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This wiki is open for everyone who ever had things to say about Shakespeare, dirty limericks or (un)conventional punctuation.

You can discuss anything and everything pertaining to poets and poetry: your favourite authors; the advantanges of certain rhyme schemes or forms; different ways of interpreting certain pieces, even specific lines; the development of the sonnet. Converse and debate to your hearts' content. There are only two rules:

1. Don't be an asshole. All inappropriate comments will be deleted.
2. Stay on topic. Straying to other forms of literature is okay, but we don't want to hear about flowers - unless it's in verse.

Because many of you will undoubtedly be poets yourselves, we cannot omit the chance to promote your own work and get advice/feedback. Just skip on over to the poetry discussion workshop.


If you want something here, say so and it'll be added!

Username (or number or email):


2007-05-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: French poetry! :P

No, not really.

I'm writing a paper in French about Les Miserables, though.

2007-05-28 [Linderel]: That's one I should both see and read one day.

2007-05-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: It's a very good book, although I skipped most of Hugo's tangents. he has this tendency to go skipping off into things that have nothing to do with the plot, see...the ones I can recall are a long discussion of cloistered nuns, another long one about French street slang, a sixty-page history of the sewers of Paris (I kid you not) and a very long ramble about Waterloo.

There's a good reason we Les Mis fans call that book The Brick. :P Despite that, however, it's amazing and I love it. The musical is also extraordinary.

2007-05-28 [GoneGone]: Ah! Francais! Parce que j'habite a cote de la province Quebec, j'etudie la francais depuis premierre annee. Mais, c'est si longtemps que j'ai l'ecris, j'ai des problemmes avec mon vocabulaire et conjugation. Alors s.v.p don't notice the mistakes. :P

I've come across some beautiful French poetry, like the stanza at the top of my house.

Reading 19th century french novels in the vernacular is a huge pain.

2007-05-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: yes, I'd have to agree with you there, ED. :P And heh, your French is better than mine, although I did understand everything you just told me!

But let's not leave Linderel out, hm? :P

I bought a book of French poetry for 50 cents at a booksale. Have yet to start it, though. Because my life is insane.

2007-05-28 [Linderel]: That sounds... significantly like Nanowrimo. xD

2007-05-28 [GoneGone]: You know, I just finally figured out ED means me....


Why does it sound like the National novel writing thing?

And because I do live just across the river from Quebec, it's standard that one has to be fluent in French to work anywhere in this city. Mine's pretty awful compared to some people (ok a lot of people), but it's enough to get through the day. :P

2007-05-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: actually, I'm still trying to finish my NaNo. >.< Working on it now, as a matter of fact. Instead of my French paper. Because...I hit 50K and the plot wasn't done...

oh, you mean Les Mis. A bit, I suppose. :P

2007-05-28 [Linderel]: Yes, I mean Les Mis. Because, you see, in Nanowrimo all sorts of tangents are excused and you raise your wordcount with sub-plots and information dumps and such, right? :P

I never did even continue with mine, on that note. It had some good stuff, but I just didn't have the momentum once November was over.

2007-05-28 [GoneGone]: Ha! That covers any Victorian novel. I mean, have you ever tried to get through the unabridged Count of Monte Cristo?? My god, today's soap operas are pathetic wannabe's in comparions. And talk about random tangents! There's a very good reason most Monte Cristo novels are abridged, and most other Victorian novels as well.

2007-05-28 [Cascading water lillies]: I've been meaning to submit sometihing for Nanowrimo for quite some time. I'm an expert on information dumps and so on ;) But seriously, it is a great idea, I've just not had the time. It's on my to-do list. (This is number one worthy tidbit, lol) (Joke)
Oh, and muchas gracias for the link you added pour moi :)

2007-05-28 [Linderel]: Then Nanowrimo products are sort of like the modern version of Victorian novel... ? xD

2007-05-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: That's actually rather hilarious. I might bring that up in the forums sometime.

Right now my main character (from this world, this time) is trying to explain her views on homosexuality in another world where the view of gay people is that it's evil and wrong. I feel bad for the guy she's talking to, he's gay and has some self-hate issues. And his brother just died.

...I'm really cruel to my characters at times. My other main character was enslaved for a while and is now having a party in PTSD land.

2007-05-28 [Cascading water lillies]: I'm afraid I have to agree with you there, ED. You make a very valid point. Television in general is atrocious.The other night, I watch a bit of a new comedy written by an 18 year old. UI wasn't influenced by the age, although, if I had not have known the age of teh writer, I would have guessed the age. I also guessed it was a guy (I guessed correctly) it was so damn predictable. The jokes where not funny in the slightest, every single joke had been ripped from other, older shows and cobbled together in a most unattractive lopsided script. In short, I was most unimpressed. The title? It made such little impact on me, that I forgot it. Though perhaps the working title ought to have been 'Predictable Jokes, Puns and Irritating little Horny Kids'. (I don't mean to cause any offfence to anyone who's around 18 or so, but you get what I mean)

They key to any good writing is that your audience cannot actually tell the age, sex of the writer, meaning that the writer should be adept at seeing from both a male and a female's p.o.v. For instance, we pretty much know what guys talk about with other guys, and we know what we girls talk about with other girls. If you can tell from the script/jokes when a female character speaks that it is from teh male p.o.v that I don't think they've done the job properly. Anyone like to comment (better) than I? (Uhm, that didn't spunds snooty, I hope?)

2007-05-28 [Linderel]: PTSD land?

Being cruel to your characters is a good way of releasing aggression. Perhaps. But it is also one crucial way of getting the plot to move.

2007-05-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: heh, none taken, RGT, I'm 17 and I wince at people my own age.

Post-traumatic stress disorder, Linderel. Basically, shellshock. Except...not.

I find that gratituous angst makes the plot move. Also, by randomly making them suffer I make unexpected twists in the plot! Whee!

...sort of. Although sometimes if I'm stuck I will totally randomly kill someone, just because no one will expect them to die.

2007-05-28 [Cascading water lillies]: Lol! It is sometimes good to let..certain characters have alittle mental and pysical anguish, yes ^^ But, for my favourite main characters, I don't know..I just seem to wrap them up in cotton wool ;) Well, unles sthe plots REALLY does call for something a little..brutal to happen to them. But then, I don't psot those stories up here. I'd be really upset if I upset someone else by reading them and feeling somewhat disturbed.

2007-05-28 [Linderel]: I once managed to make myself a bit nauseous while writing a short story. However, as it seems to be good writing if my friends are to be believed, it is up, as it also has a title. I never put untitled stories up, and I generally have a hate for anything untitled. :P
Generally, most of my stuff is either depressing or disturbing. Or both.

2007-05-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Meh, I let my main characters have it. :P Bruises, angst, tragedy, they get it all. My main character is currently suffering from bruises and dirt that are the result of being knocked over and trampled by a panicking mob. It's a miracle she didn't break anything.

2007-05-28 [Cascading water lillies]: This is Coal Black Wings?

2007-05-28 [Cascading water lillies]: Well, i have three novels, in various states of completion. The finished novel (my absolute baby) had afemale lead (as well as two male leads) and I seem to be very, kiid of protective towards her, although she does get involved in a lot of psychological turmoil. She loses her greatest love for an example, nearly miscarriages her child, and loses one of her best friends, a female who shapeshifts into a Siberian tiger.

2007-05-28 [Linderel]: Haha, no. Coal Black Wings is the page for my poetry.

2007-05-28 [Cascading water lillies]: Oh, Opps. Well, I would be interested in reading it? Giving some feedback (I like doing that :) )

2007-05-28 [Linderel]: See? You torture your characters as much as the next person. Torture isn't always physical. ;3

Do you mean that short story I mentioned?

2007-05-28 [Cascading water lillies]: Yes. Unless it is private of course. In that case, I totally understand.

2007-05-29 [GoneGone]: Bah. I torture my characters all the time. Seriously. I have very few characters who have not gone through some sort of physical or mental (or both) anguish. It's why I'm always very careful about who I show my stories to; you never know how they're going to respond to my work. I am known in my writing group to be dark and brutal.

I also mean modern soap operas are pathetic wannabe's because I needed a two page flow chart to keep everyone's relationships organized while reading Monte Cristo. It's the same as the one I'm reading now, The Eustace Diamonds by Anthony Trollope. This thing is over a thousand pages long and there's so many interconnections between the characters it makes my head spin. The only way to get through an unabridged Victorian soap opera is with pen, pencil, tape recorder to keep track of your revelations and two years worth of free time.

But yeah. Torture characters? Favourite writing passtime. Which is why none of you will ever see my darker (and more common) works.

2007-05-29 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Hey, ED, I wrote an entire story based around the death of one of two main characters. The slow, painful lung-disease death. Coughing blood, losing weight, looking like hell, friend being like "OMGWTF you can't DIE!", the whole shebang. :P

2007-05-29 [GoneGone]: And the sky stretches forever This is typical of my style. I wasn't allowed to read it in school...

I doubt anyone would read it here though. Not enough time. :P

Whenever I see ED I think of Ed, like Edward, or Eddy. I think I shall now be Eddy!

What have I just proposed??

2007-05-29 [Linderel]: Awww, Eddy. :D

That is in the 'collected works' wiki of yours, aye? I shall attempt to read them all in the latter part of June.

[Cascading water lillies]: Not private at all. Like I said, it's up here among my other short stories. Dreamscape. And it is... erm... pretty disturbing. But then again, I am a disturbed child. :P

Two-page flow chart? Wow. That's intense. I'm going to re-read Monte Cristo at some point, among many other books. We'll see what comes of it...

2007-06-06 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I read The Three Musketeers a while ago. Athos is my favorite. And D'Artagnan kind of bugs me...Monte Cristo is on my list, my friend has an unabridged version...

2007-06-06 [GoneGone]: Just read your Dreamscape, Linderel. It's pretty good, but there's a lot lacking. The ending was pretty abrupt as well. And, I'm sorry to say, the topic is a little too common in sci-fi shows and such to be considered all that disturbing.

Writing's decent, though, and I'm a little curious as to the background. Ever think you'll expand it?

(and sorry if I sound harsh, but I'm just being honest)

2007-06-06 [Linderel]: You're actually first one to agree with me on it being less than perfect. :D Then again, I never receive that many comments anyway, and I get very little constructive criticism...
And I referred to it as 'disturbing' because of the one dream sequence that was all about self-mutilation. The general subject surely is indeed very common.

I probably won't expand, unless I get inspiration somewhere. It was always just meant to be a random one-shot with no higher purpose. And since it's not the best thing I ever wrote and is also probably over a year old, I can't see myself returning to it anymore.

I'm not completely sure what you mean exactly with background. But there's one thing I can share that might explain the abrupt ending, for instance. Though I said before that I managed to make myself slightly nauseous while writing it, which accounts for that sudden stop pretty well. Those things in the dream sequence are mostly from my waking thoughts of what to do to myself. And that's what makes it disturbing.

2007-06-06 [GoneGone]: Ah, so the disturbing nature of the story is personal. Quite honestly, I can list you tons of pictures that depict exactly what you describe on deviantArt alone, nevermind the professional stuff.

Background means the behind story. Why are these therapists doing what they're doing it, Who are they, why haven't they been caught, why can't the character escape, what exactly are the threapists doing, where are they, etc. so on and so forth.

The problem with one shot deals is that the reader never gets all the answers.

2007-06-07 [Linderel]: Even if you can, I think many people would consider it disturbing without me telling that. It's just what they consider disturbing - and if they would find my story disturbing, so they would those pictures. Do note that disturbing =! unique.

Yes, can't see me indulging in the background, just for the reasons mentioned. If I do, it will be done completely independently of that one.

Heh. I get that a lot. I know it's one of my greatest weaknesses, not being able to keep something together for as long as it would take to give satisfactory answers, but that's what I'm using Nanowrimo for - practice in longer stories. Besides, being left without answers is not always a bad thing. It's good exercise for the imagination of the reader.

(Also, honesty is good, but do be gentle. I have a very frail ego. :P)

2007-06-07 [GoneGone]: Apologies if I have harmed your ego. It's not my intention. I have a tendency to enjoy brutal honesty, and I must constantly remind myself that not everyone does. One shot deals are never meant to be much. I have tons of those that are seriously lacking in tons of ways.

In my opinion, disturbing doesn't necessarily mean unique. There's a lot of common themes (like mouth sewn closed) that have been repeated so often their impact is lost. Unique disturbing material is that which still leaves an impact. But if it's the same recurring image, its effect has failed. Disturbing is unique only if it's successful.

2007-06-07 [Linderel]: Hehe, no apologies needed, I'm getting better at handling critisism. :)

Yes, that's what I was saying. When I call my piece disturbing I don't mean that it would be especially unique. And you may just have a point there... However, the impact of things varies according to the person seeing/reading it - even if they've seen it a thousand times, they can still flinch and regard it as disturbing. I think.

2007-06-07 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I've grown a much tougher skin since I've started lurking around GAFF. My threshold for being disturbed has also gone through the roof. After...this one Lord of the Rings fic, very little can actually disturb me again...anyway. That's off-topic.

2007-06-07 [Linderel]: Yeaah, so, does anyone want to tell me about flowers, in verse? ^_^

2007-06-08 [GoneGone]:
I do not like this bright red flower
I do not like this bright red flower
In a corner I do cower.

I do not like the smell of it
I do not like the smell of it
It smells like a week old garbage pit.

Go away bright red flower!
Go away bright red flower!
Quick! Where's the shower?

Written by yours truly three years ago. It's in Blues Verse! :)

2007-06-08 [GoneGone]: What's GAFF?

2007-06-08 [Fireblade K'Chona]: It's short for GodAwfulFanFiction. Sadly the website is currently down. But when it's up, it is the hangout of some of the snarkiest, funniest people I've ever run across in life or online (and that's saying rather a lot) and...extremely bad fic. Nothing creates a bond quite like badfic, though! I'm married to two people there. :P I proposed because they are snarky and funny...

2007-06-08 [Linderel]: Haha, very nice, Eddy :D

Isn't badfic, like, extremely painful to read? <_<

2007-06-08 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Linderel, some of it is absolute mental torture.

But we snark it, so all's good. -grins- There are a few which no one can bring themselves to snark, but...I won an award for reading one of them all the way to the end and only screaming a little bit at the sight of ice cream/the color lavender/sticks for the next few days.

2007-06-08 [Linderel]: I... don't think I want to know. :P

2007-06-09 [GoneGone]: I really do....but I really really don't.

What's the url when the site is up?

Thanks Linderel! I was so proud.

2007-06-09 [Cascading water lillies]: Hey, I'm just wondering, do you suppose there is a demand for soley young writers (previously unpublished) in art and literature?
(In where they give their work to be published free, and then costs are taken from the overall sales, i.e taking on only promising individuals? and they recieve about 80-90 percent?..) Do you think young people (I say young, but I am young too ^^) would be interested in this?

2007-06-09 [GoneGone]: I am! :) (and I'm getting to your email, Rosy, but I barely have enough time to read it right now. Sorry!

2007-06-09 [Linderel]: I might be if I could be sure I'm reading the question right. No offence, but Rose, your questions are a bit hard for me to decipher. :P
Either way, I guess it wouldn't affect me, whether I was interested or not.

2007-06-10 [Cascading water lillies]: Hm, I guess I could rephrase that. Do you suppose there is a market based soley on young writers and artists who wish to submit work to a publishing house, they don't have to pay anything, the publishing house sells these, takes out costs only and the author/designer receieves 80-90 percent, thus ensuring that the author/illustrator who has shown potential will recieve maximum benefits- there, is that better re-worded for you to understand, or is it still going to be a problem, what my language being poor and all?

2007-06-10 [Linderel]: That stings. No need to be so biting. But yes, it is clearer.
To answer the actual question, I don't see why not.

2007-06-10 [Fireblade K'Chona]: No, you guys don't want to know, believe me. I still curse my own curiosity for deciding to read the...thing. It's under when the site's up.

They snark emo poetry, too, which is fun. ^_^

2007-06-10 [Cascading water lillies]: Sorry, I don't mean to be that way, but I sometimes take it that you are getting at me, so naturally, I act in a defensive manner. That's all. I thought it was pretty straightforward, a quick question. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I took offence, sorry.

2007-06-10 [Linderel]: Heh, well, I asked you not to take offence... Oh well. It's okay. :) Yes, it was a quick question, but just a slight bit rambly, which made it hard to understand. To be honest, the fault may lie in me as well.
(And for future reference, I never get at anyone unless I'm angry or annoyed. If it seems otherwise, it's just a communication problem, which arise incredibly easy on the net.)

2007-06-28 [Linderel]: Why did we die again? Did everyone just forget about the existence of this little wiki? :P
Anyhow. I'm sure all of us have had to do some poetry reading for school. What's the latest piece you've been subjected to, and what did you think of it?

2007-06-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Right, firstly, I've been in Ireland and Scotland, so I haven't had access to a computer. But I went to the Writer's Museum and completely geeked out because it was FANTASTIC. (er. The one in Dublin.)

I didn't have to read it for school, but I have fallen in love with Oscar Wilde's Ballad of Reading Gaol.

At school I read the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and that was also awesome.

2007-06-28 [Linderel]: Oooh, Ireland and Scotland! I so envy you. Sounds like you had a great time. ^_^

Can you give links, or paste them here?

2007-06-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: What, for the poems? Or for the museum? Or both?

2007-06-28 [Linderel]: I was talking about the poems, but I'll gladly take a link to the museum as well. xD

2007-06-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Here's Wilde's Ballad of Reading Gaol. He wrote it after he was in prison. There is an incredible difference between his before/after prison writing...

Then here's the Rime.

Both are very, very long, I should warn you.

And here's the museum I went to.

2007-07-04 [GoneGone]: Poor Wilde! To go from the epitome of Victorian class to an outcast and poorman. I've always loved him. I just saw The Importance of Being Earnest again. Some of my favourite quotes come from that play.

2007-07-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Exactly! I love Wilde too. ^_^ There was this question in this game I was playing, actually, where it asked, "If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would you have dinner with?"

My first choice was Oscar Wilde. (My second was Gandhi. Third was Shakespeare.) I wouldn't even care if I was mocked, I just want to hear the man talk!

I was watching the 50's version of Earnest the other day, and wondering if I love that play because it's Wilde or because every line is brilliant...and's the latter.

2007-07-04 [GoneGone]: I saw the 50's version too! Maybe we were watching the same one. :P Wilde did start is own fashion trend! That has to have some affect on how much we love him.

"If you are not too long, I shall wait for you all my life!"

2007-07-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: He got London into a conspiracy about his BUTTONHOLE. Because originally, the green carnation meant nothing whatsoever. Got to love a man as brilliant as that.

Have you read his early stuff and compared it to the Ballad? The difference is pretty much WHOA.

"To lose one parent, Mr. Worthington, may be regarded as misfortune. To lose both begins to look like carelessness."

2007-07-04 [GoneGone]: "And how is Bumberry, Algernon?"
"Well, Aunt Agusta...he died."
"Died? Of what?"
"Well, um, he quite exploded."
"That is, Aunt Agusta, the doctors told him he simply could not live. So he died."

When I read the word BUTTONHOLE all I could remember is that he seduced a lord's son. Then there was a conspiracy about two BUTTONHOLES!

2007-07-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Hehe. That amused me.

2007-07-17 [Fireblade K'Chona]: So, Linderel, did you get to read the Ballad of Reading Gaol yet?

2007-07-18 [Linderel]: Alas, I did not <_< Real life once again happened, and now I'm going away for about a week. But I'll read it after I get back, I swear! >_< And then come at you with an Olde English poem that was in one of my entrance exam books :P

2007-07-18 [GoneGone]: Beowulf?? Battle of Maldon?? Dream of the Rood?? The Wife's Lament?? That sailor one??? I LOVE Old English poetry!!!!!

2007-07-24 [Fireblade K'Chona]: We read Beowulf in class this year. It was rather fun. Also Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Anyone read Faerie Queen? And if so, is it worth a look?

2007-08-10 [Fireblade K'Chona]: that didn't generate a many people here memorize poetry?

I have more sonnets memorized than is probably healthy. Shakespeare and otherwise.

And I've got almost all of the first section of the Ballad of Reading Gaol down.

2007-08-10 [Linderel]: I haven't yet - except a couple of my own ones, which doesn't really count - but I've entertained the thought. I thought I'd start with Shakespeare's sonnet nr. 18.
My ex claims to have memorised "The Charge of the Light Brigade".

2007-08-10 [Fireblade K'Chona]: That one's fairly common to memorize. I've almost got The Highwayman memorized as well...

I remember I got sick on the trip I took with my school on the bus. (Food poisoning sucks.) Some people babble or pray when they're trying not to throw up.

I kept up a constant mutter of poetry. :P I started with Shakespeare's sonnet 64, then moved on to 17, 116, all I could remember of 26 and 32, then started on other sonnets I know...iambic pentameter is my friiiiiend!

2007-08-11 [GoneGone]: I have The Highwayman completely memorized, simply because I love Loreena McKennitt's version of it, and I used to have Charge of the Light Brigade, but only remember the chorus. I've got snippets of Shakespeare (like Hamlet's Soliloquay), and bits and pieces of other poems that I like (Tyger Tyger, a couple of Poe's, Rudyard Kipling and a few from childhood that I fell in love with [anyone ever read Aligator Pie?])

2007-08-11 [Cascading water lillies]: Tyger Tyger is one of my favourite childhood poems. Just so lovely in its simplicity.

2007-08-11 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I haven't read that one. Anyone get their hands on Abou Ben Adhem?

2007-08-16 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Right, I'm trying to revive this wiki because I find it fun. -is sad-

Ah well. I'm reading a book by Stephen Fry (who knew the man could write?!?) about poetry, called "The Ode Less Travelled" and so far, it's amazing. I love books about poetry. And books of poetry. I stopped on the page where he was giving a bunch of examples of iambic pentameter, because I kind of wanted to metaphorically just roll around in them. :P (My friend once put it this way: "Good god, woman, you and iambic pentameter get a room already!" It's rather true. I love iambic.)

Anyway, it's quite a good book. Anyone else got favorite poetry books/books about poetry/both?

2007-08-17 [Linderel]: Unfortunately most of the things mentioned are unknown to me. <_< I read much less poetry, and about poetry, than I should. Actually almost nothing.

Wow, you should write a sonnet about you in a room with iambic pentametre xD That would be fun to read :P

I promised an Olde English poem, didn't I...? The book only gave the opening of 'The Ruin', but I like it. :)

Wrætlic is þes wealstan; wyrde gebræcon
Burgstede burston; brosnað enta geweorc.
Hrofas sind gehronene. hreorge torras,
Hrimgeat berofen hrim on lime

And then there's 'The Wanderer' which seems to be here in its entirety. This book has a lot of examples from poetry, but also some from Shakespeare's plays... I should read it again just for fun. (And in case you're curious: Mastering the Language of Literature by Malcolm Hebron)

2007-08-18 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Actually, Linderel, I might just write about myself + iambic pentameter. :P

2007-08-18 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: Wish I knew how to write iambic pentameter, but I don't have a clue about syllable stressing

2007-08-18 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I could explain it here...but you should really just read The Ode Less Travelled by Stephen Fry. His first exercise is about iambic pentameter. It's a fun chapter and it has some good exercises.

(Also, he's not afraid to say, "NO, DAMN YOU, NO!" and "So there." at the readers. Hee.)

2007-08-18 [Linderel]: Hmm. It sounds really great. I think I may have to add it on my shopping list on Amazon. :P

2007-08-18 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Definitely do that! I'm going to buy it next time I see it.

2007-08-18 [Linderel]: Done :D
Now if I only had some money to spend...

2007-08-18 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Yes, that's my problem too. :(

2007-08-23 [Linderel]: It always seems to be the problem. There are so many books, CDs and DVDs I want...!

Anyone planning to participate in the Sci-Fi Poetry Competition? :3

2007-08-24 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Hee, I bought Stephen Fry's poetry book. -hearts it- And now that I'm done with the stupid summer reading, I can get back to what's IMPORTANT.

And as for that contest? Possibly. Depends on what the muses say. :P

2007-08-24 [Linderel]: Ah, yes, it's always up to the muses. xD
I have a lot of contests on Writersco that I would like to participate in, and I think my muse might be willing to lend me a hand, but for that I should just sit down for a moment. <_<

2007-08-24 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Sometimes the urge is there, sometimes it's not.

2007-08-24 [Linderel]: Mmh. And sometimes when you have the urge, you still don't have the inspiration. That is frustrating beyond words.

2007-08-24 [Fireblade K'Chona]: When I get the urge, I always try and write SOMETHING. Because my writing's always better when I've got the urge.

2007-12-02 [Fireblade K'Chona]: -pokes wiki- C'mon, it's been dead for three months! WTF!

2007-12-02 [Cascading water lillies]: Hm, I notce this too..

2007-12-02 [pelv13]: due to a lack of poetry, or due to a lack of discussion?

2007-12-02 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: both?

2007-12-02 [Fireblade K'Chona]: probably, probably.

2007-12-02 [Linderel]: Were you poetic in November, or was the prose only thing on your mind?

2007-12-02 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Oh, I was poetic! Strangely, though, it was mostly fanfiction in sonnet form. Which is a little odd for me. But I've got a rondel that I might submit to the Winter contest, depending on the topic.

2007-12-03 [Linderel]: I'd reveal the theme, but that might be, erm, not very honest. :P
Fanfiction in sonnet form? Wow. xD My project was mostly prose, but there were a couple of sets of lyrics.

2007-12-03 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I do mostly prose for fic, but there are a few fandoms which just seem to call for sonnets.

2007-12-03 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: instead of poetry discussion, this should be 'Linderel and Fireblade K'Chona discussion (and others)'

2007-12-04 [Cascading water lillies]: Well, they seem happy enough with the arrangement :)

2007-12-04 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: haha >.>

2007-12-04 [Linderel]: Well... it's not our fault other people don't talk :P

2007-12-04 [Cascading water lillies]: Well, I would, should I become it were ^^

2007-12-04 [Linderel]: You do know that anyone can start on a topic of their liking (as long as it has something to do with poetry/literature), right? :P

2007-12-04 [Cascading water lillies]: Ooh, that case..
Anyone up for a little healthy philosophisical disscusion? I'm always game for that.

2007-12-04 [Linderel]: *philosophical
Sorry, me = nitpicker.
What'd you have in mind?

2007-12-04 [Cascading water lillies]: Oh, that's quite alright :)
Me=tired :)
Well, I was thinking along the lines of Life and Death. But, not to put too much of a mordid tone upon things, more specifically, Life. What is your view on life? I love hearing people's opinions.

2007-12-04 [Linderel]: Now just to figure out a way to connect that to poetry... :P
It's a pretty broad subject. What's life? For me, a great part of it is to strive to create something beautiful to leave behind when you pass - be it children, a gorgeous painting, or some truly fantastic lines.

2007-12-04 [Cascading water lillies]: Ah, an organic legacy, so to speak. I am a big fan of that. Non-materialistic, real and natural..

Well, to connect it to poetry, you could always just converse in a highly prosiac style ;)

2007-12-05 [Fireblade K'Chona]: this is true. I have nothing deep to contribute at this time, but I'm enjoying the conversation...

2007-12-05 [Linderel]: Ah! to be able to rhyme
but on a moment's notice!
Alas, I have not been blessed
with a wit as sharp as some.

That is to say, if I tried to converse in a highly prosaic style, I'd be sitting here for hours working on a reply. :P
It might not be materialistic, but it may certainly lean heavily on the side of ambitious. Did all great writers strive for the fame which they received?

2007-12-05 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: Or were they merely people releasing ideas and emotions through their works?

2007-12-05 [Linderel]: Probably people on both sides.

2007-12-05 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: Maybe. Or maybe some were forced to?
And nothing was accepted until it was the way it was?

2007-12-05 [Cascading water lillies]: Hm, in my mind, there are a few 'types' of writers..

I write just because it feels right to me. It is also highly rewarding, and very spiritual for me in a way to be able to do so. And, if I give people pleasure along the way; by way of reading, then that to me is what writing is truely about.
When I write, it is when I most feel connected with myself, and to that which I am writing about. It is highly liberating for me.

Also, to find ones voice amongst a sea of others, possibly shouting the same thing..

How do you stand out?

2007-12-05 [Linderel]: I need to write. I can't stand the thought of not being able to. It's an outlet. But at the same time - I'm the first to admit that I'm a comment whore, so to say.

2007-12-05 [Cascading water lillies]: Well, I put comments down, but, only if I feel like I'd like to contribute to the conversation. It has to hold some interest with me. If it does, I can contribute much.

2007-12-06 [Fireblade K'Chona]: That actually sorta connects to that eternal, "Are writers made or born?" debate.

2007-12-06 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: they're both.
cause mommy and daddy make a baby first
then it gets born
so they are made first, and then born =P

2007-12-06 [Fireblade K'Chona]: no, that's a person, dear. not every person is a writer. :P

2007-12-06 [Cascading water lillies]: Haha :D

But, I do believe that some of us do carry within our 'blue print', along with certain D.N.A stands, parts of our ancestors traits, talents and so on. I think writing, or art and so on, is inherited, nature, but wether or not you choose to use it, I'm betting that 'talent' or 'talent' will find you eventually. Nurturing of these traits do play an important roll, but since I believe they can be programmed in there so to speak, it doesn't really affect the out come in the end too much, other than opportunities.

2007-12-06 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: Oh, but every writer, is a person! so yes, in effect, my statement still stands.

2007-12-18 [Cascading water lillies]: Ahem! One-two, one-two. Is this thing on? Yes? Okay then. We seem to have halted in any more interesting conversation. How terrible! ;)

2007-12-18 [Linderel]: Going off on a tangent: When did you start writing poems? Was there a certain event that made you want to do it, or was it just something that you simply awakened to doing one day?

2007-12-18 [Cascading water lillies]: I started writing from a very young age. I was encouraged to read from a young age (as I am sure a lot of you were taught at home, before school) it came kind of naturally, and feels as familliar, and comforting and right like an old, old friend. It's nature to me.

2007-12-20 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I've been writing as long as I can remember. I've made up stories while falling asleep every single night. But as for poems...I'd say when I was about...thirteen.

2008-01-22 [Linderel]: Time to wake up again!
I'm thinking that maybe I should do a little revamp here. Maybe post a list of topics on the top of the page weekly or semiweekly that people could then pick a starting point for discussion from. I'll take into consideration any suggestions you might have, too.

However, I also have a topic in mind that I wish to see some conversation about. Writing in a language that is not your mother tongue: do you do it or do you want to (be able to) do it, and do you think one can develop their skills in that language enough to write better in it than in their own?

2008-01-22 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: How about I create my own language? >.>

2008-01-22 [Linderel]: You could do that too, but then no one would understand - unless you taught them. ;3

2008-01-22 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I wrote a poem in French a while ago. It sucked. Then again, I was in French II.

I'm not sure. Let me think about that one.

2008-01-22 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: I think one can be able to develop one's skills in a second language as much, to be able to write better in it than in one's mother tongue. I personally read more English books, and have written far more in English than in my own mother tongue. I can't write anything worth reading in my first language :P Well, maybe I could, but it'd have to be a lucky day for me! Also, I feel more comfortable writing in English, so I work on improving it more. :)
My third language on the other hand, is French, and I'm still trying to write anything good and worth reading in it, but I don't guess I can be as successful as I have been with English, cause I don't read or listen to French as much as I do with English, let alone write in it! ;)

2008-01-22 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Yes, probably the amount of recreational reading has something to do with it...

2008-01-22 [Linderel]: *nod* Personally, I can certainly write something worth reading in Finnish (which is my own mother tongue), but in the last couple of years, I rarely have even tried. Because of that, I often feel that my creative writing skills in English have surpassed my Finnish ones.
Technically, English is my second foreign language - German was my first, but I always found the former easier than the latter. Swedish came third, and I frankly suck at that, too. Now I'm attempting to learn Dutch in hopes of one day being fluent enough to be able to write poetry in it.

2008-01-26 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: -activity-

2008-01-26 [Linderel]: Yes, I was wondering why everyone suddenly went silent again.

2008-01-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I've found it's hard to keep a comment box going when only two people comment.

2008-01-26 [Linderel]: At least when the conversation is supposed to be about a certain topic, and not entirely random. We obviously need more people here.

2008-01-26 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: Yeah, we do.
get it on mainstreet somehow =P

2008-01-26 [Linderel]: Erm... This is not a contest, and not an official page, so I don't really know how that would be possible.

2008-01-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I watched the movie Dead Poet's Society last night. I LOVE that movie. I sort of embarrassed myself a little in front of my friend-I would shout out whoever he was quoting, and quote along with them. I got every single reference except one. I love that movie.

2008-01-26 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: oh...nvm then...make poetry discussion in <h1> size on daily poem? heh

2008-01-26 [Linderel]: Oooh, I have that recorded - should watch it sometime soon. And I don't see anything really embarrassing about that. :3

Or then again, maybe not.

2008-01-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Well, I must confess that when I'm watching the movie alone, I totally get up on the table at the end of that movie. -cough- But when you're watching with friends who aren't as addicted to poetry as you are, they give you funny looks.

2008-01-26 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: yeah, lol. and you would know

2008-01-26 [Linderel]: I do believe I will have to call you cute, Fireblade.

2008-01-27 [Fireblade K'Chona]: You wouldn't be the first one. I don't mind, though. I don't ever get called that in real life. :P

2008-01-27 [Cascading water lillies]: Learning dutch. Now there's a nice one. (Sorry, late reply)
A new topic for me to respond to?

2008-01-27 [Cascading water lillies]: I saw that movie back a few years, and I loved it- Like you say though, with friends who are not so into it..yeah. I used to have a bit of a hard time with that, finding people who loved writing as much as myself-until I attended college. It is so important to know people who share passions as well as interests in computers, games; books, and so on..

2008-01-27 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: yeah, go major in creative writing, or minor in it, hehe. bound to find people like yourself

2008-01-27 [Cascading water lillies]: Absolutely.

2008-01-27 [Chetleon]: Hmmm why does Elftown not have it's own "writers circle" Or art movement, I think it would help center the members on creativity.. And perhaps get rid of some who are here for other perks.

2008-01-27 [Cascading water lillies]: Well, they do have their own community dedicated to writing, prose and such. 'Writersco'..

But I know what you mean about those who are here for dating and such, but how would Elf Town go about filtering everything, and suggestions of elitism might then arise?

2008-01-27 [Fireblade K'Chona]: oh god, not another filtering discussion.

2008-01-27 [Linderel]: Yes, let's not go down that road. :P (I'd like to note, however, that WritersCo its own community independent of ET.)
Instead, think about this: Elftown has plenty of writers. Why is it, then, that Writing Contests are still scarce and have much less participation than Art Contests and Photo Contests... also certainly less than official writing contests?

2008-01-27 [Cascading water lillies]: Hm, perhaps a silly question here, but can anybody post up a contest then? I don't mind suggesting one, if you are short of them. I just thought, I don't know, that you had to be some sort of mod, or..something to do it. Yes, I probably do not read the rule and what not..I'm evil like that (Or perhaps just slightly lazy)

2008-01-27 [Fireblade K'Chona]: The thing with making a contest is that you need to make prizes, though, and I for one suck at that.

2008-01-27 [Linderel]: Everything listed on the Writing Contests is unofficial. :)
Well, it's not just the making contests... it's also the participation that's lacking!

2008-01-27 [Cascading water lillies]: Ah, yes, Fireblade K'Chona. You make a good point there. As it's internet-based, it kind of has to be something badge-related or..yeah.

Well, I can participate! I have lots of things floating around to get rid of :)

2008-01-28 [Linderel]: Making badges is easy :o
Alright, I admit that the badges for the first contest I ever hosted were positively hideous... but now I think they're for the most part pretty neat. :P

You can start with Pick a Prompt Contest. ;) *shameless plug*

But, eh, we're getting sort of sidetracked here.

2008-01-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: So? That is what the page is all about, isn't it? :P

2008-01-28 [Linderel]: Que? You lost me. *tired*

2008-01-28 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: yeah, remember.
mades this cause people were sidetracking comments on daily poem. heh

2008-01-28 [Linderel]: Yes, but that doesn't mean we can get sidetracked here xD
The comment section on DP is meant mainly for notifications. This page is for literature-talk. :P

2008-01-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: ...Linderel...random question, but does the name 'Cyberwulf' mean anything to you?

And back to literature-I recently did a project for my English class which involved writing a poem in the style of an author and then writing an essay on it. It was distinctly weird. I was analyzing one particular line where I know the only reason I picked one word was because it had two syllables with the stress on the first one, and finding deep inner meanings in it. (I imitated Dickinson, BTW.)

The project made me happy, though, because my teacher got really enthusiastic and told me that I nailed her scansion. -pumps fist-

2008-01-28 [Linderel]: 'Cyberwulf'? No... doesn't ring a bell, why?

Oooh, that sounds interesting. I wonder if they'll make us do stuff like that when I finally get to uni.

2008-01-28 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Oh, just the whole sidetracked thing you had going on. Cyberwulf is this person on GAFF, you see, who jumps on anyone who gets off-topic. You're not anywhere near her in terms of horribleness, though. I don't like her much. >.< She thinks she's a mod and she's not. (Whereas I don't mind you, because, well, you ARE a mod. :P)

As for the paper...well, I'm a senior in high school and it was something my English teacher, who is awesome, had us do. Alternately we could write a four-page paper comparing and contrasting poems, but I jumped on the creative portion of the project. :P

2008-01-29 [Cascading water lillies]: Hm..That's just sad. I would HATE somebody telling me when to curb my speech tangents, unless, of course, they are in authority. I'd just ignore them, especially if they were younger than myself.

2008-01-29 [Cascading water lillies]: I had an AMAZING lecturer at college, in English Lit. Wonderful. It is so important having a teacher who actually cares about what he is talking about. I've met too many teachers in my time who have been so dispassionate about the subject they taught.

2008-01-29 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Having a good teacher makes all the difference in whether or not a student is okay or excels in a class.

2008-01-29 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: define a good teacher and define excelling in a class...
personally i prefer teachers that hardly give anything to work on and when they do, it's easy enough everybody should get an A if they do it >_> but that's cause I'm lazy. i am in the lazy people united wiki afterall =D but yeah.

2008-01-29 [Linderel]: Where's the challenge in that? How can you improve in such a fashion? o_O

2008-01-29 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: ummn...the point of that is no challenge, so you can goof off and do what you want >_>

2008-01-29 [Linderel]: I think a writer can only truly improve through challenge.

2008-01-29 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: I prefer the bare minimum in order to accomplish most things. But with what I suggested, since you have all the time to goof off, you can accomplish things you wouldn't be able to get done if you worked all class period. Like research something or write a poem of some sort.
Or come up with a plot and a brief outline and some characters for a novel.

2008-01-30 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I agree with Linderel. Definitely of the opinion that writers only improve through challenge here.

2008-01-30 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: -shrug- to each their own

2008-01-30 [Triola]: Having a lot of free time would be great if you are the kind of person who really does spend it writing poems and coming up with plots to challenge yourself and be responsible for your own advancement. Unfortunately, I am afraid most people aren't that diciplined :)

2008-01-30 [Linderel]: I usually come up with ideas while doing something else, not while idling.

2008-01-30 [Triola]: I usually come up with ideas when I've gone to bed and really should be sleeping because I have an early morning :P which, now that I think about it, might account for their crappiness >.> xD

2008-01-30 [Linderel]: Hahaha.
Shouldn't you be reading something, lady? *spanks*

Hmm, to be truthful, I can come up with ideas almost anywhere. What you mentioned has happened to me as well, on occasion.

2008-01-30 [Triola]: Hey, I just commented, so don't give me that :P

2008-01-30 [Linderel]: :O *goes read*

2008-02-03 [Linderel]: LIVE! *slaps*

How 'bout some haiku?

2008-02-03 [Triola]: In a Station of the Metro <3

2008-02-03 [Linderel]: Please do elaborate :o

2008-02-03 [Triola]: A haiku inspired poem by Ezra Pound :P

2008-02-03 [Linderel]: Shaaaare!

2008-02-03 [Triola]:
In a Station of the Metro
The apparition of these faces in the crowd; 
Petals on a wet, black bough.

2008-02-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I like writing haikus on napkins and such and then leaving them places.

2008-02-04 [Cascading water lillies]: Lol :)

I used to write poetry and riddles on desks. Disgusting, I know, but I did.

2008-02-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I really like the whole temporary feel to that kind of thing.

2008-02-06 [Chetleon]: You know what I find interesting about Haiku? Is that someone once told me that in Japan, they do not consider English or Haiku in any other language to be geniune as it is not written in Japanese, as the the vowels and verb arrangments to do not coordinate as well.

Interesting don't you think?

2008-02-06 [Fireblade K'Chona]: That is interesting.

But I do believe there are sonnets in Japanese, therefore I have a perfect to write haiku in English. :P

2008-02-06 [Triola]: Of course you can write haiku in English, but they'll never be completely correct (according to Japanese tradition), for the simple reason that the English count syllables while the Japanese count sounds :) However, I would consider this western form of haiku as a poetry form of its own, just like the sonnet was changed into a new version when arriving in England due to lack of English rhyming words :P

2008-02-06 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Precisely my point.

2008-02-08 [Chetleon]: I wasn't saying anything negative, I was just stating something I heard.

Yes, there are sonnets in Japanese, and I have to say that Western Haiku is a poetry equipped to be judged differently.

2008-02-09 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Exactly! I'm not saying you were saying anything negative, sorry if it came across that way. :P

2008-02-09 [Chetleon]: Oh it's okay. I was just wondering your comments.

2008-02-09 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Eh, I've been exhausted all week, I can't seem to make what I want to say come together properly. -shrug- I generally don't get involved in fights, though, because I kinda think they're a waste of perfectly good time that could be used debating sestinas or whatever.

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