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" The Magic Of The Unicorn "

A brief summary of this story I am writing.


Briefly, it's about a dragon who is the king of his kingdom, a magical and mystical, but magnificent land...
and the unicorn that loves him.

The dragon king, Aikanáro, is a good and kind king, clever and smart, but inhabits a dark side. He has
many loyal subjects, but he also has subjects in his court that will betray him ultimately. In the midst of his
subjects, a unicorn, Galadriël, walks among them. She spreads kindness, thoughtfulness, and truth. She
also admires the king and respects him greatly and all that he does for his kingdom, but the king pretends
to never notice her, although secretly he watches her every move. Even so, he is not aware of the magic
she possesses, for the magic is in her love, which he desires, but can't allow himself to accept. Therefore,
Aikanáro can't genuinely realise all that Galadriël holds only for him.

She tries a variety of ways to reach him, including the accepting of his intrusion of her privacy, but she fails
to make him see, even though she can clearly look directly into his heart. She sees the loneliness and the
frustration present there, trapped and without the knowledge of knowing how to escape, but she is totally
helpless to free the king's heart, as long as his heart remains closed to her, while his ears are open to the
untruths of forked tongues. Galadriël aches to replace the pain with joy and happiness her magic could do.

Knowing this, Galadriël carries this around with her, a tremendous weight both in her thoughts and in her
heart. She seeks truth. When she hears of the evil subjects plotting to overthrow the king, to destroy his
kingdom, she desperately tries to make the king see what's happening, but he refuses to acknowledge still,
that which he sees.

Aikanáro banishes the magical maiden, even though she has done nothing wrong. His evil subjects rejoice
when Aikanáro banishes Galadriël. He has listened to the evil schemers and so, his ears are filled with the
lies from those he trusts and therefore he cannot hear the real truth of Galadriël, or so she believes. She
cannot bear to think negatively about her king and he cannot bring himself to be honest with her.

The evil subjects succeed in their endeavor to separate the dragon king and the unicorn, because Aikanáro
has a dark side of his own, which he hides from his subjects. Galadriël has discovered his dark side, but still
she remains loyal to her king. She continually tries to understand Aikanáro, for her love is unconditional. She
has learned of the king's own betrayal of her devotion and his own forked tongue, but loyal she remains.
The king's own words tarnish her reputation, along with those that are jealous of her. Galadriël attempts to
protect her reputation, but tries to also protect the king's own secretive, dark side, for she wants not to see
her king embarrassed, humiliated, or worse. Because she cannot bring herself to reveal all that she knows,
she ultimately silently suffers its consequences.

Aikanáro unbanishes Galadriël, but the damage he has done to her cannot be erased or reversed, as long
as and because of his own pride and because he fears the retaliation of the rest, should they ever learn the
truth about his secret activities. She decides to remain outside his kingdom in a neighbouring land as a
result and little by little the king's kingdom continues to crumble in spite all he tries to do to make it a better
land. The magical maiden, although broken hearted, still keeps a vigilant watch over the kingdom and the
king she still loves.

There comes a day, King Aikanáro looks around him and notices most of his subjects have left his kingdom.
Only a few remain. The unicorn's spirit still present, for she can't truly leave and abandon her king, even
though he pretends to see her not, is gravely saddened by the declining populous. The evil subjects are still
trying to ruin her and demean her. In their wickedness they even plot to destroy her, so the king can never
truly realise the magic she holds only for him.

One day the king in his desperation to relieve his heavy heart, intoxicates himself with liquor and his evil
subjects just laugh at him and supply him more liquor. In his darkened state and drunken stupor they bait
and encourage him to make choices he would not otherwise make. His kingdom starts to burn around him.
As the alcohol overtakes him and summons him into a deep sleep, they leave him in hopes Aikanáro will
become part of the charred remains.

Galadriël, always watching her king, always there in the shadows for him, sees that his whole kingdom is
about to completely disintegrate and take her king with it. She leaps through the flames of destruction until
she is at his side. She pokes him gently with her horn, her vessel of healing power. He stirs and opens his
eyes and looks around in horror. She quietly nickers to him to follow her.

The king's tears start to run down his cheek as he reminds her that he is not deserving of her rescue, of her
caring, her kindness, her love. Stamping her foot in annoyance, she tells him to forget it, for she already has.
She beckons him to follow her again.

For the first time, the king sees the unicorn, truly sees her without reservation. Suddenly his heavy heart is
lightened. He feels a freedom overtake him like he has never known before. As he springs to his feet, with
his eyes and his heart, he looks upon the magic that the unicorn possesses. The most beautiful rainbow
arcs across the spacious sky of soft gradient blues and the few fairies remaining drop rose petals, dipped in
the colours of the rainbow.

She turns back and approaches the king. When she is finally standing in front of him, touching him, the
tears flood her eyes, so much so, that a river flows. The river meets with each and every flame, burning the
stench of evil and darkness. As her flood of tears extinguishes the flames, a new fragrance, the essence of
good, permeates the air, replacing the foul stench of evil preceding and transforming it into an incense of

Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, King Aikanáro's kingdom springs into a world renewed. Together, they
stand and look at the wonder around them. As their magic unifies into one, they both know their happiness
awaits. Their goals are one and the same and together, the kingdom shall become what they both have
always known it could be.

When the evil subjects received word about what had taken place, they knew their evil intentions had been
defeated. They turned on and destroyed each other. Any of them spared of their own evil revenge, never

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
King Aikanáro and Galadriël restored the land, made the kingdom a magical reflection of their own. The loyal
subjects whom had once left, mostly driven away by the evil subjects, returned, thrived as happy, contented
citizens and invited more to come. The Magical_Kingdom prospered and grew, became known world wide,
with many thousands more flocking to its gate.

King Aikanáro's kingdom, with Galadriël sharing his dream, became a wonderfully magical land once more.
Galadriël's Magic_Of_Love transformed Aikanáro, retaining his power and strength, but bringing forth his
inner beauty, his wonder hidden, into a superbly majestic, immortal creature. With her magical horn, she
gently touched his heart. As a magnificent rainbow of rainbows formed, with a promise etched within, the
great and profound Golden_Promise emerged and so became, the King_Of_Kings.

Galadriël just smiles now when someone mentions the king's name, but a tiny tear always forms in the
corner of her eye of jade and even she is not sure why.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Written by [Artsieladie], aka Sharon Donnelly
Started: © 2008-11-19


Some of my unicorn poetry as part of my story:

"The Beauty Within"

Oh, great King, Aikanáro be thy name,
Have seen your mighty strength, been singed by your flame.
With an air of arrogance, a mountain full of pride,
A thicket of projections methodically applied;
High upon a pedestal, although up there alone,
You present yourself to which no one can atone.

But, you cannot hide what's deep within, concealed,
In spite intentions driven, for magic has revealed
A warm heart beating, romantically inclined,
Kind, gentle, yet strong, with an independent mind.

Only one that cares enough to pursue beyond your cover,
Will appreciate the soul within, be pleased to discover,
The elements of a rogue are just a masterful disguise,
But for a true believer, the reflections in your eyes
Speak in silence clearly, to tell a different tale,
For a rose lies in waiting, its beauty to unveil.

When the day has come, in the mirror you do see,
The greatest power within you has yet to be set free,
It is then you will be granted, a power unsurpassed,
And the darkness in your heart shall be out forever cast.

Written by [Artsieladie], aka Sharon Donnelly © 2011-01-11 02:20:47



[Artsieladie]'s Galadriel-Unicorn


[Artsieladie]'s Castle Of Magic

Just a portion of the next image below; the full size at this point is merely 3500w x 4500h, a tiny piece of art! hehe
The "Castle_Of_Magic" is to be added.


More of my unicorn poetry as part of my story:

" The Unicorn's Tears "

She stands in the shadows, sad and helpless, without disguise,
As she watches the kingdom gradually crumble before her eyes.
The king she adores, tries desperately to regain back into a land
The essence of life once abundant, exceedingly grand.
The evil lurking, prevalent and rampant, destroying all good in its wake,
Built around jealousy, control, and scorn, conniving to take.
The good subjects are leaving, being driven away,
The evil breeds hopelessness. They can no longer stay.
She knows the hosts of evil vehemently do curse
Her presence and loyalty, they consistently rehearse,
Their plotting, their wicked schemes, to enable her fall,
For she has the power, the magic, to expose them all.
The mission, the goal, is to conquer, divide,
From the king and the unicorn, the truth must hide.
For should the king's eyes be opened to see,
The unicorn's magic would set him free
From emotional blackmail, torturing his soul,
Returning to him his own control.
The evil subjects, as sheep adorned,
Spew their venom, so none are warned.

The unicorn's heart so torn, badly bruised,
But abandon her king, she still refused.
Remain she must, strong, vigilant, and true,
Her faith in her king will carry him through,
The flames of destruction have spread across his land,
Sparked and ignited by treacherous hand.
Her tears run free and they shed galore,
To extinguish the flames and rebuild once more
A kingdom enriched, esquisitely defined,
Magically wondrous, uniquely designed.
Thousands of subjects now flock to its gate,
Anxiously hoping, for admittance they wait.
The evil subjects with angered rage,
Turn on each other and so engage,
Their own vile behavior conceived of self lust.
They destroy each other as they scatter like dust.
The king and the unicorn stand proud and tall,
As they watch over the kingdom, but a tear doth fall,
From the corner of the unicorn's eye of jade,
Remembering the days, she spent shunned in the shade.
She looks at her king and gives him a smile of pride.
She kisses his cheek that warms him inside.
He no longer doubts his own self worth.
They celebrate each other and the kingdom's rebirth.

Written by [Artsieladie], aka Sharon Donnelly © 2008-12-10


This is just the first copy of this art piece. I have much yet to do with it. The colours of the sky need to
be cast on the various objects in the image where such light would touch, something similar to the
mountain range colouring. The trees in the distant background are just sprayed in to 'fill in' for now. Of
course, they need to be done as 'actual trees', but they won't be as detailed as the grass is in the
foreground, naturally, since objects closer to the eye show greater detail than objects far away. Upon
near finishing the piece, the shadowing will be added, as will be, the Castle_Of_Magic.


" The Unicorn's Plea "

I'm the purity, the light, the truth.
I live deep in your dungeon, deep inside of you.
But will you allow me to shine, have my debut?

I am the way. I'm magical. I am healing.
You cage my spirit deep inside,
The place where only darkness can reside.

Misery has consumed you. You have succumbed.
Sadly you have forgotten all about me,
That I am still here. I can set you free.

For although I am trapped, locked within,
My light still flickers, hoping yet to see,
That you will come, that you will come for me.

You look to those that treat you as a fool.
You no longer have the hunger, nor do you care,
To release yourself from that you needn't bear.

Your polyester friends speak with forked tongue,
But you see not the tangled webs they have spun,
Nor the tightly woven wool, covering what they've done.

Even though in darkness, your prisoner I am kept,
My tears still flood to wash your burning eyes,
The persistent void, you cannot from me disguise.

If I could only pierce your heart to heal thy pain,
But first you must see me, know that I am here.
You drown me with alcohol to abate your fear.

I yearn for your happiness, an epitome of joy.
I stir within. I shudder from the chill.
My pleading screams go unheard, but still...

My faith in you is strong and so I wait
For you to see, to hear, to come...
To release us, this prison, from.

Written by [Artsieladie], aka Sharon Donnelly © 11/20/2008


Related Elftown Links:
<img:> ~ ECM Unicorn
<img:> ~ ECM Unicorn Art
<img:> ~ Fantasy_Unicorn_Art_By_Artsie_ladie
<img:> ~ Elftown Creature Marathon
<img:> ~ The Creature List
<img:> ~ Unicorn


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May God Bless You and Have a Great Day!

May the love of God always touch and live within your heart!

<i>By [Artsieladie]

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