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A Tribute To [Ocean Soul].
This is a fanclub of sorts, dedicated to the awe-inspiring [Ocean Soul]. Do you, when gazing upon [Ocean Soul]'s art, feel an odd sort of wriggly feeling in your stomach, a sense of great envy and despair, yet at the same time, a knowledge that you're in the prescence of talent and beauty? Then you've come to the right place! Join us, and hail [Ocean Soul], the goddess of vectors, a photoshop magician, and the queen of traditional art.
Founder: [Jitter]*Tacklehuggletickleglomp*
Member List: 1.[dayah] Yes Ocean is the Awsomeness artist! She Roooocksss *hugglepounces* 2. [Cia_mar] all too true! great artiste! 3. [Elegy - gone] - I bow down to her supremeness 4. [Elisha Kelly] - *Is in awe* 5. [5thwitch] goin' on stalking 6. [irulan] - she is uber talented and uber nice! :D 7. [LadyMoon] - I still want to start an 'Ocean Soul church'! ^_^ 8. [pixish] - ^_^ 9. [herrschneemann] - She's a great person and friend overall. 10. [Charybdis] - Longtime admirer ^^ 11. [Janouk] - Yay! Lovely artwork! 12. [Sunrose] - *HUG* :D 13. [Linderel] - *worship*
2006-08-05 [Ocean Soul]: Not exactly everyone. But the people that are important to me do :)
2006-08-06 [herrschneemann]: That's what counts =)
2006-08-06 [Ocean Soul]: Yes it is.. thank you for being here :)
2006-08-10 [Ocean Soul]: :O Charybdis *clings* :D
2006-08-10 [Charybdis]: ^______^ *huggles*
2006-10-30 [Ocean Soul]: Awww, hello there [Janouk] :D
2006-10-30 [Janouk]: *^__^* Heyhey, I kind of never knew about this wiki :)
2006-10-30 [Ocean Soul]: Yar, it's kind of not so popular ;) Even more cool though when people find their way to the wiki and even join :O *dances*
2006-10-30 [Janouk]: :( But you are! ;-)
And even join - Of course they do! :)
*joins and dances the salsa :)*
2006-10-30 [Jitter]: Heheh Much more popular than mine ;)
2006-10-30 [Ocean Soul]: What? No no, I'm not popular. I just collect badges, duh :P
2006-10-30 [Janouk]: :) O well, it's a nice hobby :-p
2006-10-30 [Janouk]: OMG, Jitter, that 'click' really needs to be clicked! :0 *is tempted*
2006-10-30 [Ocean Soul]: Yes it does :3 clicky click the *click*
2006-10-30 [Janouk]: *clicks and dives into another dimension* :0
2006-10-30 [Ocean Soul]: Aw, now she's gone.. we'll miss her ;__;
2006-10-30 [Jitter]: haha /clings to!
2006-11-28 [Sunrose]: ^_____^
2006-11-28 [Linderel]: =^_^=
2006-11-28 [Ocean Soul]: ^____^ it's all about looove xD
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