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2006-06-24 20:58:01
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~Blood, Tears, and Angel Wings~


Chocolate For Chris W.

Deep and sweet, rich and warm:
Like two pools of chocolate
That I could feast my eyes on forever
And yet never get sick.
Ah, such delicious sights are your eyes,
I could look into them and drown in happiness,
Never leaving their wonderful seas.
I could gaze without ceasing into the myriad of thoughts:
Laughter, which brings creases and bright light,
Makes your sides hurt and your face turn red.
Earnesty, wide open with pure emotion
And the sure truth of your feelings.
Anger, a frightening fire burns, scorching and crackling
Over all evils, and the injustices befalling those you love.
Passion, hard and soft, hard with an intense want,
And softened by a loving tenderness.
Craziness, eyes dancing wildly with the fever of madness,
Your madness, happy, high, drunk off the wonders of life.
Love, a passion, a laughter, an earnesty, a beautiful thing:
The strongest power swims merrily in your eyes.
All these plus multitudes of wordless feelings
Are in the spectrum of emotions of your eyes.
I could sit and stare into those handsome brown orbs
Till time ended and feel as though I weren't missing a thing
By allowing the world to pass me by.
For who in heaven would envy those on earth?
With all their worry and time and constrictions,
When in heaven, who knows of worry? Time? Constrictions?
So allow me to remain within this cozy spell you weave around me,
That makes time halt, and minds speak unhindered.
Allow me to remain within this sacred veil of love,
And stay safe, behind the shield of our locked gazes.


If I Could
For Sasha M.

I may not be there when you cry,
To wipe the tear drops from your eyes.
I can't always be there if you should need me,
But know that if I could, I would.

When you laugh at something crazy,
Or tell her "I love you baby",
I won't be there to laugh with you,
But if I could I would.

I'm your friend, though you've never seen me;
No matter what, I always will be.
I don't care how many miles apart
This is what's written in my heart:

I want to kiss your tears away;
I want to laugh at the funny things you say;
I want to be there for you always;
Someday, I swear, I will.


Forever For all my friends at SCS

A small private school in a little brown church
Where the kids have been together all their lives.
They knew that it would happen;
They knew they'd have to leave;
But it never sank in until that day.
Then suddenly all the memories came back into their minds:
Of all the things they'd done together;
Of all the times they'd done stupid things and everyone had laughed;
Of all the broken hearts and the little tiffs and arguments;
Of all the amazing and hilarious stunts they'd pulled off,
Of all the parties they'd thrown;
Of all the spectacular kicks, and awesome catches and miraculous homes they'd ever made
And of the cheers that had helped to make them.
They thought of alot of things standing there in tears,
But the thing tha stayed with them,
Up through highschool, college and beyond,
Was that they had been a part of 14 very special friends
And that can never be broken, forgotten, or lost:
But will go on...forever.


Ode to Elves

Oh you with e'er eternal face,
We watch, in wonder, at your grace
As you walk the riversides and mountains,
Or stand beside ancient trees and fountains.
Your beauty is by none surpassed
And forever seems to last,
Unchanged by mortal years and ages
Leaving unturned Time's cruel pages.
You walk as lightly as a spirit:
So soft your tread, most folk can't hear it.
You run as swiftly as a deer,
How sharply graceful you appear!
Your courage has not once been doubted;
Your armies almost never routed:
Armed with a bow and a pair of keen eyes;
A deadly arrow from you flies.
You are loyal, mysterious, proud, and brave.
I could go on forever this way
About the wonders of your kind,
But I shall stop now, for I find
That the day is at it's close.
So I leave now; throw the red rose.


Save Me

The whole world's against me;
Please help me, just save me.
They're all trying to hurt me;
Please help me, defend me.
They're all pushing me, shoving me;
Please help me, stand with me.
They're all fighting to kill me;
Please help me, fight for me.
It's so cold and nobody will warm me;
Please help me, embrace me.
There's music no one will be a partner to me;
Please help me, dance with me.
I'm all alone and nobody comes near me;
Please help me, walk with me.
They have bombs and guns, and they scare me;
Please help me, please comfort me.
When I dream, they're chasing me;
Please help me, just hold me.
They all laugh at me and jeer at me;
Please help me, just shield me.
Can love exist between us when they hate me?
Please help me, just tell me...



You told me that you loved me still,
That it was a mistake.
That you had heard a rumor,
That's why you walked away.
We talked of love for hours-
We talked in many ways-
You saved me from an evil,
Then I gently kissed your face.
Suddenly, everything around me just up and disappeared.
All alone I was left standing there, crying all my tears.
I touched my face, and felt the tears,
And wondered why I was crying:
I had been happy, just moments before,
But now I felt like dying.
Abruptly I realized the horror of this joke:
For, some evil, dastardly feind, I found,
Had sent you to me in a dream.
Reality I must now face,
If I'm to win humanity's race.
So off with hopeless dreams and follies,
For, like last Christmas's green-n- red hollies,
They'll wrinkle and shrivel until they're no more,
And leave your heart dying on the cold, hard floor.


Death of a TyrantFor Franklin F.

Did you want to end up like this,
Hated by most, idolized by a few,
But friend to no one?
What is it that makes you feel
That you have to hurt
With your cutting words?
Is it something the world
Did to you?
Or just you,
Trying to get ahead of the world?
I hope you know
The pain that you give
Will eventually come back
And cut you.
You will bleed
And no one will be there
To stop the bleeding.
For you will have chased them
All away with your cruelty.
You will cry out as loud
As you can,
But no one will hear you,
Just like you
Never heard those
You made suffer.
You will become weak
From loss of blood,
And then, oh tyrant,
You shall die.


For everyone who feel like no one cares

You saw me every day,
Did you ever stop to say hi?
I sat alone to eat,
Did you ever even notice?
When you saw that no one spoke to me,
Did you care to break the silence?
When you saw my daddy beat me,
Did you even try to stop him?
You saw me limping down the halls,
Did you ask if you could help me?
When I never came to school again,
Did you wonder where I was?
When my name showed in the paper,
Did you know that I was gone?
Finally, you wondered.
But by then, it was to late.


Third-Degree BurnFor Trevor U.

You know I want you,
You know I need you
Close to me,
Touching me,
Holding me tightly,
Never to let go.

You left your mark upon my body,
You scorched me with your passion,
And gave me a third-degree burn.
Always I will bear this scar,
'Cause I'll make sure it doesn't have time
To heal before we hold each other again.

You know I need you,
Both of us together,
Bodies entwined in passion,
Fulfilling both our needs,
Our wants, and desires.

You left you mark upon my soul,
The ever-present mark of ownership;
A burn, a scar to remind me
Of how much you need me too.


Memoirs of a Fallen Angel

One last chance of forgiveness
Before I was thrown
Sadly, I blew it
And ended up below
Below with the mortals
The impurity, the death
The hatred, the sadness
Alone in this earth I was
No one else there like me
I didn’t understand them
All their emotions
Love, hate, fear, sadness
Their lies to themselves
And others around them
Amazed me
Yet there were a few
That reminded me
Of where I came from
They loved no matter what
Their sadness they hid
Only crying their pure tears
Away from the rest of humanity
They lived to care for others
Sometimes I wondered
If I wasn’t as alone as I thought
These people were better than I
Sometimes I wondered
If, once, there were wings
On that body
If, once, they too were there
And were spit into
This hell
Just to help the inhabitants
Sometimes I wondered
If these mortals
Deserved the title
More than I.


Stronger than a Grave

Could it really be you?
Do my eyes seek to fool?
I've waited for this long,
How I've dreamed and held on,
But when do dreams become reality?

While you held me tenderly,
I knew within my heart
That no matter what happened,
The love we have shall not slacken:
True love holds stronger than a grave.

In the night, we'd sit and watch
The moon travel 'cross the sky and talk.
You would gently caress my hair,
Looking into my eyes with care.
True love holds stronger than a grave.

Sometimes, you'd chase me around,
Laughing, as we both fell to the ground.
It was so much fun just to be with you,
Know that however much I loved you, you loved me too;
True loves holds stronger than a grave.

The trees above you burst with color,
The vibrant, beautiful colors of summer.
All alone, I stand there, smiling slightly
For even now, I see you, laughing lightly:
True love holds stronger than a grave.



Salt from the sweat on my leg stings my lips
As I sit on the bed with my knees to my chest.
I stuck in a predicament; caught in a hole:
I love you with everything left of my soul.
But, then when I see him everyday at my school,
I kinda start tripping; I feel like a fool.
How is that I feel for you so deeply,
Yet whenever he asks, I would sell myself cheaply?
I don’t understand them; these emotions of mine;
But I suppose this is the war waged from the beginning of time:
On one hand, there’s love; on the other, just lust;
Playing tug-of-war with my head, ‘till I think that I’ll bust!
I want to be true to you, honest I do!
But if he asks one more time, I don’t know what I’ll do.


Glimpse of a Heart-SongFor Benjamin W.

You're my Lancelot,
My philosopher knight.
After we talk,
I know I'll be alright.
I can ask for help,
Or talk about my dreams.
You explain things out;
Straighten the crooked seams.
Not knowing exactly myself,
I tell you what's on my heart,
You know just what I'm saying,
And create with your art
A picture of the emotion,
The best by any man.
No maybe yours is better,
Showing as only God can;
Touching to the inner soul;
Showing me a world
Unseen by normal minds,
It's glories now unfurled
Before my bright, astonished eyes.
Only you could take me here,
Only you can make
This wonderful world appear.
When I'm with you, the stress has fled,
You calm the waters of my mind,
Bringing peace back inside my head.
You tell me all I want to find,
And then some more, to feed the fire,
You know I want to grow
More wise, more like you,
With the inner beauty that you show.


Shattered Mirror

I look into my mirror
And she stares back at me.
Long we glare at one another;
No end is close to see.

Whose eyes within this face are set?
Who’s hair of golden hue?
Whose tears are these that stream
From eyes of darkest blue?

Who's face is this, so very sad?
Whose eyes with shadows wrought?
Whose brows now crease together
With every weary thought?

I smile at this stranger,
Conjured from out my mind.
To my surprise, she smiles back;
At least she has the time.

I laugh aloud, and so does she,
'Tis like we're both the same,
Soon I find myself wondering
'Does she maybe have a name?'

We start off simply looking,
And then we get to talking,
Soon, we do it everyday;
I before the mirror stalking.

I stare into the mirror;
But not her face I see:
Instead, there is a demon there,
Reaching out for me.

I try to run away,
But the demon from the mirror
Follows, grabbing for me,
Its hands are getting nearer.

I get a close up view of it,
And to my horror find
The face it wears upon its head
Is nothing less than mine!

Terrified beyond all words,
I look, and pray to find
Something with which to break
The mirror, left behind.

A book, it is my savior!
I throw it at the glass,
The demon- now it shatters,
Upon the lively-hood of my past.

I fall with it to the floor,
I share this demon's pain.
Horrified, I realize
All my efforts were in vain:

The mirror held the image
Of what I had become. -
My mind now oh so broken-
My body begins to numb.

I stare blindly at the mirror,
Now shattered on the floor,
Millions of tiny images
Of what is never more.



Into the reality that starves the mind,
That almost makes me forget your hand in mine
The way it was when 'er we touched
If only in reality, love was enough.
What to write?
What is right?
We all have words in our minds,
Mine just come out every time
I hit the bed.
Is my pillow really God's shoulder
that I can lay on and cry over?
Or is it all just one big joke,
That ends as soon as i get poked
Out of this daydream?
When love is there,
So can desire be, flaming and hot.
But with only passion, love, sometimes is not.


A Moment

Sing for the moment;
Then the moment is gone,
And you're left in the silence
That rings like a gong.

Laugh for the moment;
Then the moment is gone
Leaving you empty
When your thoughts stay too long.

Love for the moment;
Then the moment is gone,
Leaving you wondering
Where on earth you went wrong.


When I need a friend, he is there; when he needs a friend, I am there, but when we need love, we are dead

Some part of me deep inside
Tells me you're just using me
To make you feel better.
Another part says 'No,
He wouldn't do that,
Not after all that's happened.'
The deep part says 'He'll get what comfort you can give,
Then go back to her.'
The other says strongly 'No, he won't.'
The deep one argues,
But eventually sees the truth:
You're my friend,
And you do care.
You won't just conveniently forget
When she comes back to you.
You won't forget the times
I'd comfort you.
You won't.



If I knew who you were,
I could love you.
If I looked into your eyes,
I could need you.

But the real question is;
If you saw me,
Could you love me?
If you looked into my eyes,
Could you need me?

Or would you find someone else,
And leave me
With the imprint of you on my mind,



Valentine's Day
Is a day
For lovers,
For fathers and mothers,
And significant others.
But also, when all that goes away,
For those who will stay
All alone for another day.
A paradox, some might say,
But may I put in that I disagree:
Are not lovers and loners alike in some way?
They will both sit for long hours,
Pondering life and all of the powers
Of love.
Both consider themselves to be
Each in their own way, of course, free:
One from ever being lonely;
One with the freedom that loneliness brings.
Which one is happier?
We'll probably never know.
For one must be both to equally show.
And a loner can't be a lover,
Just as a lover can't be a loner.
Anyone who says they can
Is certainly a poser.
For how can you love,
Yet want to be alone?
How can you want solitude,
And want to be with someone?
The love of a lover is his love.
The love of a loner is his solitude.


Blood and Tears of the Broken

Up she looks, into the face
Of her betraying lover.
She may have hopes, she may have prayers,
But now he holds them high above her.
He crushes them, dropping them to the ground,
Scattering them to the four winds, ne'er to be found.
He turns around; walks away:
She knows he broke her heart today.
When she gets home, the razor flies,
Mingling red with the water she cries.
Blood, it falls 'till there is no more,
Exceot for the deep red puddle on the floor.
Tears; they stopped flowing, quickly dried,
While the blue-eyed broken one died.


Truth Speaks Loud and Harsh

'Shhh!' those people tell me,
'Don't you say that word!'
Oh but the word is just so true.
'What are you saying?! Watch your mouth
That's not something you should do!'
Well duh. but when do i do what i should?
'At least for the sake of the children;
Kindly shut your mouth!'
So they don't have to know what it's like to feel pain?
'Would you please just stop talking?
You need some serious help.'
Maybe I do, but not your kind.
No. You can't shut me up.
You can't send me away.
The word might be Death,
But we all know that is real.
I might think about Suicide,
But that's just how I feel.
I might talk about Divorce,
Just so they know how it hurts.
No, I won't stop talking,
Cause you need to here the Truth.
So that you can feel someone elses emotions,
And lift them from the Dirt.
Help all those who've been touched by Death,
Heal those who contemplate Suicide,
Love those kids who got hurt by Divorce,
Then go tell someone else.


Behind a Mask

Once upon a time,
I found him, my own man.
The one who would stay with me no matter what
The only one who could heal the cut
You left when you left.
He told me I could never see his face
But I didn't mind, for he was my man, only mine.
Once upon a time, he told me it was time,
Time for me to see his face.
For a moment, I trembled;
Hesitation brought by fear;
'What if he's a monster, his face the reason he wears
That mask he stays behind?'
But love shall overcome any frightening thing:
I smiled and knew I was ready.
But when he pulled off the mask,
It was your face that was there!
'It isn't true! It can't be true'
I cried through all my tears.
'You broke my heart, you hurt my soul.
How can it be I love you so?'
You said you loved me; always had.
You did something stupid because you were mad.
And you knew you had to win me back.
I smiled while I cried and said I loved you too
That I was glad you'd seen the whole thing through.
So happy am I to find my lover man was you.



Hang me, shoot me
Grab me, loot me
Stab me, rape me
Take me far away.
Throw me off the edge,
I might come back to haunt you.
Cut me, hit me,
Starve me, beat me,
Someday I might care,
But for know I just want to get away from here.
My friends may be notified,
But will they ever know?
Probably not,
But who cares?
"Just make sure to leave her alone!"
No one dares to really try
To find what's there behind my eyes.
Are you scared that I'm not really what I seem?
Or are you scared cause you feel like me?


Unknowing Angel
For Sasha M.

He's just a boy,
He rides to school
There's not much different about him.
During the day, he smiles
Living, laughing, caring.
People say he shines
Like the sun
When he's happy
Which is most of the time.
If someone is hurt, he comforts them
If someone is laughing he is too.
People say things to him,
Hurtful things,
But he pretends not to hear.
During the day
He lives, he laughs, he loves.
During the day he's normal.

When he gets home,
It's late at night.
He throws off his clothes,
And you can see how diferent he is.
As tears roll down his cheeks,
His wings convulse with his sobbing.
He doesn't know they're there.
He puts his head in his hands,
Sad beyond everything.
He loves a girl
She scorns his love
No one else knows
His secret
He hides it, wanting to help others
Trying to fill up his emptiness
By taking away other people's
Inside, he wants to get away;
Outside, his magnificent wings flutter softly.
He doesn't seem to know it though.
He doesn't see his beautiful escape.

Every day, the boy lives, laughs, cares.
Every night he cries
Every day, he helps someone else,
Cradeling their heart with his unseen wings.
Every night, he wishes he could get away,
Away from his pain, away from this place
This place of hurt, and fear, and weight
The boy doesn't know,
But anyone else could tell you
Anyone he helped, and cared for could tell you,
That the boy was an angel.



You said you were different,
That you wouldn't just leave me.
But hell, you deceived me.
I'm just so gullible, so easy to fool.
And for me, to love is a rule.
I told you how i felt
Then you uncosciously delt
A hard blow to my reality
And to my analogy
Of you:
You left after a while
I stayed up in denial
That you could hurt me so strong.
But you could, and I was wrong.


For Cassandra's dog, Mabel

I hold your image in my mind;
Hoping it wont fade with time.
If ever I was tired or sad,
You'd pick me up and make me glad
If I was happy you were too.
Oh babe, I'll always love you!
Just this morning when I awoke
I found you frightend by thunder's stroke
We sat and held each other awhile
Baby, I loved it when you smiled
It made me feel needed, wanted;
Different from girls who only flaunt it
Right now I wish I could go back
To this morning when on the porch we sat
Love, I'm gonna miss you bad
Thinking of what we could've had
If only you hadn't been taken away
I wouldn't sit here crying today
I'll miss your laugh, miss your eyes
And though I know your soul now flies
Although I know your hurtings done
I stand here and cry because now your gone.



I'm hanging on by a thread.
That thread is you.
You're holding me here.
I'm hesitant to leave.
I don't want to hurt you.
But I need you to let me go.
Because I need to go.
Need to get away.
And if you care,
I'm going to stay.
I don't want to,
Not at all,
But I will stay for you.
You're the only thing keeping me
Do you know how worthless
This life, this place, is to me?
To anyone else?
I want you to forget me
To leave and not look back
I wouldn't want you to see this
So run, run away.


Simply Sorry
For J. Cody K.

This is hard for me to write
Because I know I made you cry
I caused the hurtyou feel inside
I made the pain behind your eyes.
I hurt you once, then did it again
By saying "Can we just be friends?"
I hope someday your heart will mend
That the pain I cased will someday end.


I Have Traveled

You ask me if I've traveled:
To this I must say yes.
And if, perchance, you ask how far,
Here's the answer, I did my best:
So far you'd never find me, yet never know I left.
You ask "Where did you go on this mysterious quest?"
I went to lands that never are seen, but always will exist.
"And in these strange lands; what did you see?"
I saw apple trees in blossom, and a sea of emerald green.
I saw elves run through a forest, and beings with bright wings.
"How did you get there? And could I get there too?"
I used imagination; I got there by my mind.
And yes, you could get there too,
If you'd only take the time.


Farewell To Childhood

I saw you yesterday,
Looked into yuor eyes,
And thought of the stuff
We used to do.
I could have gone over
And talked about the "old days",
But I've decided
To let the old days lay.
It's better to remember them
The way we always were,
Then to go back and relive them
Changing every word.
Those were happy times,
Good times,
And no, I'm not trying to forget.
I just like them to be memories;
Pulled out and often remembered,
But never lived again.
For time keeps marching
And so must I.


Dangerous Addictions For Chris W.

Dizziness, nightmare's alive, floor's the ceiling;
All these colors twirling, conjealing,
Makes my head hurt, makes my body numb--
Not numb enough: the pain inside is making me dumb.
A beast with a knife, a man with a gun:
Where are these nightmares coming from?!
Now that my mind is clear of the haze,
The creatures inside are out of the cage.
I cannot hide:
They stalk me down, cause pain inside.
The demon's knife twists sharp in my gut,
I crawl for the door, but the door slams shut.
The man with the gun, a shot to my side:
I'm far beyond tears, screaming more than I cried.
Waves of hot and cold, fire burns ice:
Ice can't freeze the furnace that eats at my mind.
Whimpering, begging for someone to join me,
Howling out hoarsely my loud but unheard plea.
Just bring me back, back to my sweet insanity;
Back to arms that would always cradle me!
For here, I am lost; alone, I am scared,
Distortion of the senses, I'm seeing things in pairs.
When will it end? Oh, give me a gun!
Without you, my one, there's no place I could run
Where they wouldn't find me.
And without you inside me,
Without you to guide me, and without you behind me,
I'll scream in this torture till I'm all broken up,
When you were forced to go, I should've spoken up.
Well, I'm speaking now, screaming so loud
I can't hear myself, like it's over a crowd.
Flames in my brain, knives in both sides:
Through my pain sodden mind, I wonder, Have I died,
And gone on to hell, where such demons reside?
Not alone as I though: these voices surround me,
I hear you, and turn, thinking you've found me.
I crawl toward your voice, seeking your face,
Then skreech like a hellion: a corpse in its place!
Sobbing now, I curl tight in a ball,
Shuddering, heaving, I feel myself fall.
Fall farther and faster than ever I've gone,
Far past the sweet realm of oblivion.
Last thought before I lose all control:
Taking you away, they took my soul.


Broken Apart
For Cassandra's best friend, her dog, Maple

I wish I could bring you back
I wish I could hold you again
I miss you so bad
But I know it’s not the end
Sometimes though, I wish it were
‘Cause life without you sucks
I miss you so badly love,
Sometimes I just can’t stand it
The very thought of someone else;
I really couldn’t bear it
You’re the only one I’ll love
The only one I ever did
My heart belongs you alone,
But now, you’re cold and dead
Mayhap a piece of my heart is also gone
Lying with you in the ground
Dead, and cold and lifeless
Just a fossil to be found
Later on by some adventurer
Picked up and wondered about
As to how it ever died
And maybe then they’ll find out
It’s the piece that’s broken apart.



The evening sun casts the trees upon the ground:
So old, and close to the earth, but yet, still
The beauty not of looks or biased thoughts,
But of the mystery of nauture, and the beauty thereof;
The beauty unadultered by careless glances, careless
The perfect picture of a time aged love:
Ever yet so beautiful, though age has worn it well.
The shadows hug the earth, the tree tops carress the
So even in the end of it all, true love will testify
Itself, in all it's spirituality, not bound by time,
or mortal mind,
To ever go on, whereas even Earth someday shall stop;
To burn as the sun, when death seems to darken all.
Yes, many times has it been said, and many times
you've heard it:
True love will brook no boundaries, not even those immortal.


Username (or number or email):


2006-07-04 [Ego Diligo Tu]: well now the pain is moving to my head anose its jsuta nasty viral infection (cold in lamens terms)

2006-07-04 [Your Favorite Stranger]: owwie. i personally take two or three ibuprofen and go to sleep.

2006-07-04 [Ego Diligo Tu]: Well I am taking cold medicine tylonel and gargiling salt water and eating popsicles and stuff like that

2006-07-07 [Your Favorite Stranger]: oo, popsicles and salt...yummie combo

2006-07-08 [Ego Diligo Tu]: Oh ya. Well now im just on Ibuprofen and nyquil yay

2006-07-08 [Your Favorite Stranger]: Ohh, now that combo I like

2006-07-09 [Ego Diligo Tu]: Yeah but then I sleep alot like..alot alot LOL

2006-07-12 [Your Favorite Stranger]: ...I do that anyway...*feels lazy*

2006-07-12 [Ego Diligo Tu]: LOL Well umm I dont I this helps rest me normaly i get 5 hours a asleep a week

2006-07-13 [Your Favorite Stranger]: *eyes pop out, and shrivels up* only 5 hours a sleep a week?

2006-07-14 [Ego Diligo Tu]: Yeah I dont sleep much its tiring

2006-07-18 [Your Favorite Stranger]: haha, maybe cause you don't get enough of it

2006-07-18 [Ego Diligo Tu]: I slept alot today about 12 hours just conked right out LOL

2006-07-19 [Your Favorite Stranger]: whoa...lucky monkey

2006-07-19 [Ego Diligo Tu]: Yeah and now today i got 3! yay lol

2006-07-20 [Your Favorite Stranger]: *shakes heaqd in horror* you make me sleepy just saying that

2006-07-20 [Ego Diligo Tu]: LOL dont worry I work fine on ZZzZzZz

2006-07-22 [Your Favorite Stranger]: *looks at you* i am sad for you

2006-07-22 [Ego Diligo Tu]: LOL I got a good 9 hours today but i was wasted...

2006-07-29 [Your Favorite Stranger]: ...i didn't get much this whole week...missions trip...but i was never tired, so dig that

2006-08-02 [Ego Diligo Tu]: i see

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