Page name: Portal. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-29 12:30:58
Last author: Chimes
Owner: Chimes
# of watchers: 7
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Wishes, every being has them. It is not uncommon to want to be something you're not. At one stage in every being's life at least one wish is made, some may lie and try to claim that they have no need for wishes. One would have to be perfect to achieve such a goal. But no one is.

In a shadow, beneath a willow, on a warm summer's night in a small town the other side of the forest of Portal - which everyone who is anyone knows is a strange place that ought not to be visited - a wish was made. Normally wishes would just be ignored. However, this wish was special. This wish was different. Not only did it defy any and every law ever made in the fantastical world in which it originated but it awoke the Wishmasters. 

Eons had passed and the Wishmasters had lay dormant, sleeping in their meadow of stars. The time of the Wishmaster had faded into nothing when wishes lost their meaning. When no one believed. This certain wish had enough passion behind it to awake them, without a second thought they granted it.

That same night - on the side of Portal which we would know as 'Earth' - a star-shower, unlike any other, ran its course. It was not a normal star-shower, no, its beauty was technicolour and unlike anything anyone had ever seen. What they didn't know was that their world was about to change. Forever.

'We are here for one reason and one reason alone. 
When that reason ceases its existence so, too, do we.' 
- Wishmaster Nantz.


Portal: A Note From Chimes
Portal: Rules
Portal: Characters
Portal: Soundtrack
Portal: Chapters
Open! WAHAY!.



<i>Click the Image</i></center>


All Graphics and Storylines were created by and belong to [Chimes].
All characters belong to their respective Creators.
All songs in the soundtrack belong to the respective Artists and Composers.

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[Rice]: I really like the borders and banners, they remind me of Escher.

[Chimes]: They remind you of what now?

[Rice]: Escher, he is the artist who drew the painting with all the staircases leading everywhere, he draws optical illusions as well.

[Akayume]: :))))
This seems very interesting.

[Rice]: The main sort of foggy image in the banner reminded me of it for some reason.

[Chimes]: Oooooh! I see. :]

Thanks Akay. :D It is progressing! Wheee!

[Rice]: Ah i see.

[Akayume]: Huzzah!

[Chimes]: I'm liking my graphics. ^^ They turned out better than I had thought.

[Akayume]: They are really nice. And coolio. And rad. And... X)

[Rice]: It is very detailed and intrinsic in my opinion, rather like an optical illusion in the sense that the smoggy swirls give it a rather shadowy and dream esc landscape feel.

[Chimes]: It's what a wish looks like... though they can be different colours or shapes... but they all have the same feel. ^^

[Rice]: Well dreams and wishes arn't really far off the same are they so i guess your banners work well.

[Chimes]: Yup ^^
You can tell I spend to much time making graphics... XD

[Rice]: You can never spend too much time doing anything.

[Chimes]: Well... I think it depends on what you're doing.

[Rice]: Yeah like if you enjoy breath can do too much of that.

[Chimes]: Exactly.

[Rice]: Would you like me to advertise for you, is that what the links up there for?

[Chimes]: It's up there if anyone wants it lol. I was going to make an animated one... but I couldn't be bothered. XD

[Rice]: XD well i'll advertise if you like, i don't mind.
You might pull in riff-raff God players.

[Chimes]: Lol. Well... they tend to be scared off by rules sometimes... and my rules seem pretty good at scaring off gods to me. :D

[Rice]: I don't know, something they don't even bother to read the summary.

[Chimes]: If they didn't read the summary I would know. Muahaha. I'd just shoo them.

[Rice]: Their profile would be so funny.
I bet they'd make them like and elf or something..a ninja XD

[Chimes]: Ninja turtle.

[Rice]: Yeah, with laser vision and is secretly from Portal and is the life of portal.

The most God character ever.

[Chimes]: Even though... Portal is simply a forest to those that do not know it's true meaning. But... that part is important in the parallel of this. XD I need to stop basing things off of my stories.

[Rice]: After reading your note from chimes thing i feel somewhat honoured you accepted my character o0

[Chimes]: :] So you should. ^^

[Rice]: Well...i suppose i need some sort of award as well, since obviously it means my character met some of your standards.

[Chimes]: She has a certain charm that attracted me. :]

[Rice]: Really? Mind if i ask why XD i'd love to know.

[Chimes]: I'm not exactly sure myself, I just seem to like her.

[Rice]: Thanks.
Has anyone said anything to you about joining?

[Chimes]: Not yet.. I may ask some people if they get their bums online.

[Rice]: Like Steph.

[Chimes]: Yus.

[Rice]: I have to rewrite my coursework COMPLETLY from scratch. god...i just feel like shit, i can't believe this happened it's just so annoying.

[Chimes]: Eeeeek! I sort of know how you feel... except luckily my 40 pages of story were on my pen drive as well.

[Rice]: I just sort of floped to the floor and curled up into a ball and began to rock.
I have to go and get it finished, hopefully finish it in time to be on later.

[Chimes]: When is it for?

[Rice]: Back, it's in for Monday.
BUT, he said if we brought it on tomorrow he would sneakly go over it again and help us a little thus i wanted to get it out the way so i could see how i could improve on it even more.

[Zab]: *watches*

[Chimes]: Oh I see.

[Chimes]: Hey Zab! :D You like?

[Zab]: havn't read yet, no time..>_>

[Chimes]: Ah, fair enough.

[Deleto]: Guess who~

[Chimes]: *grin* Hello, you. :D

[Deleto]: Well hell~o thar! Nice to see you've been busy, wot wot!

[Chimes]: Oh yes. Always. ^^ Busy little bee. XD

[Akayume]: When I get home from babysitting methinks I'll dream up a character for this. :)

[Chimes]: YAY! I get an Akaaaaay!

[Rice]: When are you hoping to start this Chimes?

[Chimes]: When I get characters from all who have said they are making them :]

[Rice]: Who is left?

[Chimes]: Steph... I'm not sure whether Tyr is making anymore... I needs to ask him.

[Rice]: Ok.

[Araglas]: This looks interesting

[Chimes]: :D Feel free to join. ^^

[Araglas]: Really? Thanks!!! ^_^

[Chimes]: It's quite alright. :]

[Araglas]: ^_^ My character shall be done shortly! ^_^

[Araglas]: Do I just go ahead and post my character? Or do I send it to you?

[Chimes]: You put it on a wiki page then you send it to me. If accepted I will then make the banner for it... then it will go up. :]

[Araglas]: ok ^_^

[Chimes]: This will probably be opening for roleplay on friday or there abouts. My work will be completed by then. If you intend to make characters please do so quickly. :]
Sorry for the delay.

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: Oh my! but... <.<... mrr.... *must go work*

[Chimes]: Well... it may be a little after friday so you have a week, ish. :]

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: i nose but <.<... you nose...

[Chimes]: *hug* That help?

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: *hugs back* a bit

[Chimes]: :]

[Duke Devlin]: Will try to get one done for then. ;)
Eventually. D:

[Chimes]: It would help, yes. XD

[Duke Devlin]: True, true.

[Chimes]: I have an iiiiiitch.

[Duke Devlin]: Then itch it.

[Chimes]: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Why, oh, why do you have to remember THAT? *is now bugged* Say scratch! Darn it all...

[Chimes]: XP

[Rice]: Actually, you can itch and itch because itch has more then one meaning and infact can mean also to scrape. Therefore...the phrase itch and itch is entirely correct.

[Chimes]: I personally don't like the phrase... it bugs me.

[Rice]: Oh i thought you meant it was wrong.
Fair enough if you don't like a phrase.

[Chimes]: It just sounds odd... scratch just sounds so much better... XD

[Rice]: Sounds like you're trying to kill your arm.

[Chimes]: Which one?

[Rice]: Scratch.

[Chimes]: Maybe a little. :P

[Duke Devlin]: I agree.. It sounds like you dislike your arm. D: Thus, I prefer itch. >:)

[Chimes]: Maybe I do dislike my arm. :P Well currently do... XD

[Duke Devlin]: ... That's mean.

[Chimes]: I have my reasons. :P

[Duke Devlin]: Pah.

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: Vorathia is being so difficult -.-

[Chimes]: Uh oh!

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: so very much so...

[Chimes]: Well... I need to make one more character, at least. Meep!

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: =O Ya...

[Chimes]: Maybe two... it all depends.

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: =D sweets

[Chimes]: That would mean I have 5... wow... You will have 4. :]

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: Indeeds I will *nods*

[Chimes]: I need to make Banners for characters....arrrgh... I'll do it sometime around fridayish.

[Tyr and Zao Hawk]: XP otay

[Rice]: [Chimes] Do you remember Father Creed??? Because i really want to re-make him and re-use him for something since i found his profile again.
Do you reckon i could fit him into this wiki please or would it just kill it?

[Chimes]: Hmmmm... We may be able to get him into it... As some wird stuff will go on... re-make him.. and I'll read the profile and come up with a way to fit him in... I reckon I could :]
(I haven't forgotten about Lance btw... I am just waiting to make the Banners til friday or around friday)

[Rice]: Ok thanks, i sort of guessed since you mentioned making banners a few comments up.

Thanks...his profile is awful because i did it so long ago, should i rewrite it completly tomorrow or tonight for you and send it to you so you can see how to fit him in?
I have the time.

[Chimes]: I just thought I'd mention it just in case. :]

Sure. :]

[Rice]: Ok i will set down to do it now.

[Rice]: [Chimes], if i use Creed i may not use Lance since both are unstable and i don't want two crazies. So...if we can fit Creed in ignore Lance alright.

[Duke Devlin]: Man I need to write someone for here.. Sorry I am taking so long.. Y'all know how much I suck at timing.

[Chimes]: Sure thing, Nni.

It's okay Wephle. (NEW NICKNAME TIME!)

[Rice]: Oh so i don't get a nickname then.

[Chimes]: I only really constantly make new nicknames for Steph and Alex... it's something about their names that makes me nickname-ify them. It's now become a challenge. 

[Rice]: I see.

[Duke Devlin]: But you've only make 2 in like.. A year. XD

[Chimes]: I call you new things all the time... lol. XD Normally variations on on the others...

[Duke Devlin]: Ahhhh... :O

[Chimes]: You should know this XD I tend to do it while talking to you. However, some don't stick. :/

[Duke Devlin]: I must just... Phase out. XD
Sorry. XP

[Chimes]: :P It's alright. Personal Challenge. As long as I see it, it's fine XD

[Duke Devlin]: Fair enough. XP

[Chimes]: How I could ever not see it... remains to be seen, itself.

[Duke Devlin]: ... oO True.

[Chimes]: One day it will happen.

[Araglas]: *bounces around* WEEE!!

[Chimes]: Heh... all I need to do now is type up an epic starting and then we can gooo. *ponders*

[Rice]: *jumps in* is here.

[Chimes]: Any who do not watch the RP page... start watching it now, it would be helpful. :]
I will still accept characters after the RP has started, don't worry I will find a way of fitting them in.

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