Page name: Lab 218: D-Block [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-07-27 01:14:43
Last author: Lirerial
Owner: The Black Goat
# of watchers: 9
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D-Block Hallway

Lined with windows on one side, this area is fairly well lit, but still remains empty and desolate. There is a wooden door marked "Conference Room D" to the immediate right of the exit to the lobby, sliding glass doors just beyond the windows to the left that is labeled "Conservatory", and at the very end of the hall is another door, unmarked and with a security orb floating in front of it.

Marcus opened the door and took a look to his right then to his left and noted the doors and more importantly the security orb, they would need to avoid that. "Some sort of orb to the left, Conference Room D right and I think a lobby a little further down whats your opinion?" he reported back to her. "I think the Conference room is a better bet considering we have no weapons or just the open room to escape." he told her.

Silera glanced from sign to sign and then curiously back at him, "What are we escaping from? Why not stand and fight whoever you are fleeing from?" She asked as she looked back. "Isn't a conference room just that? A room, no way to get out but a perfect trap?" She stated and then took a few light steps down the hall. "A lobby sounds much more likely to lead us outside." Where we can get food. She added silently as she watched Marcus and waited for a response. She was hungry... The leaves had tasted horrible and she suddenly found herself wondering how this person in front of her would taste.

He sighed and began again, "If we want answers to who and what is going on they might be in the conference room. And how do you stand and fight an enemy you don't know, cause I'm pretty sure I didn't volunteer for this. If we have to fight I'd rather do it back in there were we have more room or outside." Marcus moved to the Lab 218: Conference Room D door and turned the knob, he might get lucky and find something telling him where he was and for that matter who he was. He went inside if she didn't want to follow him then he hoped she'd find whatever she wanted to find, which seemed like something to eat.

Silera wasn't swayed. She was driven by the need to get into the open, away from the walls. She needed to be in the open and she barely glanced in his direction as she wandered down her own route towards the Lab 218: Lobby. She wasn't stupid, however, she scanned the hallway for signs of life or a weapon, and her eyes slowly started to shift colors as the silence and desertion made her more and more tense.

When Marcus left the conference room he wondered where she might have gotten off to when he heard the crash of glass from the lobby. "Wow, she really wanted outside I guess." he mused before throwing the scrubs over his shoulder and walking towards Lab 218: Lobby.

Shrill came into the hallway and waddled straight through to the Lab 218: Stairwell D-E, seeming uninterested in anything else.

Luca again was just in time to catch the creature as the door to the Lab 218: Stairwell D-E shut behind it, and again he sped up to catch him.

Silera slammed though the door and skidded to a stop. This place was familiar. She and Marcus had already passed through there. She hissed in frustration, she needed to get out! Away from the bastards trying to trap them! She decided to wait for Marcus to catch up before they decided where to go.

Marcus almost bumped into her when he came through the door, "Crap didn't we leave this party a while ago? Come on maybe they came through the front door and we can slip out. But Silera, we are partners deal? I watch yer back you watch mine?" without waiting for her answer he headed down the hallway to Lab 218: Lobby

Partners for now. Silera silently agreed before following Marcus to Lab 218: Lobby

Laboratory #218

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2013-12-23 [The Black Goat]: lol

2013-12-24 [The Black Goat]: :forehead smack:

Sheamus you can't just tack it on at the end dear, you need to work it into the movement description.

2013-12-24 [Sheamus Finn]: I will fix it, sorry I got distracted while I was posting, better?

2013-12-24 [The Black Goat]: it is thank you, go ahead and post into the conference room then, I prefer not to leave characters in limbo =)

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