Welcome to my house!
Photos Of Layla Chock full of photos of myself. Enjoy!
Layla's Art Gallery Chock full of my watercolor art. Enjoy!
Everyones favorite Vice Mayor, [
Sunrose] found my art worthy of her fabled
Sunny Featured Art
! I even got a badge! Yah!
My name is Layla and I am 18. I live in Washington in the good ol' U.S of A. Im proud to be American, so all the America haters can go straight to hell! To quote Mr. Garrison "You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!.
Anyway, a little about myself. I am love being outdoors doing anything and everything. Hiking, camping, swimming, snowboarding, snowmobiling, biking, dirt biking, quading, boating, mountain climing...er is that everything yet?
Besides all that, I love to paint. Painting is my greatest passion before the great outdoors. My speciality is watercolor. I love doing water color landscapes. I know landscapes aren't super popular on this site but I love them. I also do some pencil anime but I seriously suck at it. I'll post a few of them too just so you can see my suckiness.
Another thing I love is seeing other peoples art. Deviant Art is my favorite site lol. I love when people pour they're hearts into a piece and you can totally see what mood they were in when they painted it. (or drew it).
Lastly, the one that is going to get me strung up and hung, I love to play Dungeons and Dragons. I love it so much! I have a level 5, Half elf Rogue right now. I play online or with friends. Its so bloody addicting. I also RP online and play computer games like World of Warcraft and Everquest. There...now I will be known as nerd girl! NOOOO!