Page name: LA RP 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-13 20:55:11
Last author: Phil Crooked
Owner: Insaniac Yoshie
# of watchers: 1
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back to legand of ashar or Legand of Ashar RP room 1

"I suppose it should be ok. Though i usually travel alone, I could use some company." Klix smiles.

"Thanks, it's a real privlige to travel with such beauty" as Haru says as he blushes," who are your friends?"

"Um thank you I think..." says Klix. "As for my friends, theres Asha- I mean Crow. And I believe the other will introduce herself in good time."

"Um ok thank you." says Haru as he bows his head in appreciation.

"Well I guess all we have to do now is wait for the others to pull themselves together and well be off." Klix sits down and pulls out a small haversack, "Hungry?"

"Um, no thanks i'll be fine" Haru says as he magically makes a fire.

"Ok then." Klix pulls out a flask full of blood wine and statrs sipping from it, "If your sure..."

"and i am slara pleasure to meet you"

Haru takes her hand and kisses it then bows as he introduces himself," the pleasure is all mine, i am Haru Des." said Haru

Crow grits his teeth " back off horndog " Then smiles " im just kidding hey i have to go to the bathroom , i had way too much mcdonnalds today "

"Uh... TMI crow..." Klix says still sipping her blood-wine. "Do you have any clue where were going from here?"

" um maybeee why dont you tell em to refresh my memorie " crow says with superb inteligeneticness

"Do you smell something?" Haru says as he sniffs the air.

"yeah i do , why dont you take a shower for once " Crow says with a glare

"It's not that, <sniff> it smells kinda like, orcs, and it smells worse than you, man," says Haru," they must be deadly then."

Crow slightly twiches " im in no mood for this " Crow spreads his wings and flys into the sky

"You see anything?" Haru yells to Crow.

" well , besides animals and grass no " * an arrow wooshes by grazing Crows wing * Crow falls into a neer by tree

Haru rushes over and checks out the arrow," are we near a cave?"

" I only wish i could say..... i dont know whats what , or wheres where anymore " Crow says with an unstable voice " but i sappose theres only one way to know for sure "

"Do you want me to look around?" asks Haru.

" dont think its worth you going on your own " Crow stands up " its just a scratch , im game for an adventure "

"you should stay here and at least treat your wound"says Haru,"and i can transform in to bat, remember i am a vampire. I'll come back once i'm done, heck i might even scare them away."

" fine..... but , be carefull and if anythings to go wrong just shout my name , the land here is so quiet i could hear trouble from miles away " Crow turns and walks away

"ok, here i go," says Haru as he flies away and thinks to himself, ok were did that arrow came from...... ah! over here, and then he flew up to a couple of huge guards in front of a cave then got behind them and slit their throats, and headed back."there are cave trolls ahead"

Walking back to Kilx and Slara Crow stumbles upon something " a stone? " Crow picks up the shining stone " No , its more then a stone " Crow puts the stone into his pocket and contenues to walk " so much is going wrong "

"yea today doesn't seem to be our day huh sweetie?" she smiled and then grimanced at the sight of crow's wound. "Here i will help you take care of that." pulls out some herbs from her pouch.

Crow grins " i appreciate it " Crow slightly frowns " yeah seems like everything is about to break away , i just hope its not as bad as it seems "

"Tell me about it, if only we had a way to know what the hell was going on this would be so much easier." slara said with uneasyness

" yes but , then what would be the point? wheres the adventure and the excitement if we know what to expect " Crow says light heartidly " we must face it , life is a game of guessing , a very long game at that "

contenue rping on LA RP 3

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2005-02-12 [InuzukaKiba]: you're pretty good at thinkin' that quick

2005-02-12 [Insaniac Yoshie]: thinking how quick?

2005-02-12 [InuzukaKiba]: i don't know how to exactly answer that but you're fast at thinking up lines for your character

2005-02-12 [Insaniac Yoshie]: :) lol yes... i love rpgs iv been playing D&D since i was 6 vid games since i was 14 and now i have ET to rp on as well

2005-02-12 [a little piece of sunshine]: i have never done rp so i am kinda slow at thinking of stuff

2005-02-13 [InuzukaKiba]: i just like writing so this is really fun for me because it's also a mix with somethin' like Final Fantasy

2005-02-13 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol sweety i would also help if you put things like "slara said" and the like after what you type so we know its you saying it (just a tip (: )

2005-02-13 [InuzukaKiba]: sorry

2005-02-13 [Insaniac Yoshie]: its ok your new to live rping ill be glad to give you any help you need

2005-02-13 [InuzukaKiba]: thanks

2005-02-13 [Insaniac Yoshie]: welcome :)(:

2005-02-13 [a little piece of sunshine]: ooops srry ok i will but i think we need to make another page how do u do that ?

2005-02-13 [Phil Crooked]: i just did :p

2005-02-13 [a little piece of sunshine]: thank you

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