Page name: la rp 4 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-02-15 06:10:28
Last author: Insaniac Yoshie
Owner: Phil Crooked
# of watchers: 1
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back to LA RP 3 . or back to the main page legand of ashar

Crow looks slightly to the side " do we have to leve i just layd down " Crow stands up and walks to the others " oh well lets go "

Not paying much attention, Klix kept walking. We need to get it away and hide it, she thought, But where?

Crow looks over at Klix " you know i might not be able to read minds but.. i can read emotions "

"Hm? Its just that we need to go and we need to go now." says Klix, still not seeming to pay much attention. "I can feel its nearer can you?"

Crow grasps his wounded wing " i can feel alot of things right now , my wound seems to have grown "

Klix stops and glances back at Crow. "Hmm... well at least your not flying for now. We'll go to the Garden first and see if they have any thing there that can help."

" Slaras urbs didnt help , i dont know if anything could " Crow sais in a worried tone

"Theres more than herbs in the Garden." Klix goes back and helps Crow. "We just need to get there. Think you can make it a good days hike?"

Crow slightly grins " i think ill never know if i dont trie "

"Should we head back to the cave and hide it there?," says Haru," if the cave was made by cave trools it must be very long, and who knows what else could be in there."

"here we can maybe go and find some medicine person in a nearby village first ." slara said suggestivly. "It miht be better than my stuff."

" good idea," says Haru,"but, what if we don't have time?"

" yeah guys please dont fret over a hurt wing , no healing is better then time " Crow sais with a seriuse tone " dont let my wound slow us down in are travles "

After Crow said that, Haru looked through his bag and after a while said, " ah-ha! here it is," and Haru took a red stone out of his bag and gave it to Crow," rub this against your wing and it'll heal."

Crow looks at Haru with a kinda depressed look " Look i- i cant use that , or anything else for that madder , the wound needs to heal on its own , if i use any sort of majic or medicane it can permantly damage my wings , and with that said we should be off "

"look, i'm trying to help you. this is a blood stone, it'll stop the blood from dripping and it's not magic, or medicine, it's made out of my own energy, and i'm willing to use up my energy to help you," Haru pauses for a second, then looks at Crow with firery eyes," take it or that wing will be infected the arrow i found was an infected troll arrow, trust me i'm a master at advanced poison and potions."

Crow looks at hural with anger " hey i can fend for my selfe alright , and .... theres more to it then any of you need to know , give me a couple weeks , if its still hurt by then , well then well see if i use anything to help it heal "

Haru starts to say something, but stops, closes his eyes, sits down, deeply looks into the stone polishes it, and puts it back into the sack." well, are we gonna get goin'?"

Klix sighs. "If you two keep bickering like this i shall put a silence charm on both of you just so i dont have to hea your ugly voices. And besides, Klix hold up the stone. "Thats what it wants. For us to destroy each other so it can be found. It knows we wont use it for its purpose, s so it plays with our minds hoping to bend us. If not that, then to get us out of the way any way it can." With that Klix turns and stomps off, not looking back. "Now i am leaving before they find me and it."

Crow waches Klix walk off " well hey dont leve us behind " Crow catches up to Klix and contenues in the walk.

Klix looks at Crow and narrows her eyes. "Why do you like to argue so much? You enjoy it, I can tell, when I look at you."

"After a while, things get old, and the mind falls apart, its hard to be in a good mood, Klix , its getting very rough to hold my own , and i realize that , it gets to me makes me very edgey " says Crow in a shallow voice.

Klix turns and keeps her eyes ahead of her, not looking at Crow. "I'm 600 years old, Crow. I don't know if you know that. Even though I know there are older things out there than I, it all seems old to me. I'm not immortal, though most who have heard of me think I am. Eventually you learn not to not to care about anything or anyone to much. The only thought I have that keeps my mind whole is the thought that I might find my family. Not my human side of course. They died long ago, and I was a living curse to them as it was. But my demon side, if they will accept me. Which they more than likely wont. But that, my friend, is what keeps my mind from falling apart."

pssst!! new page!!! la rp 5

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2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i think we should stop for know befor we leave the others behind bc sweety is almost 2 pages behind and vamp is a page behind

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: lol good idea

2005-02-14 [Insaniac Yoshie]: lol we need more peeps to join i got dark and vamp time for you to get some ^_^

2005-02-14 [Phil Crooked]: i got slara so theres one , its hard to get ppl in these things

2005-02-14 [InuzukaKiba]: i could probably get some

2005-02-15 [Insaniac Yoshie]: gah wtf?! i had it watching this page then it made me stop!!!! grr... its been doing that to me a lot....

2005-02-15 [Phil Crooked]: lol

2005-02-15 [Insaniac Yoshie]: new page? or go for a lil more on this one?

2005-02-15 [Phil Crooked]: probably new page , idk whadda you think , .............. i so shoulda had a bigger shot of that brandy

2005-02-15 [Insaniac Yoshie]: you had brandy?! and didnt share?! i see what kinda friend you are...

2005-02-15 [Phil Crooked]: not a real good one , think i dont know or what?

2005-02-16 [a little piece of sunshine]: ahhhhhh i am so behind i am sorry i kinda groundedish but not really my rents are4 being hormonal ppl so sometimes they will let me on and sometimes not so i have to sneak on sometimes i am sooooo sorry

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