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Let me just say, I am more than willing to forgive and put what "wrongfully" transpired here 'against me' behind me, but first there must be accountability and my reputation restored, from one person here in particular and then with others (whom I hold mostly blameless due to the evidence I've collected more recently) that got pulled into the mess for one reason or another. Considering I'm the one that was so grossly ostracised here, my willingness to "wipe the slate clean" in exchange for really so little in return, is an offer that only a complete idiot, a total moron, would refuse, because the alternative is, my bringing out EVERYthing I have saved, documented, correlated, etc., which will then speak in volumes, THE TRUTH! My suggestion: The person that placed the heart in my badge slot the day after Valentine's Day, but managed to so cleverly get another person to think they did it instead, and then also was the one that removed it when the person enacted my banning FOR DOING NOTHING WRONG, would be an excellent place to start. If there are any retaliatory actions taken as a result of people speaking the truth, telling what they know? Well then, this would be an even more valid, compelling indication of absolution of the cover-up, masterfully carried out and orchestrated by ONE person. Have I offered to this ONE person exoneration, with forgiveness and understanding? Yes, yes, and yes... MANY times! I hate dissension, but I also hate it when I am falsely accused by a person that has chosen to use me as a scapegoat and all to protect the secret activity they've been concealing from those they've suckered in. However, I also believe that EVERYONE deserves the chance to make amends and to be able to learn from their mistakes, because we ALL do make mistakes. I too, have made many, many! As can be seen, I was an upstanding, devoted member of this site in MANY ways. I LOVED what I did here and I truly BELIEVED not only in this site, its intended mission, and the many wonderful people here, but I also believed in the one that built this site. So for me to be ostracised as I have been here is horrific. If there's anyone here whom is thinking otherwise, I would have to say then, that you do NOT know the WHOLE TRUTH. It is always best to reserve judgment, if ALL the facts are not in. My troubles began here way back in 2007, when a certain individual decided to take some sort of particular interest in me that I wasn't aware of at first. For whatever reason I became a subject of interest, but I will likely not ever know why. However, when I began to become suspicious about some weird and strange activity and occurrences, I began to ask questions, naturally, as most others would have done as well. The person I suspected being behind these strange happenings, I addressed, but the suspect just chose to play more "behind the scenes" and would not answer any of my questions. So still seeking answers, I went to others I thought I could trust to try and get to the bottom of things I was being subjected to. As it turned out, it wasn't the people I went to I couldn't trust, but the person they went to and whom also is the suspect; the "whom" I could not trust, should not have trusted, nor should have anyone else. So, the ones I went to for help, went to the very person I was suspecting, which suspect is all I could do at that time, with the information I had at the time and so, the suspect was presented with the perfect opportunity to set me up as a scapegoat and took every advantage of this possible. Naturally, I wasn't aware that this is what was happening, until much, much later. Instead of seeing the suspect as the culprit, I began to think the people I was trusting were going against me, which is exactly what the person I suspected planned on. The suspect managed to get not only I to play right into his hands, but all the rest as well, that were going to him. Add to this information the fact that I didn't really WANT to suspect the suspect, just placed me on an emotional roller coaster that literally spun out of control. No matter how much I wanted to stop it, I couldn't, and so ultimately, I wound up adding to my own dilemma. ...And my suspect KNEW through it all the emotional hell I was going through using their "I spy tactics" and I'm with good reason supposing, they're thinking how clever they are for playing me against the others and vice versa and meanwhile, their nose has been left completely clean and without anyone even looking in their direction. Publicly brag- ging about getting blamed for only ten per cent of their didoes is a callous admission of guilt, but also exhibits the suspect believes they are infallible. But.. "Self-perceive mine and so true, because this is how many criminals wind up doing themselves in.) There was one individual whom was beginning to tell me some truth about my suspect and not willing to risk being revealed, my suspect put into play a plan to instigate my thinking to become suspicious of this individual, which then culminated and just as my suspect was hoping for, into an ultimate rift between the individual and myself. This clever maneuver to alienate me from this individual was a major part of my suspect's plan to put into motion the intention of isolating me from all those that could possibly be of any help and/or support to me, because the suspect knew that by placing a wedge between this individual and myself, many others would automatically take the side against me, too. So you see folks, I am not the only one that has been affected, nor used as a means to an end. The suspect has much to atone for and to many. Furthermore, I highly doubt that I am the only one that's a "subject of interest" and with something such as this that has been and is still being done to me, is usually something that's done on a broader scale than just a single episode. It is immoral, unjust, unethical, etc. and if I don't stand up against it, then who will? ..Or is everyone simply content to allow such to continue and therefore quite possibly, subjecting others to the same as well? Is this fair or right? Suppose any of you reading this wind up in my shoes and I hope for all your sakes not. What will your take on this whole matter be then? This is not about getting even or even close. It's about initiating awareness of the issue and not only for or because of yours truly, but for anyone else that may find themselves in the very same boat, but more so, so it won't continue to erode this site and to eradicate the underlying negative current it is causing and has caused to run rampant here. If it is left unchecked, then I do believe this site is doomed, which is the last thing I want to happen to Elftown, for I still love this place. Before anything can be fixed, the components need to work properly and with a minimal amount of friction and the components here are the people, ALL the people and there's no one here that wants to see this made a reality more than I do. No one.. and yes, even now. Phoenix rose from the ashes and so can Elftown! One way or another the year, this year of 2011, IS going to be the "Year Of Truth"! Shall it be "tell" OR "show and tell"? If it boils down to "show" and tell, Pandora's Box will then be opened and we all know that once opened, what's inside cannot be re-stuffed back into it and then re-closed. I would much prefer to keep the lid ON Pandora's Box and see things get worked out amicably, positively, between the person that has been playing "I spy" with me, those that were pulled in ultimately because of it, and myself, and all so we can work "together" to make Elftown a site of sites, and thee site to be on, thee 'in' place to be. I believe this and all that has stemmed from it, can be risen above, and that once accomplished can make us all better and stronger individuals, including and perhaps especially myself; including the person that has been playing "I spy". I am certainly willing to go the route that would cause anyone involved the least amount of personal damage, for what's been done, is done and it can't be undone, but it can be mended. I am tired of being seen or assumed to be something I am not, treated like I am the one that has been the cause of all that has transpired, while the person whom is the one at the root responsible, goes undetected or unsuspected. The suspect I have referred to, must in some way, retract how they have gotten others to believe about me for this mess to even begin to get fixed. Just an apology would be a good start! I don't hate this individual nor do I hate anyone and I still believe the person in question started their "I spy" for reasons other than for deviousness, but then became bigger than expected and when I became suspicious and began asking questions, my suspect chose the route they felt would protect themselves from their activity being discovered. Everything must come to an end sooner or later; every lie must be accounted for sooner or later; and every injustice gets unveiled as well. If my ONLY recourse becomes to "show" and tell what I have saved, timelined, documented, correlated, etc., to put an end to my literal "character assassination" it will NEVER have to come to this. However, I cannot, will not, just turn the other cheek, when my reputation has been filleted, especially by and because of another's secret activity they do not want discovered and that I neither instigated nor initiated nor has it ever been warranted by anything I did or didn't do. I will not drop this without it being rectified, because when my reputation gets subjected to all the negativity it has by such as the one aforementioned and since my creativity is right at the core of my being, I do take offense and I will stop at nothing to protect and defend it, for we all are our own protectors. If we don't defend our reputation, our integrity, then whom else should we expect to do this for us? I will try the least frictional route, which I have countless times, for which I was either ignored, insulted, ridiculed, lied to, patronised, chastised, etc., and then I'll keep progressing to the level that will enable me to achieve retribution to my satisfaction, which is not all that complicated or difficult to obtain. I am and will be willing to accept blame that is mine, but I'll be damned before I'll accept the blame belonging to someone else or be the willing recipient of someone else's projections. If however, I reach the level of my last resort, I am blameless for whatever repercussions, because by this time I have already given the one I'm defending my reputation against MORE than ample opportunity to make amends, and very likely, a heck of a lot more than most would even consider and especially, MORE than the suspect in question would even BEGIN to consider. Complacency has no place when a person is or persons are being wronged, used to wrong another or others, and then are being kept silent or discredited should anyone of either, dare to speak out against the injustice. This is how so many that do acts against or behave less than appropriately towards others, get away with whatever, because few WILL actually speak up against the wrongdoing. In essence by maintaining silence while knowing better, the silent party is then in a way condoning such wrongful behaviour and/or activity. At some point my patience will have reached the end of its rope. Then.. Ka_boom! Pandora's_Box will have then been opened and anyone expecting any sympathy from its repercussions, will be reminded, because I have given MORE than fair warning.. have shown already more patience than anyone else would EVER even consider having in my situation. |
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