Page name: Warmer Weather Contest Adult Page Gateway [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-04-19 11:18:56
Last author: Paul Doyle
Owner: Paul Doyle
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---back to Warmer Weather Contest


Warmer Weather Contest Adult Page Gateway


---Under Construction!


This will be the gateway to a forum-protected R/XXX rated wiki, for those Elftowners 18 AND OLDER who would like to share their erotic/sexy takes on the "Warmer Weather" theme, whether through artwork, photography or poetry. Please note this is NOT the adult contest! This is the only part which will be visible to the general public. Even the artwork on this page is safe-for-work, though they will be having fun once they enter that underwater cave, shut the door behind them, and get to the dry top of that passageway. The actual erotic art contest will have something else entirely. something suitably graphic, and most likely not done by me (as my hands are full at the moment).

Anyway, this special area will have three sub-categories.

---Adult Art  ---Adult Poetry ---Adult Photography


Do realize that due to the sensitive nature (I am taking a risk just by offering this contest offshoot . . .) there will be several very, very important general rules.


(1.) You must be 18 or older to enter the contest, and 18 or older to be permitted access to the page! Those members of SPADNAA and "Blue Banana Central" will be automatically permitted, no questions asked.

(2.) Please abide by Uploading Art Rules regarding theft/plagiarism. Obviously there will be sexual imagery, but since this will be on a wiki, no harm done.

(3.)If you are 18 or older, do you think you can handle this sort of page? This may sound silly at first, but do realize there will most likely be certain things some people will enjoy and other people will absolutely hate. There will very likely be homosexual imagery here, so if this is an issue, this isn't the contest for you. Also, there will more than likely be milder forms of hentai. (Extreme types will be disallowed---see the next rule!) And do realize people in the photographs most likely will not have the bodies of porn stars (see more in rule #5). If this squicks you, take a look at yourself in a full-sized mirror the next time you're naked. Are you perfect? I didn't think so.

   (A.) Depictions of minors (by this contest's definition, anyone younger than 18 by the closing date of this contest).
       (i.) Artistic depictions (lolicon/shotakan, "cub porn", "cub yiff" (the last two is underaged furry porn!) , etc, will result in the violator's removal from ALL aspects of this contest (even the regular Warm Weather Contest, any future contests run by [Paul Doyle] . . . and hopefully word will spread about the violator(s). You haven't done anything truly illegal by real-world standards, but it makes us wonder if you do the real thing, too . . .
       (ii.) ACTUAL underage pornography will follow all the previous sanctions. In addition you will be reported to the Elftown Guards, quite likely perma-banned from Elftown, and so help us God we will report you to the authorities.
    (B.) Anything with "chibi" characters, or cartoon characters that are supposed to be juvenile. "Chibi" characters engaging in sexual activity is unnerving, even if they are simply shrunken-down adults. And if you're one of these people who just HAS to get a pic up of their favorite Digimon/Pokemon monsters doing the nasty, PLEASE leave out their trainers! Yet being in the furry fandom, I have seen these kind of horrors x__O
    (C.) Nothing with babyfurs/diaperfurs, or any similar monstrosity I'm not familiar with, from the anime fandom. I will not be dissuaded. These people and their kind of artwork (I have seen both, at a furry convention) are way beyond disgusting. We can only pity them.
    (D.) No extreme hentai stuff---scat, blood and guts, and the rest. Please.
    (E.) Nothing involving sentient beings and non-sentient animals. Variously known as zoophilia, bestiality, buggery and whatever else, don't put it here! Please realize SENTIENT, CONSENSUAL interspecies stuff IS allowed. So don't get freaked out if you see mixed-species furry porn (an anthro-lioness going down on an anthro-zebra stud on the deck of a cruise ship, for example), because that isn't bestiality!
    (F.) Nothing involving rape or other non-consensual stuff! Anything stronger than ordinary S+M bondage is forbidden.
    (G.) No cheap camwhore pics of you or anyone else masturbating, showing your penis or what not.
    (H.) No cyber-sex role-playing in the comments. For anyone considering this, do you know how annoying this is to everyone else? Turn off the computer and go out on a hot and heavy date, already! Also, no sexual harrassment of people in this contest. Say hello to the Elftown Guards if you harrass someone, and you don't get the hint when that person tells you to leave them alone. Separate the character from the creator. Just because Pauly the Anthro-Dragon is a goofy, free-wheeling swinging horndog (until he falls in love and gets married to Kathy the Anthro-Dragoness, of course! He stays horny and very goofy, regardless.) doesn't mean I'm inclined to betray my dear wife who is my soulmate in every sense of the word! (She knows about this contest, by the way.) So I practice what I preach, I'll freely admit I find [Calico Tiger]'s stripey-bummed tiger-lady one hot tamale but that's where I draw the line. The actual [Calico Tiger], Annelise, seems to be an attractive person, but it's neither right nor cool for me to go thinking beyond that. And that's that!
---I reserve the right to edit this list---



As said before, no cheap webcam shots. Real photography, please (try to avoid Poaroids or throwaway camera images, if you can help it?) This isn't Elfpack or Fake. Do realize many of us who might be involved on this wiki are either members of, or are aware of, ,, and So don't even THINK of emulating [ThreeHawks]/[Tuquah]/[Soldrinker] and bullshitting us with something straight out of body beautiful. Some of us have long memories. If you submit airbrushed photos of yourself with the body of a porn star, guess what? It most likely isn't you. You will be reported to the Elftown Guards and generally laughed at. Come as you are, who you are, with your imperfections.


In addition to everything that's been previously mentioned, please put your best efforts forward, and do have them complete by the deadline. Traced imagery and lined paper will not be accepted. Remember to stay within the "warmer weather" theme.


Please don't do stupid limericks, OK? Those will no be allowed, and neither will fan-poetry. Do your own stuff, do it well, and stay within the 40-line maximum length. Remember to stay within the "warmer weather" theme.



***An open invitation for "Blue Banana Central" members will be left in that wiki's comment section, so no need to comment here, if you are already part of "Blue Banana Central!"***


Username (or number or email):


2007-04-19 [Paul Doyle]: I really hate making all these rules and what not, but some twisted people will take advantage of any loophole to post their freaky shit. It's an annoying, time-consuming pain in the ass, but all these warnings and disclaimers are necessary.

2007-04-19 [Paul Doyle]: The kind of unfiltered crap they allow on inspired me to come up with this list, by the way. I am on FA, but refuse to upload pics precisely because of the garbage they allow on there!

2007-04-19 [Paul Doyle]: UPDATE: the actual adult forum and wiki are open, but are in their earliest stages. VERY much "under construction!"

2007-04-19 [Elmiira]: hullo.. you told me you take my word that I'm an adult. :)

2007-04-19 [Gwenn*]: I'm 19 and I'd like to be added, but without participating. Is it possible?

2007-04-19 [MisLuck]: I would like to join and participate, if have time.

2007-04-19 [Paul Doyle]: OK, guys. Give me a little bit of time (busy next few days) and if all is good, your wishes will be granted :)

2007-04-20 [Veltzeh]: I want to participate too!

2007-04-20 [Paul Doyle]: You're in absolutely, O Futuristic Mod of Indeterminate Gender :3

2007-04-22 [Cia_mar]: if i have a working scanner bybefore deadline, i might want to participate

2007-04-22 [Paul Doyle]: OK then. You can view the page without undue pressure to enter the contest :)

2007-05-03 [Paul Doyle]: Real life issues have definitely delayed the opening of the adult wiki. but now it is open :) For those of you who have commented, are well-known/trustworthy, and are 18+, you will be PM'ed here within the nexdt minute or two.

2007-05-24 [Paul Doyle]: New deadline . . . 15 August 2007

2007-06-02 [Cia_mar]: wonderful!
i have an entry in the works
and as soon as i move i will be able to scan it in!!!!!

2007-06-02 [Paul Doyle]: I really REALLY have to finish those samples I'm working on . . . o__O

2007-06-02 [Cia_mar]: lol

2007-07-10 [Cia_mar]: paul.. here is my submission... please place it where it belongs?!?!! thanks...

2007-07-10 [Iske]: cool cia it is great

2007-07-10 [Paul Doyle]: I like it, and now you should have a good place to put it . . . I can't believe I didn't add you to the actual page's forum *face-palm*

2007-07-12 [Cia_mar]: thank you

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