AO - 12 
Darkness soon fell and the travellers where forced to stop.
Ashlee scouted ahead led them of the path. She stopped by a flowing river. There was an alcove sheltered by rocks and trees. "Convienient," she said to herself as she steered Dragonwave off the track and waded through the river. As the cart pulled up behind her, she remembered she was not alone and sighed noisily. Dragonwave settled himself next to the cliffside as
Ashlee waded out towards the cart. "I thought we could stop for the night," she said, shaking off water. She gently picked up the sleeping
Faust and carried him to where Dragonwave was lying down. After checking his rapidly healing burn she started a fire and saw the mecernary looking skeptical.
He stirred in his sleep to look upo into the face of
"Ahhh... You're awake. Please tell me, why are you being attacked?"
Faust thought for a second. "Have you heard of the
Sacred Seals?"
Andreas walked up behind
Ashlee, "we are being chased because the seals have become active once more," he remove the peice from around his neck and handed it to her, "Abyssion's gate is sealed by the Alpha Omega key, the nine seal pieces need to be collected to reseal the opening gateway."
Ashlee nodded, understanding perfectly. "I heard whispers in the winds, rivers and trees of such happenings, but they were never part of my concern. Besides, the creatures of Nature love to gossip, and I don't usually believe there ramblings." She stared into the fire for a while before turning back to
Faust and checking his wound.
"It's healing nicely now but you'll have a permanent scar. Something you can impress the girls with." Ash's smile was wicked and there was a cheeky glint in her green eyes.
Faust looked down at his torn monks robes. "Do you have anythign I could wear?"
Faust reached up to his shaved head. Usualy the monks kept their heads clean shaven but he decided to leave it.
"Sorry but I don't think that my stuff would fit a human," said
Ashlee frowned. "I don't have anything but..." She paused and pulled some leather jodphurs and a fleece lined jerkin out of the saddle pack. They were plain black and worn in places. There were also several rips and patches to indicate where she'd been hit by arrows or sliced by knives. "They'll be a bit big, but it's certainly better that what you've got now." She tossed them at
He went rounfd the back of a bush to change.
He called out to the others. "
Tierra, rember that arrow you fired that hit something other than a necromonk, i've found it."
Ashlee didn't hear that last comment as she curled up next to Dragonwave to sleep. She soon began to mutter at non-existent foes.
They gather around to look at the thing
Faust as found.
Nervote looked curious.
"What has he found
Andreas did not get up from the fire.
Tierra looked up from a water arrow she was fiddling with. "Oh!
Faust, it's pretty much a useless arrow now but give it here and I might fix it up again.." She slid the arrow into her quiver. "Unless it's still burning then you can put it out." She sighed. "What did it hit?" Thinking it was a squirrel or something. SHe got up and looked at it. "An eagle!" She snatched it away to tend to it. "
Ashlee can't you help it?" It was still breathing and had a heart beat.

• AO - Chapter 3 • <<--- AO - 11 :: AO - 13 --->>.: Alpha - Omega :.