Page name: Miscellaneous [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-19 06:17:43
Last author: BarleySinger
Owner: shudson
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Elftown Things

The Crisis CenterIf you need help and you have tried everything come here

lost if you just don't know where to go become a lost member

The Hall of Fame
Where the names of the Illustrious Citizens are engraved in Golden Letters for their Contributions to Elftown.

<img:lilo_di3.JPG> Ask-Lilo
This is Elftown's answer to Woodwork's Klimpen's corner, but harder, faster and bitchier.

The elftown_chronicles are up!!!
Feel free to edit its pages and especially for grammar, spellings and events. It is supposed to be a summary of the history of Elftown... ^_^

The Town Herald
Find out about the town's Newspaper and how you can be a part of it ;)

Here you can add information about your private forum and whom to contact to be added to the forum.

Elftown Stuff
Here you can post your postcards and graphics for everyone to use!

Compete against your fellow Elftowners to be able to show off your skills publicly on Elftown.

The Letter Shop
Send secret letters across Elftown to fellow Elftowners, You can send letters as a secret admirer or as an anonymous person.


Elfwood Things

A page about Elfwood merchandise

The Official Elfwood eZine pokes a twig into Elftown. What do we want for the next issue? What can you do for us? (Updated: 16th October) Woodworks October issue is out!



Unions created by members for members.



Interests 2

Pages for discussing specific interests (including religion, anime, poetry and music), sharing tips and ideas, etc.


Plugs and Praise

Pages for asking for comments, giving comments, etc.


Elftown Academy

Learn or teach various subjects in the Elftown Academy.


Very Miscellaneous and Very Miscellaneous 2

Miscellaneous miscellanous pages :-)


Go or return to:
-The wiki-index
-The help index

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2003-02-04 [peura]: Reordered a bit and added some stuff from the community page and the index page...

2003-02-20 [Shalazzar]: little reorder to the unions... honestly, the halflings united before the elves... :)

2003-02-26 [Elisandra]: got rid of a community house that didn't belong here.

2003-02-28 [Elisandra]: Naerisyl, do not put your house back here again. It belongs in the community pages.

2003-04-15 [Arctik]: school

2003-05-23 [seafairy]: help

2003-06-16 [wiccanmaiden]: dont forget to close your tags ppl... as in for every < b > you need a < /b >

2003-07-03 [Kim_Lundin]: I'm new here, how do you put Wiki pages under Unions?

2003-07-25 [spiritee]: go join my PLUSHIE CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2003-07-27 [Amedyr]: Say I wanted to make a fan club... where should I make it? Under 'Interests' on this page? Or somewhere else?

2003-07-27 [Elisandra]: yes.

2003-07-27 [Amedyr]: I take it it's under Interests, then. :)

2003-08-15 [Sundrop]: Would 'Taking over the world' be considered a common interest? ._.;; *sweatdrop*

2003-08-17 [shudson]: [Elisandra] and I will be tidying up this page

2003-09-05 [Rya]: To Sundrop: I'd most certainly hope not....

2003-09-09 [Avaz]: removed Art Contest section from Games wiki, added it here.

2003-09-15 [Tal Anduril]:

Hey People! Help Save the Tree, Please.

Go to save my oak and add your name to the list.

2003-10-26 [skicheat]: w00t ....every body check out make yourself up

2003-10-29 [DarkJenni]: hello everyone!!

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