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2008-11-19 00:39:00
Last author: Imperator
Owner: Imperator
# of watchers: 7
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Here are various links to sections of Elftown where you can contribute. There are many different ways that you can become a contributing Elftown member, so we hope that there is one that is right for you.


Express Yourself

Do you dislike the front page? Do think there should be a better description of Elftown? Join a competition and have it your way!

Interested in holidays and itching to use your creativity? Go to Festivals to submit art and poems in contests for each holiday!

Daily Poem
For all Elftown poets, here is your chance to get more people reading your poems! Enter your poetry here and you could be chosen to have your poem displayed on the main page! Direct any questions at [Linderel].

Elftown Postcards
Would you be interested in creating postcards for Elftown? If so, feature them for public use here!

Elftown Graphics
Do you have artwork you have created that you wouldn't mind other Elftowners to use? This is the place to post them.

Would you like to have a forum for discussing your favorite topic? Contribute to Elftown by creating a private forum for it and advertising it on the private_forums page.


View Elftowners’ Creations

Elftown Archives
Looking for a place to expose your written works or to read stories, poems, essays, and more by other Elftowners? Then the Archives is the place to be; come check it out!

Elftown Museum
Come visit exhibits of art and written work about Elftown’s fantastical history. See the growth of the town, read Orc documentaries, view Elven art, and submit your own!

Reference Pictures
Find free to use art created by other Elftowners ranging from animals to backgrounds to objects. Donate your own creations to the collection!

Digital Art Resources
Find free to use digital art resources such as brush styles and gradients. Donate your own digital creations to the collection!

Featured Art
If you know an artist that has an awesome picture in their house, nominate that picture for the Featured Art! Also view past-featured art.

Featured Wiki
If you know a fun and creative wiki that is deserving of being featured, nominate it for the Featured Wiki! Also view past-featured wikis.

Featured Member
If you know a member who has greatly contributed to Elftown in some significant way, nominate that member for the Featured Member! With a picture and an interview the member will be featured on Mainstreet. Also view past-featured members.


Volunteer Your Time

The Town Herald
Like to write about almost any topic? Then come visit Elftown's own newspaper and submit your articles for the next issue!

Elftown Academy
Would you like to teach your fellow Elftowners something or would you like to learn something from your fellow Elftowners? Go to the Academy and create or join a classroom!


Official Work

See what is needed and help building components for Elftown!

A place to collect suggestions for improvements and changes in Elftown. For more suggestions and discussions about the suggestions, go to the "Elftown, Suggestions" forum.

Want everyone to understand the news? Translate it and become one of the Translators!

Elftown Tutorials
Are you an artist or a writer and do you want to help other Elftowners with their art or writing? Donate to the Tutorials and become one of the Tutors!

Elftown History
Are you one of the ancient members of Elftown or just a member interested in Elftown's history? Help out in recording Elftown's history and become one of the Historians!

Want to help build Elftown, inspect it for bugs and errors and maintain the Mainstreet poll? Read up on what Masters do around Elftown.

Help out the Guards and report members who violate the Uploading Art Rules. Members who submit a reasonable number of good reports may be selected to become one of the Patrollers.


Go or return to:
-The wiki-index
-The Miscellaneous index
-The Help index
-The Hall of Fame

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2008-06-08 [windowframe]: *haunts* I shall linketh it in council. :)

2008-06-08 [Imperator]: *does not haunt* Okay. :-)

2008-06-08 [Nita]: Mmm, nice... I'll be back with some concrit when my brain is awake :P

2008-06-09 [iippo]: Artsie commented on the other page: Reference Picture and Digital Art Resources should be here too. Maybe under "volunteer your time"? since they are sort of volunteer-y?

2008-06-09 [Nita]: So are ET Postcards and Graphics :/ Hmm... How about this?
Creating & Sharing Resources: Elftown Tutorials, Elftown Graphics, Elftown Postcards, Reference Pictures, Digital Art Resources
Showing off & Competing: Competitions, Festivals, Daily Poem, Elftown Archives
Nominating: Featured Art, Featured Wiki, Featured Member, Elftown Museum
Working on Long-Term Projects: The Town Herald, Elftown Academy, Translations, Elftown History
Building Elftown: Suggestions, some forums?
+ a link to the Hall of Fame at the end?

2008-06-09 [Imperator]: Your categories are more practical but I feel like they're less personal and more mechanical than the original categories... But the link to the Hall of Fame would be good.

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