Page name: ask-lilo-4 [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-07-16 22:18:25
Last author: Hedda
Owner: Hedda
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Ask Lilo edition #4

Notes: Due to death threats from dogs I've got a bodyguard now:


Bored now?

Yes! Both Kali and Sonic are in Stockholm and only mostly boring Hedda is here.

Should someone add a pet salon/pampering store to the wiki?

I'm not that certain with unknown things. I don't know.

What do you think about christmas?

Best food of the year! I'm going for a fat-look now. Too cold outside though, but who cares about that? Outside, when it is snow there, is for humans and stupid cats.
I'm actually in such a good mode that I didn't even scratch annoying kids.

I'm a proud servant of a cat looking just like you, xcept he's a youngster... Do you have any idea about why he always sleeps right in front of the door everytime i quit home?

Why not? Some cats always sleep where they shouldn't. Like where I'm about to take a nap.

Ummm...[Leara, the Elven Priestess] here wondering why the heck there isn't a temple in elftown in the wiki, I mean what is a Priestess like myself supposed to do without a temple??!!!!

You're noisy. I'll go away now.

ummm...I'm noisy, and your mean, guess that makes us even...

I like to play with, torture and eat small cute animals and you say that I'm mean because I ignore you. Some human kittens don't have any perspective.

What are your view on catnip and kitty porn? (all those pictures on the net of cats and kittens in nothing but their fur and maybe some yarn)

Catnip is great! If kitty porn smells, moves and makes sounds, it should probably be beaten up, otherwise it can safely be ignored. It's just crazy human stuff.

Isn't it time for food and some play now?

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