Page name: Venir pt. 3 [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-08-29 00:34:36
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Venir pt. 2

Forra smiled down at Angie, "Why, yes the oils sound very nice and I would appreciate the help you offer." She thought the girl was very pleasing and sweet wanting to help a patron of bath house in such a way. She thought of how nice it would be to have a softer touch, all she felt on the road was rough male hands. Once the armor was off she looked about to make sure she was alone, not wanting to expose herself so blatantly. Then she unlaced and pulled off her shirt than began to unlace her pants as well.

"I shall gather the items then please feel free to relax in the hot water until I can join you." Angie said smiling softly at Forra, trying to be discreet while watching her disrobe, she was tight and muscled and would be a wonderful conquest. Angie walked over to the closet and grabbed a few things she needed before returning to the pool of water. She then undid her own gown and took off her underwear, acting timid and shy. "You are so petite... I bet the men are not intimidated by you when you are out of your armor." She says wanting to loosen up the other womans guard further.

She noticed the look as Forra's eyes slid over her frame; Forra was a little aghast at herself she was chaste and never even thought of trying to give or take the virtue of another girl. "I've been dodging the too forward advances of a caravan guard during my travels." she told Angie trying to get her mind off the thoughts in her head. She did strip off her clothes and step into the hot water and let out a groan of pleasure as the tension in her muscles washed away. "If you don't mind do you wash hair? Mine has been so neglected since we set off so long ago." she thought about her last bath and frowned.

"I don't mind. I've been told I have gentle hands. Even for a road traveler your skin shine's so wonderfully." Angie smiled brightly adding the oils to the water and keeping the rest nearby. Once she was finished she got closer to Forra in the water, standing the water only covered from just under her belly button down. HEr entire torsoe was above the water. "Would you like me to help scrub your back or wash your hair first? I have to admit I am rather curious... what is it like to do battle and get covered in the grime and dirt and blood of your enemies... I hear braggerts at the pub but you'll tell me the truth won't you?" Angie said wanting the woman to get in mind how rough life was so that when the soft gentle touches came she was open to them.

"Battle is nothing like the flowery words of bards, hair could use a good washing like the rest of me." Forra's words came a little slowly as she looked at Angie's breasts and found it harder to talk. "I was present during the revolt in the house of Pelor and helped Lucas ward of the Ravenwoods house. And I've also helped clear the Orgir mines of goblins and orcs on more than one occasion. It is sometimes enough to make one sick the cold dread and being covered in blood, yours, friends, and even the enemies, but I serve my faith with honor."

"That must be dreadful... Close your eyes please. So I can wet your your and begin to wash it. It sounds like you've done a great deal of battle before... Is the water alright? Not to cold or to hot? I want you to be able to relax and be comfertable." Angie said playing the part of the maid still and while securing her innocent role in Forra's mind until she could begin the seduction proper. Angie had and was very skilled.

Forra leaned back and let Angie begin to work, "No the water seems fine and I like the company to. The men I traveled with were all trying to get me to look at their parts. I could never make them understand, I am forbidden to have a lover, my order forbids it." She groaned a little as the warm water soaked into her hair and reached her scalp. "Have you worked her long?" she asked as she suddenly could not figure out where to put her hands.

"Long enough at times" Angie sighed softly. "This town gets travelers now and again... and they often will try a pass at me... Most think I'm too big to bother with though... Not like you." Angie says lathering up the womans hair and begining to massage and gently rub her hair clean, using a little pressure with her fingertips and keeping the conversation innocent and curious was the true key here.

"I find nothing wrong with your shape, the gods made us all different for a reason and I love the fact we are different. Although I must ask while you clean my hair where should I really put my hands? I do not wish to impeede your progress nor do I feel I should place them upon myself lest you think me rude." The remark and the earlier one about being chaste came back to Angie, Forra was a virgin.

Angie giggled girlishly. "It's okay to touch me and yourself. I am a woman too, so don't be shy about being familiar. After all this is my job and something I enjoy. I like your shape much better then my own, you are small but... lovely. I am too tall and broad. I'm sure you would rather lay your hands on your own lap then to ever want to have to deal with my skin." Angie said softly as she continued to massage Forra's hair and calm her. Being comfertable while being nude was something Angie was good at and her repoir with the ladies and making them comfertable and happy was something she prided herself in above her talents of torture for men.

"I would believe being around the water and the soaps and lotions you would have very nice soft skin. And you aren't all that much taller than I and I've heard men say women like you make good wives and mothers, I hope that wasn't offensive." Forra reached out and made contact with Angie's hip that put her hands back onto her own legs. A small blush covered her cheeks and sheaverted her eyes as not to stare at Angie's breasts. The water itself stayed nice and warm due to the furnace below the bath house.

"Ahahaah yes perhaps... I might make a good mother if I was ever interested in anything like that. I wasn't offended... and you know... I thought it was the gods desire that their children be curious and open." Angie asked softly begining to rinse Forra's hair gently, she would need much scrubbing before she was completely clean or would be clean. But Angie would keep Forra there long enough to seduce her and slip the amulet on. SHe was there to finish a job.

"The teachings say that we are to be open and a certain amount of cursoity, but servants like me and some priests are still supposed to be chaste. Now, in Andor they allow Palidians to marry and have children. Malkier isn't that far in transition yet, but perhaps one day." She groaned again feeling the dirt and oil wash from her hair this was indeed a good spending of a couple coins. She leaned back a little more and extended her chin, if Angie was there to slit the woman's throat she'd never have a better chance, but the idea was to turn her.

"Why does Malkier not wish marrage for their Paladins. What's so wrong about having someone on this earth love you and being loved? Everyone should have some support of the flesh..." Angie said softly as she relathered Forra's hair, she was using a soft pursuasive tone, to keep the woman compliant and opening her to suggestion a little and then a little more as she did open up to it. SHe would have this woman and soon. She would not last long against Angie's skillful touch and her persuasion techniques.

Venir pt. 4

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