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2006-07-25 16:38:53
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Tasha's story
I wrote something for creative writing class, go there and comment. :|

Skitter's Friends
Here are some pictures of my friends.


Well, it shouldn't matter to you what I listen to since music doesn't define me, but I will let ya know anway.
I have a very varied taste in music. I listen to it all.... Country, Metal, Punk Rock, Classical Rock, Hard Rock, Techno, Pop, Emo, Christian Rock, .... and very little rap and hiphop.

General Info
I used to have a big problem with depression, cutting and weight loss. I understand now how stupid it was and how by harming myself, it only cuased me so many more problems. I have now learned to control my emotions and not let my problems eat at me until I'm depressed. I am trying to enjoy life and make the best of it. I have now focused most of my attention on bettering myself so that I can be a good role model and a good friend/person. I realize I have it pretty good compared to some even though my life isn't all that well, so I always try to look for the good in things. I am very thankful for what I have.

If you were to compare me with who I was a year ago, you will see a drastically different person. I went from pessimistic to optimistic, from depressed and low self-steem to happy and content. I like who I am right now. I like what I'm trying to become. I've got quite a ways to go. I still do stupid stuff sometimes. I still have my faults. But, what matters is that I am trying to fix them. And I really wish, that I can do some good in this horrible world someday. I want to make a difference. I want to do something that matters. Even if its just a tiny difference... its still better than nothing.

My Beliefs on Religion
To make a long story short.....
In my childhood, God made sense.
When I was 10-12, I struggled with the concept of God.
In 8th grade when I really needed someone and searched for God, I found nothing. I became atheist. I spent my whole Freshman year a very strong atheist.
The summer after Freshman year I searched and tried to understand God once again. I found doubt. I became Agnostic. I then spent my whole Sophemore year really open-minded about my beliefs and everyone elses.
This summer I'm searching even more deeply for the answers. I dont know what I will find this time... maybe more doubt. Thats what I'm betting on. But whatever I find, I still greatly respect Christianity.

-I don't necessarily dislike God, its religion ... organized religion that I can't stand. I look at what the Bible has made God seem like, and I don't like it.

A Good Quote: "I argue that we are both atheists. I just believe in one less God than you do. When you realizes and understand why you dismiss all other Gods, you will see why I dismiss yours." -unknown.

Note: I can realize that everything I believe can either be false or true. All that I say is my opinion. I do not claim to be right, neither should anyone else. No one knows the truth. One can only have an opinion about it. They cannot claim to be right or wrong. And if they do, they are narrow-minded.
Update to that:
Its sord of unfair of me to say that.

I believe anybody who loves each other should be able to marry. Its what seems fair, right? With all the divorces and one day marriages or affairs and stuff between married couple now adays...why not let two people who are REALLY in love marry? Or atleast a Civil Union. Something so they can be together. Something so they can be able to see eachother when the other is in the hospital dying or in the ICU. Something to protect their rights as a couple? Itsn't love about marriage? If not that, then what is it about?

But after reading and talking to people, I realize the Christian's point of view. I know why they can't even support a Civil Union. I can understand why God would consider homosexuality a sin. But its so ironic isn't it? Love between homosexuals can be a sin. When God himself represents love. But yet homosexual love is a sin. I mean, I believe strongly that some people don't choose to be that way. And there's alot of scientific things proving that its possible.... If its not choice, if its not their fault the way they seems so cruel to deny them a chance at love, a love that to them seems VERY natural.

My heart tells me its wrong for love, even homosexual love to be a sin..... But thats what we call moral relativism. (Read Be Intolerant by Ryan Dobson, its a great book.) And I'm willing to admit that I'm wrong about it, after all, its an opinion thats guided by the heart of a person that doesn't know God or Jesus, .... but I can't ever accept it as sin or believe homosexuality is completely wrong. If that makes sense. I can admit im wrong, but can't accept it. I guess what I mean is that my mind can admit I'm wrong, but my heart won't accept it. There, thats better.

Okay, so for the longest time I wasn't quite sure where I stood on this... I didn't know if I thought it was wrong or right... I wasn't sure if I thought it should be illegal or not. Well, I was assigned to research about it for a debate in Current Events class recently, and that helped me alot. This is what I came up with....

"Okay, so its basically common sense that abortion is more frequent to parents that are less willing to care for the child. So what good would making abortion illegal do? ..hmm... Lets just look deeper into this situation.....

Did you know that only a small percentage of teenagers that get pregnant and don't have an abortion won't put that baby up for adoption even if they can't support the baby?

Thats right... Most young girls that get pregnant often don't give up their babies for abortion after birth, even if they had planned to. Why? Because they feel pressured to keep their baby. As like most mothers do, once they give birth they realize they love their child. Its a natural thing... but this causes them to think that love is enough to keep the baby. Eventually, these young mothers will realize that babies need more than love... If these teenage mothers can't properly support the baby, it will grow up disadvantaged, ...and in most cases not properly cared for.

Here are some statistics for ya.
Babies that are kept by their teenage mothers are 60% more likely to live in poverty and 45% more likely to be in a household collecting welfare.

Also, unintended pregnancies are commonly associated with poorer prenatal care, greater smoking and drinknig habits during pregnancy, and a lower birthweight. Not to mention the link between unwanted births and the low maternal education. Teenage mothers, or other mothers that can't support a baby are also very uneducated about their baby, the health, and proper care and such. We have already established most mothers wont give up their children... so, that leaves two choices. Abortion or having a baby/child grow up in a not so proper environment. Which would you rather have?

Now, hold that thought... Now, what if you were to know that a large percentage of our average criminals come from homes that are in poverty and on welfare? Infact, since the legalization of abortion in 1973 of the Roe VS. Wade Supreme Court case, crime rates have dropped nearly in half.

There was a 40% crime rate drop in homicide, and a 30% drop in violent and property crimes.

So, some people argue that other things could have caused the decline im crime rates... and that is very possible. But studies have shown that although that the increase of incarcentation, police staff, the decline in the crack cocaine trade, the strong economy, and the more guards and security alarms could have had an effect on the crime decrease, it is not satisfactory and does not explain the dramatic decline. But the Supreme Court decision in Roe VS. Wade does fit the criteria for an explanation of the crime rate drop. Infact, legalizing abortion can account for more than half of the decline.

"Responsible parenthood involves decades devoted to the child's proper nurture. To sentence a woman to bear a child against her will is unspeakable violation of HER rights: her right to liberty, her right to the pursuit of happiness, and sometimes, her right to life itself.
Of course abortion isn't right. BUT it is even less right to bring an unwanted child into lifelong suffering and to strip a woman of her choice. And of course God and the Bible says its wrong. But this isn't about religion, its about whats best for the child, and sometimes the mother.
Infact, you can even look at it as whats best for the child, mother AND economy.

Hmm... Anybody know what partial-birth is? Its basically when they pull the fetus from the mother feet first, except careful not to remove the head (they can't remove the head because by law if the fetus is to take one breath outside of hte mother, its considered a live human being...then killing it would be considered murder). They then jam scissors into the back of the skull to create an opening so they can stick a tube into the baby's skull to suck out the brains.

Brutal huh? Yes it is.. and it seems so immoral. I cringed and was shocked to learn this. But more into it, the thing is though that Roe VS. Wade determined that only abortions up to the 6month of pregnancy was legal. Although it sounds painful, and it may be hard to believe...but the fetus doesn't feel the pain of this procedure. Infact, only up until the last few months of the pregnancy (7-9 months) is when the baby feels any real pain. And its been made clear by most doctors that it is very uncertain if babies 20 weeks and younger feeling anything at all. A fetus cannot tell the difference between pain from a reflex to some form of "noxious" sensation. Believe it, or not. But it actually is reasonable... unless you are a specialist in the study of embryology and you can prove to me otherwise I believe these studies about fetuses not feeling pain at 5 or 6 months or younger of age are accurate.

And also... People always argue that these babies have a right to live. Well, technically... by law these babies, ...well, fetuses/unborn children aren't living, aren't yet a real human being. ..... Not until they take their first breath outside of the mother are they considered a live human being. And well, its simple enough to say that rights are for human beings...not just for life in general. Sure, a fetus is life to some.... but not all life has rights either. Dogs are life... trees are life. I dont see them with rights. Rights are for human beings. Fetuses, while in the womb are not considered a human being. Fetuses are a part of the mother, fetuses are human tissue. A fetus is merely a potential human being.
Some people strongly believe a fetus is alive, its life... of course it has some qualifications of being alive... thats true. It eats, it grows.... But as long as it still needs to be in the womb to survive, I dont technically, just like science and law, consider it fully alive. Now say, after 6 months it could be removed from the womb and live without machines pumping its lungs for it, and such.... then I would consider it alive. I haven't actually dont the research to see how early a fetus could survive independently outside of the womb, but I doubt its early than 6 months.. And by Roe VS. Wade, anything aborted after 6 months is illegal.

Also, going back to the crime rate drop........
If legalizing abortion is responsible for more then half the decline in crime rate then wouldn't it be the safest route to keep abortion legal?
If we were to make it illegal, it is very very likely that all our crime rates would go up just as far, or even higher as before. You, as individual, are lucky to have never experienced a sinking economy with horrible crime rates, so you do not know what it could actually be like... but you can imagine. And its definately not something the U.S. is ready to fight.

We could use Romania for example.
There, they made it illegal, banned all of it even in cases of rape ( and only 1% of abortions are performed on rape victims in the U.S..... these conditions are similar in Romania). This caused the birth rate to lliterally double, and for most children's and adolescents performances in school to decline dramatically and crime definately increased. What happened in Romania is the reverse image of whats happening in the US right now. If abortion were to be banned, what happened to Romania could and probably WILL happen in the U.S.

Killing a baby is not right. But it is even less right to being an unwanted child to lifelong suffering.....
I would rather be dead right now than live in an group home... not all babies are happily adopted. Not all foster parents are good. And some parents raise a child even if they never wanted it because they couldn't go through with an abortion. And truthfully, I would rather be dead then live in a home where I was never wanted, even to the point where my mother was willing to kill me. Its simple. Its not right. But in some cases its whats best not only for the mother... but most importantly for the child.

In this case, as a whole, abortion in a way is good for our country.

In South Dakota they are fighting for the Supreme Court to look again at the case of Abortion... but more in particularly Partial Brith... This I agree with. I believe that partial birth should not be legal. But then again, once they make this type of abortion illegal, they will work towards getting rid of all abortion, and then just might the US find itself in Romania's shoes...but even worse off.

And I understand that some people really have a strong belief...but it all goes back to the question..."where does life begin?" By religion, when its fertilized, by law... when it breaths outside of the womb... A country as divided in religious beliefs and ethnics and such, we cannot just follow by what religion says. And we can't follow theory. The only thing we can follow is science...because science is the hardest fact we've got.. and facts are non-debateable. Facts is why abortion is legal. Facts is why abortion will most likely stay legal as long as our checks and balance government continue to do its job properly. "

Now, thats the information I found while researching for the debate. Let me explain my views about the information... Okay, so now we know that abortion keeps crime rate down. Now we know that abortions are probably completely painless to the fetus. The only way its cruel to the baby is denying it life. But then again, making it go through life could be pretty cruel too.
I believe abortion is morally wrong. I believe a baby is life.
I also believe bringing an unwanted baby into the world is morally wrong.
I believe no one should get the privelage to have multiple abortions.
I beleive abortion should be legal. But its not right.

You might ask me, how can I believe something thats wrong should be legal? Its because no one is ready to face the responsibility of beating crime rates the hard way. And even if a few hundred are, thats not enough. The only way to beat crime is responsible parenthood. Thats where is all comes back to. And with all the morally wrong people in the world..there aren't enough responsible parents. So people raise criminals. And without abortion, there would be ALOt more criminals and morally wrong people being raised. America has a disease. Its depressing to think about it...but the only way to sustain the disease, to not let it spread....the solution is abortion. For now. Ultimately though, the solution is morals...religion. Maybe Christianity. But there are sooo many people who won't accept Christianity or other religions. So, we go back to the morally wrong, but easy solution: abortion.

The War in Iraq
I do not like Bush. I do not like Saddam. I don't like killing Iraqi's. I do not like them killing our troops. I do not like war. But sometimes war is necessary. Democracy could be good for Iraq. But right now there just isn't enough support from the Iraqis. And so our troops will continue to be killed. And people will continue to mourn for them in the U.S. And its all so sad, and I really wish Bush handled it differently. I'm so ready for the next election to come up. I'm ready for a better president. Maybe someone who doesn't look like a monkey and seem to have the intelligence of one too.

And as for people who complain about our country.....
Some people should just be happy that their are brave people that join the Army and fight for the U.S so their ins't a draft. Some people should be happy they have freedom. Some people should be happy we have a govenrment that protects it's people.... Some people are just so ungrateful and inconsiderate of our country. Sure its got problems, but would you rather live in a third world country with very limited rights? I mean, alteast you have the fucking right to complain about the government in this country. Here's a peice of advice for those kind of people : You would look a whole lot smarter if you would just shut up.


People who use violence as a way to solve their problems are actually cowards. Its that simple. Violence is wrong. And its the easy way out. Whether is violence against yourself or others, it NEVER solves anything. It only creates more problems. So, why do I say they are cowards? Well, for one there is always a second option (or several more) rather then deciding to get violent, to harm others or yourself. It just so happens that the other options are a bit harder to do. They are harder to do because society promotes violence, everyone expects people to step up to a fight when they are called upon, instead of doing whats right and just walking away. Its harder, but its right. Its right to walk away from violence, its right to find another way to deal with your troubles. Its harder though, and thats why people who use violence as a way to solve their problems are cowards. They can't step up. They are simply cowards.

Some Words from the Wisdom(?) of Tasha

Friendship...... its hard to tell who is worthy of your friendship. And its definately hard to find out that you were friends with someone who wasn't worthy of your friendship.

A person can still be a good friend without being able to talk to their friends everyday or see them all the time

The truth hurts. It seriously does. I've lost a few freinds because I'm not afraid of telling it. But atleast they know I do not lie now.

You can give advice bluntly or factly but whole-heartedly.

Its simple...really simple. When a person is in pain, there mind is clouded. They are self indulged in their own pain they cannot see clearly, or comprehend correctly. Its always best to wait until the person's mind is less clouded to try to have a discussion with them.

Some friendships aren't worth keeping. And if a friend is to just give up on a friendship, that doesn't make them a bad friend.. You can't give up on a friendship that isn't there. Friendship is a partner activity... each person has to do their part. And if one person is doing all the work, and all the other person is doing is accusing me of never talking to them or not caring....well obviously there isn't a friendship.

Why do so many people think that if a person expects their friends to change for the better that that person is a bad friend? A person is not a great friend if he or she lets their friends and loved ones be just half of what they are capable of being.

Very few people who have alot of understanding. And just as many cannot be empathetic. That worries me.

And so many people have just a horrible outlook on life. People don't realize that if they were to get a better attitude about life their problems wont seem so big and overwhelming....Your attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards you..

Something everybody should know by now is that a person can only change if they really want to.

I have learned through life that sometimes, a person does not get what they deserve.

Happiness isn't something that you get because you have everything you want. Happiness is something when you realize what you have is enough. Or when you start loving yourself and being yourself. Happiness isn't something that is just there. You have to decide to be happy.

Just because you don't believe in it doesn't mean its not real.

Kindness and love is stronger than hate.

Life doesn't give up on people. People give up on life.

Far too many people are looking for love. And usually, they are looking in all the wrong places. If you look for it, you wont find it. Just let it find you.

Know why you believe. Knowing why you believe it is just as important as believing it.

People cannot rely on acceptance to make them happy.

Life never stays good. But it never stays bad either.

Back to [Know Why You Believe]

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2005-12-31 [single and hatin it]: hi

2006-01-16 [megalomaniac.]: I love Tasha!

2006-07-02 ['s impossible to ignore you.x]: wow Tasha. I read that whole thing on Abortions and it really opened up my mind a little. Yes I still think it's wrong but the facts and statistics you put really helped me understand why people might accept it. Now, I know it's not up to me but only the parent of the baby but it's still really harsh and brutal. So I guess I want to thank you on that information you provided me. =) Oh and ps...your super awesome.

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