Page name: Venir pt. 5 [Exported view] [RSS]
2016-04-24 23:31:48
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Venir pt. 4

Forra stood up and looked at her former equipment with a scowl, "This will not work, the symbols of Pelor will reject me I need new armor and weapons." Absently she ran her hand over the gem and picked up her clothes and began to get dressed, "At least a different sword until I have it ready." She turned and salvaged the only equipment she could from her pack, "Now what are my first orders?"

"I am to take you to Lash. The leader of the unit here. I can supply you with armor and weapons if you wish. It will be a week long journey back to the camp. I will sell your old equipment." Angie said packing the things in a bag and closing it up. She was glad this was over with and that Forra held no grudges.

Shadow touched Angie's mind, "bring our new recruit to me we will need to move against the wizard quickly. She should only need a sword to deal with her former traveling associate." Forra tried touching her old sword and winced as it shocked her, she cursed as she touched her hand and kicked it away. Changing as she did meant her weapon and anything from Pelor would reject her.

"Come Forra you can take my blade. We need to dispatch your former friends. Then I will take you were we need to go." Angie said packing up the sword as well. Leading the woman to her place and giving her her own weapons. " for now you can use these we will give you some of your own later." Angie said handing over her equipment to the other woman.

Once in Shadow and Angie's quarters it took no time for Forra to gain the Scion's approval, "I was right deadly beautiful and with the power of the god of slaughter behind you even more formidable. Come the three of us must act quickly to remove the last guard from the wizard and shore up Soth's defenses from the Ravenwoods." They walked back to the inn where Forra and her companions were staying and she led them to the room easily where her companion stood looking perplexed. "It's alright Joffrey I brought a couple new friends to make the day go by easily." she purred pulling Angie close and kissing her deeply. The ploy worked and the warrior stood dumbfounded as the former paladin, now what was referred to as a blackguard distracted him with Angie.

Angie kissed her in return and visibly groped her breasts through her clothing, pinching the other woman's nipple lightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Angie said with a devilish smile as she continued to fondle Forra in front of her old companion.

Shadow snuck up behind Forra and slid her hand around to rub the blackguard's other breast and purred to the man, "Yes, so nice to meet you. Why not come here and help the three of us get more comfortable?" Joffrey blinked unable to believe that these three women were showing interest in him and dumbly walked forward toward the tempting trio. Angie felt Forra's hand slip under her skirt and begin moving strangely and when the blackguard broke the kiss Angie heard her chanting a spell and the second he reached out to touch them she put her hand to his chest and he froze. "Oh, I'm so sorry Joffrey I guess you'll have to stand there and watch." Forra teased as Shadow left them to go to the door of the next room. "I will return shortly, entertain yourselves." she said before passing through the door into the wizard's room.

Angie laughed harshly at the man and after watching Shadow walk away she smiled at Forra. "How shall we entertain him do you think?" Angie asked with a bright smile for her new female cohort. She had thought getting rid of her companions meant killing them, Of course Shadow was a strange one so Angie would let her keep control of the situation, she had no need of trying to take charge of it from her. Besides Soth had told her to work with them.

Forra grinned and opened Angie's shirt and suckled one of her nipples, then reached out and gripped Joffrey's manhood until the paralyzed man groaned in pain. "Our little show made him aroused, why not get him even more so and add a little pain to it?" she said before letting their victim go. Angie knew something was going on in the wizard's room, but no sound came from within so she assumed Shadow had everything well in hand.

"I have done well with you indeed." Angie laughed "Let's see what would a man like he find arousing I wonder? Perhaps I should devour you? Or we could tease this poor Male until he is on the brink of bliss and leave him with it? To watch us enjoy ourselves with each other instead?"

Forra smiled wickedly and undid Joffery's pants which slid to the floor she touched him softly and stroked him. As she suckled Angie's erect nipple again, "Tell him how good my mouth feels upon you Angie or if you like to help my loving hand to begin with." Her other hand undid Angie's skirt and let it flutter to the ground as she carressed the warrior woman's thighs.

"Your mouth dear Forra, is hot and soft and pure bliss, perhaps you should use that hot little tongue of your's on his flesh?" Angie asked scraping her nails up his thigh to cup his scrotum and massage them in her hands.

"I do not know dearest, my desires would be to lap at your nethers and not his." Forra pulled behind his knee and toppled Joffrey onto his back then began to strip off her clothing. "I have something truly interesting my lover come doff what remains of your clothes." Before Angie could reply Forra squatted above Joffrey letting the man smell the desire of her sex but not letting him taste her. "The spell will last sometime, perhaps we will even have our friend join us in letting him smell and hear our passions?"

Angie laughed and quickly removed the last of her clothing.

Forra smiled and moved reclining beside Joffrey and spreading her legs for Angie, "I think your idea of devouring me sounds lovely right now." Angie saw that the blackguard had dug her fingernails into the prisoner's flesh. "Poor pitiful Joffrey, been begging at my boots and now that I'm so close to letting him have his fun I'd rather have you dear Angie." she cooed as Joffrey groaned in pain.

"Very well Forra, It would be a pleasure." Angie all but purred as she bent to her task. Opening Forra's legs and nipping her way to up the thighs to the other woman's core she played with her nub before licking her fully and pleasing her with her tongue.

Forra moaned and her grip on Joffrey made the immobile man groan in pain. Even as they continued to play and torture their prisoner they heard what sounded like some sort of battle taking place in the room next door. Shadow and the wizard must be locked in combat. Seconds before Forra climaxed Joffrey began to move until the blackguard cast again and froze him in place. "Oh, Angie such a wonderful tongue you have. Here take over dealing with him whilst I repay those wonderful feelings you gave me." And she began kissing down Angie to her breasts then lower towards her sex.

Angie scowled at the male. Her hatred still in the forefront of her mind. But she did as the other woman bade. Her's was a role of helping situations not causing them. So she took him into her hand and squeezed a little to tightly to be pleasurable before gently with her other hand playing with his testicles. Arousal and pain were two subjects she was very knowledgeable about.

Forra kissed and licked her way down to Angie's sex and spent some time bringing her new friend to climax before Shadow returned from the Wizard's room. The psion watched with mild amusement she sat on a nearby chair and lifted her skirt to gently toy with herself. "the deed is done and we may all return to Venir when your both ready." she purred watching the women have there fun with the guard. Lash may have to watch himself around Lord Soth's newest convert.

Angie cried out minimally with her climax. She detested men and wouldn't let them see the softer side of her ever. She released the guard from her hands and caressed Forra's hair. "We should finish this and take our leave, it is unwise to linger." She whispered in a loving way to the Black guard. She gave a sensual smile to Shadow as well however and watched with a pleased look on her face as the psion toyed with herself.

Forra wiped her lips and rose up to her knees and punched Joffrey in his privates making him moan out in pain, "Shadow, may I take Joffrey with us? I feel he might have a wonderful new role in our master's plans. I can trade bringing him along by replaying what I did with dear Angie here." Shadow let her fress drop back down and smiled, "I believe that can be arranged, although I have a better plan one that will make Angie very happy in the long run." Shadow waited until they were ready to go and the four of them vanished reappearing in Angie's little play area and the two women put Joffrey into one of the cells. Shadow smiled and informed Lord Soth that the mission was a success. Then turning to Angie and Forra said, "You should introduce Forra to Lash Angie, we will be working together for some time."

Angie was pleased to have another man in her cells. However she scowled heavily when bade to take Forra to Lash. "Very well... Come Forra let us meet Lash, the bastard." Angie said with obvious hatred, she schooled her features however and strode to the exit. Angie didn't know where Lash would be, his chambers or the work room. She decided the work room first. After all he had been doing other things while she had gone on this side mission with Shadow.

The inside of the workroom had changed, maps were spread out and the raiding parties had been busy as the furnishings were much nicer than what had been there before. Lash was sitting at his desk with a serving girl's head in his lap and smiled when Angie came in, "Ah, my second in command has returned with a new friend in tow. I don't suppose I could get your lovely mouth to take her place Angie?" He was cocky as ever and leered at both of them, the girl who looked like she had been made too service him far too long stopped moving for a second to see what her next order would be.

"Not if you want it to stay attached." Angie growled out before throwing him a rough salute with her middle finger. "I have returned with Forra... the Blackguard. Forra this is Lash, Master Soth's man." Angie introduced keeping her eyes on his, she was glad she was back in her own armor once again while facing him. If not for Master Soth she would kill this man without torture, but she had told Master Soth she would not let her hatred allow for them to not get his work done. She was a woman of her word.

Forra smiled and walked over to Lash and extended her hand, one to shake Lash's hand the other to brush the girl off his manhood. Before Lash could touch her hand she backhanded him in the face and punched him in the gut. "Mistress Shadow informed me about how you use Angie, and by Eurytnel, god of slaughter I will cut you from neck to manhood. If you want it sucked I suggest you get a slave or learn to suck it yourself. I serve my god first and made no such declaration not to harm you in Lord Soth's presence." She then walked back over and kissed Angie deeply, "You no longer have to grace his bed, but there is an open invitation for mine."

"Unless directly ordered I don't even touch the scum." Angie laughed throatily at Forra's more 'personal' introduction. Angie lay her arm around Forra's waist and held the woman close, the kiss was nice and her body pleasant. Who knew Blackguards were so much fun? "Do you need a report on how the mission went? Or do you have another assignment from Lord Soth?" Angie asked turning her attention back to Lash.

Lash glared at the blackguard, his erection gone and just hanging there the slave girl kept her head down in case violence was to ensue. "No, Lord Soth has not ordered any new plans. We are continuing our raids to the outer cities and quickly carving our own little county here in Venir, you may do as you wish until the next raid." Forra smiled and turned to Angie, "I have some delightful ideas for poor Joffrey, Eurytnel has provided me with a gift, but shall we get me some suitable equipment and relax before we implement his grand vision?"

"I shall take you to the armory then Lady Blackguard." Angie said with a small smirk on her lips. She had to contain her pleasure and triumph at Lash being so handled by a woman, after all he was the commanding officer, and she his second in command. she had promised Lord Soth she would follow his command and she was nothing if not loyal to those that paid and kept her. She threw up a real salute to Lash before leaving, just that much more to mock him. Before she guided the Lady Forra out the door, as soon as the door closed however Angie pulled Forra close and planted a deep and passionate kiss on her lips. "You my lady are simply amazing." Angie stated with a broad grin before releasing Forra to show her to the armory and get her properly equiped.

Forra smiled when Angie brought her to the armory, she walked the rows of weapons and armor trying to decide what would be best in service to her god and to the cause. Finally she stopped and hefted a morningstar up and regarded it before approaching the quartermaster. "I want the points removed, my god wishes this to be blunt and I see no worthy armor." The quartermaster blanched having noted the requirement for a deities weapon, "My apologies mistress, I shall inquire about a proper set from the main armory. She nodded and handed the morningstar to the man, "See that this is done before I am required in battle, or else." They left the weapons master to his work and left the armory, "Where will my quarters be, my new friend? Close to yours I would hope that way I can scare away our 'commander' or have you to myself if we so desire."

Venir pt. 6

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