(All separate stories)
The Price of Freedom
Dark of Night
Blackened Wind
Name: Windige, but her real name is Nyadwynn
Age: Unknown, spent several years with a human where she grew from the size of a dog
to her full grown length of 27 feet, so estimated to be about six or seven
Sex: Female
Species: Himmel
Species Description: See above link
Interesting Fact: When a Himmel purrs, it sounds more like "Murr"
History of the Himmel: For years humans and Himmels worked together to protect the land from the Lavabeests, but soon the spawn grew too great and humans abandoned their lands. Himmels then retreated to the cliffs, their natural breeding ground. On occasion other human tribes would wander here, hunting them for their thick skin and bright colors. Since the Himmels are so large, their heart is massive compared to most, and the hunter groups believed that the heart gave them special strength and cunning (which of course was not true). Leather made from a Himmel's hide would sell for high prices, making the hunt for them "needed". Thanks to hunting, and the Lavabeests, Himmels are now considered rare, some even think extinct.
Description: Windige is a bright young Himmel with jade eyes, mane, neck and belly. Her back is a deep brown, fading to a lighter brown near the green. The umber extends to the arms and legs, where instead of the sage there is a maya blue stripe along the back. The outside of her ears are a deep blue, very similar to the blue of her limbs and her claws are pink, just like her nose. There is a concave dent behind her rump and behind her cloaca (vent), where the thinnest part of her body is, and also where her tail starts. Although it has been a year since she was with Ramsies, she still wears the saddle, which she can take off/put on.
Tail: Leopard Gecko, meaning that she grows more confident and calm with age however unlike the gecko, she does not possess the muscles at the base of the tail that can sever it if frightened. On another note, her colors are more bright then a normal Leopard Gecko's tail, and consist of more red, orange and yellow markings then regularly seen.

Personality: Quiet, tranquil and intelligent. She prefers to be soft spoken and avoids others as well as she can. Once you gain her trust, she becomes an invaluable ally, loyal and protective. This Himmel is also extremely stubborn. Will refuse to interact with humans, has little love for other humanoids and works best with quadrupeds and other animals.
Abilities: Much like the ancient serpent dragons of the East, her kind can fly through the air without wings. They are predators in every sense of the word, having incredible hearing, good eyesight and are quite agile and fast. They don't have long claws or huge teeth, but their coils are very strong, and some Himmels have been seen using strangulation against their prey. Windige however prefers to tear out the throat or to chew through the spine of her unfortunate meal.
Empathetic, they can sense any being nearby that is intelligent based on feelings, with this particular ability not halted by thick stone or dense woods. Being as such Himmels are very hard to sneak up on, however if there are multiple beings, spread a part, they would have a harder time pin-pointing the hunters.
History: Windige has grown up without her family and species, and due to that she has a mixed emotions when it comes to things. Human soldiers captured her when she was young, used as a "guard dog" for their outpost. One day a young man joined their ranks. He had descended from humans that had once worked with the Himmels to keep the lands safe. As they began to die out, the human tribe left for higher ground to escape from the Lavabeests. Ramsies recognized what Windige was, gained her trust and set her free. Eventually, as she grew, they became partners and the best scouting pair in the ranks. The years passed, and eventually the Lavabeest's spawn spread. In an all out attack, all the humans were killed, including Ramsies. Not long after that the Gods deemed her worthy to become an elemental, a holy being of their choosing to represent them. Air is a part of her, and she a part of it. Windige set out for vengeance and with the help of three other elementals, she and her allies washed the land clean from the Lavabeests scum.
The black mark on her mane, is the sign that she is a true elemental, and moves like a flag, or a ribbon in the wind at all times. With that, two dots of her green are always there as well, so the marking is different whenever you look at it, sometimes looking like it is spiking upwards, other times down.

RP Characters of Aeolynn
Or if you would like to see more of Windige:
Other Himmels:

Lost Prophets:
When the sun comes down
Will the rain wash away
All the hopes of the brave
Into another day, another day
When the trees start to sway
And the wind makes them groan
I can tell that you don't know
To all the fights I've conquered and beyond
The times have changed and I will now move over slowly
But through it all I still feel lost without you
Hard to find a new soul
As silence takes its toll
You and I
You and I
All you want is to find home.
As the light pours in
Feel the volume of the sky
Mark your place in time with another question why
Tiny flickers in the night
Always looking to be right
To all the fights I've conquered and beyond
The times have changed and I will now move over slowly
But through it all I still feel lost without you
Hard to find a new soul
As silence takes its toll
You and I
You and I
All you want is to find home.
You and I
You don't know
When all you want is to find home.
You Sway
You Sway
You Sway
I won't lie to you... I'm telling you the truth...