a tiny voice. Unable to take her eyes off of Klaus and the dark cloud that sucked into him. Would she be next, if she made them angry, a tear rolled down her cheek and she suddenly felt very vunerable. She had heard in passing about the Disciples of Soth, but is this what they did. But curiosity got the better of her and she stepped closer to the pair.

"Sshhhh don't be afraid sweet sweet Tesli." Angie said softly in a gentle voice, she met her half way and wrapped her arms around her. One around her waist the other around her shoulders and gently stroking her hair. "Klaus refused to join us, in doing so just as he told us our lives were forefeit so became his own. Our friend... Needed a body and with Klaus's refusel if Shadow can overcome him can have his. We won't harm you Tesli, haven't what we shared taught you that?" Angie asked softly leading the girl back over to stand beside Lash, Shadow could take care of... itself? but they needed to calm Tesli down a little.

Lash heard her words and knew that Tesli may aid them in so many ways. He stepped around a divider into Klaus's private area and rummaged around. Exiting with a fine silk robe with which he wrapped around Tesli. "Little Tesli, if you aid us in turning the guild to disciples...." he let the comment trail off as he cupped his hands about her breasts. He turned her to Angie and opened the bottom of the robe to her. Angie would be smart, not let Tesli believe anything would change between them.

Angie got to her knees and leaned forward licking teasingly above the appex where her legs met, and then down. Spread her legs a little and gently opening her nether lips she gave her clit a gentle and quick flick of her tongue. Angie knew what Lash expected and in truth to keep the girl calm and happy with them it was a good idea, though she was loathe to admit a man like him came up with it. She was being gentle and soft because of Klaus being taken over by Shadow, it had scared her and she needed a gentle hand right now.

Tesli moaned and let lash open the silky garment and gently set her hand upon Angie's head. Even with Klaus fighting this Shadow, she was easily seduced by these two. "Ohhh, I believe I can help as long as we can continue this from time to time." She let Lash rub her breasts and purred as Angie brought her closer to the edge of release. "Yes, consider me your first convert as long as I may serve the two of you." she groaned as Lash raised one of her legs to give Angie more access.

Angie rested the leg on her shoulder, it would be easier for Tesli to manage and still give her access. She wriggled her tongue inside Tesli and licked at her clit as her fingers delved into Tesli to bring her to climax. Angie herself was more then willing to accept the terms of her joining the disciples, she was sure LAsh would be accepting of it as well. But hopefully Shadow beat out that old lecher soon because they were almost done as well, Tesli though looked beautiful with the red silk framing her body as she was enraptured in pleasure and being fondled by Lashs large tanned hands.

Suddenly the only sound in the room was Tesli's panting. Shadow had won and Klaus was silent watching the three enjoy themselves. Tesli only noticed after her climax, jerking and bucking against Angie then laying back against Lash. "Glo-glory t-t-to Lord Soth." she managed to whisper, and Lash smiled closing her robe and tieing it shut. "Well now that we are through with this little take over, on to phase two." he said offering Angie a hand up.

Angie took it, after all she was still acting for Tesli, having not been ordered otherwise. Standing she licked her lips and used her hand to clean her mouth off, and licked her hand clean as well. Phase two was to convert the gaurds into Sothites and create a second entrance point for the portals. Now that Shadow had a body, not that Angie had even been properly introduced to Shadow before, having seen him in another body and then not at all until he was inside of her own.

"There is a problem." Klaus/Shadow announced, "This body is dying, with only a few months until it will expire. We must find another for me to turn over the reins of power to." Shadow was unimpressed, leave it to Lash to find a new vessel that was going to die covered in excrement soon. Lash looked at Angie and Tesli, "Any idea wife and mistress? And is there a particular body you want Shadow?" He hoped the psion didn't want Angie or Tesli, even though they may not see eye to eye, he'd protect Angie.

"Well there are plenty of guards here... Men at the camp... Hells... The boy could do he's young would probably last a long time for Shadow to stay in." Angie said thinking about it, most of the men at the camp weren't a very good choice, she didn't know about the guards. the boy or one of the other serving girls was all Angie could really think of. Like hell she'd let Shadow overtake her own body, even tagging along was something she wouldn't let her do again unless Soth ordered it expressly.

"Bidi." Tesli said without waiting, "She hated Klaus, but if she believed he was dying she would come to take the guild over." She looked at her new leaders and waited for a response. Lash looked to the older man, "Can you find Bidi in his memories Shadow?" "Oh yes I see her plainly and I most certainly approve. Bring her here and let the girls seduce her out of her clothes and me into her body."

"Okay Tesli, go and find bidi, tell her of me. Lash do you plan on staying? you might want to take a seat to seem less threatening if you are." Angie said smiling at Tesli and rewarding her with a kiss. This would certainly be interesting indeed, but angie had to admit she was getting a little pooped out from all this sexual activity. Who knew one could get so tired of the affections of a woman's body? Still this was for the Disciples and she would not fail. Once Tesli was gone and the door closed she looked at the older man. "What do we do once you leave his body?"

Tesli bowed and hurried away to find Bidi and return with her. "Nothing I will wait until you two or three have her helpless then I will enter her in reverse of you and this body did. And this body will die, I will not let it survive my exit." was Shadows reply. "We should give the ladies some privacy and perhaps some wine to speed things along, agreed Angie?" Lash commented, he was going to see a very interesting show soon.

"oh yes nothing like a drunk threesome between us girls to get you hot and horny sir." Angie sneered, they didn't need wine... all Shadow had to do was say he wanted Bidi to sleep with Angie and Tesli. Or LAsh offer Angie to Bidi for pleasure, it was really rather simple, of course if Tesli convinced her to come and have a threesome before she even got there then all the better. It just depeneded really. "Should have told Tesli if you wanted wine to get the two of them drunk." Angie said thoughtfully after a moment though.

Lash smiled, and reached out to Angie, "Come I think we won't need wine at all." He led her to the couch and placed one of her feet on the table to give a teasing view of her nethers, and loosened her top so more cleveage showed. "There you look perfect, no woman could resist an offer of sex from you." Shadow sat and watched everything and just before a knock at the door, Lash went behind the divider. "Come in." Shadow ordered and smiled when they entered.

Bidi was medium in height, long red hair, shapely but lithe she must be a second story woman. Her eyes were a deep blue and her fingers were long and supple. And just like Tesli she was nude, and Angie could see she had no pubic hair. "Old one, you wished to" her voice trailed off as she saw Angie and licked her bottom lip. Tesli sat beside Angie nad smiled brightly placing Angies hand upon her thigh.

Angie turned and kissed Tesli deeply before her hand on her thigh began to caress her soft skin. It was all a game of temptation for Angie. How to tempt Bidi into carousing with them. Angie was actually looking forward to playing with this other woman now. Angie wondered if Shadow would play with Tesli and herself once taking over Bidi's body. She almost hoped for it. But that all depended on how well bidi was of course. Angie opened her legs just and inch wider to show her shadowed and almost revealed treasure.

Bidi turned and looked at Klaus, "What is the meaning of this?" Tesli reached up and popped off Angies top and began playing with her breasts. "They are here to celebrate your newfound power, I am stepping down as thieve's guild leader, I have not much time left and have signed over the papers." Shadow confided in her. Bidi could not take her eyes off Angie and Tesli, "So, I provide you with one last show and I get the guild, done." She and Shadow both smiled for opposite reasons.

Angie moaned softly and reached a hand out to Bidi to have her join them, she hadn't even spoken yet but she didn't need to her body was doing all the talking she needed. And so while Tesli played with her breasts and teased her nipples, she hope that Bidi would come and help devour her. It didn't matter how it was done as long as everybody got off. Angie was excited already, she rarely ever got to participate in a threesome and right now she didn't care of Lash WAS watching her. She wanted this and she wanted this badly right now.

Bidi moved to the couch, "So where do I fit in this little team building exercise?" SHe slipped her hand into Angies skirt and rubbed her nethers. Tesli moved her other hand to Bidi's nethers and rubbed hard against them. Bidi groaned and licked Angies breast, then bit down on her nipple, as her finger stabbed into Angie followed by a second. Lash from his vantage was impressed by the sight of heaving female bodies in front of him.

Angie was shocked Bidi was bold and fast and rough, she was perfect. "AH! ah y-yes!" She moaned her face already filled with pleasure, she reached out and palmed Bidi's chest as her other hand went to Tesli to spilt her nethers and rub her clit and dip a finger inside of her as well. Angie quivered, her small pale version seeming perfect and completely seductive, she was struggling to concentrate on hte image however. Never had she had a threesome like this before, not with two girls so skilled at pleasing and quick to get to the point.

Bidi removed her hand and slid from the couch and began to roughly lick Angie's nethers. Tesli leaned over and began to lick and suckle Angie's breast. Both women paid no attention to Lash and Klaus, the latter had gotten up and moved closer. Shadow would wait until Bidi could not be aware of what was going on. Touching Angie's mind, shadow explained, "When you climax hold her against you and I shall enter her, just nod you understand."

Angie nodded her head she understood. She was working hard on keeping up the mental image and the concentration of her ring though, the pleasure she felt from Bidi's expert touch was amazing and with Tesli's gentle touch at her breasts. the difference between the two was making her excited and the fact that both women were very skilled at what they were doing. Angie spread her legs to let Bidi get closer and do as she wished, though it was hard to please the other two when they pinned her down to the couch she was laying on.

Klaus sat on a chair and Angie could see the inky blackness begin to seep out of his nose, mouth, and ears. Forming a line it floated around behind Bidi and hovered waiting for the right moment. Tesli released Angie's breast when she caught sight of Shadow departing Klaus. Sliding close she reached down and opened Bidi's nethers and used a finger to rub the woman's clit. The first moan from Bidi into Angie turned to a shriek of surprise as Shadow surged forward into her nethers and anus.

Angie sat up more properly and smiled at Tesli before kissing the girl. "Good call." She complimented her. Though she was sad she didn't get to climax, it had been getting fun until Shadow hurried up the timeline, and took over Bidi, though Shadow was still struggling to supress her inside of her own body. Angie had a front row seat though and sat watching the new woman struggle as Shadow was inside of her. Angie wondered how Tesli would deal with watching not only her old boss but her next old boss struggle and die and have someone else move into their bodies.

Bidi stood and looked like she was trying to expel the invading force, turning to try for the door to summon guards. Lash however was ready and grasped her firmly so she could not escape. "Ladies how about giving Bidi a decent send off. A screaming climax to ride into the pit all evil doers do fall in." Bidi was trying to claw at him, trying to break free to find someone to help her, but the cold darkness was taking control.

"I'm game. Hold her down 'Husband'." Angie said with a grin, she stood and dropped most of the illusion, she kept her face sweet however. She grabbed her legs and pulled Bidi down laying flat. Pulling her bottems off and spreding her legs. Keeping a tight grip on them as she continued to fight them all. Angie leaned down and nuzzled her crotch, licking her clit and sucking lightly every few strokes of her tongue. If he wanted her to climax and lose out to Shadow, then she would consider it an order.

Tesli saw that they were serious and remembered how much she disliked Bidi. The woman had beat on one of her friends before taking her, so she grabbed one of her legs and proceeded to get cheek to cheek with Angie and lap at Bidi's nethers. Lash held her easily with one hand and lowered his mouth to her nipple and sucked and licked at it, his other massaged and teased the other. Bidi to her horror could not scream as the blackness forced its way into her mouth. ANd for some reason their mouths and hands felt like the were driving her mad with desire and her climax began to build.

Angie focused more on Bibi's entrance and let Tesli focus on the woman's clit. She continued to hold one lef tightly as she pleasured the no longer struggling woman. Muscles twitching and spasming in the leg she was holding, hips wriggling now even as she continued to fight. when she reached her climax that was when Shadow would take her over, so Angie was using every trick she knew of to make the most pleasure happen to the woman. Angie didn't even feel bad for this Bidi woman, she felt a kindred hatred from her... but used with a different purpose then what Angie did.

The three of them licked, stroked, and stimulated Bidi until she could no longer hold back and she climaxed. Gasping for breath that would not come and arching her back as she fell over the edge of pleasure, and kept falling. "What a glorious way to welcome me back into the fold." Shadow cooed enjoying their attention on her new body. Lash released her hand and she allowed her fingers to run through Angie and Tesli's hair. Everything that Bidi was in knowledge was hers, everything else was getting smaller and smaller.

Angie feasts a little, on the wetness between Bidi... well Shadow's legs. Didn't really matter who it was now, as long as she got to taste her wetness. Now once Shadow was settled into this new body and it was acceptable, then they needed to get control of the Guild, and turn them into Disciples. For right now though Angie was going to finish up and then clean up. They had a lot to do and only a certain timeling in which to get it done. Master Soth was a very demanding Master, and he had very powerful followers that would do anything for him.

Tesli decided to stop warring with Angie to lick Bidi, she settled behind the warrior and began to lick her instead. Lash stood and went behind the partition to look about, finding quite a few nice little baubles. Bidi/Shadow wiggled about and began to pleasure Tesli as well, Angie had fresh memories of the girl so she wanted a taste as well. When Lash returned he had two more robes in green and blue. "I believe until I get your normal clothes back, these will cover nicely."

Angie ignored him as did the other two girls. In the somewhat triangular pattern they lay on the rug on the floor in, pleasing and teasing each other. Angie moaned as Tesli's skilled little tongue and fingers began to work on her already aroused body. She continued to pleasure and tease Shadow's, rubbing the clit with a finger, pinching it lightly, licking it before returning to her entrance.

Lash sat and watched the spectacle in front of him, being rather impressed in the way the women enjoyed one another. Shadow had not indulged in pleasure in quite a long time, as the new host responded to Angie and performing on Tesli. While watching, he reported to Soth that the plan had to be modified, but still worked. A broad smile crossed his face as Soth congratulated them all about this victory. Perhaps when they were finished he would convince, or order Angie, to include him in pleasure.

It wasn't long before Angie climaxed, she had been played ith before the others and under Tesli's skilled little mouth and hands was helpless to prevent it. She had to pull her mouth away from Shadow to cry out at the climax, heightened by the threesome and success they had managed it was a delightful end, though it did make her concentration sli it was a good thing her face was in the opposite direction as Tesli's and that was the only thing Angie had left hidden from the serving girl.

Bidi and Tesli climaxed almost along with her and they laid there gasping and panting. "Angie, be a sweet wife and take care of your wifely duties, it is the only order you will recieve for the day." he told her. Bidi started to get control of herself again and stood grabbing the green robe. "Once you handle your husband's needs we will need to finalize the new plans, bury Klaus and convert the faithful, agreed Lash?" He could only smile and nod, "I think Venir is about to despair, as we chew away its internal goods and heroes."

Angie scowled heavily, it was enough to pull her concentration back and let her cover her face yet again with her image. Though she was sorely tempted to drop it so Lash wouldn't get as much pleasure out of it. It was a lie, Lash was full of orders all the time. "How do you want it Lash? Elven arts good enough?" Angie asks praying that it would be and that he wouldn't ask to have actual have sex with her. Angie sat up propping herself with her hands, she only wore her skirt and it was over her legs and out of the way, her vest like top gone at the first round.

He smiled and nodded at her, elven arts would be fine. Her mouth was talented and as long as he got a chance to release. After his completion they would all discuss where to rearrange everything. Tesli looked at them both and realized that they were not married. Knowing she had been duped was a little upsetting, had Angie been truthful to her?

Angie scowled more heavily, she went before him though and opened her mouth. Taking him in she didn't really bother with skill, he had ordered that she get him off, he didn't say to make it particularly the best or feel the greatest. So she took him into her mouth and began sucking. She had to rub her tongue against him to help her take him into her throat though, she took him completely into her mouth, and then back out, she began a rythem to try and get him to finish quickly. She wanted this over with as quickly as she could. But she had no great skill when it came to men. and pleasing them.

He began to breath heavily, and took her head in his hands and adjusted her speed wanting this to last. "Hmmmm, Angie you do such a good job, but no moans or any sort of noise? Tesli would you or shadow give her a little motivation?" Tesli wanting to reconnect with the warrior lifted the back of her skirt and again lasvished her tongue against her nethers. She wanted them back the way they used to be, would it take orders for the three of them to pile into a bed and enjoy each other?

Angie made an almost oophmmed sound surprised as Tesli worked with such ferver and intensity on her body so quickly. She almost choked on Lash inside her mouth and down her throat as Tesli worked her over. She had to grab Lash's thigh tightly to help her balance and not choke on him. Not only that but she had to get on her knee's and stop sitting on her legs to let Tesli have enough room beneath her. Lash and his damned demands, did he expect her to enjoy pleasing a man? did he really think it would turn her on to take him into her mouth or her Nethers either. Moan like a whore who begged for a man to please her? He was always sorely mistaken.

Lash watched her and felt Shadow connect to his mind, "Why do you have her suck on you so often, you know she holds no love for men, or their taste." "Shadow, her swallowing my seed or sucking on me has nothing to do with her. I could have easily as Tesli to do it, because Angie hates me, I find her warm mouth doubly pleasing." Lash moaned and ran his fingers through Angie's hair, as he could hear Tesli moan while lashing at Angie's clit. He was close to coating Angie's tongue with his seed, and fueling her hate even more.

Angie could feel his member twitching in her mouth and throat, he continued to set her pace and she resented the way he pet her head like some precious pet or something. But with Tesli paying so much attention to her Nethers and the pleasure from the last orgasm running through her even at her distaste at taking him into her mouth... again. She couldn't stop the tremors of pleasure Tesli was bringing her, she couldn't stop some of the moans from escaping her mouth are rather muffled around his flesh. She knew it would bring him even more pleasure and satisfaction to see her moaning around it, it made her angry and she gripped his inner thigh harder, just on the verge of pain.

Tesli added her finger to Angie's body, hearing the moans she wanted to increase her enjoyment. Lash enjoyed her attentions and only barely noticed the squeezing. "Thats it Angie just a little more, ummm, you really are good at this you know?" If Angie wasn't always so angry and hateful to him, then he probably wouldn't order her to open her mouth and legs. Then he held on to her as he climaxed into her mouth.

Angie would've growled if she had been able but with his release in her mouth and down her thraot it forced her to concentrate and sucking and swallowing the seed he was depositing into her mouth. She pinched his thigh harshly with her hand, even as she shuddered lightly at Tesli's ministration beneath her. The wiley little vixen was good at pleasing her, she didn't want the pleasure though, anything that made it okay to have any man's flesh in her was not okay in her book. Even though she liked Tesli, a lot, she did wish the girl would stop. She didn't want to swallow his bitter and salty seed but had no choice, he was still holding her head in place.

With one last twitch he finished and released Angie, "Thank you very much that was truly great." He got up and relaced his pants, "Ok, now that everyone has climaxed, it is time to reveal that Klaus is dead and Bidi now runs the guild. Bidi can also announce the guild is joining the Disciples of Soth, and we can eliminate anyone who opts out. However before announcing this let us see how much old Klaus was keeping from his underlings profits." Lash knew to keep the most in this new guild/disciples hybrid was to possibly renegotiate the terms they worked under.

Angie scowled, she'd spit it out if she could but Lash the bastard had held her completely down on his shaft and deposited his seed down her throat directly. The only way to purge was to puke it up, and she couldn't right now. Lifting up though she smiled at Tesli still beneath her. Gently pulling the girl up she gave her a gentle kiss. "We can play again later sweet Tesli." She said softly before standing and retreiving her top and putting it on properly. Adjusting her skirts again she folded her arms over her chest and waited, She was the one who helped in battle and played a submissive role so far, this was part of the process she really had no part of. Though when it came to those who denied she did hope she was allowed to play and put the fear into the new disciples.

Lash opened the door when everyone was set and summoned the guards. Bidi had the paper with Klaus's signature signing the guild and everything else over to her. "Be so kind as to remove the former master, we will have to honor him later. And send for mine and young Tesli's clothes as well as food and drink for our guests." Once they were gone Lash, Bidi, and Tesli began to search the room for hidden monies and all guild paperwork.

Angie sat on the couch and reclined somewhat, she wasn't a theif to find hidden treasures, she was a warrior who cut and hacked and slashed until the beast they faced was dead. Which meant she left the searching to the others, who were better then she was at it. She felt disgusting and wished vehemetly for something to wash out the scent and taste of Lash in her mouth, but she had to wait... there was business at hand now and business took precidence.

Tesli came up with the prize, a scroll case that was very heavy. After Lash applauded her efforts and set to reading them, she came to sit with Angie. "Well, you and Lash really aren't married are you?" she asked laying her head on Angies lap and looking up at her. Bidi, was checking out her new office and sleeping area. "Someone should report to Master Soth about our success." Lash responded that Soth knew already the did as was instructed and would contact him when he wanted an update.

"No Tesli we are not married... though when we travel we will act as if we are for a time. Lash is in charge of this division of the guild. The one who inhabits Bidi is his second and I his third. But he does enjoy the attentions of women very much and I would not be surprised if we continued to have pleasure in each other Tesli." Angie said speaking softly, she gently began to pet Tesli's hair and head down to her shoulders then back to her head and down again.

Lash opened the case and began to read everything inside, and it was all very iluminating. "The thieves in the guild gave half of their take to Klaus no matter what they took. I will need to converse with Lord Soth to see about improving their membership dues. That should ensure some loyalty and the other memebers of the disciples will complete a nice benefit as well." Tesli spoke as she continued to enjoy Angie's attentions, "Won't that mean less money for Lord Soth and the three of you?"

"A little yes. But in turn it means that they get more money by staying with the guild and the disciples which is better then what they were getting before. Makes us look like a much better option then going solo, or staying the way they were." Angie explained just as softly as before, she had yet to use her real voice or give her the image of her real face just yet. She was still under orders and they hadn't been taken back or changed yet. She would continue to follow orders and keeping an eye on Lash.

The guards brought back the food and drink and then left again. Bidi was sitting behind the desk and becoming accustomed to being in a woman's body again. Then the clothes arrived and again the guards left them alone, Tesli asked softly, "Does this mean I have to give the robe back? It feels so nice." Lash smiled at the remark, "I suppose you have to check with Bidi and Angie." He was a little absorbed in the papers in front of him to care what the answer was.

"I don't mind if you want to keep it on, I put my clothes on and am still wearing mine. It's too chilly in here not to. Technically these robes are now Bidi's or rather Shadow's now so I suppose it's up to her. They are nice though." Angie says with a smile, Tesli was just adorable, so sweet and happy with small things like a silk robe though out here this was probably a major luxery. Angie having lived in Ophir was accustomed to a lot of different things and Ophir and Venir were at war... the only reason they weren't active was because the mountains covered half the land between and a river the other half. But raiding parties from both were active and on the loose at all times.

Bidi smiled and waved her acceptance of Tesli keeping the robe. With a broad grin she looked up and opened it to Angie's eyes, then closed it again. "So, who will run the inn & tavern, not to mention who will be responsible for passing out orders to the spies?" Lash still gave very little response to her questions, the paperwork was astounding. "RIght now little Tesli, I consider you maybe under Angie?" "Sounds like a fun and exciting place to be." Tesli said placing Angie's hand on her breast.

Angie couldn't help it but she gently squeezed Tesli's breast and laughed out loud. Truly surprised and amused by what Tesli said. Angie leaned down and kissed Tesli deeply pulling back with a chuckle still and pulled the girl up into her lap. "I think they meant taking charge Tesli, giving you some power." angie said mirth filling her voice still, she really did like Tesli, the adorable smaller woman was funny and talented and sweet on top of that.

Lash stood and set the papers on Bidi's desk, "I plan on heading out to the temple to speak with the master. Make sure that a sizable cross section of Guild members are on hand when I return for us to speak with them." Turning he watched Tesli and Angie, "The day and most of the night will be yours Angie, do as you wish. I'll even make sure your pet was fed while I am there as well." Proceeding to the door he exited and headed to an exit tunnel under guard.

Angie watched him leave, her eyes dark and intent. Once he left she turned to Shadow. "How would you like to proceed... ma'am? There are probably a lot of members out there to get together and get information from." Angie said waiting for orders from Shadow on how she wanted to deal with the last order. When given choices Angie almost always preffered working on the task at hand or preparing for that task. She was rather single minded about that actually.

"Escort Tesli who will deliver the news about Klaus and indicate their will be a meeting soon. Then return to me and allow Tesli to return to the tavern, unless you have need of her." Tesli put her hand under Angie's robe and then under her top, even as she laid her head on her shoulder. "Should I tell them you are in charge now mistress Bidi...or Shadow?" she asked. Gently pinching and pulling Angie's nipples and kissing her neck and smiling broadly.

"I will do as... you've said. And use the name Bidi still Tesli, it is still her body even if she isn't the one using it right now." Angie said moaning softly at Tesli's touches. She needed to do her job but this woman was seriously tempting her. They had tonight as well though and Angie could wait. "Tonight Tesli... if you still up for it, we will continue tonight." Angie promises softly pulling the girls face to her own and kissing her deeply. Deftly getting her hands out from under her clothing and away from her body.

Tesli pouted at being made to release Angie, but shook it off and smiled. She stood and stripped off the robe and collected her clothes, "So Bidi will I have to strip nude when I come to report to you?" Bidi smiled at Angie as she pondered the response to the question. "Possibly, I will have to think on that young Tesli." she said dryly. Then she began to look over the papers again.

"Get dressed Tesli we've got orders to follow." Angie said standing up and taking off the robe going back to the area Lash found it in and putting it away. She would be following Tesli's lead dealing with the men and using her disguised self as well. One prepared for this angie fixed the image over herself and waited near the door for Tesli. If the girl could keep her hands to herself that would be perfect while they informed the men that there was another leader now... Bidi... and a change of pace.

Tesli finished changing and presented herself to Angie and Bidi, "All set to get the mission over. "Tesli please wait outside for a little whilst I speak to Angie." Bidi instructed. The young girl bowed and as she passed patted Angie's bottom, "Don't take too long partner." Once the door closed and it was Bidi and Angie she wasted no time, "I wish to make a personal offer, to remove any scars to ease your acceptance and so you need not rely on the magic of the ring. There is no 'strings attached' it is an offer that Lord Soth wishes me to extend to you without anyone else knowing."

"Why would I want you to do that? My scars are part of me I've had them for a very long time. I'm getting better at controling my image and keeping it held tightly. Is there a reason for this offer Shadow? Something to make you think I should go without?" Angie asked letting her voice remain her normal husky deep it usually once now that Tesli was out of the room. She didn't mind hiding after all it was for the mission and for Soth Angie would do anything... obviously... she was sleeping with Lash occasionally already and that was the worst thing she could image doing.

"He is uncertain of the reason you've acquired them, especially the garish one to your head. And while he is happy with Lash, he is impressed you've held your cool in dealing with him. You wouldn't have to hide your face from Tesli or anyone else. It is your choice and I will leave the invitation on the table to you." Bidi then went back to the papers, unless Angie would have any other questions.

"Soth put you up to this request? If you want to know then ask. If you like I could regail you with tales of my horror filled past. What do you think Shadow? Should I let you take away my scars? Am I Ugly to look at unless I've hidden my scars or unless my skin if perfect and smooth?" Angie asks leaning over the desk a little with a wry smile on her lips. Her image was completely dropped showing the 'ugly' scar from temple to jaw. Angie was curious now as to what Shadow thought of the scar.

Shadow stood and touched the scar, and suddenly Angie saw the two of them together alone on a bed without the ring. And she was doing a good job looking and kissing the scar as she pleasured Angie. "Does that answer your question Angie, it is a gift Soth wished to give you. I could remove it or lessen it, all your choice." She sat back down and lit Klaus's pipe and took a long slow drag from it and smiled at Angie.

Angie recovered from the shock of the images she had seen after a few moments. "Lessen? I didn't think you could leave it there and still fix it... I think... that would be nice actually. Smooth it out... but leave the line of it." Angie says walking around the desk and plucking the pipe out of Shadow's hands, drawing deep from it before handing it back. She would rather like that, leave the line of the scar but smooth it all out... her skin was puckered around it from the stitching and the healing process of it. It would be nice to have it smoothed out.

"You will come to me then so that I may effect the change, you are of course allowed to stay after I am finished. How will you explain it to Tesli and Lash, I assume you will leave out the ring more often." Taking the pipe back, she slid her hand along Angie's thigh and squeezed it. The swordswoman was remarkable and liked being the center of attention. "I will convey your thanks to Lord Soth when he requests my latest report, do you have anything I should pass along in case he asks?"

"My thanks I suppose... I won't explain myself to anyone but Soth. It is no one elses business to know. I will use the ring when in public still as Lash ordered. Once I am finished... where will you be that I should come to you?" Angie asked softly looking over Bidi's body again lustily, now Angie didn't have a problem with Shadow, considering the being was no longer in her head and was...well in a really hot body. It gave incentive to finish her work and relax for the day.

"Here, I am going to take some time to become accustomed to my position. If you wish, come and be my dinner after I smooth them out." she returned the look and gently touched Angie's thigh. In her mind Angie saw herself on a table with Bidi at the head between her thighs. "However, you might need to take care of you little friend first. I will need time to work before the pleasure happens, and am unsure how Tesli will respond."

Angie shivered before blinking a few times to get her bearing again, it was an odd feeling having Shadow put those images in her mind. "I somehow think I will have time to care for Tesli before coming down here, since you want time to become accustomed to all of this. Just make sure to heal me properly." Angie said with a grin before stepping back out of reach, giving her a mock salute Angie turned to leave. She had a job to do and orders to carry out after all.

Tesli was waiting outside the office, adjusting her corset when Angie arrived. "So, interesting conversation with the new leader of the guild?" she asked as they began to walk. She was going to Lumin's first, the pick-pockets would welcome someone to watch their backs. "Lumin watches over the pick-pockets he used to be the head until he turned everything over to Klaus." Some of the other groups would need more persuading to just give their loyalty to Lord Soth.

"More orders for Tonight. Lash may have given me time but S-Bidi is the second and more in charge then I am. You know them best I will follow your lead in this Tesli." Angie said with a smile, her image back firmly covering her. Angie knew she needed to see these people to judge them one way or another. Whether they would come to join Soth's way or if they needed exponged. Angie had two daggers on her but she would need more then that to weed them off into the ones that would and would not. SHe'd make a list and give it to Lash later.

They exited the tunnels near a two story building with a beggar out front. He looked at both women and nodded to the door, "go in Tesli, they already know about Klaus." She nodded back and went to the door, they were admitted and searched. "They just look for an excuse to rub up a woman." she explained as the guard cupped Angie's breasts and smiled. He had light colored hair and green eyes and smiled at Angie almost hoping she would agree to let him go further.

Angie took note of the route they took and of where they came out of. When they went inside she knew they'd never find her blades, but she was less then happy to let them grope her. "Want a whore go find a whorehouse." She says softly, keeping her feminen voice but putting the deadly personality of hers behind it. She didn't care if women were property here, according to how she was playing things she was Lash's and no other mans. She'd be damned if she let another man touch her intimately without paying for it dearly.

Tesli moved between them and shoved his hands away, "I will vouch for her, she is weaponless. And now we will be heading to speak with Lumin." she put Angie's hands upon her waist. "Stick with me mistress, I shall protect you from these horny rouges." Up a set of stairs they entered a large room with an older man sitting at a table. Telsi bowed and he inclined his as well, then to Angie he asked, "Who are you and why does Tesli vouch for you?"

"Angie, and because I'm a sexy sexy beast." Angie says dryly, she didn't know why these men were so rude and abrupt but it was annoying her now. "I am the wife of Lash. An old aquantance of Klaus's. Though now that Bidi has taken over the guild my husband has a proposal for those of you within the guild." Angie says softly looking around the office and checking out the older gentleman behind the desk.

His hair was thin on top and graying around the sides, he had to be in his upper fifties, but still bright of eyes. "And how will this proposal help my men?" Klaus ignored everything about the pick pockets except when it was time to turn in the monies due him. " I am an older man and can't be tepted by some little strumpet to bob on my cock." It was obvious that he was unhappy with the way he had been exiled away from his former position of power.

"My Master wishes to create a base for his operations here in Venir. As for your cock I don't think anyone could bob on it anymore old man. Nor would I want to. My position here is to access the likelihood of your acceptance of my Master. Lash and I work for him tirelessly, and in doing so it has many rewards. Power, Money, and Control. I am here to offer you these things if you give your loyalty to my Master." Angie said putting her hands on her hips cocking one hip to the side. Showing her utter disregard for him as a man and little regard as an imposing figure either. "Your men will get proper tools to use for theri trade, and the security that what they do wil be recognized and rewarded. Not to mention a small compensation, a cut of the goods they help bring in." Angie said no nonsense and straight to the point.

"So, I get attitude from a second and this offer? You can not be serious, and understand my cock works quite well." His tone was one of minor indignety, he never batted an eye when she spoke. "Now Lumin, it is unfair to not offer any hospitality, we came because of my deep respect for you. Angie doesn't make friends quickly, Bidi wants you to attend the meeting with Lash to hear his proposal." Tesli took Angie's hand and guided her to a chair facing him.

"I give respect where I see it is due. You have insulted me why should I not return the favor?" Angie asks with a cocked eyebrow as she took the seat. "I am here under orders. If it were up to me... Lumin, I would have left it to Bidi to deal with you. If I caused you any stress I apologize." Angie says continueing to use her softer voice, she was speaking the truth though. Angie would let Tesli smooth things over, Angie did not do diplomatic well. That was rather obvious.

"So, the disciples of Soth have come to Venir." he said without changing his stoic features. "I had expressed to Klaus that he should try to find a way to align himself with him. The idiot chose not to, therefore I do not mourn his passing. I will meet with Bidi and this man named Lash to at least hear what they bring to the table. Is that agreeable with you Angie?" his tone softened suddenly when he put on his glasses and looked at Angie.

"Good enough fer me Lumin. Klaus was foolish. Let us hope the sense you have shown continues ta be present fer the next meeting as well. Until next we meet." Angie said inclining her head getting to her feet quickly. Her job was done, now she needed to go to the next. She didn't like telling people right now.. if you don't come we'll kill you but it was deffinetly somewhat implied. It was her job to kill hte people who refused... she was no diplomat. She had told Soth and LAsh that in no uncertain terms.

"Let your commander know I will require an act of commitment on his part." Lumin said before they left, and neither said another word until they left the building. "That went interestingly." Tesli said as she wound her arm into Angies. "So, we have done what we have been told to do, what shall we do next?" she mused. Then looked into Angie's eyes, hoping the other woman had some ideas before having to report back.

"I'm not sure, what did you have in mind? Another act of dirty frolicking? You do seem fond of those." Angie chuckled, she would tell Shadow what Lumin had said. Later... when they reported right now it was around lunch time and she was hungry. Not to mention she had this little filly to entertain for a while.

"Why I never dirty frolick!" she said with mock indignation. "I wiggle my tongue into my lover and make her craxed with passion." she finished whispering in Angie's ear. Then bit down and sucked on it, moaning lightly as she stroked a thigh. Laughing she led the way to a different tavern telling Angie the food her was wonderful. She wondered how much time they had to lavish attention on each other today.

"Food sounds wonderful, good food even better. As for you minx, I think perhaps a spanking might be in order for your boldness and naughty behavior." Angie says with a grin down at Tesli, perhaps a little pleasing now would hold the girl over until Angie really felt like going at it later. She was quite a demanding little woman, and Angie needed to focus on gathering men for Soth. Not only that but she had to keep an eye on Lash for Soth and she had many other duties as well.

"Mmmm, bare bottom?" she asked with a naughty smile. They went into the tavern and she ordered lunch for them. As the food arrived she changed seats to sit beside Angie. "So, what shall we do next my friend?" Tesli figured they knew what would come next. She let her hand come to rest on Angie's leg and smiled again at the other woman.

"I don't spank unless there's nothing in the way of skin against skin. After we finish our meal let's head back to the rooms so you can get that spanking. Naughty girls need punished when they do naughty things." Angie says softly her hand creeping up Tesli's leg, rubbing very gently at her Nethers through all her clothing. Focusing on rubbing where her clit should be, Angie wanted her hot and amped for the spanking and then the pleasure afterwords. She also wanted to save some energy for later with Shadow, she was sure she would need it on her day off.

Tesli smiled and her breathing picked up whispering, "Then you'll be spanking me for days." She was used to spending her time gathering information in the beds of guests, usually hating the attentions of husbands. Now with Angie and Lash she looked forward to spending time in their bed, especially with Angie. Lash was a good lover but the woman was one of the best and she savored that. "I think we should skip dessert and head back to the inn." she whispered running her hand back to Angie's crotch.

"No I don't think so. I rarely if ever get desserts so in this case I will make you wait I think." Angie says with a wry smile, she slipped her hand inside of Tesli's bottems and her fingers seperated her Nethers and was teasing her flesh almost instantly. Angie was not going to go easy on the girl. Tesli was often trying to dominate Angie and that was fine once or twice but Angie was a controling kind of person and this was one area she expected to be obeyed.

Tesli pouted and was trying to surpress a groan her own fingers pressed at her nethers. "Mistress Angie, your touch is enchanting me, please I'll get you something better for dessert than you could get here." If Angie continued to tease her like this she would go crazy. People at other tables looked as she continued to squirm and moan. The waitress came over to the table, "Is there something else you both would like?"

"What do you have for Dessert?" Angie asked ignoring Tesli, though if she could get better dessert she was interested but Tesli would have to tell her otherwise Angie wasn't going to go on a 'promise' of somehting better. Besides she wanted to hear what this place had for dessert. She then used two fingers to enter Tesli and she pumped them in and out, keeping this girl pleased and embaressed by doing this in public was a lot of fun actually.

"We have cake with berries and cream, and a pudding today." the woman told her noting the funny look Tesli was making. "Please." she whined in Angie's ear, "Anything you want I will get or do for you mistress." She had never desired another woman so much as she did Angie. Her own finger began to wiggle deeper into her nethers, hoping to convince her to go back to the room. It was amazing that she was teasing her, they had been so equal days ago.

Angie smiled and it was a very nice smile. "The Berries and cream then if you please." Angie orders it plunging her fingers deep into Tesli at the wiggling of her own. Angie had very good self control and while this was very pleasing she could hold out if she really wished to do so. Once they got to the room Angie would undress the girl and spank her. A good long spanking too. Then make her pleasure herself and then Angie would bring the girl to climax.

"Mistress Angie please, I want you." she again whined in her ear. "Your going to make me climax and I wish to do that away from everyone else." She began to stroke her fingers in and out of Angie just as quickly. Across the tavern a man was watching the both of them with great interest. Tesli had not noticed anything just the pleasure growing in her nethers.

Angie took notice though she didn't pay him special attention. She took pity on Tesli and plunged her fingers deep in her and left them there unmoving. "Withdraw your fingers my sweet and after Dessert we'll go, I swear it. I won't make you climax until we are in the room." Angie promises in return. This was right up Angie's alley, being in control of a situation like this and teasing her lover until the breaking point.

Tesli did as Angie instructed and removed her fingers, shortly before the desserts arrived. She settled back hoping Angie would do the same because her fingers were still making her excited. When she looked across the man looked familar to her, he still watched them closely. "Angie, I think the man watching us might be a guard captain, he seems familar to me." She started to go back through her memory to find out where they had crossed paths before.

"Very well... I will remove them if you can tell me if he is the guard captian or not, and how watchful he will be of us, or if he is easily swayed to our side." Angie says softly in Tesli's ear. Using her spoon to dip some berries in the cream and taking a bite. IT was sweet and tart and very delicious. Angie didn't often get to have fruit so this was her own way of spoiling her self for today.

"Nnnnn, no he isn't a captian, bu, but I've seen him before he works with them. He used to be a thief and now uses his skills to foil others and turn them over to the guards. They pay him well so I doubt he'll be swayed, I recall escaping him by kicking him in his groin that's when Klaus forced me into the inn." She groaned back her response, hoping Angie would remove her fingers. Dessert could not end quickly enough for her to arrive at the room.

"Then let us lure him in the alley outside once I've finished and we can have a little talk. PErhaps he can meet with Shadow." Angie says softly, she withdrew her fingers to give the girl some relief. It was useful information to have a spy though, and perhaps they could pursuade him, if not Angie didn't mind having a little personal fun on her day off. Tesli was full of interesting and useful information it seemed though and it would be good to keep her interest for a while.

Tesli nodded, unsure if this would be a good idea or not. He was quick and generally a decent fighter. "Shouldn't we outnumber him before trying to recruit him? And what could Shadow do to bring him to our side?" Truthfully the creature inhabiting Bidi scared her to no end, but made her excited when they coupled earlier. Angie was trustworthy and she knew she would protect her if things got rough.

"why should we outnumber him when I am a much better fighter and more skilled? Plus we will be enjoying each other a little and invite him to join, with his defences down in eagerness to join us, subdoing him won't be a problem at all. Don't fear sweet Tesli, I will not let him harm you." Angie was more thinking of bribery but now that she knew there was a spy she didn't want anyone ruining Soth's plans for Venir.

Tesli had never thought that Angie would entertain another man then Lash. "I will follow your plan than Angie, what will we do?" she asked nervously. If the man would not be turned, then he would have to be killed that way they remained unknown. Her promise that she would let no harm come to her was reassuring. The dessert was very good and she indulged in a bite or two.

"You will lay on the ground and I will please you. We invite him and I will tend him while you get to your knees. You stay out of his reach and I will handle the rest my sweet. Almost done now and we must continue with our touchings and pettings." Angie said licking some cream from the corner of Tesli's mouth. Kissing her softly and then going back to the berries. Her hand petting Tesli's thigh under the table again teasingly brushing her fingers against her nethers every other stroke.

Tesli giggled as Angie licked her and returned by smearing some cream on her friend's breast and licking it off. She trusted Angie implicably, she had to trust someone. "There is a guild safehouse not far from here, one floor with a basement downstairs that connects to the tunnel system." she whispered her lips inches from Angie's. At least that way if it got violent there would be no guards to intervine. She wished that it would be easy to seduce him, but she had her doubts.

Angie smiled at Tesli and continued to tease her, she wanted to keep her wet and excited for all of this. The littler woman would lead him to the safehouse and they would begin their playing. Hopefully he would come and they could beckon him to join them, that's when Angie was act. If not they would have a little watcher of their play and that would be that. Deffiently something to report but nothing they could do. Either way they were aware and a plan would be made of how best to deal with him.

Tesli nuzzled close and licked at her neck, "You will tell me then when we will begin this plan? I trust that you want to take him quickly and without much of a fight." She had never been much good in a fight, to the fact she was nimble and flexible was her forte. Gently she bit at Angie's neck and looked to the man who was still watching them. Could he throw a kink into Lash's orders from Lord Soth? And what would that mean for them.

Angie said nothing else but she was finished and left the money on the table. Taking Tesli's hand and leading her out of the little resturant and into the back alley Angie found her a sack of grain to lay on and opened her legs. Licking at her quickly and without haste. By the time the man cam around to investigate Angie wanted Tesli's moans to draw him even closer. Once if they could beckon him to join then Angie would make her move but Tesli should just feel and react. Nothing more nothing less.

She could not believe how quickly Angie began to perform upon her, as moans and soft curses slipped from her lips. Between tosses of her head she looked up and saw him peeking around corner. Quickly she unlaced her top and began to touch her breasts, "Oh right there mistress, that is the perfect spot." Arching her back and moaning just a little louder before looking at him and forming a slightly shocked face. "Mistress we are not alone, oh." she tried to sound meek, hoping he would try to take control of the situation.

Angie stopped and replaced her mouth with her hand and her fingers quickly so as to keep Tesli occupied and getting closer to her peak. Turning her head and licking her lips to look over at the man 'spying' on them. "He can join if he wants or just keep watching." Angie says in her normal husky voice, before she returned her mouth onto Tesli's sensitive parts. Leting her fingers pump in and out of the young woman. She hoped Tesli's cries would drw the man closer, if not Angie could raise the bar so to speak.

The man moved closer, while the girl on her back was familar to him, he couldn't quit staring at her body. "And how much participation will you ladies allow?" he asked becoming visibly excited. Tesli grasped Angie's wrist and moaned motioning to him. The sexual tension was covering her actual shaking, she was terrified they would be arrested. He wasn't terrible looking, but had the stench of betrayel lingered all over him.

Angie grinned and stopped licking once again letitng her fingers and hands do all the work for her. "How much do you want to do?" Angie asks before leaning to the side showing him exactly what her fingers were doing and then licking Tesli's nipple before gently biting it. Making sure the man could see everything while still being close to Tesli. Angie loosened her top as well and freed her bussom to the air, her nipples getting hard because of the cold quickly.

Moving beside Angie he put a hand on Tesli's breast and the other on Angie's. They both felt wonderful in his hands, put he wanted more perhaps the both of the impaled upon his manhood. "Perhaps we can go somewhere more private and continue this?" Releasing Angie's breast he began to rub her ass, trying to work it high enough to reach under. While in the guards employ he would still get into trouble for breaking certain laws.

"We can go to the Tavern... It's where I have a room." Angie offers with a small smile, she had everything she needed there. Enough to capture the man and keep him until they decided what to do with him exactly. She had a few idea's in mind as well. But she had to get permission from boss number one or boss number two first. She was sure they would agree about fiding a rat and using that to their advantage. She just had to handle his capture properly.

He nodded after gently stroking Angies bottom and smiling at its firmness, and released a panting Tesli. "Then we should get going then." he announced standing up and looking down at them. He hadn't had a woman in better than two weeks and was interested in quenching his want. He still was unsure of where he knew the one woman, but he had a lot of time to figure out when they explored carnal delights. And if he had to he would turn them over afterward to the guards.

Tesli looked at Angie for a second before she nodded her agreement reluctantly. He was dangerous to them and to Master Lash's plans, Angie would have to take him out of that position. She was a little disappointed that she did not achieve climax, but knew Angie would take care of her needs later. Trying to keep her eyes low and not draw his attention to her in case he realized who she was. Closing her top and regaining her feet, she smoothed her dress and prepared to follow them to the tavern.

Several days later, Lash entered the room he shared with Angie and shook her arm. "Your little toy is starting to bother me, he has escaped and I had to capture him before he escaped to tell the guards. If you aren't too busy with your meeting with Shadow, shake him loose his mortal coil." When they captured the guards little pet he was less than happy about it, until Angie advised him she wanted to let her favorite weapon play again. He agreed and had Shadow find a place no one would find the prisoner, and sent Tesli to scope out the next target for the Disciples.

"Very well! Once I am dismissed from Shadow I will give him his end." Angie scowled she hated being manhandled. HE had been puttering about while the women did the work. Lash was doing nothing... just working on the church and looking at maps. Master Soth would be displeased if they did not have more results soon. She'd have to send a message along to shadow that she had been ordered to kill her toy. Gearing up she called for Shadow in her mind. Pulling out her two favorite daggers and a few ordinary ones tonight was his final night of life.

"Tesli should have left a report with Shadow I need it for our next move. So, why does Shadow wish to see you dear Angie?" he asked truly interested. Angie had many times lain with Tesli and even eneven joyed Shadow, but this meeting was something else entirely. And the prisoner would be very upset that he was the second thing on her list of things to do today. He had to get back to the temple and prepare his men for the next raid.

"Shadow doesn't tell me everything it plans." Angie says simply not enjoying the fact he was watching her. She was not going to tell him the reason either not if she could help it. "PErhaps she got orders from Master Soth for me I don't know." She says putting the daggers and knives away and putting on her swordbelt just because she was going out. Having him watching over her all the time made her weary. "Isn't there something you should be doing oh wise leader." She asked drolly.

"Perhaps I should have you strip so I may do you, it has been a while." he answered tersely. His tolerence to the long abscense of things to do bothered him. There wasn't even news from Andor or the Ravenwoods, he was curious about Jacob and even the little abomination Asper. "Just remember to bring me back the report from Tesli, I cannot make a move until I recieve that." He went to the basin and removed most of his clothes and began to clean himself without another word.

"I will bring it to you sir." Angie says saluting before leaving quickly. Rape was not one of the funnest but he seemed pleased enough with it. Angie quickly headed to Shadow's office and knocked not entering until given the word. Shadow scared Angie more then Lash. But with... what she had promised maybe... oh well she wouldn't know until she got inside anyways.

She heard the summons in her mind, "Come inside Angie, I have been waiting." The thieves gave her a wide birth, knowing that she and Lash led the Disciples of Soth in the region and the guild was now aligned with them. The office beyond had not changed except Shadow had created a fireplace to add light, warmth, and shadows to the room. She sat behind the old desk and looked at Angie with a smile as she sipped a cup of tea. "Anything to drink my deer, I was begining to think you forgot my offer." Shadow's host was rather fetching and the psion had even removed a couple things that marred her beauty.

"I haven't forgotten... and whiskey if it's possible. The room looked much different with all the shadows from the fireplace dancing around the room making him somehow... colder. HEr skin felt warmer but her guts told her this place was full of danger. "Lash has demanded Tesli's reports so he can plan the next raid... perhaps one of the men might take it to the rooms." Angie asked walking up to the desk and looking down at the even more beautiful woman now.

"You wish not to recieve Lash's attentions for this?" she indicated the report laying by her hand. She poured a glass of whiskey and handed it to Angie. "Summon Tunde from outside, he is a worthless bootlicker and will do it quickly." She was dressed in a leather corset and knee length skirt slit along the side. A coat hung nearby as well as a short sword, and Shadow wore her hair up off of her neck and she smelled of exotic jasmin.

Taking the file silently and opening the door Angie wasted no time. "Tunde! Take these and give them to Master Lash. Now." She demands handing them over before closing the door again and walking back over to the desk. She took the shot of whiskey and downed it. Angie couldn't help but think that Shadow was enjoying this bosy immensly. "Now to business?" She asked taking a seat across from the desk Shadow sat at.

Shadow smiled allowing Angie to see her teeth and the deep red color she placed on her lips. "Your reward from Lord Soth, we have wasted enough time and I wish to take care of it before the next plan of Lash's begins." She took another sip from her glass and smiled again, realizing she would flatten and smooth out all of Angie's scars and make her something to really see. "Has Tesli seen you without the ring and all your scars showing?" she asked truly interested. It had been whispered that Tesli and Angie lusted after one another.

"I have a rare few lovers and those are only the ones who can stomach it. Tesli could not handle it. She has only seen a few not all. I have been pleasing tesli's desire to keep her eager to work with us and for us. As Lash ordered. I like the girl but she can get... over passionate at times. Shall I remove the ring?" Angie asked taking off her weapons and setting them on the chair standing again. She was ready to take of the ring if shadow needed to be unhindered by magical items effecting her body.

"Yes and your clothes as well, I will need to inspect you and them." she said raising her hand to lock and bar the door. She took another sip and sat back watching Angie, did the warrior trust her. "So, funny you mention rare few lovers I have had a couple that could never come to grips with the fact I was a possessing force inside a body. Angie suddenly felt the shadows around her touching and carressing her body. Bidi smiled from her chair, knowing more than likely she was causing Angie a little distress.

Angie had begun undressing and was startled by the caressing shadows. "you've a woman's body now and it's beautiful... we've both had a few times with each other... you were riding along with me." Angie said with a shrug before she was completely nude. She took of the ring and she was a foot taller with smaller ass and breasts and some nasty looking scars and burns and other unseemly marks covering her body. She was a warrior and a mercenairy. She had fought and gainerd her scars like any man. But she knew they made her ugly.

Bidi stood and walked around the desk to stand before Angie, "Yes we have, now I am softening the scars and am I making any other changes to your body?" She began to run her hands over Angie and every scar began to smooth out and lessen a little. Burns began to vanish and several minor non combat blemishes also vanished. "Shall I increase your breast size, make your backside a little more ample?" she asked brushing her long fingers over her. Shadow would grant Angie almost anything she wished, so far this didn't take much of her power.

"Just my scars is enough. It is Lash who wishes me smaller and more effeminet. I find nothing wrong with my body other then everyone's disgusted looks once I reveal my body." Angie said softly trying to keep her composer but the smell and soft touch of Bidi... or Shadow was arousing her. Why Soth would grant this Angie didn't know... why Shadow was taking such delight in the act she also didn't know... but she didn't mind it a bit.

"I agree your body is a bit strong, but compared to mine and Tesli's it is complimentary. And I must say it doesn't detract from your taste." she whispered drawing some moisture from between Angie's thighs to her mouth. She returned to her desk and drained the glass. "So, my friend, how is it with Lash, I know I haven't been available making sure the guild remains under my control. Do you need to send a report to Lord Soth, or is there anything else I can help you with?"

"He's growing angry... the slow pace and lack of proper control over a sizable number of men is what I think angers him most. Other then that there is nothing. I must deal with the rat I cought. It is time for his end and we will enjoy it." Angie said looking down at her weapons as she got her pants and shirt back on. Time with Shadow always felt a little out of touch with reality, but... she herself seemed sharper in the center of it all.

"Well, may your extermination be fruitful and if you have an inkling for companionship before Tesli returns, my bed is open." Bidi took a small drop of fragrant oil and opened her robe to rub it into her skin. Keeping the rat from alerting the guards took presidence over pleasure. "If there is anything else you wish me to do for, or to you, do not hesitate to ask." She gave Angie the smile of a woman who could give Angie's appetite a run for it's coin.

Venir pt. 2

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