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Very Miscellaneous [Logged in view]
2006-08-19 06:21:35
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Very Miscellaneous
Starlite ReignAn rpg by [
Star ocean-esqe
-Video Games-
Come here to chat about upcoming games or past games. You can also get a history lesson on Video Game Consoles.
The Crisis CenterIf you need help and you have tried everything come here
Armored Core
Missions, garage, even an arena to RPG it out other Mechs called Ravens. join this wiki even if you dont know of the game, you can visit {-AC Info-@wiki] to learn more about it. If you have any questions just message [
Iron-Man-429]. fans
join this if you play and like the game at
William Shakespeare. A wiki for anyone who enjoys Shakespeare's exquisite words!
Hi i need help with drwaing a tattoo please help me out prizes will be arranged.
Elftown Academy
Place where you can learn and/or share knowledge, learn how to speak in elf or spanish...lear
n about the historys of the races..

Join Misunderstood! Most of us can relate to that feeling you get when everyone in the room turns and looks at you funny.... Join us, and those funny looks will not go away, but it helps for those of us who are misunderstood to JOIN FORCES!!!!

Adoption Agency
Do you want to adopt a pet of elftown?? Do you want to be adopted by a person of elftown?? are you just plain BORED??? Click here now!!!

Elftown Bar

For the love of reading
Made by [thestranger]
A wiki for all bookworms, or just general literate types, come and discuss books and writers, add to the To Read List or submit a review or recommendation on a particular book. Everyone is welcome, as long as you have a love for reading :D

Come join Softball all-stars for all the lovers of softball! and i know there isint just two or three on elftown... don't be shy...
Join Anti-Britney...just add yourself and grab a gun!!!

Join:The Elemental War
Owner:[Katie love Casey]

The Lonely and Forgotten!!
The Lonely and Forgotten

The wiki page for the lonely people of Elftown.. Join today.....

Book of Fantasy]

Check out all of the interesting fantasy and myth creatures from around the world!

Join These!please!
Extreme Weather Lovers United
Love violent weather Join the wiki!

Roswell Fan of the TV show... then join!

Stoners Union
uhhhh...R u a stoner? ..Join the wiki then!
Owner:[Zacks Pixie Bitch]

whygo anywhere when you can really play here @wiki Join this and We will come! Seriously it rules! Chose which muppet you want to be!

This is a Slovenian wiki, where we Slovenians can fight about best beer and stuff. if you're not from Slovenia, visit wiki Slovenija/English, and find out what Slovenia is, because you probbably don't have an idea. you can also visit wiki abou a Slovenian region called Primorje (Primorje)

Lyrics 2 ANY song -Find lyrics to any song u want...or if its not there request it and ill get it up!
Owner:[Zacks Pixie Bitch]

South Park Fans United
Join this wiki if ur a fan of south park!!
Owner;[Zacks Pixie Bitch]

Eminem SUX

Made by[Zacks Pixie Bitch]
For any one who thinks eminem should die and BURN in Hell!! {Grrr!!}

KiNkY PeOpLe UnItEd

Creator:[Zacks Pixie Bitch]

Join: The Broken Hearted
[For people whos hearts have been trampled on] (No badges yet but feel free to make one!) Creator:[Zacks Pixie Bitch]

[Classifieds] Place all classifieds adds here, or look for something you'd be interested in.

Brandi's MADD HOTT!!
YOU MUST JOIN! She's uber hott!

I don't care if you don't know her....the only thing you need to join is a strong opinion that she's hot! Join GUYS! und GIRLS! she goes both ways....;)


Cheetos for cheeto lovers! come join!

Manson's Beautiful People

Razor Blade Army

Join Razor Blade Army NOW!!!!!!!!

This is a wiki dedicated to the band Relient K. They are an awesome band, that have many good things going for them. I urge you to check it out, at Relient K Fans Unite

Crazy Club/Party

True Dashboard Confessional Fans


Fantasy Crazies I Have Known

Ever met someone a bit out of contact with reality..someone not playing with a full deck (someone playing with the "wrapper")?. A person so addicted to fantasy that they live there full time? You know, people who say that that they are an elf, fairy, dragon, vampire, evil necromancer...who insisted that they could "cast spells" from their D&D manuals, etc. Well unfortunatley so have we. Read about our "nuts" and tell us about your own.

Sexuality and Gender to discuss and learn about human sexuality and gender issues.

Falling In Love A short, incomplete and realistic guide to being a teenager and falling in/being in Love

If you've ever felt like you're on the outside looking in, then this wiki is for you!

The Waffle Army- A wiki for all you people who despise the doughnut, muffin, or doughffin armies! Join our ranks.....NOW!

Crimson hunger ok it's a brand new wiki page for REAL vampires created by a REAL vampire: me [Skittles Foxtail] curantly looking for any other vamps with insight and info to spread the truth about modern Vampires.

Welcome to Post-IT This is a neutral page. You may post or say anything. On this page, YOU are in total control!!!

THE wiki for guitar and bass tabs (or will be when anyone contributes...)

JOIN go flames go!!!

RP Place for the people who want 2 flirt
Now, you may be thinking, what a stupid wiki, why would I want to go to a wiki page just to flirt? Or... I would just run into some creep there. So not true. Creeps arent allowed. This is just fun. And dont stare at the anime picture at the top.

I SAID GO BACK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crimson Hunger
Stop Military Slavery is for discussing the effort of US president George Bush to force all male and female American Citizens over 18 and under age 27, to be drafted into millitary service.

Spiritual Stuff
- All things spiritual! chat about, draw about, write about things such as astrology, dreams, angels, spirit guides, psychics, mediums, crystals, ruins, auras, white magic, native indian beliefs, new age theolgy etc ^_^

Digimon: Fighting Spirit
The saga is far from over.
Any of you who have watched Digimon Frontier, know of it and know how and where they left off.
Well now... the story continues.
Followed by the original 6 charaters; 5 new kids have joined the group. Each possessing a ledgendary spirit.
In the new series, we welcome back the origanal ledgendary spirits of Fire, Light, Wind, Thunder, Ice, and Darkness. Meet the improved spirits of Water, Wood, Earth, and Steel. And we introduce the brand new, and powerful spirit of Dreams.

Watch this WIKI and put in your notes.
Because Digimon: Fighting Spirit is coming in August!
And this is the only place you can get info on it.

Bishie art contest Enter your best fanart of your favorite Bishie! No one loses in a bishie contest ^_~

Satans Friends
Owner;[RazorB(mass suiced is the best)]
Are u one of satans friends? well do u wanna be? lol then join this wiki NOW!

Stop the Murder! Join the Against Abortion League!

Blind Guardian Fans
Let's come together When Night Falls

Lady Chaos's Recipes
Delicious sugar-filled easy recipes for wonderful mouth-watering desserts!

Burning Kai
Made by [davis van]
I'm sure you see this eh [Kat.]?Anyways...This wiki is meant for people who despise "Kai" from "Beybade"!Here we shall insult and criticze his gayness!Mwhahaha!...And plus we're going to BURN him!Yay!

The White Dragon
Made by [Mackenzie]
For all who've read and enjoyed "The White Dragon".

Support Gay Marriage
Made by [thestranger]
A wiki for those who support gay marriage, plent of banners for you to show you support. (Hope this is the right place for this wiki!)

elftown cafe 4.0
Exilent for a relaxing and on ocassion interesting place to be. you will meet long time friends and lovers so come visit Oh and dont forget the exelent espresso

Fantasy Critters United Do you love your fantasy Animal? Do you love dragons, unicorns, gryphons, mermaids and mermen and who knows what else this is the wiki for you! Still new to the Wiki turf but welcoming members! Come have fun!

A list of all the Art Contests of Elftown For those who like to test their drawing skills!

Cute Baby Page
Baby Time! Add your cute pics of your favorite child, ages 0-4 years! this is a page dedicated to all that is cute and a drueling, round little butterball!

Eaters of children
The club for people who like to eat human children. (Please note that this is a joke. None of us, to my knowledge, actually eat children.)

Legion of The Duck
The gathering of those who have sworn loyalty to [The Duck]. Quack!

WebcomicsThers only one right now but hopefull it will soon grow,


ever dreamed of going under ground? if you've ever caved or you want to, feel free to enter.

You have a pet? Dog, cat, rodent, horse, snakes, birds or any other animal? Post pictures here for every animal lover to see!!

rats unite
hey if you want our own rats or mice come join my page! you can add your pics of your animals also. Talk rats to other rat lovers!

oodles of doodles
Like to draw/paint/photo manip? Want some assistance? Come join the Artist's playground, a community of artists who enjoy working together and sharing the beauty of creating...

*~ Manga and Anime Fanclub ~*
Can't get enough anime? Join the anime fanclub now! Compete in fanart contests, learn to draw manga, or just talk about your favorite anime/manga!

Blood Lust
A site where we lovers of blood can cometogether and enjoy blood. see ya soon

undead Army

Join The right Side Befor its to late (in that I Meen Join Us NOW or i Shall Drink Your Blood.

Let it out. Write a poem whatever. Everything from 9/11/01 to what happened with the Columbia, here is the place to tell how you feel.

Pen Pals
Who else but [Rana] would have this nutso idea? Here just post where you would like your pen pal to come from, and we'll give you a page to write letters.

The great lookalike page Here we gather links to members that looks just like the fantasy-character they draw. Especially if the drawn character is non-human or very strange and still a look-alike.

Help me collect a list of namesongs (songs that have a person's name on it...) This has really been bothering me...

Subscribe to the NO AGE LIMIT!
Since some mmbs of elftown do ADULT-ONLY-polls, elftown seems to need a freakin' AGE LIMIT! visit this site! subscribe! you still have a chance! NOW!

The glossary
Wondering what a strange word means? The glossary might have the word you're looking for.

End the Tyranny
It didn't seem quite right to have an anti-war site without having a place for the opposite opinion. Sign up here if you think that Saddam Hussein has to go.

Black Sabbath Cover List
Seemingly one album in twelve contains a Black Sabbath cover, if it ain't listed then add it.

Song Of The Week
A place where you can see what song is being admired a week at a time, even give your own suggestions for the next song.

Pool Side
Come here just for some fun and activities. Hang out by the pool, and Drawings or Pictures welcome!

Ever thought of turning your favourite book into a movie and choosing your own actors? This is THE wiki page for you.

Gundam War
If you like Gundam, and if you like rpgs, then check out Gundam War. You can either join the [Principality of Zeon], or the [Republic Federation].

The Anime Guild - A place for anime lovers to gather. A linklist to popular anime sites, Fanart posting, Banners, and other guild oddities await!

darkanime409's channel a channel that has all of my games and adventures on it

Trigun cult
A fun room with a gallery, Trigun story room, and Trigun link room. For all you Trigun fans!

What if...
A super contest that is open to any and all elftowners! COME CHECK IT OUT!

Komodo's story rating
Soon I will start a page about rating Stories people have wrote. look out for this page.

Dragon's Den
Are you an owner and lover of a dragon? Are you a dragon?Like to talk with people who are? Is you're dragon getting lonely and spitefull? Come to the Dragon's Den and converse with people like you! Be proud of you're dragon-ness!

B.A.C.A.-Bikers Against Child Abuse
A place where people can gather and show their support for a wonderful organization. No need to be a biker to join.

Taking over the World 101
When you watch cartoons, are you cheering for the evil villan? Do you have long thoughts about taking over the world? Here you can learn how to become an evil villan, getting your degree in villanism, and fufilling the ultimate goal: Taking over the World.

Faery Tale
Just a little place to sing, tell stories and discuss the matters of the fantasy world... A little role play would be nice. As in, when you step in, be your character instead of being just the really real you.

Jumpstart What You've Got
Advertise stuff you've written that you want more people to read. Just a place to list some not-so-seen works and read some too.

Wizards relm of knowlage
Post stories, poems, cool things you have done, cool links....anything!

The Ultimate concert shopping list
People enjoy going to concerts, but there will always be that feeling: "Damn, I wish I had taken..." This is the ultimate list on what to take with you to a concert.

celtic souls
come hither, all yu celtic elftowners! this is the place 4 yu! come relax and explore the wonders of the celtics! whether ur celtic or a celtic wannabe, come and visit! yu may even be taken under by the power of the celtics...^.^

Welcome aboard The Destroyer Of Dreams.

Make yourself up
Here is place where the walls between fantasy and reality no longer stand. Here is a world where both come together in harmony. Here is where you can change your apperence whenever you feel. Artwork is welcome. Stories are welcome. You are welcome. It's mucha fun! ^^

3 word story
it's in dutch. Maybe it's a good idea to have a simular site in english!

Silencea A new reilgion based on happineess started in elftown.

A story of two different race, vampires and humans who lives on one world, longing for one item. Come and read their battles and victories, history and future of each races.

Cow Haters Club
For those who hate and are scured by these evil freaky things known as cows!

Phishy Lane
One of the dodgiest places in Elftown. an alleyway full of shops including tattos, Peircing, adult, and weaponary.

Icy Tower Skins
Skins for the great freeware game, Icy Tower.

Poetic Ravings
My ([FrostFinger]) own little page I etched out for my poetry. I also occasionally allow other people to post but it's primarilly my own work.

Glass Stories
Another little page I etched out for my short stories.

Angels and Demons War
A war is going to happen very soon. Are you on the right hand of God or Satan's Right hand Man? Be apart of a war destined to happen for Centuries. A war between Heaven and Hell, A war between Angels and Demons a War between the saved and the damned. Choose your Faction now.
by [Jenbells]

This is the rundown on [Kurai Tenma]'s novels and characters used. Come look, and comment on it if you like.

A world of our own This is where all you outsiders,weirdoes,freaks,etc help to build a place you are welcome.Oh yeah!And type stuff!

The Wonder Girl Shrine BOw down to the infamous Wonder Girl, with her ultra awesome powers she'll kick your ass any day of the week!

Nanashi No. 1
This is an RPG. It's kinda on a whim sort of thing, no real structure yet. YAY!!!!!!!! Cheese!!!!!! ^.^ Cheese is better than PIE, I don't care what anybody says, damn it. Cheese is the King!!!! ^-^

Elftown Graveyard- A place to list the names of Elftowners who have moved on.

Own a mistress,or become a mistress to someone at Own a mistress

For all Miscellaneous 100-200 and if you want to add a new Miscellaneous!

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