Page name: HeraldContestArena - A Heralder Wedding [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-10-05 18:58:21
Last author: Mirime
Owner: Kaimee
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The Herald Contest Arena

Run by [pixish] and [Kaimee] for The Town Herald


See also Town Herald Contests
and art contests

THEME: Wedding Photo - [All_Most PUNK] & [Mirime]

Dear Elftown!
The Town Herald is holding a very special, once in a lifetime competition for this issue's Herald Contest Arena!
We are planning on doing a special feature this issue and would like some lovely art to go with it!
We won't tell you too much, (it would spoil the surprise) - but we are calling all artists to have a go and see what you come up with!
We need a wedding 'photo' or 'picture' of two of our heralders [Mirime] and [All_Most PUNK]. Photo manipulations are allowed and for the more traditional artists, photo referneces will be supplied!
We want you to be creative and most importantly - have fun!
The winner will be chosen by the married couple and will be featured in the article in the upcoming issue of the Town Herald and all the other entries will be shown in the Arena section as usual.

If you win your art will appear as the winner of this contest in the features section as well as with a Herald article on this subject, your name will be mentioned in the herald, you'll appear in The Town Herald Hall of Fame and recieve a special ribbon badge for you to place in your description!
All participants will recieve participant buttons, and all entries will be shown on a contest page in the Herald.


15th September 2005


1. All work must be your own, anyone breaking this rule will be banned from the contest. This means no copied, traced or stolen art folks.
2. All images must follow the theme provided for that contest.
3. We reserve the right not to publish any explicit or offensive material.
4. You may enter art that has been 'seen before', art does not need to have specifically created for this contest, but it does need to follow the theme provided.
5. The judges decision is final, there will be no arguements.
6. 2 entries per person.


Judging will be made by [All_Most PUNK] and [Mirime]; their decision is final.
Entries will be judged on the appropriateness for the theme, their quality, their imagination, and how much these two lovebirds like them ;)


The winning artist will also have a short interview with one of the Heralders to appear in the Herald, you will be contacted, but you need to be available on Elftown immediately after the deadline.



A Heralder Wedding - Photo References


In rough form, how it happened and what happened the next morning: TH Wedding Text

Entries below, separated by a <hr> line, numbered and with your name

Entry 1: [ally]

don't know if this one really belongs here ...

2. [the Indigo] Mazeltov! (I think I just butchered the spelling of that...) I wish I had a dress like [Mirime]'s XD

Entry 3: [Ciryatúre] Took a bit of artistic license with this...

4. [Levoton] <.<

Entry 5: [Ocean Soul] "Right out of the chruch"

Entry 6: [liiga] Blue dresses are pwetty. :3


Username (or number or email):


2005-09-13 [Ciryatúre]: So pretty! Definitely a Mir smile.

2005-09-13 [Mirime]: Oooh! I loooove my Ebou Dari style dress ;)

2005-09-14 [eyes of frost]: Yea. -smiles- They are all great! Keep 'em coming!

2005-09-14 [Mirime]: yessssss, one more day!

2005-09-14 [eyes of frost]: Lol

2005-09-15 [Kaimee]: You all now have until midnight - ET Time! - to get the last submissions in or make any changes! Good luck :)

2005-09-16 [Mirime]: oooooh I don't think I will give blood again o.O

2005-09-16 [pixish]: O_O  oh noes, what happened?

2005-09-16 [iippo]: I thought it was a paleness comment or something...

2005-09-16 [Mirime]: Well. I did yesterday. (I love the painting iippo, is is perfect!) and while the needle didn't bother me I was lightheaded and dizzy and then I started seeing spots and heard a roaring in my ears..... long story short, I had to drink a lot of coca-cola. 

2005-09-16 [iippo]: *hasn't entered this contest* huh? But that's scary... Didn't they check you or anything that you can lose blood?

2005-09-16 [Mirime]: (I was reassuring you that I wasn't criticising anyone but also I got you confused with liiga, whoops, I am still out of it) they did; I was one point above the minimum iron level and I'm not underwieght according to their standards.

2005-09-17 [irulan]: The first time I donated, I had the same experience and passed out. The next time I still had pretty much a hot flash and they had to tip the chair back and put a cool rag on my forehead. I haven't donated since. :/

2005-09-17 [iippo]: I'd want to actually, but never really got around to it.

2005-09-17 [Mirime]: yeah, I got an icepack too, twice. It makes no sense that I woulc have gotten hot though O.o

2005-09-17 [iippo]: Maybe they wanted your head to be cold so the blood would flow someplace important and not your head. xP

2005-09-17 [irulan]: I don't know why that happens, but it is a miserable feeling. :(

2005-09-17 [Mirime]: heh, I second that.

2005-10-05 [iippo]: Is the deadline extended or what goes on in here?

2005-10-05 [Mirime]: It has been voted on ^_^ I'm not sure who's handling the results

2005-10-05 [eyes of frost]: I wonder who is winning. Lol

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