AO - 10 
"No!" said
Ashlee, jumping forward. "No. She may have been a servant of our enemy, but the dead must be respected and given their Rites of Passage. The last thing you need on your tails is a returned spirit from the Plains of Death." Dragonwave snorted in agreement, remembering previous encouters they had had with the Lving Dead.
Andreas sneered, "What then do you think is chasing us already? The necromonks are lead by the demicron, three powerful demi-liches. It is said that the demon nerazule is reborn in the most powerful of the liches, if you fear the spirit of this dead feline, then you know not what we face!"
Faust, "Come on, let's just go. I don't like this place."
Ashlee raised her eyebrows in query, then decided not to ask. "Well, I hope I get to see you soon. If not, enjoy your trip." She started to swing into Dragonwave's saddle.
"Have fun with the monk waiting in the forest, it has been watching us for some time now."
Andreas turned and walked to the cart, "It might be best if they find and kill her before I end up doing it, she is becoming annoying."
Ashlee gasped in annoyance. "I am perfectly capable at looking after myself! Why must every person think that because I'm a female elf that it's all dresses and tiaras and jewellery?" With an exasperated yell, she cantered into the forest to confront the necromonks.
Andreas muttered, "My trainer was a female elf, but she was a bareable person."
Ashlee came galloping out of the forest and knocked
Andreas to the floor. "When you practice what you preach,
then I'll be apologetic," she snarled.
"So are we going?" asked
Jeffery ajusting his grip on the rains.
"As long as Lord I'm-An-Amazing
-Mecernary says so," snapped Ash again, steering Dragonwave around the cart.
Andreas simply dusted himself off as he got up, "It would be the driver's choice whether we leave or not."
Ashlee said something obscene in Elvish that made Nervote wince. She cantered ahead of the cart and scouted ahead for any threats; this would usually be very boring for her, but she wanted any excuse to get away from people.
Nervote looked disgusted at Ashlee's words and spoke back to her so everyone could here, "Just run away Ash, just like you always do ..."
Ashlee stopped and turned on the spot. "Like I always do, huh? WHo are you to say, you don't know me and I don't know you!" She turned away on Dragonwave, hoping that she was far enough away so they wouldn't see the angry tears.
Nervote sighed and try to wipe his sister from his mind like he had so many times before.
Jeffery stears the cart after Ashlee.
After quickly pushing Mirany's body into a ditch, Tierra runs after the cart and jumps in.
Ashlee heard the cart rattling behind her and scowled. Dragonwave whickered nervously at his mistress' sudden bad temper. Somehow that other elf seemed familiar... and she knew his name. Nervote. She didn;t know why, and she didn't know how he knew her. She stayed in front of the group at a steady trot, pondering the possible explanations, although none came to mind. She wondered why she was going with them. Guilt? Possibly. She did kill a companion after all, even if the CatGirl was a Morna agent. Ashlee didn't even know what they were doing together; they were a strange group.

• AO - Chapter 2 • <<--- AO - 9 :: AO - 11 --->>.: Alpha - Omega :.