AO - 18 
The root tree drew it's roots up and walked jerkily into the arena.
Ashlee eldritch voice echoed over the arena. "We do not bagain. We do not deal. We will spread silently over the world. No one will know till it is to late. You will be first to go."
The company drew in closer as the trees began to tighten around them.
Suddently a group of trees seperate from the main group burst into flame. The fire burned at an unnatural rate and with in a secounds the unfortanate trees, seperated from the root holds of the ground that had kept them standing so long, lay on the ground instead.
"I think you might want to take up bargaining again enless more of you want to share the same fate." Said
Jeffery calmly from behind them holding a device the likes of which this world had seldom seen.
"No," hissed the forest. "This cannot be!"
Tierra soon realised her terrible attempt at elven magic had not worked but she didn't try to get up. She sat watching the trees burn with an odd grin on her face. Then she burst out with laughter. "Of course it can! But we have one problem, rescuing
Ashlee from the trees as they burn." She wiped her eyes and fell back to the ground laughing. "What have I gone and got myself into? Walking and talking trees?!"
"Don't burn them, you'll kill both me and
Ashlee," shouted
Faust from his cage, "Try and appeal to
Ashlee better side. She's as much in control as the trees are."
"Here's my deal, you give us back our compainions and let us pass and we can forget this ever happened or, well, let's say I think they'd be better of dead then with you in their heads so I might as well burn you all to the ground." Spoke
Tierra listened to
Faust and understood it in her own way. She shouted to the others. "
Ashlee likes animals tell her she's going to kill them all or something. Or try to make her remember you!"
Tierra struggled to sit up but finally made it, she still had a cheshire cat grin on her face for some reason.
The tree
Ashlee was in stpeed forward and rose it's roots high above the waiting acompliment. "The animals shall be free. The people shall die."
"Wait," shouted
Nervote, "What about the people you love, and who love you?"
"I have no love, no one knows me."
"I know you. Your my sister."
Ash's frown creased. "I... I have no family... I think..."
Nervote clenched his fist. "Yes, yes you do! Everyone has one! You have to remember!"
Ashlee cried out in confusion. "I... I can't!"
"Remember." Replied
Nervote emotionally. "Come back to the light side, don't let the trees grow the gramful vines in your mind!"
Images flashed in
Ashlee mind. Her thoughts tangled with the trees spread out over the forest. Spread hin she could see through the forgoten memories. "I remember..."
She feel forwards down out of the tree. The forest around them was silent.
Nervote rushed towards her, turning her so she no longer faced the mud. "Ash?"
She smiled at him weakly, "The way is open." she raised a hand to point at a path through the woods. She frowned up at
Nervote and pointed accusingly at him. "I know you..." Her voice trailed off as she fell limp in the mud.
"Come on, lets get her on the cart." They did and where soon movieng swiftly through the forest.

<<--- AO - 17 :: AO - 19 --->>.: Alpha - Omega :.