AO - 11 
Something whistled past
Ashlee's ear, singeing her hair. The ball of flame fell to the floor and extinguished. The stench of death soon followed as Ash sensed at least half a dozen necromonks in the shadow of the forest. Dragonwave reared in surprise as Ash wheeled him around. "Get down!" she yelled while nocking an arrow into her bow, the reins flapping on Dragonwave's neck.
Jeffery actually does manage to find his cross bow in a reasonable amount of time this time, but he looks up and down the road instead of to the forest.
Andreas took out the cwellen and loaded the enchanted disk, "Enbarta!" He called as he launched the disk, watching as the ice magic he had shouted froze both the disk and the air as it moved.
Tierra scrabled for a fire arrow. She nocked it and searched the forest for movement. Something flickered and she loosed. The arrow burst into flames as it left the bow. It hit something but it didn't sound like a necromonk.
Nervote fired three arrows from his bow all of them hit the necromonks.
Faust moved to find cover behind the cart. Slowly he creeped round trying to keep his eyes on the battle. He pulled a dagger from his belt while feeling his way round the cart. His hand touched something soft and decaying. He turned round to look into the rotting eyes of a necromonk. He gave scream as it pushed a fire ball against his chest. He lashed out with the knife, cuttin the necromonks face. The creature didn't seem to notice. It continued burning into his chest.
Ashlee galloped up to the cart, steering Dragonwave with her knees. With an ear-splitting battle cry she killed the last necromonk by shooting it in the back. It collapsed onto the ground next to
Faust. Ash slid off Dragonwave's back and hurried to
Faust, who was gripping his burnt chest. She didn't bother to ask if he was okay but simply pushed him to the ground and began to pull his clothing away from the wound.
Faust gasped in pain as the burnt fabric was ripped off.
Ashlee examined the burn closely, then looked up at the others.
"It shouldn't be life threatening. Someone get the packs off Dragonwave." Dragonwave snorted. "No fighting, boy," she said to him. "There's herbs in there to relieve the pain. Elven healing magic, although quick and efficent, damn well hurts. I know, I've used it often enough on myself without the luxury of unconciousness
." The others looked at her blankly. "Quickly!" she snapped.
Faust moaned and then screamed as a Necromonk loomed above them.
Without even turning Ashlee stabbed it through the chest. It landed with a thud beside them.
"I don't think anyone realises," said Ashlee as she pulled up healing magic from inside her, "how much I hate those beasts." Golden runes licked her fingertips. "Hasn't anyone got the packs yet? Or do you want this boy to yell so all the beasts in the vicinity come running?" Faust whimpered again, his face pale. Ashlee tried to reassure him. "It's okay. Everything is going to be fine. Ye gods, you're just a child. How do you attract trouble?" In a rare show of affection she gripped his hand. "Someone needs to explain what you are doing together."
Jeffery hands her the packs she asked for.
Ashlee worksed her elven magic. As soon as she thinks Faust to be ready they get on the cart and head off, knowing danger never to be far behind.

• AO - Chapter 3 • <<--- AO - 10 :: AO - 12 --->>.: Alpha - Omega :.