Page name: fmi-Pillowthief [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-12-14 05:35:12
Last author: wicked fae mage
Owner: wicked fae mage
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 17
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What's your name?
Richardson. Iszy Richardson. *does spy-like things which involve vigorous arm waving*

Is there a story behind your username?
A sad, sad story. Not the, 'Im going to cry too' type, but more of the 'Man... Im a nerd. Sad' type. I was signing up for an email account and had no handle at the time and all the cool ones were already taken, so I just started looking around the room for things. I was currently in the middle of Morrowind, and I always got confused as to which houses I had already stolen from- so I started collecting pillows. Pretty unique items, only found in houses and easy to spot. Soooooo... Sad.

What are your hobbies?
I sleep a lot.

I'd like to think of myself as an artist of both the canvas and of words, but lately I haven't been doing much of either writing or painting. Too many things to do, too many n00bs to pWn, too many employees to yell at for doing incredibly creative, dumb stuff. You learn to multitask, which makes things a little bit easier. For example, I'm totally writing this, playing Skyrim, and watching Louis C.K. stand-up comedy, while checking the Book of Face and Bob's Diner for Trolls.

Drinking! Forgot about that. Yeah, besides asphyxiating on life and liquid osmosis, I really don't have time for much else.

What is it you mostly do on Elftown?
Troll for n00bs, mostly.

ET is also my photobucket, of sorts. I love how it gives me so many stock photos that I can use, preferably against their own makers. It's all quite easy, as pictures (when loaded into photoshop) are inherently evil. I just let them do what they want for half an hour or so while I go make myself a delicious sandwich.

It is also the central core for most of my painting and writings as ET predates Not Your Space and the Book of Face, which each have their own problems.

How did you end up on Elftown?
Tripped over it, really. ET was cool before DeviantArt even existed. It was a place where artists and writers could congregate and make flippant remarks at the Guards.

Is there a particular thing you like about Elftown, such as a specific wiki?
EAT AT Bob's Diner!

But seriously, don't. I don't want to get an influx of new n00bs and not have time to properly set up Trolls because people keep saying dumb stuff in the comments.

Another good couple of wikis to check out would be Sunny Featured Art, which is a spotlight for local artists around ET, helping them get seen, and SHU. SHU, or Stalkers Haters United, was a wiki I started up a while ago, more as a joke than anything serious, but the more times I met crazy chicks or heard of crazy chick stories, the more serious of a problem I realized we all had. Grade your girlfriend today at SHU!

Is there a member whose house you really like yourself? Why do you like that house?
[Sunrose]'s. But that's probably because I just want to Delete Sunrose Now! Or maybe its because of how awesome she looks in a beard. Meh.

Have any critique/comments/suggestions/admiration etc. on a specific Elftown matter?
I heard some complaints about the Elftown ads at the bottom- as annoying as they are, has anyone clicked them? They lead to fun and adventure and candy and cake!

What is your message to all Elftowners?
Stay off the Ends of Words!

What do you do for a living?
I manage a taxi company. You'd be surprised at how much that consists of. Its not rocket science to drive taxi, yet amazingly enough its really hard to find someone who's good with people, competent, and can do math- all at the same time. Also, preferably non-creeper.

What kinds of video games do you prefer playing?
RPGs are my favorite. Still remember crying when Aeris died. Puzzles and strategy, like Shadow of the Colossus are probably my second fav. Other than that, I play pretty much everything, except maybe stupid games like karaoke or FF X-2.

Do you play table top RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons etc.?
I used to, but it's been quite a few years. Still have my DnD char around here somewhere...


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2011-12-09 [Pillowthief]: I like this page. Its nice.

2011-12-09 [wicked fae mage]: Lol Merry Christmas. I thought you'd like it :3

2011-12-16 [Mortified Penguin]: Why you gotta leave off all mention of B's D in the shortened Mainstreet version, magey? <img:44166_1164145262.gif>

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