Page name: la rp 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-14 03:48:35
Last author: Phil Crooked
Owner: Phil Crooked
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contenue rping here. Back to LA RP 2 or legand of ashar main page

"True you have a point there," slara smiled and gave him a little kiss on the cheek "Life would be boring if we did." slara said smiling

" I found something , slara " Crow says with a disturbed look on his face " its a stone a stone that has the power to heal and the power to destroy all with a thought " Crow pulls out the stone " it musnt be found by the wrong person , howver with the right hands it can possably help us on are journys "

Klixs takes the stone and examines it. It is shineing, pulsing slightly, and warm to the touch. "Hmm... I wonder..."

Crow looks at Kilx in confusion " Your just full of wonder arnt you kilx , care to explain the stone?" 

Haru says," well, it doesn't look like a blood stone"

" kid a while back id be trying to kill you right now , but after my stay in the netherealm im afriad ive been cursed with more than vampiracy , whats it like , to be one? a vimpire i mean " Says Crow

"Well," Haru starts out," it sucks sometimes, because if you get a craving for blood, you won't stop until you get about 10 cows worth of blood, and that's what the bloodstones are for, then some of the positives are: you can change into a bat, or just get the wings; you have exeptional speed and strength; and you can become a shadow, but only at night."

" Sounds... Well i dont know...." Crow looks into the sky " One thing im jelus of are clouds , haru , you see there free and just go along with whatever crosses its path , see now if we did that wed all be dead"

Haru says,"That's very true, that's why I'm glad i'm traveling with you 3."

Crow closes his eyes " You say that now , but in time im sure your opinion will change "

"nah, you might not like me, but, if i've learned anything, it's that in the world there is always 1 person in that world that will hate you, but you should just live with it and have fun." says Haru, in deep thought.

" hate is a strong word " Crow sais while still waching the clouds " but hey i forgot to ask , hows was it in the cave? "

"I didn't go any further than the entrance cause the cave trolls in front were heavily armed,"says Haru,"and i just got far enough in to slit their throats, so i came back."

Haveing ignored the argument around her, Klix was busy studying the stone. Thinking back to the time she had visited The Archive long ago, where she had read of a stone not unlike this one. "I wonder. I wonder..."

Then Haru walks up to her and asks,"are you ok? you seem out of it"

Crow looks at Haru and Klix " youve been out of it alot latley klix.... "

"Huh? Wha? Oh... youv known me for a long time Crow. Im alwas out of it... Its just this stone. It could be one of the Elders stones. The stone of the world, every world has one. If this is an Elder stone..... Let me just say that if this, if this is what i think it might be its not a good sign." says Klix very quickly.

"Elder stone......" Haru says to himself," i think this is one of them,there was a passage in a book i read that said something about the stones in unexpected areas, and if you found it," Haru looks at Crow," i might have a chance to........." said Haru as he started to mumble to himself.

Before Haru has a chance to do any thing Klix breathes the words "Paliese Giaen" over the stone and it starts to glow in a deep threatening purple/silver/green swirl, vibrateing and and increasing in heat. Seeing what was happening Klix hurridly whispers "Callou Degassi" and wraps the stone in a cloth. "I know what the stone is now and its not and Elders stone. But it is what the gathering darkness out there is after."

"So we should destroy the stone? right? either that or die protecting it," says Haru, cluelessly.

" And to think , all i did was not wach my steps , yall should clap for me " crow sais in a daised voice

" You know i i'll clap just cause it seems like this is you're first accomplishment since getting a C- in Special Ed." coughed Haru.

" i apreciate that Haru , but keep in mind we just met , and i can hold a grudge " crow sais wiht a glare

"let's see you try to hold a grudge against me," says Haru, sarcasticly," i'll save you when you most need it one day."

Crow looks to the ground " your years to late to save me , haru , ive been dead for a very long time maybee not so much on the exterier but inside im dead , maybee you forgot my inportance to you , if my quest fails so will you and everyone else! " Crow looks back up and to a neer by hallow tree " let me rest , arguements will get us no were "

"ok,"says Haru,"i'm sorry, and i'll put my life on the line for you, no matter what."

Crow looks back for a few seconds , then turns to sleep withing the trees hallow shell

"HA! Clap for you Crow! More like cut you hands off because you touched it! Be gald you and I are half demon Crow or wed be dead. And be glad neither Slara or Haru touched it or theyed be dead to." Klix says getting up and beginning to walk. "Well hurry up you three!!! We need to move fast and hope they havent sensed its presents yet."

contenue rping at LA RP 4

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2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: sorry took so long for me to respond forgot to start watching the page... =/

2005-02-14 [InuzukaKiba]: it's ok i won't be able to get on some times too

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: hey phe , should we start a new page now?

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: yeah and slow down guys every time i try to type sum thing your type sumting!! remember my comp slow as mole asses

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: lol yeah

2005-02-15 [Insaniac Yoshie]: ppl do know theres 4th page dont they?

2005-02-15 [Phil Crooked]: im pretty sure , why?

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