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This Girl Has Love (too real to ever be fake)

Member #115927 created: 2005-02-13 03:43:45Simple URL:   



Elftown titles and orders
Town DrunkStreet child


The Beatles
The Beach Boys
Todd Rundgren
Del Shannon
The Donnas
Kill Hannah
Shiny Toy Guns
The Sounds
Phantom Planet
Three Days Grace
The Ramones
David Bowie
The Cars
Pink Floyd
Modest Mouse
The Monkees
The Buzzcocks
Billy Talent
The Feeling
Better Than Ezra
The Clash
The Troggs
Coconut Records
The Killers
lacuna coil
five for Fighting
A Perfect Circle

 @'_'@  <---- Hehehe its a monkey!
hehheehehe  I need a cookie and a hug from Robert!! '-_-

If I was a profession I'd be: Pianist
-If I was a place I'd be: Coronado
-If I was an ocean or body of water I'd be: the black sea
-If I was a piece of candy I'd be: a green M&M peanut
-If I was a famous building or piece of architecture I'd be: Tokyo Tower
-If I was a store I'd be: Hot Topic
-If I was a brand of shoe I'd be: VANS or Converse
-If I was a swear word I'd be: Fuck
-If I was an ice cream flavor I'd be: Strawberry
-If I was a disease I'd be: The Bubonic Plague (The Black Death)
-If I was a board game I'd be: Monopoly
-If I was a feeling I'd be: Love
-If I was a president or some kind of military official I'd be: Screwed
-If I was a war I'd be: The Trojan War
-If I was a color I'd be: Black
-If I was a celebrity I'd be: Amy Lee
-If I was a movie I'd be: The Nightmare Before Christmas
-If I was a brand of toothpaste I'd be: Colgate
-If I were a month, I'd be: December
-If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Saturday
-If I were a time of day, I'd be: 3:00 A.M
-If I were a planet, I'd be: Jupiter
-If I were a sea animal, I'd be: a shrimp
-If I were a direction, I'd be: North
-If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: A Bed
-If I were a sin, I'd be: Murder
-If I were a liquid, I'd be: Blood, or alcohol
-If I were a tree, I'd be: A Redwood
-If I were a bird, I'd be: A Raven or Phoenix
-If I were a tool, I'd be: Blow Torch
-If I were a flower/plant, I'd be: White Oleander
-If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: A Thunderstorm
-If I were a musical instrument I'd be: A Piano or guitar
-If I were an animal, I'd be: A Unicorn!
-If I were a spider, I’d be: spiders are scariest damn thing on the planet, so i would never be a spider.
-If I were a vegetable, I'd be: A snow pea
-If I were a sound, I'd be: a sex scream. lol
-If I were an element, I'd be: Fire
-If I were a car, I'd be: A 1967 Shelby GT 500
-If I were a song, I'd be: If it were up to me by Rooney
If I were a book, I'd be: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
-If I were a food, I'd be: Pizza or spaghetti. Yay for Italians
-If I were a material, I'd be: Silk
-If I were a taste, I'd be: bitter
-If I were a word, I'd be: amazing
-If I were a body part, I'd be: The eyes
-If I were a facial expression I'd be: A smile
-If I were a shape, I'd be: A heart
-If I were a number, I'd be: 1213
-If I were a band, I'd be: Evanescence
-If I were a mythical creature, I'd be: A Dragon

-- Name: Destiny
-- Nickname: Rain, CareBear,
D-bo, Dess, Hammy
-- Birthdate: 09-18-1986
-- Birthplace: Dunwoody, Georgia
-- Current location: villa rica
-- Eye color: Green
-- Hair color: Black
-- Height: 5'9''
-- Righty or lefty: Lefty

-- Your heritage: Italian and Welsh
-- The shoes you wore today: converse
-- Your weakness: Robert
-- Your fears: SPIDERS!!!!!!
-- perfect pizza: Pepperoni
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: be a good person

-- Your most overused phrase: wtf?
-- Your thoughts first waking up: “ugghhhh.”
-- Your best physical feature: eyes
-- Your bedtime: Whenever I feel like sleeping
-- Most missed memory: before my friends weren't friends anymore

-- Soda: Mountain Dew
-- Fast food joint: McDonald’s
-- Single or group dates: single
-- Adidas or Nike: Neither. Vans or Chucks
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino

-- Smoke: No
-- swear: Yes
-- Sing: Yes
-- Take a shower every day: Yes
-- Have a crush: Robert
-- Do you think you've been in love: Yes
-- Want to go to college: Yes
-- Like high school: Yeah
-- Want to get married: Yes
-- Get motion sickness: sometimes
-- Think you’re attractive: I’m told I am
-- Think you're a health freak: No
-- Get along with your parents: My dad
-- Like thunderstorms: Yes, totally
-- Play an instrument: Yes, the piano and some guitar

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: Yes
-- Smoked: No
-- Done a drug: No
-- Had sex: no
-- Made out: yes
-- Gone on a date: Yes
-- Gone to the mall: Yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, eewww
-- Eaten sushi: No, eewww
-- Been on stage: yes
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: no
-- Gone skinny-dipping: No
-- Dyed your hair: no
-- Stolen anything: No!!

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: No
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes
-- Been caught doing something: no
-- Been called a tease: Yes
-- Gotten beaten up: No
-- Shoplifted: No!!
-- Changed who you were to fit in: No, never. You either like me or you don’t

-- Age you hope to be married: whenev
-- Numbers and names of children: 2 Boy - Ian or jeremy Girl - Amy
-- Describe your dream wedding: Small, outdoors, friends and family only
-- How do you want to die: loved.
-- Where do you want to go to college: Juilliard or Oxford
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Musician and a mom
-- What country would you most like to visit: France, Italy or Japan
-- Who is your guardian/most loved person: Van, my best friend

In a guy...
-- Best eye color: Brown
-- Best hair color: Brown or Black
-- Short or long hair: in between
-- Height: not too short.
-- Best weight: under 160
-- Best articles of clothing: ???
-- Best first date location: I don’t care
-- Best first kiss location: I don’t care

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 2
-- Number of CDs that I own: too many to count
-- Number of piercings: 7, all in ears
-- Number of tattoos: 0 yet
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 2 - I got struck by lightning when I was 9
-- Number of scars on my body: Too many to count.

1. Drop all your change on the ground near a vending machine and pick it up via crawling.

2. Ask for a price check at the Dollar Store- without the tax.

3. Follow a family and pretend you are the long lost child they gave up for adoption during the blizzard of 76. When they deny it, walk away.

4. Set up a DDR right in the middle of a walkway and REVOLUTIONIZE THE MALL WALKWAY!!! (You may need some extension cords for this, but that'll be the least of your problems)

5. Only use pennies to pay for things (or you can cheat and use dollar bills too)

6. Talk to inanimate objects.

7. Have a staring contest with a statue and wonder out loud why you keep losing.

8. Follow people and make loud footsteps. Tell them to stop it when they look at you-that's your cue to walk normal. Continue.

9. Obscure extremely important signs.

10. Make funny faces while trying to hold a conversation.

11. Poke fake food.

12. Hide in clothes racks and jump out at shoppers, but make sure there's room for you in there first. When this goes wrong, it hurts.

13. Talk in different languages to random people

14. Poke people.

15. Try the products.

16. If ever you find your hands too moisturized in the Bath and Body Works, comment on the soft robes they have. (This makes no sense to you, but it still makes for a good time.)

17. Draw on people's faces and send them to buy stuff or ask questions.

18. Beat up random things.

19. Sit on a bench and feed imaginary birds.

20. Play 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly' on the Carousel.

21. Make piles of stuff and then bury people in it.

22. Put your face real close to glass windows.

23. Bump into things (preferably glass windows).

24. If you do bump into a shiny glass window, ask people "What this new age contraption is”

25. Host Woodstock '05.

26. Dance your brains out at Woodstock '05.

27. Hide in the directories if they're leaning against each other in a triangle shape- sorta like ^, but bigger.

28. Make it your mission to cut as many people off as you can. Have a contest with your friends.

29. Say a certain word in every sentence, like 'macaroni'.

30. Stare at things. People will then stare at that thing. Then stare at the person.

31. Stare at someone, but when they look, look away. Slowly look back. Continue.

32. Speak Gibberish. Ask questions in gibberish.

33. Ask questions with obvious answers.

34. Sit on people and when they realize it say "Oops- Sorry! I didn’t see you there!"

35. Put on a fake mustache and act dastardly.

36. With a friend, pretend you're a foreign exchange student from some made up country. Who are they to know every single country in the world?

37. Host an art/stuff you found in the garbage auction.

38. Tell a store clerk that you lost your brother as a friend stands right next to you.

39. Run up to people and say "Here she is!"

40. Bring your imaginary friend.

41. Wear signs that say funny stuff (like pointless Trigun quotes)

42. Go into a picture booth. Take pictures, then hand them out to random people. Autographs optional.

43. Jazzercise in the elevator.

44. Act like the elevator operator in the elevator.

45. Start a conga line, and go into the elevator, which will hopefully cut off the end of the line, and tell the people in the elevator that you're "Glad they're gone".

46. Stick little notes on merchandise (like a ring that says 'The One' or you can try to put the whole inscription on it, but that's really hard to fit on a piece of paper)

47. Try to use words starting with the same letter as much as possible.

48. Have a fake fist fight with a friend.

49. Put random things on your head.

50. Salute people who walk by.

51. Go shopping for your attack hamster (see Safety Tips by Martha)

52. Pretend to be sick and cough/sneeze on people.

53. Stuff notes in pants pockets (like 'I'm your new pocket-gnome, Bill' or 'Lestat').

54. Tape things together.

55. ‘Accidentally’ fall down. Crutches come in handy for this one. So to digital cameras.

56. Buy dog collars for you and your friends. Better yet, get some ID tags to eliminate any confusion.

57. Pretend the glass elevator is a teleporter and scream, "BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY!"

58. Tape "Kick Me" signs on people.

59. Act out famous movie scenes.

60. Talk like a robot.

61. Consult your handy stuffed animal on which shade of blue eye shadow you should get.

62. Act like James Bond and roll around on the ground whenever you have to get somewhere.

63. Slap people with a glove and say, "I challenge you to a duel!"

64. Actually duel in the proper Harry Potter fashion, pencils and all.

65. Talk through a sock puppet.

66. Save some ketchup packets from McDonald's to snack on later--and tell the nice people staring at you that it's 'astronaut food'.

67. Teach some parrots at the pet shop some new vocabulary.

68. Build a porch/deck at sears--they have all the tools ya need.

69. Ask any appliance salespeople if they have a tv that speaks English.

70. While you're at sears in the tool section, ask a salesperson how well certain saw cuts through bone.

71. Rummage through a bin of jellybeans in a candy store-and claim you're looking for an expensive earring.

72. Answer any service phones that ring with the traditional 'Pizza Hut' (or if you're a spaz like me, Pizza the Hut)

73. Pretend to be a mannequin and stand very still in store windows. Scream occasionally.

74. Wave at the security cameras.

75. Make up songs about mispronounced words.

76. Sing 'Toxic' to bystanders and do all the choreography from the video. They won't mind at all.

77. Ride the Hate Doll around!

78. If you're at the national mall, fly little egg-shooting monkeys around, preferably aiming at bush. It would help to have a camera mounted on the monkey as well.


Age: 19Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 18

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 33°59.568'N 88°17.148'W

Town: City of Angels

Known languages

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elfwood writer: Yes

Favorite URL:

ICQ number: 1213

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
musicvideoweb design


Other interests

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: thin

Height: 172

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