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Very Miscellaneous 2 [Logged in view]
2007-02-05 22:57:03
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Very Miscellaneous 2

If you want to join the army and like phoenix's you should check out
Phoenix Army, here you can train at the army, have your own room, roleplay, and vote in the weekly pole. So join
Phoenix Army now.
Lineage 2 Lovers Yo! If u like the game lineage or would like to check it out come here! We will post screenshots!
Midevil Crisis RPG Join here! If you liek the DragonLanceLeg
ends Join here!
The Crisis CenterIf you need help and you have tried everything come here
Professional Idots
For all you idiots out there who feel that they're professionals, join this wiki.
Fellow softball lovers! JOIN NOW!!!! or die...

hilly's hookers

Empyrean Bond
A rp about two worlds which are now forced to co-exist if they wish to survive in harmony.
The Harry Potter Wiki join harry potter fans!
Fight Room
This is a place for people of all races and talents to put themselves to the test. Everyone is welcome to battle.
Run by:[blakarak]
Leara's Plush Page and Fellow Plush Makers Interested in custom made plushies, or make your own? Check out these pages.
My Diablo2gallery

Starlight Romance
Come in and enjoy the romantic quizzes placing you in an unknown kingdom surrounded by three gorgeous guys.
Girls only, but all welcome to come and join in the fun.
Look here
are you a collector of random things? or perhaps you just love randomness? then I have the place for you! Visit the museum of all random things and look at our fabulous collection of random things! perhaps you even want to donate a thing?

linux Created for people who hate Microsoft and love free things. [FiSHr.]
Our Song A pitstop for all minstrels, musicians and travelling bards to share their songs and poetry with others of their kind.

Christian Youth Group is a great place for Christians to make some friends and share their faith!
Young Vampires the place for REAL and I mean REAL young vampires!![The Lizard Princess]
help 4 Teens Do you feel like things couldn't get worse, and life is just so screwed up? I've read almost EVERY teen help book, and I like to try and help people with their problems. Feel free to write in this section if you just need to talk to someone. You can write about anything!!! [sugarplumfairy]
Elftown Restaurant is now open for business ^_^ .

The Cleavage Club For the BIG BREASTED LADY's of ET!!![Blue Fish]
Anime Mania
This wiki page has been put up for those who are interested on how-draw-manga, and those who would like to post stuff to help out! If you check it out, you find that it is in the beginnings. I would love any suggestions! There is also a contest wiki page in the makings attached as well for Anime Fanart. Criteria and directions on how to enter will be posted soon. Please come and check it out.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan ListFor all the people that love TRHPS...[Blue Fish]
War Tiger
A story written by [Rosey The Eskimo], read the story and the history of it here, join the RPG, sign up for the fanlist (if indeed there are any).
Nutty Pippa's
For anyone who would like to purchase an imaginary horse, go there! Member facilities coming soon!
Dark Dollie for all the people on ET who have Dark wicked evil lil dollies they'd like to share!!!!!! [The Lizard Princess]

Red Roses for the Devil
The story of Lucifer, his damnation and his forbidden love come to life in an interacitve, illustrated version. Written and Created by Heather Lauren Meldley ([Mordigen]), this wiki not only lets your read the story, but it lets your experience it yourself by giving in-depth views into the characters, story line, and gives you the chance to put your illustrations into the story itself.
Want to read the story, get to know the characters, contribute to the wiki??
The wiki is now up and running, to be viewed, and looking for everyone contributions -- needs general help & illustration, as well as help in the actual story and publishing.
Come check it out and lend your hand now at Red Roses for the Devil
Join Anti-Britney ....just add your name and grab a gun!!! - [44. Caliber Love Letter]
The Stripey Scarf Society
The TARDIS has landed in Elftown! Join us for some Doctor Who madness!
The Strange Club Another club for all the weirdos here to just relax and be stupid!
Cinderella's Quiz Page
Feeling board well then take one of my fabulous quizzes! ^_^ by[Jenbells]
The church of bob The church of the all mighty Bob. The current priests are Seto Kaiba And Bakura Fan 121 and Triggerhappy elf!
The Bjork Fan Club.....[Blue Fish]

Sweethearts of Elftown
Come see all the Sweethearts of Elftown
Created by ~ [SilverBlue82]
The Monty Python Club!
All Monty Python lovers go here and join!
Wiccan Youth-For the people that can not stand the Christian Youth Group! And love the wiccan ways! Viva la-Wiccan! by:[Blue Fish]
Aww! Kitties! Have an adorable feline? Maybe you have that cool kitten drawing in your gallery that no one sees or a poem about your favorite animal that you want to share. This is the place for you!
Intangible The thoughts of a certain female. And I just wanted it for me. But why not be an open book? I'm here for you!
A wiki page dedicated to the land of the free and the home of brave. By [Blaze the Nameless]
Boys are stupid!
If you agree, then you are the sort of person we seek! Come and join us, if you don't then you are stupid too!!!
Girls judge boys too quickly! Evil them!
If you agree, and think girls are judgmental for saying things like "boys are stupid", then you are the sort of person we seek! Come and join us!!!!

labyrinth lovers Did you love the movie Labyrinth? Did you honestly think you were the only one? join!
A place to remember those who have touched our lives. Please come share who has touched your life.
Elftown Pet Memorial
Page dedicated to our loving pets who have gone from us but are still loved dearly...
The Book of Tripe TM
The Wiki version of the Book of Tripe, volumes 1-15: the book full of those stoopid things you've forgotten you said...they're coming back to haunt you. Copyrights belong to [Clackie]
The Elijah Wood Appreciation Wiki
Wiki-mistress: [Mrs Baggins] Come on, all you Elijah-fans, we know you're out there! Join our appreciation club for lickle Elijah!
we got em' you throw em'
Made by [Arienal] and [*OGD*]
A solution for a problem!
Show off your tattoos or tattoo designs for all of Elftown!
Misfit Island For all the Misfits, or lover of misfits. Poems, banners, lyrics, art work and other stuff. ^_^ by [polaroid of purity]
Gallery of Art gallery for art! check it out!
I Choose To Live
This's for all those people out there who choose to live, at least for the time being.

Protagonists - Come and see what it's all about!
Join [Ringo]'s Beatles Appreciation Society - lyrics, trivia, albums and much more on the fab 4...
Draco Malfoy ~ being bad has never been this good
Severus Snape ~ "I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, and ensnare the senses. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper on death." the man you love to hate
Harry Potter
Bert is Evil! wiki page. Dedicated to those who know Bert the muppet is pure evil!
blood for the young ones...come in and have some fun all u vamps...
The Writer's Guide - tips, suggestions, references and general chat for writers of Elftown.
Club Melon
Welcome one and all to THE place to belong. Club melon is just somewhere to belong and to glorify our wonderful leader......[Quazi] (Joking!)
Hellspawn's Joke etc. repository
Name pretty much sums it up

LotR Parody A place for people who are keen on LotR, but most of all who love </a></a>to laugh! Simptoms: floor rolling, paintfull jaws and upset neighbours!!!
Elbow Lickers
It has been said that it is impossible to lick ones own elbow. Well this has turned out to be false. In fact, it is just highly improbably to lick ones own elbow. I can lick my elbow; can you?
Wiki building Corp
We build your wikis for you. Just tell s what type of wiki you want and we'll make it, give it a name, christen it, try to get people to join it and make a story line for you. But you don't have to use any of those things if you don't like so just give it a chance, you will probably like the out-come.
knowladge know something someone else doesn't and want to share? There something you want to know? Come on in, and read your fill! ^_^ And if you have an info page, feel free to add it to the links! ^_^ by, [Ayeaka]
Oh Bother! For those who love </a></a>to bother one another. This wiki was made for those who are in love </a></a>with the parody, the Potter Puppet Pals!

The Stray Chronicles by [Mordigen]
In a time long ago, where magick and distant races were not so unheard of, their were great wars raging between the peoples of the Fair and the Fell...a time where the lands were split into the world we know now, and the Sacred Realm, trapping all foul spirits in the mortal world, and a kingdom of Fair Folk to guards the door.
9 Stones that there were, representing the powers and virtues of the elements - vanished, sealing the door...
The Fell come to take the Sacred World as their own, the Fair come to guard it....
Can you find the stones?
Are you the one who could save their realm....or would you long to have it's power as you're own?
Take your Side at The Stray Chronicles -- now open for applications and auditions
Superheroic A fun place for the Superheroes, and Supervillains, of Elftown to gather and interact with each other. Come join us.
Darknessfires poems
All hail the rolling panda!!!! it owns you!! worship it!!!
The Red Guild. A guild of unloved assassins. Visit our page to join or hire us.
Where have all the Buddhist gone? finally a site for Buddhists... if there are any out there.
Battle of Light and Dark
come, join the battle of light vs. dark, better put, evil vs. good! pick your side and come join us!
hockey lovers

this is all about hockey, if you like hockey you will feel right at home.
fire pretty a blace for fire lovers!
satansk8rz join us and sk8 4eva

evil pinkies! Underground grotto co-owned by [Djinn] and [MageyDePink]. Builders of the OEG! The Original Elftown Gaybar! Everyone is welcome :D
badge and banner contest Well, I have started up a badge and banner contest. If you want to make a bagde for yourself or for a wiki, just come to my wiki, and add you name to the list. [pegasus1000]

Ugly People united
The title explains it all
Roholios Kingdom

The mini lowdown:Constantly changin ^wonderful^ graphics, on-going art and poem competitions, poetry and art pages, movie and music pages..and thats just to name a few

enter a strange world of PC art and weirdness

The Birdz

[Rolo]'s Bird doodles


[The illustrious Piki]'s doodles


Chamu is a mysterious force that moves through Budehaven Sqool of doom. Follow Chamu's sqool journey and progress
A random little wiki
Brought to you by [Rolo]
Another Monty Python club
For all you other Monty Python Fans!(tis only wafer thin)
Alternative smilies
erm... have you ever woken up in the morning, slightly hung-over, looked at a smilie and said 'ha! that looks like...' come here and post your own musings on the nature of smilies.
SilverTown - RP page! Join!

Interactive Stories Come and contribute!!!

Make up a costume, or use your old one from the last time you went trick or treating! Enjoy ^_^

Was there ever a time when you knew you had friends and were loved and surrounded by them but felt alone? Was there ever time when you felt invisible to the world around you? Many can feel these feelings. This wiki is dedicated to those who feel alone even when they are loved.

"All we are saying is give peace a chance..."
~John Lennon~
Muffin Confusion!!

muffinarmy... but not really...
(this pic is badge #1) Bob and a Half ...very. very random wiki.
The academy for totally ridiculous superheroes - The only place to learn totally ridiculous super powers. Lessons, competitions and more!
The Hot,Horny,Bi's of Elftownby [Blue Fish]
Prefects Lounge for fellow prefects....
The August birthday
If you have an August birthday. Come on down.

The Elftown Library
This wiki is still under construction, needs works from Elftowners!!

Happy Bunnies come along! Or if your not a happy bunny come along and we'll make you one =^.^=
Still Under Construction Help would be much appreciated =)
Problem page

Got a problem we'll solve it and that's a promise with our fully well very nearly fully qualified agony aunts.
Bandies United just a place for band people and former band members to hang out
Dragons Eyes is a place for dragon-obsessed people of all ages to come and play games, make new friends, and chat! Come on and join!!
How to RP
Just a guide to help out newbies (although many won't be able to find it). I'm not saying I'm good or anything, it's just good guidelines. Also, direct people to this when they're being annoying power playing RPer's! Comments and suggestions are always loved!
elder scrolls fans unite
this page is for people who play ANY of the Elder Scrolls games... you know... games like Morrowind and Daggerfall?...just join
doom3 fans unite
join if you like doom3...or any other doom game
Mystik and Magickal Hatred
daddy's little girl
Filthy Little Secret You'll just have to see it....
loving the wrong person This place is for anyone who has ever loved the wrong person for any reason come and find support
relaxation time warp for all you people who just want to get away from it all, read a good book, take a nap, have a shower or a bath, sit in the swimming pool, or just have a nice hot mocca then come here
Paranormal Investigation By [Leara]

ElfTown Animal Shelter
waffle party This wiki is something I cooked up! (pun intended!) You could drop in for a bite and weirdness!!

Otep saves
The best metal band in the whole world!
I <3 Piercings Stand up and be proud of your nipple rings!
Global Cooling
Please help stop something that could mean the end of the world
The License Plate Game Have a good vocabulary? Have a not so good vocabulary? Come and join the game!</center>

people against offensive swearing
The lost and clueless
for all those who go through life lost and clueless.
Stop the steeling!:[Blue Fish]
You Are Beautiful Graffiti to some, but an anonymous message of hope to others... Has it found your town? Show us photos of this phenomenon that is sweeping the world!
for all of you "wack jobs" out there come chat [mr. beefy] fans
join this if you play and like the game at
Maden's Crew for all those hot Pirate women out there![The Lizard Princess]
BDSM lovers should we have to explain?[zeronay]
stupid yet funny Self-explanatory XD 
Help support the bands that are lucky record labels keep them. They need more fans to keep making CDS!!!!
Please join if you are random and like it !! THANK YE !!
If ye a barbarian in a place of elves come and join us at the Barbarians Lair
YU-GI-OH Dualdualist unite!
Save a Life Where one click a day can save lives. Please help us, become a clicker today! ^-^

Providing proof for Jesus

What Christainity is all about

put all the annoying messages where they belong: to Stupid Messages
The 3 wikis below were made by - [Monster Master™]. She proudly presents to you pictures for you to use for your ELFTOWN or ELFPACK houses/profiles. Not intended for Myspace nor Facebook. Only Elftown and Elfpack.

Astro Adoption

The Monster Adoption

Alien Invaders Adoption

If you're not one of us... you're one of them.
Remember, add your pages above this note.

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