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2005-12-06 [Lizisthebest]: oh thx didn't see the others
2005-12-06 [MyWings]: ^^
2005-12-17 [Fizban]: I want to add a poem, is this one suitable?? Fizbans Writing: Why Can't I quit you
2005-12-17 [MyWings]: I'll put it up now^^ you'll find it at page 4^^
2005-12-17 [Fizban]: thanks lol...alot of poems on this, but then again It feels actually easy to write about this for some reason.
2005-12-17 [MyWings]: thanks for letting us put it up! yeahm a lot^^ it does. somehow the sad feelingsa are a lot easier to put into words than the happy...
2005-12-17 [Fizban]: Seriously,...I have such a hard time writing anything jovial...yet, when I got hte inspiration for that, it was just like...natural
2005-12-17 [MyWings]: lol i know...i'm like that myself...only lately i've got a lot of inspiration...
2005-12-17 [Fizban]: loyls...well,.
2005-12-17 [MyWings]: hehe. that's not often...i've found out what inpires me, so for me it's kinda easy to find it now...lol really? lol yeah^^
2005-12-17 [Fizban]: yeah, so did i...school poetry readings lols. Only am I ever inspired than after poetry readings, i have 5 poems, all of them i think suck except for 2 of them, quit and the one on my house, both were products of poetry readings, they were the first things I wrote after poetry readings. Nothing else inspires me...but hearing other people read there poetry. Hearing the emotion in there voices, the inflections they put on the words of there favorite parts. So annoying...my muse shys away from poetry, almost everything else it'll come help but I think it's scared of poetry,...:/
2005-12-17 [MyWings]: nothing else?
2005-12-17 [Fizban]: not that I have found :(...nothing else ever stirrs any inspiration in that area besides other poetry. Tis quite annoying...
2005-12-17 [MyWings]: I find insiration in many things, but mostly in peoples eyes...
2005-12-17 [Fizban]: Not for me, not for poetry lols...
2005-12-17 [MyWings]: lol well, i write storys too...lots of them...and music really help me with my poetry...
2005-12-17 [Fizban]: I love writing stories, I have part one of a story written, and I am writing another one..
2005-12-17 [Lizisthebest]: nice I have 3 parts to a horror story done...one horror short story....one fantasy short story that sux...and the intro to a fantasy story that I am debating writting more in at the same tiem as I work on my big horror novel
2006-01-09 [midnight toker]: you guys kick ass at writing poetry
2006-01-09 [MyWings]: thanks. ^^ XD
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