The storms mighty fury beat upon the landscape, sending crashing waves to collide with the sand and rock with deafening force. Rain pelted the shore and cliffs, however, curiously enough there was a space of calm amidst this. A creature, standing gracefully on the tip of the highest crag stood quiet in the blasting of elements. She was drenched, but didn't care, the water dripping red from her, revealing her true colors however muted by the darkness. Eyes closed, Windige listened to nature's wrath.
Then there was a sound she did not expect.
A crack of lightning rent the sky, but it was the thud of some thing else. Her emerald eyes opened slightly, her lashes keeping the rain from them as she searched the coast for whatever it was.
The waves were fierce and the storm fiercer, as a lone figure clung desperately to the collection of splintered wood that kept him afloat, how long had he been adrift? Three weeks? Perhaps more? He was weak from hunger and he was at the mercy of the storm’s fury, all he could do was pray that fate would allow him to survive this test, he silently vowed that if he did make it through then he would truly treasure his loved ones, more (but he would still make fun of Ruben’s height from time to time, old habits die hard after all) he squinted his one good eye and spotted a large wave that was headed straight for him, he double checked his promise and hoped he was strong enough to survive this new ‘wrinkle’ in his journey.
How many lives do I have left anyway? He asked himself just as the wave came over him and he was knocked out by the force.
Water trickled down her lithe coils in rivilets as the wind forced it from her, spinning over the waves as she searched for that flash of color amid the chaos. There! Her ears flicked back as she pushed her body straight and dove into the water, going deep. The thick tail did most of the work as she swam further then spotted the being for the third time. Not human... that meant worth saving. Snatching him around his waist and shoulders, Windige powered her way to the surface, lifting him to the precious air he needed. Her body shielded him from more waves until they seperated, the Himmel taking her new cargo delicatly into the air. Her instincts warned her not to take the humanoid to her home, however, she ignored them. Sometimes it was better to do things for the sake of preserving life. Besides-- Windige looked down at the drenched man-- he posed no threat.
Arriving at her cave, the Himmel set him down gently in the back upon crushed leaves and herbs, then settled herself down at the entrance to continue watching the storm.
As the dawn came and the storm passed, the stranger slowly rose from his forced sleep, still weak from fatigue but still strong enough to support his own weight he got to his feet and looked around, he appeared to be in a cave, and there were signs that he wasn’t the only occupant, and from what he could tell, the occupant was probably larger than he was, he tried to take a step forward and pain shot up his side.
Great! he thought to himself as he checked the long cut underneath his jet black fur
that blasted wound still refuses to heal he looked around and noticed something didn’t feel right, he checked his sword and saw that it was missing “Must have been swept off me when I went under,” he said silently to himself, he didn’t like it, he may be skilled in unarmed combat but he REALLY liked that sword and hated being without it, his ears twitched as the moved back and forth listening intently for any sounds of his unexpected rescuer, his tail slowly swishing across the ground as he made his way to the mouth of the cave only to receive another shock, the mouth of the cave was set into the side of a cliff wall “By my blade!” he said in awe as he took in the beautiful natural sight before him.
"You're awake," Came the simple greeting from behind him. The voice was quite feminine, but fairly quiet as the sound of a yawn echoed right after. Only the head of Windige could be seen from the shelf within the same cave, a good twenty feet above him, light reflecting from her pupils as she peered down at him curiously.
The stranger re entered the cave and slowly approached her “Alive, but not exactly ‘kicking’ just yet,” he said with a friendly smile, he knew that many saw this smile as scary when combined with his crimson red eye, but he wanted to seem friendly to his hostess to let her know it had not been a mistake to let him in her home “I take it I have you to thank for my continued survival?” he asked as he tried his best to bow in respect.
There was a brief sound of something quite large adjusting its position before she answered, "I plucked you from the water, not sure what you are, but you don't seem to be able to breath under water, so I thought it best to retrieve you." She lifted her lip revealing ivory teeth and fangs, her version of a smile, "Are you hungry?"
“Indeed I am” the stranger replied “-but I should introduce myself first,” he smiled again and bowed slightly. “My name is Klannu Cix, but most know me as Deadeye of the Crossed Swords.” He lifted his left arm to reveal a gold bracer with a mark of two red swords crossing each other to form an ‘X’ then he lowered his arm. “And as to what I am, I am a panther, plain and simple, by the way you didn’t see a sword anywhere around where you found, did you?”
"No sword that I could see. You were quite far beneath the water before I got to you." Windige was slightly uncomfortable with talking so much, but replied again, "My name cannot be pronounced by your tongue, but you may call me Windige." Slipping down off the shelf, the Himmel brought down her chest first before bringing the rest of her body down, dwarfing Deadeye from her massive height and length. Not dawdling, Windige gripped the rock and climbed out, not giving him the chance to really get a good look at her.
Deadeye felt a little crest fallen at Windige’s information about his sword, it had been crafted especially for him by a master swordsmith in gratitude for saving his village from bandits, the blade had been tempered with ancient magic so the blade would never bend or break and the edges would never go dull, it had been one of his most prized possessions for many years next to a pendant ocarina that his little sister had made for him, he quickly checked the knot of his red sash that he wore like a belt, sure enough the Ocarina was still tied to the knot, he smiled, “at least I didn’t lose you too” he said softly to the ocarina he moved to the entrance of the cave again and looked at the long beach near the shore “If I’m lucky” he said to himself, “-that storm will have washed it up on the beach.” he knew it was a long shot, but when you thought about it he excelled at beating the odds.
"I don't know what you eat," She called out, dropping her torso down with a great white shark in her clutches. It was quite dead, with obvious signs that Windige had already eaten her full, that the tail and most of its body was completely gone. "The stomach has a chunk of seal within, that you might be interested." Windige's eyes connected with his, taking in his features with an experienced gaze.
Deadeye smiled “Thank you” he said kindly as he knelt down beside the carcass as ripped off a piece of it’s flesh and proceeded to eat his fill, it had been a while since he had eaten so he didn’t mind eating it raw, even the Seal flesh was quite good, all the while he continued to feel minor pains from his wound but he hid it well.
Windige frowned as she watched him. After a while she asked quietly, "Aren't you surprised to see something like me? Most people run away screaming, or are shocked into silence when I speak." She had never seen his kind before, but she knew, her kind was even more rare. Not many knew what she was, nor what she was capable of.
Deadeye leaned against the cave wall and chuckled. “My dear lady,” he said with a friendly air, “I’ve seen and done many things in my travels, and encountered many a fantastic creature, I’ve fought alongside a Leviathan, battled a power mad Griffon and his village of Lion warriors, I have even served under a dragon alongside a necromancer.” He took another piece of shark meat “-there isn’t much that surprises me any more.” he smiled again “and as to what you are, I assumed you would tell me when you were good and ready, and not a moment sooner,” he took a bite of the meat and swallowed, “I’m inclined to wait, even if you chose to never tell me, I’d respect that, we all have our secrets, things we want to keep to ourselves.”
She nodded slowly in reply, "I would warn you to guard your feelings, if you have secrets, such as keeping that pain a secret, it won't work." Windige dropped the rest of her body within, laying herself along the wall of the opposite that Deadeye was against and leaving her tail out to sun. "I am an Empath, so your feelings are emanating from you and I can feel them." Her ear quirked to the side, "Sorry, but it is the way my species is."
Deadeye smirked “Empaths cam sense emotions and feelings, thoughts and memories however....” he shrugged slightly “-those are another matter altogether.” He wondered if she could sense his ‘other self’ the fierce berserker personality that hides in his mind, he knew how to release it when he needed it but sometimes it was difficult to control, especially when his anger was already boiling over before he released it.
"I guess, my species are lesser Empaths... Mostly emotions only," Windige commented, swinging her tail slightly outside for a moment. Turning her head, she inspected her claws for a while... then, "My species are called Himmels. This used to be our land, our home." Her eyes shut slightly as she recalled the past, then looked back at him sharply, "Thanks to hunters, humans, and the Lavabeests..." She swallowed, "Lets just say I have never seen another of my kind my whole life."
Suddenly growling, "You're not a hunter, are you?" Her claws dug into the rock with a very audible crunch.
Deadeye looked at her with a calm expression “I’m no hunter, I assure you.” he showed no signs of fear or aggression “I’m mainly a man of the sea, and an adventurer, in all honesty I’ve never even heard of... ‘Himmel’ I think the word was.”
She shifted her weight, stretching out her backlegs before settling down again, "You will find that you are not welcome here, Deadeye. Humans live in these lands, not much else. " Windige shook her mane, the zig-zag shape of black on her neck flickering at the movement. "You are unarmed. It would be a lot safer for you if we found that sword of yours."
Deadeye nodded “I’m inclined to agree.” he said calmly as he got to his feet, the more he saw of Windige, the more he was secretly in awe of just how beautiful she was. He tried to hide this deep in his mind hoping she wouldn’t pick up on it as he considered ways of locating his sword.
"Well," Windige yawned and stretched again before standing, "I have a... friend that can help." Stepping into the air, she hovered till she was level with the cave above the main one, coming back a minute later with a saddle on her back. "This was crafted for me by the one that taught me to speak. I kept it as a memento after he died." Setting her chest on the ground, "There are straps to hold onto for your safety." The Himmel's long neck arched as she waited for him, licking the fur of her left arm patiently, ignoring a spike in his emotions.
He was most likely just missing his sword, Windige thought.
Deadeye eased himself onto Windige’s saddle “This is definitely different from how Fiona carries people...” he said quietly to himself as he adjusted himself on the saddle, remembering one of his other little adventures with his crew-mates back on his ship, which made him wonder how they were faring without him right now, he shook his head slightly to set aside that thought for now as he focused on the here and now rather than on things he couldn’t do anything about, he looked down at the Himmel and nodded, “Ready when you are? let’s go see this friend of yours.”
It was obvious that Himmel's were not made to be ridden about on the ground, but rather in the air by the way she walked to the edge. However Windige was careful not to push back her neck, in the fear that she could easily crush him. "This might be a slight shock to you, and I would recommend you do not scream. Hunters might hear you." She commented back to him, easing her torso out and slowly stepping into the air, then bringing out her back legs.
Has it been so long...? Windige gritted her teeth to keep back the memories and began a slow swimming motion that brought her and her rider gracefully downwards. Landing on the beach softly, she trotted along the beach, her movements not dissimiliar to a weasel, or ferret.
If Deadeye was not on her back, her gait would be more of a leaping one, compared to a deer or a gazelle avoiding a predator. In this case however... the Himmel was the top of the food chain. They reached a part of the beach that was sandy, only a few rocks stood out from the crystalline white of the shore. "If you would kindly dismount and take my saddle to hide behind a crag?"
Deadeye slid off of Windige’s back and proceeded to remove her saddle from her as well, it took less time than he thought as it was design to be simple to strap on and remove, yet remain secure on the Himmel’s back, Deadeye was impressed, whoever created her saddle certainly knew what they were doing. Once had removed Windige’s saddle he carried it over to a nearby rocky outcropping and proceeded to hide it using nearby rocks and seaweed for camouflage, he did his best make it seem like it was just a part of the beach, and it was very convincing. Deadeye stood up and back away carefully smiling, “That should do until we get back.” he looked at Windige, “What do you think?”
"Well..." Her ear twitched before she answered, "I just wanted it- and you- to be hidden for a moment. I am going to contact a fellow elemental, but he is a bit shy of anyone else." With that said, Windige turned her back on him and faced the sea. The black flagged marking on her neck shimmered and as it reached the peak of silver she lowered her head and touched the water with her nose. A giant ripple burst from that contact, fading out into the water.
Deadeye understood her hint and moved to a small space behind the outcropping, he stooped down to make himself less visible, he remained silent as he watched making sure that he wouldn’t be seen or heard unless Windige wanted him to.
A few minutes passed with the Himmel waiting patiently at the waters edge when the sun finally glinted off something in the water. A giant Orca whale leapt into the air, diving back down gracefully and approaching her. Windige in reply stepped out into the water, letting its soothing touch carress the fur of her legs. The Orca it turned out had a humanoid torso, a taur of some sorts, and he opened his arms and held her head against his chest. A few words were spoken, then he left.
"Besides the sword, is there anything else you would like him to find?" She called back to Deadeye.
“I only had my sword and my Ocarina when I was caught in that storm.” Deadeye called back trying to remember what he had on him when that wave sent him under. His sword and his ocarina were all there was and his ocarina was still securely fastened to his sash. “My ocarina is right here so all I’m missing is my sword.”
Windige did not reply, but instead just waited. It wasn't long before her friend came back with a few swords in tow, which instead of the creature holding up but the water was lifting to show her each one. Observant, Windige picked the only one that was free of any sea evidence and gratefully thanked her friend. He left and Windige floated back to Deadeye. "Here."
Deadeye emerged from his hiding place and graciously accepted his sword, it surprised him that it was still in it’s scabbard, he drew the blade and examined it as the blade gleamed in the sunlight. The edge was as flawless as ever he smiled “no surprise” he said with a light air “this blade has survived a great deal, a little water would be nothing at all” he returned the blade to it’s scabbard and he fastened it into it’s usual place on his back “you have my gratitude my lady” he said as he bowed to Windige “and Deadeye of the Crossed Swords always repays his debts” he straightened up and smiled at her once more.
"Debts mean nothing to one such as I, humanoid." The Himmel responded, a slight tone to her voice. That was when her hackles raised and she crouched down slightly, her head scanning the cliff side. They were in the open here. She growled deep and low, almost not audible as she whispered, "Some thing is not right here." Her neck snapped up as her tail went stiff and an object clattered against a hidden shield that was around them, "Quickly, the saddle!" Windige hissed, "They aren't within range of the more dangerous arrows yet, hurry!"
Deadeye didn’t quite understand what she meant but the urgency of her tone was clear, he quickly took the Saddle out of it’s hiding place and proceeded to harness it to Windige’s back, as soon as he was done he climbed onto her back in hopes that they weren’t too late to avoid the danger she sensed was approaching.
Deadeye looked back as they flew away, he saw some of the humans reach the shoreline
they look kind of like hairless monkeys he thought to himself, he had never seen humans before and they didn’t seem like the friendly sort, he noticed one of the humans kneel down and fish something out of the sand, he narrowed his eye to get a better look, it was a small diamond shaped dagger with a short metal grip bound with leather and a metal ring at the end of the handle
my Kunai knife? he was surprised, he had forgotten that he always carried that knife with him
I need to get that back, Fiona would never forgive me if I didn’t at least try to get it back he looked at Windige “my apologies my lady” he said politely “but it would seem I have other business down there, I certainly hope our paths cross again” he shoved himself off of her back and dove into the forest below, disappearing into the trees.
The human who had found Deadeye's knife was walking through the forest with two of his comrades, they were examining the dagger with interest, they didn’t even notice Deadeye follow them from the trees above, the human looked at his friends and held up the dagger “this is the strangest weapon I’ve ever seen, what do you suppose it is?” his friends shrugged their shoulders, then they heard a voice from above them “I’ll tell you what it is” it growled, all three looked up and saw a man beast with a bred eye glaring at them “it’s mine” the beast growled then it jumped down landing on one of the them and smacked another head first into a nearby tree with the back of his fist, the one with the knife tried to thrust the blade at the beast but there was a sudden flash of light reflecting off of metal as the beast had sliced the man’s hand off with a sword, and grabbed that knife while it was still spinning in the air, then the beast plowed him in the face with the butt of his sword sending him into another tree, the beast smiled at them and then lept back into the trees.
As Deadeye moved through the trees he slid his sword back into it’s scabbard and placed the Kunai into a hidden pocket in his sash, he was moving away from the cliffs where Windige’s cave was, he wanted to make sure they didn’t find it while they were chasing him
that’s right he thought to himself
follow the big kitty he smirked as he kept moving at a steady pace, he could go faster than this even in the forest terrain, but he didn’t plan to just yet, he wanted to move fast enough to stay ahead of the hunters, but slow enough so they wouldn’t lose sight of him, once he was sure he was far enough away from the Himmel’s home he would pick up the pace and lose the humans, after that he would see about what to do next.
However, fate it seemed wouldn't allow that. A net was dropped down in front of his path, the metal threads caked with mud that gripped his limbs and ceased his movement. A human grinned above him while he struggled, unable to get to his knife or sword, "Looks like we have a slave to sell," Other humans below him whooped as he was kicked off the bough and onto the forest floor.
Nearby in a clearing the yowling of a creature was heard along with the sound of a whip and the laughter of men.
Deadeye growled at the humans “I’ve fought
and killed worse things than you ‘human’” he fixed them with a menacing stare, as if to say if the tried to remove the net to get at his weapons, then they’d all be dead within minutes “you’ll not break this warrior” he slowly shifted his arms without them seeing, all he needed was a little slack and he’d be able to reach his Kunai.
The humans just grinned, showing some gold teeth here and there, then the robes around him tightened, preventing any further movement. "Be a good fella' and don't struggle, it is useless." Dragging him forward, a few minutes later and he was face to face with Windige-- or, what looked to be Windige. They had a light net around her, something that only hindered her movement as they prodded her with sticks. She was about the size of a human, but her proportions were quite different. Instead of her 27 foot long body, Windige was more... like a kangaroo. Windige was definitely playing the part of an animal, acting wild and afraid.
Deadeye looked at Windige with a quiet expression as if to secretly say
I tried to keep them from catching you, I guess it didn’t work out so well... he glared at the humans poking her, he made sure to remember their faces, they’d be among the first to get ripped apart when he and Windige were free.
Unknown to Deadeye, Windige had planned this out from the start. She waited till the men stood from her new companion before the air exploded with blood. The net was blown apart from her form as her real self appeared, tail splayed and the fins that were hidden along her spine and shoulders were extended out in use. She was an air elemental, a master of her domain. The humans had never stood a chance.
By the time their bodies dropped to the ground, the Himmel was standing over Deadeye, releasing him from the ropes that hindered him. "Let's get out of here..." Windige whispered, "I don't have my saddle so..." Her fins retracted themselves and her ears wilted, the use of her power draining her.
Deadeye got to his feet and drew his sword “This is the kind of getaway I’m good at” he said as he snarled at the few humans who were still concious, or at least still breathing anyway. He lead the way towards the forest, it would give them the much needed cover Windige would need so she could recover, Deadeye had seen Windige’s symptoms before in other powerful magic-users and he knew she needed a safe place to rest and recover her drained powers. He moved with ease through the cluttered piles of unconscious and dead humans, most were still too dazed to do anything about their escape but the few that tried found themselves easily knocked aside or cleaved in two by Deadeye’s sword.
"Here- Get on my back." Windige said through gritted teeth, knowing a close place they could go that was safe. "It is going to rain soon, and we need to get to some shelter."
Deadeye nodded and did a running jump, landing lightly onto Windige’s back, he sheathed his sword and held on to her as best as he could without hurting her.
With him now latched onto her, Windige sped up, loping with ease through the forest. She knew where she was going, and a few times she cut across streams or rivers, changing her course a few times to allude any would-be hunters behind them. Finally, just as the clouds grew dark they arrived, the Himmel panting as she slipped through the bushes. It was a huge tree with a built in tunnel system almost. The roots coiled and grew in such a pattern that rocks and dirt had built up in the gaps, creating a suitiple outcropping that was hidden from view. They would be able to stay dry and safe here.
As they landed Deadeye slid from her back and sat near the entrance to keep watch, his ears alert as he calmly spoke to Windige “I'm sorry.” he said in a quiet tone, “I thought that since you had never seen the likes of me before, that they would be as surprised and as such unprepared for an ambush by one such as myself.” His head dropped slightly “I was careless.”
"It is not your fault." The Himmel responded tiredly, "The humans here travel from all over to hunt specimins, they are trained to expect the unexpected." Arching her long neck, Windige nuzzled his cheek and set her head down next to his thigh.
Deadeye smiled at her, she was indeed a kind spirit, he wondered how he would have turned out if he had met her in his youth, back when his hatred and desire for revenge was his soul driving force. Perhaps he would have never developed his ‘other self’, surely it would have been easier to manage with her guidance.
Nudging his leg, she requested nonverbally to be pet.
Deadeye gently placed his hand on her head and softly stroked the top of it, all the while maintaining a close watch on their surroundings. The last thing they needed was to be caught by some random hunters before they were ready to fight back. Briefly he considered taking out his Ocarina and playing but knew better than to do something that may give away their position when they were trying to stay hidden.
Slowly the rain began to patter down, drenching the landscape surrounding them, creating its own song. Curling around him with her neck, then again with her body, Windige sighed at the attention. She was always envious of the hands of humanoids when it came to petting as they could always reach the small points behind the ears.
Almost unconsciously Deadeye stroked Windige’s head around her ears, as the sounds of the rain and wind seemed to calm Deadeye, he was having a little trouble keeping himself from falling asleep, but he was able to keep awake, he knew that his companion needed rest more then he did right now, and he was glad to give her the opportunity to do so.
Purring, Windige butted her head against his chest playfully, licking his cheek and now laid her head in his lap.
Deadeye chuckled quietly to himself, at this moment it was hard to believe that the docile creature here beside him was a powerful elemental, but some could say the same about his old companion Len Torlak, a white tiger anthro with mastery over the elements of Fire and Water. He was as calm and peaceful as you would expect from the Keeper of the Balance, and yet in battle he was as ferocious as the flames and as fast moving as the waters he so gracefully commanded. He had even learnd how to use water magic to heal wounds. ‘Water is life’ he had once said to Deadeye, ‘without it all things would wither and die, the same goes for fire, it too is life, a small flame is like beating heart, if it beats too fast it can go out of control, if it beats too slow it would vanish into mere embers and ash.’ Deadeye smirked, for some reason his time with Windige was drawing up old memories of what almost felt like a past life.
She didn't know exactly what he was thinking, but for some reason she felt an urge to reveal her weakest form to him. And so her form desolved against him till she was humanoid, her shoulders against his thigh and his hand still on her ears. They flicked back as she blushed lightly.
Deadeye was more surprised than he let on, he didn’t jump up in shock or anything, but the expression on his face showed that he had never seen anything like this in his life (and he had seen a lot of crazy stuff) he took a second to regain his composure. “I take it you don’t show this form to just anyone?” he asked as he tried to figure out what brought on her decision to appear like this in front of him.
Windige dropped her eyes and sat up, looking at her hands. "No... I don't." Even her human had never seen it. Something about the emotions she was sensing from him prodded her to show him. "I..." Windige swallowed then continued, "...am attracted to you."
Deadeye looked at Windige "I have to admit..." he said in a gentle tone "there is a certain something about you that makes me feel.... at ease" it was the best way to describe his feelings at the moment, he had never felt 'intimate' with anyone before, he had always tried to maintain a level head in every situation, and such feelings were difficult to handle when he needed to see the bigger picture.
Her tail stiffened at his feelings, making her ears go back. He hadn't declined her invitation, but he hadn't accepted it either. Was it wrong to show herself to a humanoid? "Do... you have a different form?" Most creatures with a humanoid form had a more... bestial figure to add balance.
"This is my only form" Deadeye said simply as he moved closer to her "I do have another personality however" he was unsure how he should word this without makeing her uneasy "my 'other self' is a savage fighter, with little concern for the innocent," he didn't move much closer as he was worried that she may recoil or look at him differantly after hearing what he had to say, "-he is cold, relentless and merciless, and I need to be careful when I choose to release that beast for he has even been known to slay children just for being in his way, and all I can do is watch as he uses my hands and skills to wreak havoc on anyone and everyone that he sees as an opponent."
"Sounds like an animal..." Windige replied, "Sounds like... an animal key on survival." She licked her lips. "How often... do you let him out?"
"Only in times of last resort" Deadeye said with a slightly uneasy voice, "he was born from my hate for a certain person and my desire for revenge for his betrayal." he wanted her to know that he didn't like using that form because it was sometimes impossible to control.
"Interesting." She murmured, then grimaced while she returned to her true form. The humanoid one always made her feel weak and vulnerable.
Deadeye had been about to step towards her again but when she returned to her true form he knew it would be best not to, he returned to watching the forest, he wondered if he had said too much and made her afraid of him, he was used to this reaction but it was little comfort.
Nuzzling his cheek, Windige in response to his body language curled up around him, her head ending up on the other side of his thigh. She sighed quietly, and closed her eyes.
Deadeye placed one hand on Windige's head, he could tell she was trying to comfort him and he truly appreciated it, he hoped that he could express his appreciation better, perhaps an opportunity will present itself and he would be able to let her know how special she was to him.
Wasn't long before sleep took her.
The moment the rain stopped a few hours later, Windige raised her head. "We should get moving again."
Deadeye nodded as he got to his feet, he listened for a moment all he could hear were the normal sounds of the forest, the gentle wind through the trees, and the movements of the birds nearby, he looked at Windige, "Sounds like we're all clear."
"The rain should have erased our tracks..." Cautiously, the Himmel stuck out her head slowly, looking around before stepping fully out. "Clear." Windige took a few whiffs from the air, sifting through the smells and nodding.
Deadeye smiled "true but that doesn't mean we should take it easy just yet" he cautioned, knowing that they might run into a random patrol before they reach her cliffside cave and that was the last thing he wanted to have happen.
She resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him, but instead pushed her head into the grass, collecting the dew on her fur before sitting down to clean herself. For such a large creature, she didn't take long, just making sure the scent of humans was mostly gone from her. Windige didn't clean the top of her head, or her ears, instead leaving Deadeye's scent where it was. The black mark on her neck wavered as she thought for a moment, then looked to the east, "There is a river, rarely used by the hunters because of it's rapids, we can run there unhindered back to the coast."
Deadeye nodded in agreement, it was a good plan and since he didn’t know the layout of the area too well it was best too follow her directions, he looked to the sky and was able to find east by the position of the sun, “Let’s be on our way then my dear.” he said with a friendly smile.
Lowering her torso, Windige waited for him to climb up while she licked at her arm.
Deadeye eased himself onto Windige's back, gently placing his hands on her neck, he was ready to head out, but he could feel a slight unrest in his mind. He knew it was his other self telling him that he wanted to 'chat' with him, Deadeye decided he would do so when he was sure it was safe to meditate. It always made him feel vulnerable because he was unaware of anything that happens while he was in that trance-like state, it made it too easy for enemies to catch or kill him, but it needed to be done for him to meet with his other self on an equal plane.
The Himmel rose and started out with her odd gait, heading for the river. It didn't take long for her to find it, and it was just shallow enough that she could run without getting her belly wet. Though, she couldn't help splashing a little. The noon sun glistened off of the water, blinding her, however she had her eyes closed anyway. She was relying on the air around to guide her.
Deadeye smiled as he watched Windige, she was surrounded by her element and looked content. He couldn't help it.
I wonder if I look something like that when I’m on my ship? he asked himself as he enjoyed the smells in the air, the scent of Windige and the waters around them were mixing together in his nostrils as he felt the gentle wind in his fur and the sounds of the stream in his ears.
The sounds began to get louder, then, all of a sudden they were in the air. Windige had flung herself off a waterfall, freefalling for the sheer joy of it. Then gently she took over and flew the short distance over the pool before continuing running down the path of water.
Deadeye looked around, he could tell that the water seemed to be moving faster, the mouth of the river must be close by, he smelled the air deeply, the salty air confirmed it. The sea was near and they would be able to fly to Windige's cave easily from there.
He was right, the ocean came into view around the next bend. Windige opened her eyes at that, pleased with herself. "I'm still going to be careful, they might still be here." Warned the Himmel.
Deadeye smiled, "I agree, let's take it nice and slow till we're within sprinting distance of your cave." His ears were alert and his eye was constantly scanning the nearby area for signs of an ambush.
"Sprinting distance?" She frowned and turned her neck so her head was facing him, "Even if we get within that distance, if they see us, going into my home with them watching isn't a good idea." Windige then turned back, thinking. "I have an idea. Hold tight." Flipping on her heels, Windige trotted back a little ways then began to slink through the forest. "I'll go up the mesa and slip in over the edge, as long as we avoid anyone up here, there is not much room for them to spot me." She whispered, stepping cautiously and keeping her ears up.
Deadeye nodded "Good idea." He said in understanding as he hunkered down and did his best to hold on, "We'll go through the back entrance." He smiled at her
she's a survivor all right, he thought to himself,
a gal after my own heart.
Luckily, they did not see, nor hear any other hunters and Windige slid forward on her belly through the brush. It was only about ten feet from the end of the treeline to the cliff, which she slipped over quickly, landing in the main cave that she called her home. Happy to be home, Windige shrugged Deadeye off her back as politely as she could before she pranced to her herb bed, circling a few times to increase the smell before she laid down.
Deadeye slid off of Windige’s back and watched as she lay down to rest, he considered doing the same but he still needed to meet with his other self first, he sat down into a lotus position, drew his sword and set it over his lap, he closed his eye and allowed himself to drift into the trance that his former master Xyran had taught him, when he opened his eye again, he was no longer sitting in Windige’s cave, he was now standing in a vast field and standing not too far away from him was his double, exact in every way except the doubles eye glowed with an almost unearthly fire, he knew it represented the fire of rage in his heart.
The Double sneered at Deadeye “you’re late you know?” he growled, Deadeye nodded “I’m aware of the ‘memo’ you sent earlier, but since you see and know everything I do then you should know why” the double shrugged “perhaps....” was all he said “then again you were more interested in making time with that Himmel, in her humanoid form she’s hard to resist” Deadeye glared at the Double “I’m aware of her beauty” he stated “and I also respect her command of the elements” the Double acted as if he didn’t care about the last part “did you forget that we can be a force of nature all on our own?” he growled “there are only ever 5 Crossed Swords at any one time, the bracer we wear is proof of our link to the original five warriors of the ancient dynasty, from the moment this bracer attached itself to our wrist our hands are already stained with the blood of our former master, it is his bracer that you wear right now” he made a waving gesture and a hole in the air appeared beside him revealing a younger Deadeye kneeling over a massive Clydesdale horse Anthro with a vicious sword wound crossing his torso.
Deadeye knew that the Clydesdale was his former master Xyran Kinzan, a ferocious warrior and the previous bearer of Deadeye’s bracer, he watched as the scene unfolded: Deadeye was in his late teens, he was kneeling on the floor next to the body of his dying teacher, he had just completed the succession ritual of the Crossed Swords, a life or death battle between master and apprentice, Deadeye placed his sword on the floor next to him, his eyes beginning to mist over as he watched his master dying. Xyran looked at him and smiled weakly “you mustn’t cry Klannu” he said, his voice weak and rasping “every beginning has an end...... and every end, a beginning” Deadeye tried to control himself but it wasn’t easy “what does that mean?” he asked in a cracked voice the Clydesdale smiled again “when the time comes...you will understand” Deadeye nodded slightly and Xyran looked up at the open ceiling “promise me you’ll check on Tara from time to time” he said softly “when I’m gone, she’ll need her friends more than ever” Deadeye closed his eyes as a single tear fell from his left eye “I promise” he said quietly, Xyran nodded as he closed his eyes “now! I’ll have no regrets” he smiled one last time as his Bracer glowed even brighter and flew from Xyran’s left arm and latched itself on to Deadeye’s. He looked at the bracer as the light quickly faded.
The Double looked at him “that power came in handy the day we finally faced the traitor Blaze” Deadeye nodded solemnly “I don’t deny that, but he left his mark” he lightly touched the scar over his lost eye “even in death I cannot escape his memory” the double laughed “that’s because he took the secret of where he hid the Crimson Moon to the grave with him, all these years and we still haven’t found where he took it” Deadeye turned away slightly “is that why you wanted this get together? So you can tear open old wounds?” the Double sneered “I’m just reminding you why you need me around, that’s all”
Suddenly Deadeye opened his eye and he was back in Windige’s cave, the moon was bright outside so he knew that a few hours had passed, he saw that Windige was still sleeping so he sheathed his blade and moved silently through the cave to find a nice place to practice before he got some sleep as well, the training would be just what he needed to clear his mind after the disturbing meeting with his other self.
He was wrong in one thing; Windige had been awake for a while now, but with her eyes closed. His emotions had woken her, switching from yearning to sadness, then to anger and hatred. It was hard to sleep with so many emotions flickering through one being in such close range of her. Raising her head, she did not see him, "Deadeye... everything ok?"
Deadeye stopped and looked back at Windige “I’m over here Windige” he said “everything’s fine, I’m just looking for a good space to train a bit before I turn in is all, I’m sorry if I woke you.”
She grunted, "You can see in the dark? I'm impressed... but what is troubling you?"
Deadeye smiled “I may only have one eye to see with these days but my sight has always been very sharp” he said with pride “as to what was bothering me....” his voice seemed to quiet a little “I was just remembering some.....less cheerful times from my past, I mentioned my other self earlier and I had just been speaking with him about some things, he seemed to think I needed to be reminded of why I still need him, even if I don’t like his methods.”
"I see." The Himmel responded, getting up and stretching, "We all have our pasts Deadeye, but if I have learned anything about living in my short life, it is that you cannot live there, only in the future."
Deadeye smiled slightly “I know this well, but I made a promise to my oldest friend and to the elders of my village, I have never broken my word and will not start now” he doubted that Windige would even know what the Crimson Moon was let alone it’s significance to his people “there are some pieces of the past we must never forget.”
Nodding, "Yes... yes I know." Windige cringed as the scream of her human rent through her head, the voice she was always trying to forget.
Deadeye stepped forward and raised his hand as if to reach for Windige, there was a look of concern on his face “I’m sorry” he apologized softly “I didn’t mean to force up painful memories” the last thing he wanted was to hurt Windige in any way, especially since she had done so much for him since he arrived.
"We all have our pasts." She commented, leaning away from him, "It just happens that we both have some issues with it."
Deadeye lowered his hand “I know all too well” he said quietly as he turned away and started walking deeper into the cave, he felt even more sure that he was wearing out his welcome
I’ll train for now and once she’s asleep again, I’ll leave he felt a small weight on his heart at the thought of leaving her, but he had been used to the loneliness.
Windige felt a little guilty when his loneliness made known to her, "Is there anything I can do for you Deadeye?" She didn't want him to go... but she knew that she had no right to stop him.
Deadeye stopped
stop the pain... he thought to himself
end my loneliness he turned to Windige and smiled politely in an attempt to hide his sorrow “I’m fine” he lied “I just need to train and then get a little rest” he didn’t want to worry Windige, she knew enough of his dark self, he could tell that she didn’t wish for him to be around any longer than necessary.
Growling, "I told you, there is no use trying to use deception." Annoyed, Windige slinked forward, her teeth bared.
Deadeye stood his ground as she looked at him “I do not intend to deceive you my lady” he stated in a calm tone “as I said, my talk with my other self has left me...rattled” he knew that she could tell that he wasn’t telling her the whole truth and he was running out of excuses.
"Rattled, and intent on leaving. I don't want you to leave... you make things interesting." Windige admitted slowly, taking another step forward, but this time she shrinked, becoming that humanoid form again.
He stepped forward and placed his right hand on her cheek “I don’t want to leave you either, I feel more at ease around you then I’ve felt in a very long time” he wanted to embrace her, to feel the warmth of her body next to his but was unsure if she would allow it.
Leaning into his hand, Windige turned her head slightly with her eyes half lidded and raising her hand to his other arm. "Then... you must feel more," She replied in a sultry voice.
Deadeye gently held her hand in his as he stepped right up to her, so close the he could feel her breath on his fur, looked into her eyes, he leaned in close to her and kissed her lightly on the lips.
Deepening the kiss, Windige touched her tongue to his, retreating while her hips nudged him. Her tail stiffened, then relaxed, and stiffened again as her body shivered against him.
Returning her efforts, Deadeye slid his tongue into her mouth as his tail slowly wrapped around Windige’s waist and the tip stroked the small of her back, his body now right against hers.
Windige gasped softly, her ears flipping back in pleasure. "What is your... dark side saying to this?" She asked, moving her nose underneath his jaw and licking the sensitive spot behind his ear.
Deadeye was feeling sheer bliss as he caressed her body “I think he’s just enjoying the show.” he whispered into her ear before kissing her neck in several places.
Her mane stuck on end as his attentions, causing another shiver to run through her body. The air began to swirl around them, gaining in momentum when one of her claws slid up his chest to rest on his collarbone. "That makes two of us..."
Deadeye caressed Windige’s waist as he continued to kiss her neck, his tail now moving up and down her spine in slow deliberate strokes, he wanted her to feel every wave of pleasure she was giving him.
She moaned quietly at that, her emerald eyes closing as her head leaned backwards slightly. Her body pushed against him, yearning for his touch and his scent. Windige's breath caught in her chest as she purred deeply.
Deadeye kissed the nape of her neck as his left hand slid along her stomach and slowly up over her chest as the other hand gently caressed her waist.
( I'm sowie I'm sowie I'm sowie, been super busy with school, I'm sick... and yeah. :[ )
Windige mumbled something but stopped, moving her head so she could nibble on his ear and licked along the rim. She didn't know what she was doing, but she tried to go off instinct, and copying him.
The air that was circling them increased, lifting them to the bed of herbs behind the pair.
The sun's rays entered the cave at dawn, warming the rocks but not reaching the end. Yawning, Windige snuggled deeper into Deadeye's embrace, her nose taking in his scent from his chest.
Deadeye slowly opened his eye and smiled at her, he gently held her closer as he lightly kissed the top of her head, he was truly content in mind body and spirit, and he could tell that Windige felt the same way, he was none too eager to rise with the dawn this day, he wanted to stay where he was just a little longer.
Like him, Windige was reluctant to move, but her growling stomach was telling her otherwise.
Deadeye's ear twitched as he heard the faint rumbling of Windige's stomach, he looked at her with a small smile on his face "Sounds like it's time for some breakfast." he said as he gave her another small hug.
Nodding back, Windige slowly grew in size till her body was wrapped several times around him and she was her full length. "I will go hunting for us in a little while."
Deadeye nodded "I don't mind the wait," he whispered to her as he was in no hurry to abandon their morning embrace.
Licking his ears, she kissed him in her own way, then stood and stretched, "I will be back soon." She murmured, "You're still hurt a little, so rest." Moving to the cave entrance, she stretched again in the sunlight then took off.
Deadeye smiled as he watched her take flight, she was indeed a very special creature, one he was glad to have met.
Meanwhile the Wandering Soul lowered it anchor just off Shore from the beach of an unknown land, a large female Clydesdale horse anthro named Tara Kinzan walked to the port side of the proud looking ship and looked at the lands, she looked at Ezekiel, a Cheetah an ships navigater and he nodded to her "according to my charts, this is where the captain would have ended up if he had survived the storm." Tara nodded and looked to the crew "-ready a rowboat, and get Fiona and Snarf up here...NOW!!" she boomed and the crew scrambled to follow her orders, she looked back at Ezekiel "I'm leaving you in charge here until we return....
with the captain." she made it clear that she had no intention of leaving without their captain.
Swirling through the air, the Himmel paused as she looked around, then froze in shock as she saw the boat, "What a big fish!" She whispered to herself, moving closer. Then she realized there were people on board... no, not people! Figures like Deadeye. His crew? Windige laughed, then yowled to get their attention. Moving downwards, she did so slowly, so as not to cause panic to the humanoids.
Tara looked up and say the massive creature heading their way "LOOK ALIVE!!" she called to the rest of the crew "WE'VE GOT COMPANY!!" she turned to watch the creature come closer and closer, a female fruit bat with deep green eyes walked up beside Tara fallowed closely by a short albino male Ferret who looked at the approaching beast with surprise and awe, "Never seen the like." he said in a hushed voice, the fruit bat looked at the ferret with a wry smile. "This has got to be a first for the wise and worldly Snarf." Snarf glanced at her for a moment before watching the creature again "There is always a first time fer everythin' miss Fiona." he said gruffly as the crew made wide clearing on the deck for the creature to land, Tara wanted to assume the beast was friendly considering she let them know she was coming rather than attack out right, only time would prove if she had been wrong.
Windige didn't land, but rather floated closer, and not quite on top of the boat, "You must be Deadeye's crew," She commented in a soft voice, gently moving her body like she was riding a wave.
Tara stepped forward "so you know our captain?" she said trying to sound official, which wasn't easy when you're face to face wih something that looks like it could scuttle your ship without breaking a sweat.
Fiona moved over to Tara's side and looked pleadingly at the visiter "is Klannu alright?" she looked like she was only concerned as a doctor, but her emotions were those of deep love and concern for someone precious to her heart.
The Himmel's green eyes narrowed at the emotions radiating from them both, but her tone was light as she nodded, "Yes, I rescued him from the storm. If you will give me a moment, that I may retrieve him?"
Tara nodded "It would be greatly appreciated" she replied calmly doning her best not to sound rude.
Fiona nodded as well, doing her best not to blurt out 'take me with you' she needed to maintain some dignity around the rest of the crew, the last thing they needed was her acting overemotional in front of what may be a new ally.
"He is hungry," Windige said, then twirled in the air towards her cave. She knew that she would have to hunt for herself now, and it was possible that this would be the last time she would talk to Deadeye. "Your ship is here." The Himmel said in way of announcing her arrival. Her head tilted to the side as she didn't look at him.
Deadeye sat up and looked at Windige as the news sunk in, his feeling were mixed, he was excited and ecstatic at learning that his friends were here, but he was crestfallen at realizing he would be seperated from Windige. He got to his feet and walked over to her as he held her head in his hands and looked in her eyes. Deadeye looked deep into her eyes for what felt like an eternity before saying three small words in a hushed voice "Come with me."
Windige closed her eyes. She took a shuddering breath and briefly, and gently, shook her head. "I... I can't. I am a wild animal Deadeye, I do not belong with society, in a city. Nor... nor on a ship." A tear slipped down her cheek.
Deadeye kissed her lightly "Then I shall stay here with you." he rested his forehead on hers, "Tara is more then capable of leading that ship on her own, I'm not leaving you alone... never."
"I told them I would bring you to them." She replied quietly, nudging him slightly with her large head, her ears low as she expressed her unhappiness.
"Then I will go to them, but only long enough to hand over command of the ship to Tara, I'm sure she'll understand." Deadeye reasoned.
Windige blinked and looked away again, "Maybe we don't belong together." Taking his torso in one arm, Windige clutched him gently to her breast and lifted off the cave floor, turning and moving away from the cliff face and towards the ship.
Deadeye was caught off guard by her sudden movements and her comment, he had to admit they were of differant races but he couldn't deny how he felt about her, she was the first to truly reach his heart since his sister died and that was no small thing.
"Maybe... maybe I can come with you. Will you let me think about it?" She whispered, right before she lowered him to the wood of the ship. Keeping her hips and tail off the ship, she supported her torso on the railing, which creaked beneath her, but Windige was keeping most of her weight off of it.
Deadeye nodded "We aren't in any hurry." he whispered back, "I'll let us stay anchored here for a few days at least, so you can think things through." he wanted her to take her time and come to a decision she would be able to live with.
Windige closed her eyes, then opened them to look at the crew, "Do you mind if I go hunt for myself?" She asked Deadeye but didn't look at him.
Deadeye smild gently at her "We'll be right here when you return." he said kindly as he watched her.
Keeping an eye on the rest of the humanoids, Windige nuzzled him briefly before jumping into the air, turning over so she completed the equivilent to a backflip and dove headfirst into the sea. Her splash was minimal, but the ship still rocked from the movement.
Deadeye easily shifted his weight as the boat rocked, as did most of the crew, as Windige dissappeared Tara walked up beside Deadeye and nodded towards the door to the captain's cabin, Deadeye nodded and glanced at Fiona and Snarf who also seemed eager to speak with him in private, so he decided to oblidge them.
As Tara closed the door behind them Deadeye took his seat behind a grand looking oak desk, he often used it for gathering his thoughts as he read Blaze's old journals, but today it would be used for an interrogation on the details of his time with Windige, Tara turned and looked at him, as Snarf sat down in the char across from Deadeye, and Fiona was standing next to him looking like she wanted to embrace him and never let go but was using her restraint to keep her composure, Tara leaned against the wall and was the first to speak "First off, it's good to see you in one piece Klannu." she said with a smile, like she was greeting a brother.
Deadeye smiled, "I'm glad you all weathered that storm safely as well." he said with his usual friendly tone as he looked from Fiona and then to Snarf before settling his eye on Tara as he went into most of the details of his time with Windige, leaving out much of what happened the previous night.
As Deadeye finished his tale Snarf, Fiona and Tara looked at each other and then back to Deadeye "so lemme see it I got ya righ'," Snarf said gruffly "yer not planning on leavin this place just yet because yeh want that Himmel ta join the crew?" Deadeye nodded as Fiona stepped foreward "She seemed friendly." she said as she looked at the others.
Tara nodded "I'm curious as to why you seem so eager to let her join the crew, you only knew her two days at the most" Snarf stroked his chin as he thought "musta been a wild 'adventure'" he said supressing a chuckle "but if the capn' is fine with this then I'm not one to argue, I've been on this ship since before he took over so I'm fine with any choice he makes." Tara noded in agreement before glancing to Fiona who said nothing but slowly nodded ever so slightly.
While they spoke in the floating ship, Windige slipped through the water deep in thought. After catching a hapless seal, the Himmel munched on that underwater for a moment before surfacing and landing on the ship again. It was there that she proceeded to tear into her meal, tearing bone and flesh with animalistic furiousity, receiving glances of awe and fear. She ignored all the feelings being sent to her and instead focused on the inard cabin where Deadeye and some of his crew were.
Sifting through the radiated emotions, Windige finished her meal, leaving a bloody streak on the railing which she cleaned herself by splashing ocean water on the boards. Though some of the deck mates made faces at that, she continued to ignore them.
If I stay with him, I now know we can never be together again like last night. Her ears wilted as she frowned, cleaning herself with her tongue.
But if I stay here, I may never see anything but my own cave before death takes me, or the hunters capture me.
It had been some time since they had entered the inner cabin and Windige wondered when they would be finished.
Deadeye watched as Fiona, Tara and Snarf exited the captains cabin, Fiona spread her wings and flew up to the topmost part of the main mast, she would often got there when she needed to think or simply be alone with her thoughts and this was one of those times.
Tara and Snarf continued to walk for a while before they found themselves in front of Windige once more, Snarf was still in awe of the Himmel and wasn't afraid to show it, Tara felt the same way but was much better at hiding her surprise at meeting someone who was so much larger than her father.
Windige butted her head against Deadeye's chest, "I cannot be a part of your crew, Deadeye, but I feel inclined to follow you. I can ensure that the weather will be clear towards your next place of destination." She hoped he would understand her wish to remain in this form, and as such, another night together would be impossible. The Himmel halted a sigh and instead glanced up at the humanoid that could fly.
Deadeye nodded slowly, he suspected that her reason for traveling with them in her current form was because she was uncomfortable revealing her humanoid form to so many, he smiled "If that is your wish, then I shall abide by your decision." he glanced as Tara and Snarf went down below deck and he had lost track of where Fiona had gone so he looked up as well and saw her in her 'thinking spot' as she often called it. He smirked. "She goes there a lot I've noticed." he mentioned to Windige "I think the view helps to clear her mind or something."
"It is... understandable." Windige nodded, "Do you think she would mind company?"
"I don't think she'd object to it." Deadeye replied "She's the only one on the ship with the gift of flight so that's one thing the two of you can share." he smiled as he knew Fiona rather well and he knew she'd enjoy having a friend like that around, if only for a while.
Not saying another word, Windige rose into the air, then swirled upwards towards the humanoid. She didn't want to surprise her, so she sent a cold breeze before her, so that the other would turn to see her coming.
Deadeye watched as Windige flew up to Fiona and smiled "I think they'll get along just fine" he said to himself before returning to the captain's cabin to update his journal.
Fiona felt the sudden gust of wind pass her wings, she glanced down and saw Windige heading towards her, she turned to face her as she approached and waved to her.
"Care for some company?" Windige asked in her quiet voice, reaching her level with ease and just hovered there, "I sense curiousity from you, and love." Some beings might think this intrusive, but a Himmel's empathy was part of how they communicated.
Fiona was a little taken aback at Windige's insightfulness, then she remembered what Deadeye had told her about Windige's abilities. "Klannu told me about your gift for reading emotions." she said with a smile, "I'm Fiona Ty-Ree, call me Fiona."
"I was named Windige by my foster parent, but my real name is Nyadwynn." The Himmel responded, nodding her head in greeting. "Being a creature of the air I am surprised one like you have anchored yourself to something..." She stopped, then realized she was speaking rudely, "Ah. How long have you known Deadeye?"
"I've known Klannu for about 4 years now." Fiona replied "When I met him it was not long after his final battle with Macron Blaze, he had been badly injured and needed a special medicine made from a rare plant, so Ruben, another of Klannu's shipmates and myself went to collect it, not long after he had recovered he asked me to be the ships healer, and here I am." she smiled at the many adventures they've been on in the four years she's been a part of the crew, not to mention the time when Deadeye saved her life and she his.
"Come with me," Windige said, well, more like ordered, but she knew that the healer would greatly enjoy the place she was planning on taking her, "It is a few minutes flight north, but I do not know how fast you fly..." She almost offered to carry her, "I know I might be large, or intimidating, but all I ask is that you trust me."
Fiona nodded "If Klannu trusts you, then so do I." she said as she spread her wings and with a single sweep she shot off the main mast and was shooting through the sky with relative ease, she shot Windige another smile as she called out "-lead the way."
Grinning, Windige did a twirl in the air then turned north, heading inwards and towards a mountain. Like she said, they would fly for a few minutes when the Himmel aimed higher, above the clouds. It turned out the mountain was a caldera, a volcano that had blown its top sometime in the distant past. The insides were incredibly green, and from the wind you could smell all the herbs that grew here.
Fiona's eyes widened in awe at the beautiful sight before her eyes "it's breathtaking" she gasped as she flew down towards the rim of the Caldera, she could see countless hearbs down there that you couldn't find in any other kind of environment, even some that she had never seen before, she turned to Windige with a look of child-like delight "this is wonderous" she exclaimed.
Windige smiled again and nodded, "Restock here. If you would like, we can come back later with a bag. These are the best natural grown herbs, they grow much larger then the rest in the valley. The Humans-" Windige partly snarled, "They know not of this place," Thank goodness.
Fiona swooped down low through the fields and lightly landed near the edge of the herb bed, she knelt down to examine some of the plants "My old master, the lady Aralia would have loved it here, she was an herbalist and she taught me all she knew and then some." she explained as loving memories of the gentle albino badger swept through her mind, she smiled gently as a tear fell unknowingly from her left eye, she didn't even notice it however.
The Himmel leaned in and licked her face, "My kind has naturally gathered herbs to form our nests, I would like to think of this place as mine, but, I believe that I should share it."
Fiona smiled and gently kissed Windige on the forehead "you are a truly kind-hearted being" she said simply as she stood up "and I thank you for your willingness to share this secret place of yours with us"
"You need to restock, right?" Windige asked, "And Deadeye has that wound on his side... I never got to see it fully but maybe these can help him." She examined her emotions closely, especially after mentioning Deadeye.
Fiona nodded "that is a cursed wound" she explined as her mind recalled all the times she tried and failed to heal the wound "it was inflicted by an enemy before they died and it contained the foe's malice, it may never heal and I've tried countless elixers and combinations of herbs and potions to heal it, but it has withstood my every attempt" she did her best to hide her frustration at her failure and her deep concern that his wound may cause his premature end.
Cocking her head, "You... you love him don't you?" Windige asked, quietly.
Fiona looked at Windige for a moment before turning away to face the field of herbs. Saying nothing, she slowly nodded.
"This complicates things." The Himmel commented, setting her coils down in the green. "If you feel this way, and he is without a mate, why have you not told him?" Windige felt that if Deadeye deserved anyone, it was Fiona. Someone that saved life, to balance his kills. Windige nodded.
Fiona looked across the field "I don't know if I deserve him, so I'm content to stand at his side as his friend, watch him and keep him safe in my own way, I learned how to fight from my parents, but I'm nowhere near as strong as one of the Crossed swords."
"Doesn't it bother you that he accepts affection from other females?" Windige asked slowly, not sure if Deadeye did or not.
Fiona smiled weakly “if he is happy, than so am I” she said simply “and if that happiness is in the arms of another female, then....” she turned to Windige “then that’s just how it was meant to be.”
Windige frowned. "One always deserves to be with the one they love." That said the Himmel trotted off, slightly bothered by her words. But then again, it seemed there were plenty of their.... race. And few Himmels.
Fiona watched Windige "you...love him, don't you?" she said quietly.
The Himmel stopped, but didn't turn around. "No." She answered, truthfully. "I can only know true love to another of my kind. I do however, highly respect him as a being, and I am going with you, for him. I'm just wasting my life here anyway..."
Fiona shook her head "life is never wasted if there is hope, and freedom to hope" she started to walk over to Windige "That is something I learned sailing with Klannu, we all sail with him because he offers us freedom from our past, he doesn't care about where we came from or what happened to us before he met us, he only cares about where we are headed and how he can help us find the way."
"In this case it is the other way around..." Windige muttered to herself, then louder, "I am free, I am the very
definition of that word. You wouldn't understand. You aren't considered a wild animal and hunted for your hide." The Himmel's tail stiffened in her anger.
Fiona shook her head "that's where you are wrong" she said "when I was little my parents were slaughtered in front of my eyes by some thugs working for Cyrus Gyse a Komodo Dragon who had taken over several towns, my parents were leading a resistance movement against him and he torched the town in retaliation, had my parents slaughtered and then had them hunt me down to make a clean sweep of it, I was saved by lady Aralia and took me under her care, that's why I'm alive now"
Windige laughed. "I have been hunted since I was born. I do believe we are very different... one night is much shorter then seven years. I'm sorry your family was murdered, but so was mine, so has my species." The Himmel repressed a growl and took a few steps to a stream where she lapped at the water to cool down her anger.
"it's true that we have both known pain, and I have no desire to agrue over whos loss was greater" Fiona said calmly "I am mearly stating that we have both seen and felt much pain"
"And I'm saying that being an animal is much more different then being... whatever it is you and the crew is." Windige snarled, "You know the way back." With that she sped off, running her anger away.
Fiona looked down, she knew she had most likely ruined what could have been a long and strong friendship, she knew she had to try and follow Windige, she would come back for the herbs later, she spread her wings and shot off into the air intent on following Windige so she could apologize for her poorly chosen words.
Loping through the bushes, Windige jumped over a boulder and over the caldera's edge, leaping down the mountain like a goat. This was her territory, the place her kind was meant to live. She had no fear of falling, instead she was graceful and lithe, though one could tell it required a great concentration to survive what she was doing.
Fiona watched as Windige moved with amazing grace and ease “-Amazing.” she whispered as she did her best to follow from a respectable distance.
Even on land it did not take her long to get to the coast, and it was only a miracle there were not humans about. Flying to the ship, Windige settled on it with a creak, looking for Deadeye. They needed to talk. After hearing Fiona's love for him, Windige had searched her own feelings. The female was a kind soul, but Deadeye needed to know, and he needed to choose between them or else things would not go well in Windige's mind's eye.
Deadeye felt the ship shift ever so slightly, having lived on ships for most of his adult life he had learned to notice even the slightest movements in the deck boards or shifts in the wind, he set down his Journal and got out of his chair, stopping for a moment to stretch he then proceeded to head out to the main deck to see what had just happened.
Fiona swooped over the deck and lightly landed near Windige, without looking at her she spoke quietly so that only she could hear "-if I've offended you, I'm truly sorry, I didn't mean it."
Windige, who previously had not spoken to anyone in this manner besides her long dead human parent, bent her head and touched her nose to Fionna's forehead.
I do not hold anything against you. Forgive ME
for my words, for I am just a wild animal, and my anger was not aimed at you.
Spotting Deadeye, the Himmel crooned, then moved her head so she was touching him now,
We need to talk.
Deadeye nodded
should we go to your nest? he replied guessing it was something that needed to be conversed in private, and he guessed that she would get uncomfortable if they spoke like this for too long knowing it would attract curious glances from the members of the crew.
Guessing that Windige was talking with Deadeye in the same fasion that she had just spoken to her in, she took a step away "I need to get my herbs bag before I return to that place Windige showed me" she explained before moving to the door covering the stairs leading to the lower decks.
Windige nodded, then lowered her chest to the boards so he could climb onto her shoulders.
Deadeye easily climbed onto her shoulders and sat just behind the base of her neck, setting himself so he was secure without hurting her.
Climbing effortlessly into the sky, Windige set them into a straight path to her cave. They arrived as quickly as they had left earlier. "Do you know about Fiona's feelings for you?" She asked him, a slight tone to her voice. The Himmel did not turn her long neck to look at him, instead stared into the shadows.
Sliding from her back Deadeye thought for a second "Her feelings?" he asked slowly, "She can be a worrier true enough but she is like family to me, like Tara and many on my crew." he explained as he turned to look at her.
Flashing her fangs, Windige still refused to look at him. "Deadeye, tell me you are not as oblivious to this as you are proving to me now. She loves you."
"I know" Deadeye replied grimly "but I'm not worth her love, and in a way, I'm not worth your affection either" he replied, it was now his turn to stare into the shadows away from her "I'm a tainted soul" he said quietly "it's one of the few things my other self and I completely agree on."
"And I am a god chosen avatar. Do you not think it strange that we have met?" Windige countered, now moving her neck so she could see him with one emerald eye.
Deadeye glanced at her "I don't believe in predetermined fate, we all choose our own paths and create our own destinies" he said simply, he knew more about the 'tainted sole' comment might be disturbing to her, he was glad she wasn't able to manifest herself in his mind while he spoke with his other self, it might make things...difficult for her if she ever met that side of his soul.
Windige however had enough insight to see more into his words. "Maybe we should have our 'others' meet. You might find Nyadwynn to be more like him then you think. She is the very essence of anger, violence... and lust."
Deadeye shook his head "I'd rather not awaken him the normal way, he essentially takes the 'drivers seat' and I'm just along for the ride, the only other way would be when he and I meet in my mind during meditation, that is the only time he can be kept from attacking those around me" he explained.
"Nyadwynn could control it." Windige said in a whisper, believing in her words with all her heart.
Deadeye exhaled slowly "I guess we'll find out" he said as he drew his blade and held it in front of his face, the blade parallel to the ground he looked into the blade for a second before closing his eye, he allowed his mind to focus on all the pain and sorrow he had felt and seen throughout his life, it slowly made his rage increase until it felt like he would explode like a volcano, there was no turning back now, the change had begun.
Watching him, Windige moved around to that she faced him with the cave entrance behind her. Her form flickered, and she shrank to become her humanoid form. But unlike before, this time her hide became crystalline as her real form shone through. Nyadwynn, guardian of the north wind. Her hackles rose as she watched him, her mouth open slightly in an open mouthed snarl.
As Deadeye opened his eye again he could see the red in his pupil seemed different than before, it almost looked like it was glowing with an otherworldly fire, he turned to look at the other occupant of the cave and sneered as he clenched the sword still in his hand, he lifted the blade and rested it on his shoulder "and who might you be" he asked in an ever present growl.
She flashed her now transparent teeth, "Nyadwynn. What do you call yourself?"
he raised and eyebrow as he brought his free hand to his chin and thought about that "you know, that's a good question" he replied "that wimp never really considered giving me a name, he just referred to me as his 'other self' and left it at that"
Nyadwynn silently hissed, "A strong being.. of such... physique and power... maybe stamina, must have a name." She took a step toward him, unafraid.
He took a glance at the very feminine form in front of him and took a couple of steps towards her as he lowered his empty hand "I don't suppose you've got a few ideas?" he asked with a sly smile.
"I did not name myself, this is my name I was given, one that is mine by right." Her mouth twitched, "You must name yourself." Nyadwynn eased closer, his tongue slipping past her lips to moisten them, "Give yourself a fitting name for one with your... presence."
"let's see now" He said as he took a few more steps closer shortening the gap between their bodies "the idiot usually let's me out when he's in a pinch and need more power without the restraints of compassion to hold him back.." he said thoughtfully as his eye took in all of Nyadwynn's features his hand clenched the handle of his sword "how does 'Blade' sound to you?" he asked as he shifed the sword on his shoulder.
"Too common," Nyadwynn hissed, bending her waist forward slightly and began circling him. With her angle he would get a nice view of her breasts, and how they hung naturally from her. "Try something more... vicious."
He did his best to look at her breasts without making it seem obvious
DAMN! she's stacked he thought as he considered his name "how about Xyran?" he asked remembering the name of Tara's father who had trained Deadeye in the arts of the Crossed Swords, thus giving him the power to be a god of death on the battlefield.
She growled low, almost a purr, "That sounds more... appropriate." Nyadwynn admitted, still baring his teeth at him, almost daring him to come closer.
Xyran smiled and stepped closer to her until their bodies nearly touched "then my name shall be Xyran Mortis" he said with confidence, having chosen his last name from the Latin word for 'Death', believing it to be an appropriate surname for his new identity, now he was free to consider... other matters.
Her tail flicked behind her as she stepped back, toward her nest. "Then Xyran, prove to me that you deserve this name."
Xyran's eye flickered as a sneer appeared across his mouth "it's been a while since the idiot let me out" he commented as he lifted his sword from his shoulder and crouched his body slightly assuming his favorite battle stance "some light exorcise would do me good" his tail swished back and forth slowly for a moment before going stiff and still "shall I begin or shall it be 'ladies first'?" he asked.
She scoffed, "Did not mean like that." The air around the sword quivered before it scooped the sword up and slammed it into the ceiling, sending some shards to the ground. Then Nyadwynn turned her back on him and walked the rest of the way to the nest, swaying her hips.
Xyran raised an eyebrow as he straightened up and glanced at the sword
it should be fine, nothing can damage that blade thanks to the magic imbued within he thought before looking at Nyadwynn and following her to the nest, as he stopped right behind her and placed his hand on her shoulders "what did you have in mind then?" he asked already guessing the answer.
Nyadwynn shrugged off his hand and shoved him against the wall, following up with her own body, pressed tightly against him. Her teeth grazed his neck, "No need to guess," She told him, her empathy feeling his anticipation.
Xyran felt chills shoot up his spine as he felt her teeth on his neck "I was right" he said no longer hiding his interest "this is going to be fun" he grazed his claws along her sides, lightly scratching her back as he loosly bit her neck with his fangs, his heated breath warming her neck.
Spurred on by his scratching, Nyadwynn pushed him harder against the wall of the cave, her breasts pushed up against his chest, her hips completely against his as she moved along him suggestively. One of her hands slipped between them, and went below his pantline.
Xyran smiled as he felt her hand near his manhood, it's size and girth was one of the few things he approved of about Deadeye, their shared body was well equipped for pleasuring females, he lowered his hands until they reached her butt he then clamped his hands on each cheek and gave them a squeeze as he lifted her up slightly.
Nyadwynn gasped, murring in approval at his actions and gripped him in her hand. Wrapping her fore finger around till it touched, she smoothly started moving it up his shaft, and slowly back down. While she did this, her teeth worked on his neck, not hard enough to draw blood but enough that it probably sent pleasant tingles through his body.
Xyran purred quietly at her ministrations and as he released his fangs from her neck and began to lavish the area with his tongue, he could feel his arousal rise and wanted her to enjoy this as much as he was, stepping forward he began to flex his muscles as he lifted Nyadwynn off her feet and move her towards the center of the nest.
She let him lay her down, raising her hands above her head to feign that she was tied up. "Oooh, I do believe you have me in a comprimising situation." Nyadwynn laughed quietly to herself, wiggling in front of him for a moment.
Xyran smiled revealing his fangs which stood out against his dark fur, as he released her butt and reached over her to grasp her wrists with one hand as the other began to slid up over her stomach "what a juicy little morsel you are" he said in deep growl "I can't wait to take a nice big bite" he lowered his head towards her face till they were almost touching.
"Much tastier then that weak Fiona." Her own fangs flashed, as she feigned a lunge, gripping his lips with her teeth. Releasing him, "We'll see who takes a bite out of whom."
"I wouldn't know" Xyran replied "we haven't 'tasted' that female, but as for who feasts on whom......" he smiled almost wickedly as he clamped his mouth on hers and began to use his tongue to part her lips so he could enter, his free hand reached her left breast and began to knead it, allowing a finger to press in the nipple as he attempted to ravish her mouth.
Nyadwynn fought against him, but only as a rouse as her struggles turned her on. After a moment she bit his tongue, savoring the blood she had taken from him, which only caused her to kiss him in a frenzy.
Xyran smiled into the kiss
this one is....different he thought as his grip on her wrists tightened slightly while his free hand left her breast and began to slowly move down her body, dragging his claws along her stomach towards her center.
Moving her feet around his hips, Nyadwynn slid them downwards, efficiently pushing away his pants to mid thigh. She looked down with one milky translucent eye, "What is this?" She raised her hips to touch him to her core.
Xyran smirked "that's my other sword" he replied as her used two of his fingers to spread her lower lips and place the head of his manhood at her entrance.