Elftown Christmas Competitions
Please see the rules on the main page:
Christmas Poetry Competition
Contest Begun: November 25th 2010
Contest Closed: December 26th 2010
Thank you to all that contributed!
<news:[Elftown Christmas Competitions@wiki] Winners!>
Oh, Christmas, how I would adore,
If I were not passed out on the floor.
While snow comes down turning water to ice,
I reach up to my bald spot to scratch my head lice.
The stockings are hung with malice and hate,
My wife just left me, she found a new mate.
So, while I lie here, in vomit and beer,
You have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Last Minute Poem By [Mortified Penguin]
How to post your entry:
Add your poem after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry:
1. <b>
Written by [
insert user name]
There is a theme: Christmas!
"An Elftown Christmas!"
When the holiday season rolls around,
Here a bit more magic can be found.
Christmas, to an already enchanted land,
Adds touches of wonder in style so grand.
There are snowflake kisses
And the granting of wishes;
Love abounds plentifully, an infectious state,
Compassion, kindness, and hope accelerate.
New friendships are formed, old ones rekindled,
The season of cheer, celebration non dwindled.
Many races of humans, of creatures too,
All come together to rebuild and renew;
A common dream, a union one,
Reminiscing back to when she begun.
The dawning of a decade on the horizon near,
A Christmas to remember, a special New Year!
Written by [
Artsieladie] © 2010-12-03
A Christmas Poem
It’s nearly Christmas, the time of year
When all the world is filled with cheer
And Santa’s elves work round the clock
To make up lots and lots of stock
Of lovely presents and shiny toys
For all the nicest girls and boys.
Reindeer prance across the roofs
Clippety-clop go Rudolf’s hooves
As Santa makes his festive flight
In the darkness, late at night
Around the world on Christmas Eve
With gifts which he’ll be sure to leave.
On Christmas Day, as morning dawns
Children awake and Santa yawns.
He pats his belly, fat and round
And whispers to Rudolf, “Homeward bound!”
They cross the snow, so bright and clear
Their work is done for another year.
Written by [
"Christ"-mas Pegasus
Oh, thy great Pegasus, flying way up high,
Soaring across the heavens, such wonder in the sky.
Through the clouds on golden hooves you dance,
Gracefully you glide, majestically you prance.
Your shimmering wings glisten, capturing each ray of gold,
Truly an essence of beauty as legends have been told.
The prism of promise over which you leap,
Signifies God's Word, His covenant to keep:
"The land consumed, swallowed by the sea;
The earth again flooded, thus shall never be."
On this day of "Christ"-mas, was born thy Holy Child,
God's only begotten Son, so humble, meek, and mild.
With a predetermined destiny, the Deliverer of peace,
The Savior of souls, instilling hope never for to cease.
Pegasus, Golden Promise, as with honour you proclaim,
All across the universe, as you repeat His holy name:
"A merry "Christ"-mas to all and a happy New Year",
With Christ still in "Christ"-mas, believers shall not fear.
Although a legendary star of mythology, a constellation,
The message you deliver, a surreal revelation,
Is, we celebrate in the highest power, the birthday of -
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the ultimate Gift of Love!
Written by [
Artsieladie] © 2010-12-23 04:55:15
This year –
I always wonder what Christmas will bring
This year and the next and the next
No holiday is quite as fun nor as busy
As Christmas which seems to keep me in a tizzy
I like mistletoe and holly
And love that everyone is so jolly
The smiles on faces, the punch and the wine
The food and desserts; all so divine
The presents barely matter
When family is near, round a fire place
While so many people round the house fill up space
We laugh and play and romp
We joke and smile and love
No matter what, I always know, be it this year
Or the next, or the next, or the next
It doesn’t matter if it snows
As long as my dear family is near
I, myself, will be filled with Holiday cheer!
Written by [
Alexi Ice]
The Dark Side Of Chrstmas
You slave away to shopping days
And fuss and worry and bicker
Your neighbor nearly has your head
For the last holiday ticker
There is a curse on Christmas town
Known by all for miles around
Called greed and gluttony.
How much food can you consume?
How many presents fit under the tree?
Maybe it’s just me,
Oh maybe it’s just me,
But when I think of Christmas I think
Oh why, oh why, oh me, oh my.
I don’t care about getting presents
Though, yeah, I know they’re nice
But on shopping days I slave away
Trying to perfect my craft
Cuz’ gifting is what I love the most
And yes I don’t care to boast
But I would do anything to see you smile
Even if I must drive for miles
To find just the perfect gift for you
As I know you would like to do for me, too.
Though I don’t care for the Christmas craze
I’d rather lay about an laze
Then be caught in the inferno of wanting and wanting
That makes Christmas time so damn daunting
So now I might bid you adieu
And remind you, no matter how nice,
Christmas time is a Vice.
Written by [
Alexi Ice]
Last Minute Poem
Oh, Christmas, how I would adore,
If I were not passed out on the floor.
While snow comes down turning water to ice,
I reach up to my bald spot to scratch my head lice.
The stockings are hung with malice and hate,
My wife just left me, she found a new mate.
So, while I lie here, in vomit and beer,
You have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Unfortunately written by [
Mortified Penguin] © 2010-12-25 17:52:16
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Christmas Poetry Competition